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You want to apply for this Job, but you don’t know what kind of letter to send in conjunction with your CV in order to increase your chances of being hired. I hope that this comparison helps you choose the best letter to send in your quest to land your ideal job. Let’s see Letter of interest for a Job Vs Cover Letter.

Letter of Interest Vs Cover Letter Overview

A letter of interest is a type of formal letter that shows interest in finding out more about job openings with a certain company and/or in working there. The letter of interest also known as a letter of inquiry, a prospecting letter, a declaration of interest, a letter of intent, etc, serves as a call to action. It’s a means to be proactive and express your interest in working for the recruiting manager or possible employer.

On the other hand, a cover letter or application letter is a three- to four-paragraph message to an employer about how you want to apply for a job in a firm, company, or group and why you are right for the job.

A cover letter or letter of interest can be your initial contact with a recruiter. Yet each of these letters serves a certain distinct function. Knowing the differences between a cover letter and a letter of interest will help you articulate your intentions more effectively.

Letter of Interest vs Cover Letter

A Letter of Interest for a Job

A letter of interest expresses your intention to work for an organization that hasn’t yet made a job opportunity public. It is a tool for job hunting but not for any particular job offering. This letter expresses your interest in working for the company and informs the recruiting manager of your desire. It outlines your expertise, why you would be an excellent candidate for that business, and where you envision yourself working. A letter of interest frequently includes background material outlining your decision to get in touch.

When looking for jobs, you may frequently discover that a particular company doesn’t have any available positions advertised on its website. However, they frequently add a remark on their employment pages inviting you to send in your CV or resume for potential evaluation. This is precisely when you should use a letter of interest. Anyone with any degree of expertise is eligible to submit a letter of interest of which in the event that a position opens up, having sent a strong letter of interest prior to the opening might cause recruiters to give you the first look over other candidates.

A Cover Letter

In comparison, a cover letter, which goes with your CV, provides a succinct explanation of why you are interested in the employment advert in question. A letter of interest and a cover letter both contain similar components. But a cover letter makes particular reference to a position that the business has publicized. It is often included in a job application together with your resume. In your cover letter, be sure to emphasize your qualifications for the job by outlining your previous experience, accomplishments, and talents.

Contrary to a resume, a cover letter gives you the chance to go into additional info about your professional background and discuss why you’d be an ideal candidate for the position and business. A strong cover letter should pique the interest of the hiring manager and persuade them to review your resume.

Letter of Interest vs Cover Letter Tips

When indicating interest in a business or a job ad, it’s critical to pick the appropriate format for your purposes. As a letter of interest and a cover letter play different roles in job prospecting, understanding the case scenario before applying one is very crucial to whatever opportunities you are looking for within a company or firm.

Establishing that, here are several particular tips to consider composing a letter of interest:

#1. Interest and Initiative:

Say, you come across a post or announcement about a newly opened or expanded company where you would like to work (interest) and then you curate a cover letter to the company (initiative). For prospective employers, initiative and professional interest are desirable traits. Your creativity and willingness to interact show that you value career progress, are decisive, and work well alone.

#2. Personal branding:

You have a chance to have the narrative of your professional life. A letter of interest gives you the opportunity to directly highlight your skills and expertise instead of anticipating a hiring manager or headhunter to create your profile.

#3. Discovering possibilities first:

Maybe you get insider information about a job opening in a company, when you get in touch, the recruiter might inform you that submissions will be accepted for that job at a specific time in the future. With more time to prepare, you can make your application stand ahead of the competition using a Letter of interest.

#4. Making new connections and learning relevant information:

You can use a letter of interest to ask for and set up a meeting with a company worker who is an expert in the field that interests in. In your letter of interest, mention that you would be intrigued in learning more about the field or job prospect you are considering by speaking with an expert and getting their insight.

A resume is always accompanied by a cover letter which is written in response to a particular job posting. A few tips to consider writing a cover letter include:

  • You are replying to an open job posting in a different company or within your current company or submitting an application for a position at a company with a strong mission.
  • While sending your resume. Attaching a cover letter may provide the employer with additional information, not in your resume.
  • The job posting specifically asks that you write one. Because it says “optional” on an application, you have the ability to do it.
  • You already have information that you can quickly reuse or adapt for a certain cover letter. This works best if you have a draft cover letter tailored towards a career opportunity, to save you the application time.

