Interpersonal Relationship: Skills That Promote Interpersonal Relationships In Nigeria

Interpersonal relationship
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Every partnership that meets your bodily and emotional requirements is an interpersonal relationship. These are the people you spend the most time with in your life. While love connections are interpersonal, so are family members and close friends. There is also the concept of secondary interpersonal relationships. These include acquaintances, neighbors, and those with whom you have regular contact. Here, we’ll discuss interpersonal relationships in-depth, its importance, and the skills that promote interpersonal relationships.

Meaning of Interpersonal Relationship

Interpersonal relationships are the strong bonds we have with individuals who are closest to us. This could include acquaintances, colleagues, family members, and love relationships. They are based on mutual respect, trust, and loyalty, and they can offer us assistance, care, and even love. 

Interpersonal relationships can also refer to a close bond between people who work in the same organization. Employees who work together should have a special bond in order to perform at their best. Individuals must be honest with one another in order to have a strong interpersonal relationship and, ultimately, a positive work environment.

Interpersonal relationships teach us about ourselves. People around us shape important components of our personalities and value systems from an early age. They can provide us with a sense of purpose and direction.

They are also important for overall physical and emotional well-being. Relationships and emotional wellness are inextricably linked. That is why it is critical to be around individuals who provide you with joy, support, and comfort.

Interpersonal Relationship Types

There are various kinds of interpersonal relationships. They are all vital, but each is distinct. They are determined by the individual connection and the relationship’s expectations.

These are the most typical types of interpersonal partnerships.

#1. Family

Parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, caretakers, and guardians are all examples of family. These are the very first relationships we form. We frequently have tight relationships with family members. These connections can endure a lifetime.

Sometimes our views or ideals diverge from those of our family members. And that’s fine! However, it is critical to maintain open and courteous dialogue.

Personal differences cannot always be overcome, and interpersonal ties with family members may become strained or non-existent.

#2. Friendship

While you cannot select your family, you can choose your friends. Some friendships are even more valuable than family ties.

Because friendships are multifaceted, there is no one-size-fits-all explanation. Throughout your life, you will have several types of friendships.

Friends may showcase different areas of your personality, so don’t be concerned if you don’t always feel the same level of connection with them. Some of these relationships may only endure a short period, but others will last a lifetime. If something feels right, it probably is.

It is acceptable to withdraw from a toxic relationship if you find yourself in one. In the end, this is what is best for both of you.

#3. Romantic

Mutual attraction can progress from “I like you” to “I like you and I love you.” This is an interpersonal romantic relationship. A love connection might sometimes begin as a friendship, but they are not the same thing.

Your feelings of love for friends and romantic partners may differ. You can completely adore your mates. However, you are not in love with them.

Another distinction is how you express your emotions. Physical and sexual touch is frequently used to communicate romantic affection.

#4. Work

Because you may see your coworkers more than your own family, it’s natural to build deep ties with your coworkers. Your common experiences can foster partnerships that have an impact on the working dynamic.

We may not always agree with coworkers, even if they are friends, but it is critical to maintain respectful dialogue to ensure that both work and friendship are appreciated.

Here are some helpful workplace friendship tips:

  • Establish limits.
  • Maintain office conversations regarding work.
  • Find a good balance between personal and professional life.
  • Happy hour is the time for long discussions and sizzling gossip about last night’s Tinder disaster.

Organizing the Stages of Interpersonal Relationships

Relationships grow with time, and each interpersonal interaction dynamic has its own personality. They frequently differ in length and intensity, but each relationship is experienced in stages.

Interpersonal Relationship Stages

George Levinger, a psychologist, described five stages of interpersonal relationships in a 1980 study:

  • Acquaintance
  • Build-up
  • Continuation
  • Deterioration
  • Ending

Successful interpersonal interactions progress to the third (continuation) stage. They will last until death. Relationships with others? Not at all. Some bonds are only available for a limited time.

In these instances, the connection will progress through all five stages described by Levinger. This implies that both parties will eventually split ways. This is extremely prevalent in romantic relationships. It’s also common when you start a new job or graduate from college.

It’s also usual for a relationship to remain at the acquaintance level. Secondary interpersonal relationships are what they are called.

Some common instances include:

  • Your favorite barista
  • Neighbors
  • Friends of friends and those with whom you engage on a semi-regular basis

You may exchange “hellos” and “how you doin’s” with these persons. However, the conversation rarely progresses past greetings.

The Importance of Interpersonal Relationships in the Workplace

Let us go through the importance of interpersonal relationships in the workplace.

An individual spends around eight to nine hours per day in his organization, and it is virtually impossible for him to work alone. Humans are not machines that can operate continuously. We require friends with whom we can communicate and share our feelings.

Consider working in an organization where you have no friends!!! We are sociable animals who require the company of others.

