How to Start Barbing Salon Business in Nigeria: Ultimate Guide

barbing salon
Image by senivpetro on Freepik

When managed properly, the Barbing Salon Business can be quite profitable. If you have the appropriate things in place, this business may earn a lot of revenue, and it’s interesting to note that it requires less capital to get started.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about the barber salon business in Nigeria. The amount of capital required to start the business, the profitability of the barber salon business in Nigeria, and the procedures

Who is a Barber?

A barber is someone who has the professional ability to cut or shave people’s hair. To become a barber, you must first learn the trade from an experienced professional.

A professional barber is one who has been cutting people’s hair for at least 5 years; however, owning a barbershop is not required before becoming a professional.

What is a Barbing Salon?

A barbershop, sometimes known as a barbing salon, is a location for men to get their hair cut, styled, and groomed. Barbershops often provide a range of services, such as shaves, beard trims, and styling. Many barber shops also feature a social ambience where customers may converse and unwind while getting their hair trimmed.

Capital Required to Begin a Barbing Salon Business

There is no set cost for opening a barbing salon in Nigeria because it is determined by the state and area where you are located. For example, the cost of establishing a barbing salon in Abuja will be vastly different than that of establishing one in Enugu. It all depends on the locality, in the sense that the cost of opening a barbing salon in Maitama, Abuja, is far higher than the cost of opening one in a random hamlet in Enugu. There is no set price for this. You just have to determine where you want your salon to be located and how much you can pay.

How to Open a Barbing Salon in Nigeria   

Opening a barbing salon is a great way to start your own business and become your own boss. But before you open your doors, there are a few important steps you need to take.  

#1. Learn How to Barb Hair

This is the first and most significant step in opening a barbing salon in Nigeria. Unless you intend to enter the barbing salon as an investor (you create the business yourself and look for a barber(s) to barb for you), it is critical that you first learn how to barb. In fact, I would argue that this is the most significant aspect of the business.

#2. Begin Offering Home Services

Most business consultants will urge you to immediately rent a shop and start barbing for customers after mastering the skill, but we all know that this rarely happens in real life. People will need to get to know you well before they will pay you for your services.

Customers must first become acquainted with you, what you stand for (your brand), and how far you have progressed in your barbering business before they may invest in you or your business, either directly or indirectly.

#3. Purchase Barbing Salon Equipment

At this point, you must go to the market and get your barbering equipment and tools. Barbing tools or equipment prices vary, but where you get them is a crucial influence. What you buy should be determined by your budget. You can get the ones you need right away and the rest later. The most important thing is to get started and then expand the business to where you want it to be. It is always about the humble beginning.

#4. Choose a name and a logo for your salon

While creating a brand for your barber salon is crucial, you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on it as a new business. My best recommendation is to look for a graphic designer who can help you come up with a decent name and create a logo that will make you stand out within your budget.

As important as branding is, what customers genuinely believe about your company is what matters. “Branding is not your logo, it’s not even your brand name,” branding experts will tell you. It is what your customers think of your products or services.”

#5. Register your Barbing Salon

Your barber salon should not be exempt from registration requirements in Nigeria, which are now more important than ever. However, despite the fact that the Nigerian government has made roughly 80% of the registration process easier, it can still be stressful to register a business for the first time, therefore, you can outsource this to an agent to do it for you.

You can be charged anywhere between N20,000 and N35,000 depending on the agent, therefore, go with whoever can do it for you within your budget.

#6. Reserve a location

Renting a space or a shop in Nigeria for your barbing salon business can be difficult, especially if you want to have your cake and eat it too. And by that, I mean not having enough, or should I say ample, money to rent a space or store at a location where hundreds of people pass by every day. It’s a common marketing approach used by shop owners.

The pricing of such shops is higher than if the shop is in a small region. So the question is, “What exactly do you do here?” All you have to do is look good. There is always a lovely and tranquil location that is also densely occupied and has a good yearly rent.

#7. Obtaining the First Clients

Now that you’ve opened a barber salon, all you need to do is start alerting your home service customers about your new shop. If feasible, give them outrageous discounts merely to entice them to your store. You can also tell them that they will get extra discounts if they refer clients to your shop.

#8. Make a financial statement

This is one thing I admire about the Igbos, no insult to other Nigerian ethnicities. Every naira is important to the Igbos, hence, everything must be counted down to the last naira. This appeared to have worked well for them. It is difficult for an Igbo businessman to fail because this is one of his secrets.

If you want to make a lot of money from your barbershop, you must prepare the necessary accounts. Failure to do so will jeopardize your business since you will be unable to control your spending and earnings, and when you are unable to monitor your expenses and profits, your firm will fail.

#9. Hire More People

Many of us undervalue our enterprises. We have no idea what it is capable of. All we care about is if it makes a certain profit year after year, but this is not how it should be. When it’s time for your firm to expand, let it expand; don’t be greedy because you only want to enjoy the profits.

