EMAIL MARKETING LIST: Is buying a better choice?

Email marketing list

Email is the perfect way to pass out information to customers concerning the new release and changes in the services. There are so many views regarding the email marketing list and others such as: Buying an email marketing listing, buy an email marketing list, email marketing purchase, and purchase an email marketing list. This article will take you straight to your destination.

What is Email Marketing List?

Email Marketing List is the act of sending promotional messages to people in mass quantities. Basically, it is used to inform, drive sales, build relationships with current and previous clients.

Email marketing can be carried out through different types of emails:

  1. Promotional email marketing 
  2. Transactional email marketing

#1. Promotional emails marketing List 

Promotional emails have a clear call-to-action — or CTA for short. Therefore, The CTA represents the fixed action you want the reader to take, whether visiting a web page.

#2. Transactional email marketing list

Transactional emails are the messages triggered by a specific action your contacts have taken and enable them to complete it. For instance, you are signing up for an industry webinar, you fill out a form and then receive a transactional (thank-you) email, which gives you login information to join.

so, Transactional emails are also the messages you receive from eCommerce sites that confirm your order and give you shipment information

Advantages Of Transactional Emails

High CTR: Recipients anticipate transactional emails because they help them complete an action. That is why they open them and click on them. Take advantage of this dynamic and include a highly customized call-to-action (maybe even as a P.S.)

At its best, email marketing allows businesses to keep their customers informed and tailor their marketing information to their audience. At its worst, this kind of marketing can drive customers away with persistently annoying spam emails. 

How to Purchase Email Marketing List

Email marketing list purchases are collections of email addresses that dealers sell to businesses who can pay the fees. in other words, it is considered to be purchased if it’s provided to you either by any third party, like an email list seller or affiliate.

Meanwhile, below are a few methods that vendors build these non-opt-in email lists.

One common method is something you’ve likely come across. Think about those flashing ads you see across the web. They say things like “Congratulations, you’ve won a free iPad”. Or “You’re our 1 millionth visitor, click to claim your prize!”

Another one is online survey consumers, where the web surfer will be asked to fill out their survey and their email information to receive deals that they will find interesting. 

Challenges In Email Marketing List Purchase

It is very necessary to know hiccups that you are likely to encounter in email marketing list purchases.

1. Poor quality email addresses 

 List sellers use throwaway email addresses and buying it simply means getting a large amount of defunct and unused email details. Consequently, its a big damage

2. List fatigue

  If you’re to purchase an email marketing list from a trade show, keep in mind that the other vendors at the trade show. businesses elsewhere who bought the list, are also emailing these recipients and by the time you reach the recievers’ inboxes, those readers are going to be exhausted.

Does the above still make sense?

Benefits in Purchase of Email Marketing List

To purchase an email marketing list of 10,000 contacts will not be a wise decision, certainly the chances of getting a good percentage will be very slim. Moreover, those that will eventually respond favorably are the ones who have a chance to become a customer. 

Here are a good side of purchase email marketing list

#1 Expand and increase sales growth

Every time you acquire a new email list you’re expanding your potential audience, Above all The more people that receive marketing messages the more leads you’ll generate. Isn’t that great?!. However, The key is to optimize your campaigns for open rates and deliverability by using a combination of proven marketing strategies.

#2 Quality List can increase ROI

When you purchase emails from a reputable provider, you get a professionally vetted list of contacts who will be receptive to your marketing message. At the very least, you waste less time and money marketing to people who don’t have a genuine interest in your products and services

#3. Free up resources

Finally, Purchased email lists gives you a further head start on the lead process. After that, you have more time and resources to focus on them and sum it up.

Buying an Email Marketing Listing

Buying an email marketing listing seems to be the easy and fast way of getting work done, and many companies sell. or rent out email lists hence, termed themselves “list brokers” and make promises to organize it. But, the reality of buying an email marketing listing is the data that these “brokers” are providing may have opted-in to receive emails from a company, though not your company. The paragraph below entails the risks

#1. Chances of being mark as spam

Firstly, when your emails get marked as spam too often, clients like Gmail and Yahoo! start diverting all of your emails to recipients’ spam folders. Then, your open rate will decrease with speed and many of your contacts won’t see your emails at all.

