USER ENGAGEMENT: Meaning, Strategies & How-to-Increase Guide

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User engagement is the frequency and duration with which users interact with your website or application. This user engagement metric indicates whether your target audience finds value in your offerings, whether they are products or services. Companies track user interactions such as clicks, downloads, and shares to determine engagement. Analytic tools and metrics are used to assess engagement. A website, for example, may track the number of page views or the amount of time a user spends on each page. Companies strive to increase user engagement because it has an impact on the bottom line. In this post, we’ll define user engagement, discuss its strategies, how to increase your website’s engagement, and how ad extensions can contribute to increasing user engagement.

What Does “User Engagement” Mean?

User engagement assesses whether customers value a product or service. Engagement can be measured through a variety of activities such as downloads, clicks, shares, and more. Highly engaged users are generally more profitable, as long as their activities result in valuable outcomes like purchases, signups, subscriptions, or clicks.

Why is User Engagement so Important?

User engagement is strongly linked to overall profitability. User attention is a limited resource, and when users choose to spend time on a specific app or site, they are indicating that they value it. This enables businesses to profit from the product or service through advertisements, subscriptions, or sales. Highly engaged users are more likely to purchase, return, and recommend the product or service to others. Product and marketing teams that track user engagement can use product analytics to learn about the factors that influence higher engagement.

Teams can increase product profitability by increasing user engagement. There are no two definitions of user engagement. Hard metrics like daily active users, cost-per-acquisition, and ROI are fairly straightforward, whereas engagement is always dependent on the business model of the company. High engagement through views or clicks may be beneficial for a news site, but not for an insurance app, where increased usage may indicate that a user is about to file a claim.

How to Calculate your Engagement Rate

Tracking your engagement rate is critical because it is the only way to ensure that your efforts to improve it are effective. Fortunately, your engagement rate is simple to monitor. Simply divide the number of active users in a given time period by the total number of users for each customer cohort for which you want to calculate user engagement.

Number of active users in a given time period / the number of total users = engagement rate

How Can AD Extensions Contribute to Increasing User Engagement?

Using relevant ad extensions increases the likelihood of matching a user’s moment and addressing their signals, like intent, device, interest, location, and so on. As a result, your ads will be more relevant and engaging.

How to Measure User Engagement

Assume you’ve just released your mobile trading app. You received a lot of attention; people wrote about your app, and thousands of people downloaded and signed up for it. The response has overwhelmed you. Things gradually start to change for your app; people lose interest, interact less, and uninstall it. You’ve lost your motivation yet again.

In light of the ongoing competition in the digital market, user engagement indicates whether or not your app will be successful. It is directly related to your company’s overall profitability, credibility, and trustworthiness. So, before you can determine which mobile app engagement metrics to focus on for the app stickiness benchmark, you must first identify the metrics that are important to your business.

Experts have defined specific engagement metrics for mobile apps to identify and work on in order to improve user engagement. The following section discusses some of the best metrics for measuring user engagement.

User Engagement Metric

Product and marketing teams that measure user engagement can learn which aspects of their product, app, or website are most valuable to end users, as well as which factors need to be improved to contribute to higher engagement.

While each company’s definition of user engagement will differ, a general user engagement metric might include:

#1. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

CPA calculates the cost of converting a prospect into a customer. A conversion can be any of a variety of actions, but it is typically an event such as a sale, form submission, or download. CPA is calculated as follows:

CPA = total campaign cost / number of conversions

#2. Time In-App

Time in-app is a simple user engagement metric that uses data to show how long a user spends in your app over a given time period. When analyzing this metric, it’s reasonable to assume that the more time users spend in your app, the more engaged they are and the more valuable they perceive your product to be.

This metric can also be used by analysts to compare two different cohorts. For example, if there is a group of users who have not spent much time in your app, how does their user activity compare to those who have spent significant time in your app? These findings can help the product team make changes that will increase the amount of time disengaged users spend in-app.

#3. Bounce rate

The percentage of website visitors who leave after only viewing one page is known as the bounce rate. If you notice a high bounce rate on your content, you should investigate why. Is your CTA unclear? Is the content lacking in quality? Even the most popular websites and apps will struggle to achieve conversions if their bounce rate is high.

#4. Conversion rate

This user engagement metric indicates the effectiveness of your marketing tactics. The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website or app who complete specific actions such as form submissions, app downloads, product purchases, and so on. The more engaged your customers are, the higher your conversion rate will be, and thus the higher your profits.

#5. Returning user rate

The rate of returning users (RVR) is the percentage of visitors who return to your site after a certain period of time. To calculate RVR, divide the number of repeat visitors to your website by the total number of unique visitors over a given time period.