Key Differences Between a Letter of Interest and(vs) a Cover Letter

There are not many, but there are significant differences between a cover letter and a letter of interest, the main difference between them is the purpose they serve.

In essence, a letter of interest (also known as a letter of inquiry) indicates an intention to work for a particular organization even though there hasn’t been a suitable job ad posting that could be a good career fit for you. A cover letter, on the other hand, is about a specific job that is open.

For the purpose of juxtaposition, here are some differences between them;

  • A letter of interest focuses on jobs not advertised but rather showcases one’s interest to work with a company or firm. Unlike a cover letter, it is a proactive technique to ask for open employment in a company. In cover letters, you emphasize why you’d be the ideal candidate for the job you are applying for.
  • The letter of interest demonstrates an overall enthusiasm to work with the company as opposed to the cover letter which demonstrates a passion for the vacant position in the company.
  • Your letter of interest highlights your qualifications, expertise, and ways you might help the organization. A cover letter, on the other hand, emphasizes how your skills and experience match a job’s requirements.
  • Due to the fact that there is no hiring context in relation to the letter of interest, they are usually short and straight to the point having a maximum of 3 paragraphs, while the cover letters are much longer and could be up to 5 paragraphs.
  • The cover letter often comes with a CV and/or additional application documents in contrast to the letter of intent which doesn’t usually contain your resume.

How to Write a Letter of Interest

You can follow these tips to assist you in writing an intriguing letter of interest.

#1. Company Research

You should do a lot of research on any company to which you plan to send a letter of interest. You’ll have more specifics to use as you construct your letter with all the data you are able to acquire. Express the reason why you are keen on understanding more while demonstrating that you have done your due diligence on the business and the sector.

Here are some ways to find out more about a business that interests you:

  • Examine a couple of press releases from recently.
  • Go through any pertinent news items on the business that you can discover.
  • Learn about the company’s ideals and objectives by spending some time on its website.
  • Lookup present staff members on business platforms like LinkedIn.

#2. Finding the appropriate contact

For information regarding who to address your letter to, do a little digging on the company and check the company’s LinkedIn or official website. Finding a hiring manager may be challenging due to the fact that there isn’t actually a specific position open at the moment. It is however an added advantage to find a name, as personalized letters get better responses from employers.

#3. Use a hook

You need to find a technique to capture the reader’s attention as soon as they start reading your letter because this is a form of cold outreach and you don’t know the receiver personally. It is your responsibility to persuade the hiring manager that you are worth their time. Displaying your expertise about the company and the benefit that you can add is a fantastic method to do this. Maybe the business has lately grown, received recognition, or introduced a new product. That kind of hook will draw someone in and demonstrate your research skills.

#4. Display your worth

The letter of interest explains why a recruiting manager ought to be invested in working with you, not just why you’re keen on working for the organization.

If you want a specific career, match your skills and values to their requirements. Alternatively, you can consider the broad talents that they would probably like each member of a particular team to possess if you are applying more broadly.

Add some sugar to the deal by giving statistics from your employment history that demonstrate your value to other businesses.

#5. Keep it clear, brief and precise

Keep in mind that a letter of interest is unanticipated correspondence for a hiring manager.  The hiring manager should be able to clearly understand the letter’s purpose. Keep it short and to the point. The goal is to impress and connect with the hiring manager to get a job interview or start a line of communication for future opportunities. Employers value these traits because they demonstrate efficiency, effective communication, and consideration for the recipient’s precious energy and time.

See also RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES: A Detailed Guide on Recruiting Top Talents

How to Write a Cover Letter

Gather all the important data you might need before creating your cover letter. Pay attention to the following tips, before you draft a cover letter;

#1. Do your research

Similar to when writing a letter of interest, you’ll need to learn more about the business and the position you seek before you begin to write. You need to research the position’s description, the company’s website, the executives’ Twitter accounts, and the employees’ LinkedIn profiles. You should not send a generic cover letter, thus this research will help you make it unique and you can choose the appropriate tone with its assistance.

