The Power of TikTok Views: How to Make Your Content Go Viral

the power of tiktok videos
Image source: Caplin News – Florida International University

TikTok is the social media platform that everyone is going crazy about. The platform was used earlier for sharing dance videos by Gen Z but has now evolved into much more. Nowadays, a variety of content is showcased on TikTok. You can get famous on TikTok by creating a wide range of content.

In this article, we will be discussing some magical tips that will make your content go viral on TikTok. Also, we will discuss the power of TikTok views.

Why are TikTok Views Important?

How TikTok measures views is quite different from other social media platforms. The TikTok algorithm counts a view as soon as a video is played. Whether a video is played on a loop or is auto-played, a view is counted. The same viewer can watch a video multiple times and every watch will be counted as a new view. The only exception to this rule is when a creator watches his/her own video.

Views are the most important aspect of growing your TikTok account. The more views your content will get, the more it will be pushed by the platform’s algorithm. Also, views can influence your entry into the “Creator fund”. Plus, views and likes can make your video go viral. Now that we know how powerful views are on TikTok, let us move on to the tips and tricks to go viral.

How to Make Viral Content on TikTok?

  1. Make use of trends

Incorporate popular sounds and music in your videos to make them viral on TikTok. Trending audios are attention-grabbing. They may also land your videos on the search page from where users can discover them. So, hop on the trend wagon and create entertaining videos.

  1. Create content that is engaging

Content that is share-worthy is more likely to go viral. So, what compels users to share your video? You can create funny videos or how-to videos. You can also choose to share videos that inspire your users. Or simply share some goof-ups and BTS in your videos.

  1. Catch and hold the viewer’s attention

Users often play a video for a couple of seconds and scroll past it if they do not find it interesting. And the TikTok algorithm functions on the average watch time. So, unless necessary, create videos shorter than 30 seconds. And start your videos in a catchy way so that it catches the viewers’ attention.

  1. Learn to edit

To make viral content, you need to become a pro at editing videos. Use in-app editing tools or try some third-party apps. Learn how to use transitions, stickers, and captions.

  1. Do voice-overs

Use voice-overs on your videos to share more significant keywords and information. This will enable the algorithm to share your content with the right viewers. If you are endowed with a rich voice, use it to your advantage to create videos to catch your viewer’s attention.

  1. Call to action

Having a call to action in your caption or at the end of your videos is a great way to ensure your content goes viral. You can either use sentences like “follow for more”, “hit the like button”, or “Guess what the next video will be about”. Also, if there are a couple of cute mistakes in your video leave them be. They let your audience feel connected to you and understand that a creator is also human.

  1. Interact with your followers

Keep your comment section open. You can also leave random details in your video to start user interactions. One of the key techniques behind getting viral is to get more comments on your videos.

  1. Start a harmless debate

Create videos on topics that are bound to divide public opinion. Go for controversial topics but choose something harmless. For instance, you can start a debate about pineapple on pizza. Controversial, yet harmless.

  1. Partner with influencers

People love influencers. Choose an influencer that aligns with your brand’s values and you will see an increase in your views. An influencer can assist you in creating viral content. Just make sure you match your brand’s idea with the influencer. Research influencers and their audience base. And choose wisely as this may be an important stepping stone in your TikTok journey.

  1. Trending hashtags

The TikTok algorithm categorizes content based on hashtags. You can use trending hashtags to go viral on the platform. Search trending hashtags in the “hashtags” column and see how many views they have received. Choose wisely and use hashtags related to your content. But make sure that the number of hashtags is not too high. It is suggested to use between 3-5 hashtags.

  1. Be consistent with your content

The TikTok algorithm gives equal opportunity to all creators. Whether you have a large number of followers or you are a newbie, everyone has the same chance of going viral. So, make sure you post high-quality content and push them on the platform at the right time.

How to Keep Your Viral Content Alive?

Now that the ways to get viral on TikTok have been revealed, let us understand how to keep your viral content alive. To sustain your viral posts, do a follow-up video to thank your viewers for making the particular content viral. You can also go live discussing your viral video. Or simply repost your video and see if you can get more views on the same video without putting in any effort.

Here is hoping you will remember this article whenever you are planning to go viral on TikTok. Also, if you are worried about the performance of your Facebook page, worry not. If you are in the market for some genuine likes on Facebook, use FBPostLikes. This is a must-have tool to increase your page’s reach on Facebook. It has a user-friendly platform built on advanced technology. Plus, it segregates users based on demographics and offers on-the-clock customer support. Hope this article helps.

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