For example, if you had 10,000 total visitors in December and 3,000 of them repeated visitors, your December RVR is 30% (3000/10,000 =.30).

#6. User Interaction (Weekly, Monthly, Daily)

In applying this user engagement metric, Daily active users (DAU), weekly active users (WAU), and monthly active users (MAU) are quick metrics that show how many people use your product or service in a given time period (by day, week, and month, respectively).

Comparing these metrics side by side can help you understand customer behavior related to customer retention or “stickiness.” Knowing your retention rates also allows businesses to calculate the lifetime value of their customers.

#7. Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment rate is an important user engagement metric for eCommerce businesses because it refers to the percentage of customers who add items to their shopping carts but then abandon them without making a purchase.

Those who use sophisticated user engagement measurement strategies will also consider the value of items added to the cart, the number of items in the abandoned cart, and the total shipping costs to see if there are any patterns that contribute to the total cart abandonment rate.

The following formula can be used to calculate the cart abandonment rate:

Cart abandonment rate = 1 – (Number of Shoppers Completing Transactions ÷ Number of Shoppers Adding Items to Cart) × 100

#8. Session Duration

Each session represents a single interaction with your app by a single user. You can use the following equation to determine the session length for your users:

Session length = (Time user becomes inactive) – (Time app is launched)

Divide the total number of sessions within a time interval by the sum of individual session lengths to get the average session length.

This metric is particularly important for apps that provide a service that can be used actively in the background, such as music streaming, media-playing, or map-based apps because it can correlate the time users invest in the app to the quality of their experience.

#9. Screen Flow

Screen flow allows you to see the exact path (or flow) that your app’s users take. You can see when and where the user exited the session by monitoring the screen flow.

Screen flow is an important user engagement metric to consider when defining and tracking negative actions like unsubscribes, app deletions, plan downgrades, and silenced notifications. If analytics teams are aware of which events cause users to become disengaged, or if there are problems with your UX that make it difficult for users to find what they are looking for.

User Engagement Models

The user engagement model you use should adopt the metric to the type of website you have. Once you’ve determined which engagement model is best for your website, you can decide which metrics to use.

#1. Content-rich websites

If your website is content-rich, such as a media outlet, news site, or publisher, you should prioritize user activity and loyalty. Improve the time spent on-site, the number of pages viewed by the user, and the return rate. These metrics can be helpful in tracking content-rich websites in order to keep users on their sites for as long and as frequently as possible.

#2. E-commerce sites

Commerce sites, on the other hand, should prioritize moving users through their on-site sales funnel. Measure usability data such as shopping cart abandonment and page view statistics. Check to see if users can find what they’re looking for or if they leave at a certain point in the sales cycle.

#3. Specialized sales sites

Focus on conversion if you specialize in selling a specific product. When a visitor arrives, your engagement efforts should be focused on increasing conversions. To see if you’re on track, look at your time on site and conversion rates.

User Engagement Strategies

Now that you know that increasing user engagement can help reduce churn, you should learn how to increase engagement. Many of the concrete steps you’ll need to take will be product-specific, and the metrics you’ve been tracking can provide clues as to what those steps are. However, general user engagement strategies can be applied to any SaaS business.

#1. Users should be educated about the product.

Your product’s features must be fully understood by both old and new users. It cannot provide value to them if it is difficult for them to use a feature or if they are simply unaware that it exists. An omnichannel approach to customer education is one way to help users have a smooth start to their customer journey.

Walkthroughs, in-app messaging and notifications, FAQs, and social media engagement are all part of this. The more ways customers can communicate with your team, the better. This is one of the user engagement strategies.

#2. Improve the user onboarding process and overall user experience.

A smooth and clear onboarding process is critical to ensure your customers’ success. Make certain that your customers are well-equipped to begin using your product right away. Additionally, make other forms of assistance (content, tutorials, links, etc.) easily accessible and accessible. It is critical to reduce learning friction while increasing value.

#3. Make use of a customer success team.

While hiring a customer success team may appear to be costly, it is one of the user engagement strategies. Keeping users satisfied with the appropriate level of customer support is the lifeblood of your business. If you can keep more customers, you’ll spend less on acquisitions, which will benefit your bottom line.

#4. Streamline the engagement loop with gamification

Early on, mobile app developers discovered that gamification features are an effective way to keep customers returning. Consider how you can incorporate them into your product, and they will reciprocate.

#5. Collect user feedback.

Many users are eager to tell you what works and what doesn’t with your product. You only need to ask. By gathering feedback, you’ll be able to address any issues that are causing low engagement.

