4 Ways to Encourage Team Spirit in the Workplace

Team Spirit in the Workplace

It’s always great to encourage individual employees to use their initiative and develop their skills, but you should also make sure that they have a good sense of team spirit as well. After all, they are working together as a unit to achieve business goals and targets every day. In addition to this, having a good sense of team spirit can help to boost morale in the office and make your employees feel more comfortable with their peers. If you think that the sense of team spirit in your workplace could use improvement, here are 4 ways you can try to give your teams a boost.

#1. Introduce Some Healthy Competition

A good way to encourage some team spirit at work is by introducing some healthy competition. Rather than having employees work to achieve an employee of the month title, which is focused on the individual, instead, focus on department awards. For example, the first department to hit their targets will be treated to a breakfast spread on a Friday or are allowed to clock out early. These kinds of incentives will encourage each department to work better as a team to achieve these goals and win the reward.

#2. Host Casual Drinks One Evening

One of the best ways to get your teams working together is to encourage them to get to know one another better. Organizing a casual get-together one weekday or Friday after work at a local bar could be an excellent way for your staff to socialize with each other out of the office. You can let your teams know that you have booked a space at a local venue, tell them what time it starts, and perhaps even offer everyone a free drink on you when they arrive. How long they stay will be up to the individual, but it’s a good opportunity for them to get to know their colleagues better. Coffee mornings or afternoons are also great for this if you would prefer to host an alcohol-free event.

#3. Branded Clothing

You might not require your teams to wear a uniform to work but handing out branded attire that they can wear both inside and outside the office could help to encourage a sense of team spirit as well. You can even go as far as getting customized Converse for a truly stylish touch. Wearing branded apparel can give your teams a sense of pride that they work for your company, and it’s particularly useful to have these available if employees are attending a corporate event, as this can boost brand awareness in these circumstances as well.

#4. Check-in With Your Employees

Finally, if you want to make sure that morale is up in the workplace and that there is a good sense of team spirit, you need to check in with your employees. Allowing people to raise concerns and offer feedback on their experience in the office will help you identify where improvements need to be made. You can also help to settle disputes between colleagues if there is any tension, and make sure that everyone is getting equal support.

A good sense of team spirit is important within the workplace if you want your employees to remain satisfied and happy in their roles. If you feel as though there could be a better sense of team spirit and a boost in morale in your office, consider these tips and see how they could work for your business.

#5. Hold Individuals Accountable

While it’s true that no one like playing the bad guy, it’s also true that if your team sees you letting someone off the hook for not completing their job, it may seriously damage morale.

Therefore, as a manager or team lead, you are to hold any individual accountable for any misconduct. This would encourage team spirit in the long run.

#6. Handle Conflicts as they Arise

Conflict exists in nearly every American job today.  Arguments can be over minor issues, like who gets to use the bathroom first, or they can be catastrophic, like when one person on a crew is responsible for the ship going down.

The more you let these issues develop, the more out of hand they will get. There are times when they don’t settle their differences.

As such, it is important to ensure that your staff is aware that they may bring concerns to you and that you will respond in a professional and level-headed manner.

Assemble a meeting where everyone may weigh in, and explain the situation clearly. Most issues may be resolved by open dialogue, and simply listening to employees can do wonders for team morale.

Read our post on CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: Best Strategies to Handling Conflict in the Workplace

#7. Reward Good Performance

Bring attention to and perhaps even award outstanding teamwork. Share the good news with the rest of the firm when a team accomplishes a goal. In addition, you can reward them with a small bonus or one extra day off.

Avoid going overboard, but make it clear that their efforts have been acknowledged. As a result, future teamwork will be encouraged.

#8. Encourage a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Workers in today’s increasingly digital economy expect their employers to facilitate a healthy work-life balance. That equilibrium should not be overlooked in discussions on the value of teamwork in the workplace. If workers are constantly glued to their screens or never get a break from their unmanageable responsibilities, morale and teamwork will suffer.

Companies are becoming more open to the idea of employees working flextime or remotely, provided their tasks are completed on time. Employees who buy into a company’s core principles and vision are more likely to go above and beyond.


Good bosses know how important teamwork is in the workplace. Promoting a collaborative environment helps reach this goal, as does making sure that everyone knows where the company is going and that managers aren’t working on secret plans

By encouraging the growth of team spirit, you’ll create a place where workers enjoy going to work, but also feel consistently challenged to achieve excellence.

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