Furthermore, research can also help you understand and appreciate the culture and brand of a company and figure out if you concur with its objectives and vision.

#2. Focus your cover letter on the future

The purpose of your resume is to reflect back on your professional background and where you’ve been, whereas the goal of your cover letter should be to look forward and describe what you would like to accomplish.

#3. Open firmly

Introduce yourself with a powerful sentence. Begin with a punchline. Describe what excites you about the position and what you will contribute. Don’t try to be funny, because humor can be misleading. Instead, be forceful and firm in what you say.

Include it in the first phrase or two if you have an immediate connection to the business or an employee there. And at all times address the recipient of your letter specifically.

#4. Be sure to emphasize your own worth

Managers who are hiring are seeking candidates with problem-solving skills. Consider your knowledge and skills and how you intend to present them to a potential employer. Show that you are knowledgeable about the business’s operations and some of its difficulties by drawing on your past study.

What qualifications, abilities, or achievements do you prefer the organization to be aware of? There are currently two talents that are necessary for practically every job: flexibility and quick learning. Include any succinct examples you have that show off these abilities.

#5. Show enthusiasm

Hiring managers will choose the candidate who makes it clear that this job is their dream job. “Excitement communicates personality,” so be sure to explain your motivation for applying as your excitement and enthusiasm will be evident in your cover letter.

#6. Keep it concise

Shorter is better. The hiring manager should be able to quickly read your cover letter, hence it should be succinct. Despite the fact that there are a lot of areas to cover, it should still be done quickly.

Letter of Interest vs Cover Letter Examples

To help you understand the differences and similarities between a letter of interest and a cover letter, the samples that follow will give you a general idea of what a cover letter looks like in comparison to a letter of interest so you can get some ideas on how they structure and use them as a guide to writing your own.

#1.        Sample Letter of Interest

Ø  Sample 1:

Dear [Name of Recipient],

I’m reaching out to indicate how interested I am in any openings in [Company Name]. I just recently came across the website of your company, and I was amazed by the creative way you approached [insert particular business or industry].

I have [number] years of professional expertise in [relative field] and have built a strong foundation in [indicate pertinent abilities or knowledge]. I particularly relate to [Company Name]‘s dedication to [said identifiable company value or aim], which precisely matches my own personal values.

I effectively [mention a noteworthy accomplishment or project] while I was employed at [Previous Company/Organization]. I am convinced that what I’ve learned will make me an excellent addition to your team because that experience has given me strong [said relevant skills or knowledge].

I would welcome the chance to go into further depth about how my expertise and credentials match [Company Name]‘s requirements. If we can set up a time to talk, I’d be happy to give you more information.

I appreciate you taking a look at my letter of inquiry. I’m excited about the potential to support [Company Name]‘s ongoing growth.


(Your Name)

Ø  Sample 2:

Dear Connie,

I’ve been following Vaxx America from its inception as a seasoned nonprofit event coordinator and a resident of an area with a shockingly low vaccination rate. (I was actually your 200th follower on Twitter!) The tragic tale of your founder’s parent passing away from COVID-19 while the vaccination was widely accessible touched a nerve. The same thing, sadly, happened to a number of my childhood and family acquaintances. The country urgently needs what you all are doing to counteract misinformation and make vaccination simple, and I’d certainly want to be a part of it.

I’m Allan Peng, a flexible event organizer for a nonprofit dedicated to public health, and I’d desire to move into program management. I have successfully produced and marketed over a hundred health-related events, including ones with on-site healthcare examinations and HPV immunizations.

I’m knowledgeable in college event planning, organization, and pitching, which Vaxx America prioritizes. I can assist you with the logistics of getting healthcare practitioners to a college campus because I have connections in student health, athletics, and other departments at more than 100 institutions from my prior employment.

I’d appreciate the opportunity to learn more about your business, your short- and long-term goals, and the challenges you encounter. I can also go into greater detail about how I can assist you in making contacts on college campuses.