#6. Improve product usability.

What appears intuitive and simple to the designer of a new feature is not always simple to use for everyone else. Always look for ways to improve the usability of your product. This is where your feedback loop comes in.

The preceding tips on user engagement strategies should help you increase engagement.

Increase User Engagement

Mastering user engagement may appear simple, but it can be difficult. Follow these three critical strategies to increase your website’s user engagement.

#1. Data-driven research

Your knowledge is built on research. Make sure to conduct research on your target audience, industry, and vendors. When you learn about your audience and their needs, you can use that information to figure out how your product or solution meets those needs.

Use content monitoring to learn about the industry and avoid missing out on market trends. This will allow you to capitalize on popularity surges. You can also use these tools to keep track of competitors and new market entrants.

#2. Enhance your content.

Invest in an effective SEO strategy. Users will engage with your site if they can easily find it. That’s all. The right content also contributes to user engagement increase. The content captures and holds the user’s attention.

Create the appropriate content for your marketing and product based on your audience research. The key is to provide appropriate responses to your audience’s questions. Make use of a variety of content formats, including visuals and media.

#3. Improve your engagement rates.

You can optimize your engagement rates once you’ve completed your research, established your user-engagement model, and planned your monetization. Some pointers:

  • Analytics can help you fine-tune your content strategy. Constantly monitoring and utilizing analytics insights aids in the refinement of your content strategy.
  • Use user testing and split testing to your advantage. Split testing can help you determine which strategy is the most effective.
  • Find a platform for content monetization that adds value. One of the things that disrupt the user experience is interruptive advertising. Find platforms that monetize while also adding value. As a result, your monetization efforts will not jeopardize your engagement efforts.

What are the types of user engagement?

User engagement can be divided into four categories:

  • Contextual engagement.
  • Engagement of convenience.
  • Emotional engagement.
  • Social engagement.

What is a user engagement strategy?

A customer engagement strategy streamlines interactions and activities to create the best possible customer experience, both before and after the purchase. Various communication channels are used to build a relationship, improve satisfaction, and proactively nurture your customer base.

What are the five levels of user engagement?

Customer engagement is divided into five stages:

  • Discover
  • Shop
  • Buy
  • Own
  • Advocate.

How do you track engagement?

Total engagement divided by total followers multiplied by 100% yields the engagement rate. Engagement = the total of all interactions (shares, comments, reactions, etc.). Total Followers = the total number of people who follow your account.

How do you measure customer engagement?

Here are some metrics you can use to increase user engagement:

  • The net promoter score (NPS)
  • The customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Churn.
  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • Customer effort score (CES)
  • User actions
  • Activity time.
  • Page visit frequency.

What are customer engagement skills?

Client engagement skills entail mastering a set of behaviors and relationship-building skills that prioritize your customers and distinguish you as a trusted business partner, not just another supplier. This program offers a systematic framework for developing long-term, strategic customer relationships.

How can customer engagement be improved?

Creating a customer loyalty program is one of the most effective ways to improve customer engagement. Points, discounts, special gifts, and other means serve as incentives to reward loyal customers who engage with your brand on a regular basis.

Why is customer engagement so important?

Customer engagement demonstrates to a customer that you value their money and dedication to your company. When you provide key insights to your customers, you increase their loyalty and trust. It offers useful customer feedback and insight. enhances the customer experience. boosts sales funnel velocity.


Measuring user engagement allows you to understand the value that users place on your product and determine where you stand on the road to success. High engagement is critical for optimizing your product, building loyal customers, and propelling company growth. Be part of user engagement by utilizing one of the strategies outlined in this post.

User Engagement FAQs

What is a good engagement rate?

Between 1% to 5%

A good engagement rate, according to most social media marketing experts, is between 1% and 5%. The more followers you have, the more difficult it is to achieve your goals.

Is engagement rate a KPI?

KPIs for engagement rate indicate how well your content resonates with your target audience. The more users engage with your posts or page, the more likely it is that you will gain their trust, loyalty, and sales in the future.

What does a high engagement rate mean?

The engagement rate indicates how many people connect with your brand and how frequently, and a high engagement rate indicates that more people are commenting, liking, sharing, and mentioning your brand and its content. A high engagement rate indicates that your brand’s potential reach is much greater.

  1. User Acquisition: Strategies & How It Works (Detailed Guide)
  2. BUSINESS METRIC: Meaning, Examples, Dashboard, Reporting
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: How to Plan an Effective Engagement Strategy
  5. Key Metrics: Essential Metrics Every Business Should Have
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