Why Aren’t My Team Motivated and What Can I Do to Help?

Why Aren’t My Team Motivated and What Can I Do to Help?
Photo Credit: Care Plus Solutions

We spend the majority of our week in the workplace, so a lack of motivation there can constitute a real problem. Productivity inevitably falls by the wayside, though more importantly, the mental health of your employees takes a considerable hit. The feeling of dread on a Sunday night at the thought of another working week is common, but it hits harder for some.

So what can cause this lack of motivation on a slow Wednesday afternoon? Is this a problem specific to your company, or is it part of a wider problem?

What Are the Causes of Demotivation?

There are myriad factors of employee motivation or lack thereof, though some include factors such as boredom, a lack of confidence in management, a heavy workload, a lack of career progression, a feeling of under-appreciation, or even issues outside of work.

Life Coach and Professional Speaker, Greg Lederman says that good motivation stems from the recognition of employees as individuals – it ‘shows you care enough about them as individuals to acknowledge them as such.

This is the key to maintaining employee motivation. Whilst you would not want to pry into anyone’s personal life, it can be hugely beneficial for all parties to simply check in with your employees every now and then, letting them know that you are there for them. If your employee doesn’t feel that they can talk to you about an issue they may be having, then perhaps it’s time to alter your approach.

Statistics also show that 65% of employees prefer non-cash incentives when it comes to rewards. This could be anything from flexibility to time off. With that in mind, it could be time to get on board with a more modern approach to the working week.

The Four-Day Working Week

This year, many UK companies have been trialing the four-day working week, with some fascinating and insightful results. While some of the case studies from Cambridgeshire have said that the four-day working week is more suitable for some than others, the key is the flexibility that comes with it.

Not only do employees get an additional day off to relax or do the things at home that they may not have found time for before, but they can also find better ways to manage their workload during the week. Georgia Prosser, a marketing executive said that managing her workload has been ‘incredibly easy’. Given the success of the four-day week in Iceland, it may be possible that we have found a way forward.

Employee Reward Schemes

One element that may have been overlooked is the employee rewards that you have in place. Is it a case of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ gift card or bottle of wine, or do you have tangible benefits that go beyond the occasional gift? Do the benefits offered actually improve the lives of your employees?

Take for instance the many fitness-related benefits that can help ensure employees have the motivation to be healthy. The key is variation, given that your employees will be of different backgrounds and generations, with different interests and hobbies beyond the workplace. After all, benefits must actually benefit your employees in some way.

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