#10. Establish Salon Locations

Expand your barbershop and open branches, but do so one at a time. You can borrow money from banks to do this if your barber salon is profitable. Learn more about how to advance in your business and God will take care of the rest.

How Profitable is a Barbing Salon Business in Nigeria?

On average, a barbing salon business can be very profitable. Depending on the location, size, and quality of the services offered, a barbershop can generate a significant amount of revenue each year. In fact, some barber shops in large cities can make upwards of 7 million naira annually. Of course, there are many factors that can affect profitability, such as the cost of supplies, rent, and marketing.

What is Required to Open a Haircut Barbing Salon in Nigeria?

Opening a barbing salon can be a great way to start your own business, but there are a few things you’ll need to have in place before you can open your doors.

#1. An office setting

The price is determined by the location. As a result, costs in cities are greater than in rural areas. However, this does not affect the reality that customers may find you wherever your barbershop is located, as long as the location is accessible and you provide outstanding service.

However, based on past experience, it is best to locate your barbershop along the major road rather than on the street.

#2. Furnishings and Fixtures

These include chairs for both barbering and customer greeting, mirrors linked to a table, fans/air conditioners, an entertainment system, and any other furniture or fittings that you believe will make your customers feel at ease.

#3. Barbering Supplies

The Clippers are ranked first on the list. To avoid pauses while cutting customers’ hair, it is best to invest in high-quality clippers. When purchasing clippers, make sure to purchase at least one backup clipper in case your initial choice disappoints you.

Apart from the clippers, there are other barbering kits and barbering equipment that a barber can’t do without, such as:

Clipper guards (also known as clipper steps)

  • Hairbrush with Clipper Oil
  • Duster for the neck and face
  • After barbing spray
  • Customer’s and barber’s aprons
  • Sterilizer
  • Hair dye (must be authentic)
  • Scissors and Blades for Face Powder
  • Warming towel and towel
  • Barber’s Neckbands or Neck Strips ( which can also be exchanged with tissue papers)
  • Generator

Factors to Consider When Opening a Boarding Salon

Opening a boarding salon can be a great business opportunity, but it’s important to carefully consider a few key factors before making the leap. From location to finances to licensing, there are a number of important decisions that need to be made.

#1. Location

This is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when opening a boarding salon. The location of your salon will impact everything from your customer base to your operational costs. It’s important to choose a location that’s convenient for your target market and that meets your business needs.

#2. Target Market

Before you open your boarding salon, it’s important to understand who your target customers are and what their needs and wants are. Knowing your target market will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts to their specific needs.

#3. Financing

Opening a boarding salon requires a significant investment, so it’s important to make sure you have the necessary financing in place. You’ll need to consider your startup costs, ongoing operating costs, and any potential loans or investors.

#4. Licensing and Permits

In order to operate a boarding salon, you’ll need to obtain the appropriate licenses and permits from your local government. The specific requirements will vary depending on your location, so it’s important to do your research and make sure you’re in compliance with all the regulations.

How Much Can I Use to Start a Barbing Salon in Nigeria?

Other miscellaneous tools are combs, hairbrushes, scissors, blades, tissue papers, barber duster brush, and a neck strap. By and large, you should be putting aside between N350,000 and N500,000 (for accessories) to successfully establish your first barbing salon.

How Much Does a Barber Shop Owner Make a Month in Nigeria?

A well-run barbershop in a good location can fetch N200,000 in profits every month. There are no limits to how much you can make running this business because there are so many means of increasing the barbershop revenue through products and services.

How Do I Run a Barber Shop Efficiently?

To run a barbing shop effectively, you need to follow these steps carefully:

  • Focus on providing exceptional customer service.
  • Learn how to manage your employees.
  • Take care of your shopfront, interiors, and services.
  • Stay consistent in your marketing efforts.
  • Finally, keep sharpening your skills as a manager.

What Equipment is Needed in a Barber Shop?

What equipment is needed to be a barber? The list of necessary equipment for a barber is extensive. However, must-haves are clippers, trimmers, edgers, barber shavers, straight razors, haircutting capes, duster brushes, barber shears, and barber chairs.

Can a Barber be a Millionaire?

Getting rich as a barber will require some dedication, skill, and, of course, the right attitude. But just like in most trades, the potential to build wealth is definitely there. After all, people will always need haircuts, and there’s a lot of money to be made in this industry.


In reality, the barbing salon business is still a viable venture in Nigeria, despite the high competition. As a newcomer to the industry, keep in mind that first impressions are extremely important.

Once you have obtained the basic resources outlined above to start your business, make sure that you give your new customers the best service possible within the first few weeks, and then leave the publicity and awareness to your new, happy customers.

You will eventually recognize the need to invest in add-ons to plush up your salon, such as video games, table tennis, a snooker board, or even subtle sales of food and drinks.


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