Do’s & Don’ts of Office Relocation to Ensure a Less Stressful Move

Do's & Don'ts of Office Relocation to Ensure a Less Stressful Move

Moving and stress go hand in hand, but it can be even more complicated when employers and employees can’t experience any downtime between moves. Other situations can further complicate the process, like disorganization and miscommunication between departments.

To avoid complications and ensure your office relocation goes smoothly, here are some crucial do’s and don’ts employers and HR should follow before, during, and after the move. 

Do: Create a Move Checklist

Don’t just “follow your gut” regarding your office relocation strategy. Otherwise, you’ll miss a few key details that will cause you and your team to scramble at the last minute. Create an office move checklist that outlines every detail of your move, from start to finish.

Don’t: Do Everything in One Month

While it’s possible to complete your move in one month with a checklist, you’re going to stress out your workforce. Start planning six months before your big day by contacting moving companies, reviewing your lease, establishing your budget, and assigning a task crew.

Do: Communicate With Your Employees

Your employees need to know that their office is relocating elsewhere well in advance. Depending on where you’re moving, it may affect their commute or ability to clear out their desk. Plus, if everyone knows ahead of time, employers can quickly address work/storage issues.

Don’t: Expect Your Employees to Help

Many of your employees won’t have the time, patience, or physical strength to join in on the move. Besides moving their own personal equipment, there shouldn’t be an expectation that your employees should move business property. Hire a moving company for this job.

Do: Hire or Assign a Project Manager

Moving offices isn’t directly related to your office generating business, but it still requires a project manager. You need someone to transfer utilities, install the phones, pack the equipment, assign parking at the new office and ensure all employees are ready for the move.

Don’t: Keep Moving the Move-In Date

Only tell your employees, project manager, and other vendors (moving company or utility provider) you’re moving until you’ve finalized the date. It’s okay to make mistakes, but if you’re constantly moving the date, your team will have a hard time getting on board with the move.

Do: Map Out a Floor Plan

Your new office will either be bigger or smaller than your current one. Regardless, it’s unlikely your new office will look the same as your old one. Create a floor plan to know where all your furniture will go. A floor plan will help your movers and employees settle in more quickly. 

Don’t: Throw Out Items After the Move

A new office gives you the opportunity to update your technology or furniture. If you plan to do this, consider ordering new equipment that’ll arrive at the new office. Throw out the equipment you’ve already replaced on move-in day, as most moving companies can trash items for you.

Do: Review Before Moving

Take note of anything that doesn’t look right and clean your new and old space while they’re empty. Ensure you’ve done everything on your checklist and review your budget. One week before the move, everything should be accounted for, and moving supplies should be compiled.

Don’t: Take Your Stress Out on Others

No matter how prepared you are for the move, everyone will be going through a bit of stress. It’s important to keep morale by being helpful and supportive during the process. Once everyone is settled into the new office, throw a party and congratulate everyone for their hard work.

If your employees are moving overseas, try to empathize with their situation. They’re likely leaving their family and friends. It’s never a bad idea to set international employees up with a buddy, whether it’s a co-worker or another relocated American, that they can interact with.

What should be done to inform customers, employees, and stakeholders of the new location after an office move?

It is important to inform customers, employees, and other stakeholders of your new location by updating your company’s website, social media pages, and any other online listings. You should also change your official business address with government agencies and other relevant organizations.

What steps should be taken to clean and reorganize the new office after an office move?

After an office move, it is important to take the time to clean the new space and reorganize it to make it functional and efficient. This can include tasks such as unpacking boxes, arranging furniture, setting up equipment, and creating an organizational system for files and supplies.

Why is it important to have a system in place to track items during an office move?

Having a system in place to track items during an office move helps ensure that nothing gets lost or left behind during the transition. This can include using labels, inventory lists, and marking items with a specific color coding system.

Why is having a contingency plan important during an office move?

Having a contingency plan in place during an office move helps to prepare for unexpected events and minimize the potential for stress and disruption. This can include planning for contingencies such as weather-related delays, equipment breakdowns, or traffic incidents.

Why is it important to follow health and safety regulations during an office move?

Following health and safety regulations during an office move is important to protect workers and ensure a safe and efficient move. This can include following proper lifting techniques, providing proper protective equipment, and observing fire safety and evacuation procedures.

Why is it important to take into account parking arrangements for the moving truck during an office move?

Taking into account parking arrangements for the moving truck is important to ensure that the move can proceed smoothly and without any disruptions. This includes reserving parking in both the old and new locations and making arrangements for access to elevators and other areas of the building.

  1. Genau einen solchen Beitrag habe ich gesucht, danke dafür! Ich muss nämlich den Umzug meiner Firma planen, der in etwas mehr als einem halben Jahr vonstattengehen wird. Einen Projektmanager einzustellen, ist schonmal eine sehr gute Idee!

  2. Vielen Dank für den hilfreichen Kommentar! Wir sind gerade dabei unseren Geschäftsumzug zu planen und überlegen noch, ob wir ein Umzugsunternehmen engagieren sollen oder den Umzug selbst durchführen. Es gibt einiges zu beachten.

  3. Meine Freundin führt ein kleines Unternehmen und möchte demnächst in ein größeres Büro ziehen. Ich unterstütze sie bei der Planung und so langsam kommt der Ball ins rollen. Sie hatte schon überlegt, ob sie ihre Mitarbeiter wohl um Hilfe bitten kann, aber wahrscheinlich haben Sie recht und das wäre keine gute Idee.

  4. Bei mir steht der Privatumzug an. Durch den Beitrag weiß ich, was ich alles beachten sollte. Den Aufbau der Möbel werde ich dennoch als Erstes machen, sobald die neue Wohnung frei ist.

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