Secondly, buying an email list, simply means that most people won’t recognize your name in their email inboxes. For many consumers, that means an instant trip to the spam folder, and it’s definitely not a good idea.

#2. Your contacts won’t be exclusive

Evidently, Companies that sell email lists make money by exchanging the same contacts over and over again. As a result people on these lists often find themselves subjected to barrages of marketing messages.

Nevertheless, some people have email addresses exclusively for marketing content. Most importantly, They don’t want to clog their personal or business accounts with emails they didn’t ask for. 

#3. The engagement rate won’t be higer

Engagement matters when it comes to email marketing, So the problem is that you already have the odds stacked against you. And, to convince people to open your emails is quit difficult because there is no invitation and that can lead to loss.

Next, you want recipients to act based on each email’s content, whether that’s clicking through to read a blog post. still, to take advantage of a discount, or check out a new product. Clicks are highly in need

Also Keep in mind that, when you buy an email list, you’re not getting subscribers. You’re getting contact information. There’s a huge difference.

To Build Vs To Buy Email Marketing List

As a marketer you need to think like a consumer. Firstly, Consumers are smart, and they know what they want. If they receive an email from an unknown source, they will usually ignore it or delete it.  If, however, the email comes from a trusted company, they are much more likely to take a look.

Secondly, when you build an email marketing list, there are benefits that come with your subscribers base than to buy an email marketing list. therefore, you have the opportunity to track your emails, and know who opened your email. Moreover, You can separate your list and segment it to those who want to receive certain emails or specific information. But more than anything else, you have a list of people who want to read your emails Above all, they can refer you to their friends and help it grow through word of mouth!

Finally, by buying email marketing lists, you’re exposing your business to problems. Consequently, false or out-of-date email addresses. Spam complaints.  All of which will eventually lead to a list that is a waste of your marketing fund. To buy an email marketing list or to build, which one is better?

Although purchasing an email list is permissible, using it to send marketing messages to those who haven’t given their explicit consent to do so may be against the law. Local regulations where the email receiver resides will determine this.

Which of the Five Ts Governs Email Marketing?

We can all agree that content marketing may enhance sales, brand recognition, and customer engagement. However, adhere to the “5 Ts”: tease, target, teach, test, and track in order to create an email marketing content plan that is actually effective.

What Is a Strategy for Email Marketing?

An email marketing strategy is a set of guidelines that a marketer chooses and adheres to in order to accomplish specific marketing objectives using an email advertising. This strategy provides companies with a direct line of communication with potential clients and customers for brand promotion.

Which Five Marketing Techniques Are Most Effective?

The “marketing mix,” as it is frequently referred called, includes the five Ps of marketing. A marketing mix is a set of strategies used by brands to promote their goods and services using a framework that emphasizes the five key elements of successful marketing: people, place, pricing, promotion, and product.

What Is the Emailing Elixir?

The golden rule of email is to never send an email that you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of your local newspaper, in case you didn’t learn it in college. After several unpleasant reminders in both public and private settings, it has at least been my golden rule for decades.


In summary, it’s tempting to write off an email marketing list. Yet, an email marketing list delivers huge returns for marketers willing to learn how to do it right. Subsequently, there are risks to take in achieving your aim.

Email Marketing List FAQ’s

Is it illegal to share email addresses?

It is legal in the U.S. to send an unsolicited commercial email. You do, however, have to comply with certain rules when sending those unsolicited emails, and if you don’t, the penalties can be very serious to the offenders or culprit.

The law makes it possible to buy or rent email list as it doesn’t require you to get the recipients’ consent before contacting them. But for the email to comply with the law, you have to observe the following rules: Don’t use false or misleading header information. Don’t use deceptive subject lines


In summary, it’s tempting to write off an email marketing list. Yet, an email marketing list delivers huge returns for marketers willing to learn how to do it right. Subsequently, there are risks to take in achieving your aim.

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