Individuals who work alone are more prone to stress and anxiety. They don’t enjoy their jobs and go to work only to be there.

Individuals who work alone find their jobs tedious. It is critical to have trustworthy coworkers with whom one can discuss all of one’s secrets without fear of them being leaked. We need friends at work who will offer us honest comments.

A single brain cannot make all decisions on its own. We need individuals to talk about different topics, weigh the benefits and drawbacks, and come up with solutions that benefit not only the employees but also the organization as a whole.

Employees can collaborate to come up with better ideas and tactics. Strategies must be addressed on an open forum where everyone is free to express their opinions. To promote open communication, employees must be called to meetings at least once a week. Regular interaction is essential for a good relationship.

Interpersonal relationships have a direct impact on the culture of the organization. Miscommunications and confusions breed hostility in the workplace. Conflicts lead nowhere and degrade the work environment.

Skills That Promote Interpersonal Relationships

Considerable skills promote interpersonal relationships. Every good relationship has regulated circumstances and talents that allow it to run smoothly. Such ability may be rooted in the good values of life that comprise the power of relationship. Absolute values include: 

#1. Honesty

Honesty serves as a safety net in interpersonal relationships. People of such value sustain positive relationships in marriage, business, and all other aspects of societal relationships.

#2. Tolerance

A byproduct of tolerance is peaceful coexistence. This is the intrinsic value of allowing others to say and do anything they want, regardless if you disagree or approve of it. It is the exquisite capacity to do something shocking or repulsive to you. People are born with various personalities, and no one is flawless. Tolerating people is necessary for maintaining a relationship.

#3. Kindness

Kind people expound on the goodness of love wherever they go. It is the act of being attentive or helpful. Every nice, compassionate, and helpful individual exists. He is always willing to lend a helping hand in times of need and approaches the relationship with a compassionate heart.

#4. Caring

Caring is a quality shared by those who are kind. A caring individual is upbeat, affectionate, helpful, and compassionate. He does not erupt at the first provocation. His words are delivered with a gentle tone. He avoids caustic phrases that will kill people’s minds and treats everyone with compassion and sympathy. Caring improves interpersonal relationships in a unique way because such people avoid selfishness in order to work vicariously for others. 

#5. Patience

Patient people remain cool and do not become irritated at the first provocation. They are always a study in equanimity and rarely lose faith over minor annoyances. It is a significant value for the advancement of interpersonal relationships. 

#6. Integrity

The inherent virtue of integrity improves interpersonal relationships. Every person of integrity is truthful and adheres to moral standards. He is not easily misled by ambiguous language or frightened by a monetary gift. He frequently makes sound decisions without bias or favoritism. People can easily place their trust in such persons, which promotes interpersonal relationships. 

#7. Probity

Probity is defined as a high level of moral behavior. This is a sort of interpersonal relationship tool. People who are endowed with such worth exhibit mild and obedience in their behavior, which attracts an easy relationship. People of integrity always have a good personality, which helps to foster interpersonal relationships. 

#8. Cooperation

The mother of peaceful coincidence is cooperation. When people work together peacefully, they strengthen their interpersonal relationships. Cooperation leads to advancement, development, and harmony. In a civilization, these are the ideals that foster interpersonal relationships. It is a rich field for the promotion of interpersonal relationships when individuals cooperate cooperatively. 

What Is Meant By Interpersonal Relationships In Social Work?

Interpersonal relationships are the social and emotional exchanges that occur between the patient and other people in the environment. Almost every mental disease is accompanied by difficulties in this area.

What are the Two Theories Of Interpersonal Relationships?

Attachment theory examines the nature of a child’s earliest bonding (or lack thereof) experiences with his or her parents. According to this notion, early partnerships frequently influence later ones. Equity theory considers what you put into the relationship and what you get out of it.

What are the Goals Of Interpersonal Relationship?

Interpersonal effectiveness has three goals: objective effectiveness, relationship effectiveness, and self-respect effectiveness.

What Is Another Name For Interpersonal Communication?

Interpersonal communication is also known as dyadic communication.

In Conclusion,

Interpersonal relationships affect all parts of our life, including our homes, jobs, and leisure activities. It is possible to feel lonely and undervalued as a person without good relationships. You may also feel a lack of social support.

Because of technology that favors digital contact, it is now easier than ever to lose out on interpersonal relationships. People who work from home miss out on face-to-face interaction with their coworkers. Friends and family members may prefer to text rather than gather for a meal and discussion. Make an effort to see your family and friends in person, or look at local meetups and other online sites for opportunities to engage in much-needed human contacts.

Finally, you cannot develop interpersonal interactions until you have a positive relationship with yourself. Spend time getting to know yourself and investing in self-care. Consider speaking with a therapist for help and direction if certain concerns are preventing you from spending time with others.

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