Thank you so much for your time, and if there is anything further I can do to help, just let me know.

Best regards,

Allan Peng.

#2.        Sample Cover letter

Ø  Sample 1:

Dear [Name of Recipient],

I’m writing to submit an application for the [Job Title] opening that was posted on [insert website where job posting was found]. I’m eager to work for [Company Name] and use my talents and experience in [include any pertinent credentials or abilities] to bring value to the team’s success.

I’ve built a solid foundation in [insert pertinent skills or expertise] in my current job as [Current Title] at [Current Company]. I have faith in my competence to [provide particular duties or responsibilities related to the position you are looking for]. Furthermore, my expertise with [insert any pertinent software, tools, or qualifications] has equipped me to succeed in this role.

The [mention particular feature of the firm or its culture] and your dedication to [mentioned core value or aim of the organization] is what, in my opinion, make [Company Name] stand out. Since my expertise and dedication to work are in line with [insert specific values or goals]‘s objective, I am drawn to companies that prioritize such things.

For your perusal, I’ve included my resume, which contains further information about my credentials and accomplishments. I would be delighted to talk about how my expertise and qualifications may help [Company Name] achieve its goals. To arrange an interview, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me whenever is convenient.

I appreciate your taking a look at my application. I value your consideration and time.


(Your Name)

Ø  Sample 2:

Dear Hiring Manager,

I’m writing to convey my desire to work in the administrative assistant position at [your company name].

This prospect appeals to me for a number of reasons. I’ve had success in administrative positions in the past, most recently in my current position as an administrative coordinator. One of my favorite moments during my tenure currently happened when I proactively joined in to plan a conference for our top executives the previous year. I coordinated the travel and lodging for a group of 15 executives from various departments inside the firm, planned the meals and outings, worked with our internal affairs team, and made sure that the two-day summit went off without a hitch. I’m now responsible for managing an internal team to double participate in the conference this year as a result of the favorable feedback I received.

I am drawn to this position because [name of organization] offers prospects for progress. I’ve done some research on your corporate culture, to discover several opportunities for self-starters like me. I have strong attention to detail and a high degree of organization, and I’m excited to use these qualities in new and difficult situations.

I’m excited and eagerly anticipate sharing more specifics about my background and goals with you. Thank you for your consideration.


[Your name].

Should I Send Letter of Interest for a Job?

Yes. A letter of interest shows you have both interest and initiative and you can also use it to see whether the company has any job openings that will be a good fit for you.

How Do You End a Letter of Interest?

You end a letter of interest with a professional closing salutation such as, “Sincerely,” “Best regards” or “Thank you for your consideration.”

What Is the Difference Between Cover Letter and Letter of Interest?

A cover letter accompanies a resume in response to a job posting, while a letter of interest is sent in response to an employer’s interest in you for a position that hasn’t been posted.

To Sum it Up

To sum it up, the main distinction between a letter of interest and(vs) a cover letter is in what they are intended for. The former is for jobs that aren’t actively hiring, while the latter is for postings that have recently been posted. However, the importance of both cannot be downplayed as they have specific situations where they are needed in the course of reaching out to employers.

Letter of Interest for a Job Vs Cover Letter FAQs

Is Cover Letter Same as Letter of Interest?

No. A cover letter is different from a letter of interest.

How Do You Introduce Yourself in a Letter of Interest?

Introduce yourself briefly, and tell the hiring manager why you’re writing.

Why Is a Letter of Interest Important?

A letter of interest is important because it lets the hiring manager know that you’re interested in seeking a position with the business.

How Long Should a Letter of Interest Be?

A letter of interest should be just a few short paragraphs and not more than 200 words.

  1. WHAT IS A COVER LETTER: How to Write It & Guide
  2. OFFER LETTER: Meaning, Job & Template
  3. JOB OFFER LETTER: How to Write It, Template, and What Not to Do
  4. HOW TO WRITE A BUSINESS LETTER: Examples, a Guide to Writing Proposal, Complaint & Introduction
  5. COVER LETTER EMAIL: Sample, Formats and How to Write
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