INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING: Definitions, Concept, Principles, Types


You must have involved yourself in one kind of marketing if you’ve ever done business before. However, most people do this instinctively, and it yields a less satisfying result than it could. So, grab some basis in this article, “Introduction to Marketing,” that will help your marketing activities. This post on an introduction to marketing will touch on the basis on which you can build on to enhance your marketing ability.

What Exactly Is Marketing?

Marketing is the activity, collection of institutions, and procedures for developing, conveying, delivering, and exchanging offerings of value to consumers, clients, partners, and society in general.

The Marketing Concept

Maintaining a business is more than just having positive returns. And the marketing concept highlights important targets that companies can aim at to keep them in business. They are as follows.

  • Identifying the needs of their target customer in their target market.
  • Satisfying those needs better than the competitor
  • Maintaining good profitability while doing all these.

The sales concept prioritizes making profit for the company. So, while the sales concept focuses on the seller’s needs the marketing concept focuses on the buyer’s needs.

What Are the 7 Concepts of Marketing?

  • Needs, desires, and demands.
  • Marketing promotions.
  • Customer value and satisfaction are key to marketing concepts.
  • Relationships, transactions, and exchange.
  • Markets.
  • Prospects and marketers.

How Do You Write a Marketing Introduction?

It’s a good idea to begin the major body of the plan by reminding yourself of your general business strategy, which should include:

  • What your company is all about (your business mission)
  • Your primary business goals.
  • Your overall plan for reaching those goals.

Read more: Download 500+ business plans for any business

Principles of Marketing

The marketing principles consists of factors that propels a business when properly integrated together. Although these principles have been since a long time. However, they’ve stood the test of time with little or no change. They’re as follows.

  • Product

This is an essential part of the principles of marketing. So, since the customers are centric to the concept of marketing the product should address the customers’ needs. Hence, details on the customers’ need can be obtained by survey, research publications etc. Also, while trying to satisfy the customers’ need through your product also make it better than that of rival.

  • Price

This is the amount customers pay to get the product (goods or services). The price should be a market-oriented one. So, to get this, companies can consider obtaining the following questions. What are customers willing to pay? What are the prices of similar products in the market?

Furthermore, price of a product shouldn’t be more than its market valuation as this will turn off consumers.

  • Place

This is the location where consumers can assess the product. There are no boundaries to where the product could be provided. So, it can range from physical locations like stores to online locations like websites and social media stores. Additionally, convenience of the customers in assessing the product should be considered by businesses in selecting the place for the product

  • Promotion

This principle of marketing focuses on creating awareness for the product to the target consumers. So, a business can select a suitable type of marketing or choose a promotion mix to bring about this.

What Are Products in Marketing?

Products are anything that can be offered to a market for attention, purchase, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes things you can touch, services, people, places, groups, and ideas.

Importance of Marketing

If you are already running your business you should know some of the importance of marketing from personal experiences. Also, consumers have some benefit from marketing activities and altogether they are as follows.

  1. One of the aims of marketing is to satisfy the needs of consumers. However, the needs of consumers are dynamic and if you don’t catch up you might be out of business. So, marketing helps update a company on the trends.
  2. A Good Match for Competition:

    A good marketing activity helps businesses rival competition effectively. So, this will help them have a fair market share of their industry. Clearly, this will help avoid monopoly in the industry.
  3. Branding of a Company:

    Branding of the company entails communicating the values, purpose, and identity of the company to consumers. So, companies can achieve this through marketing.
  4. Win-win for the Consumer and Company:

    Through marketing companies get customers to know about products that can solve their needs. So, customers get to buy these products that can help solve their needs. Hence, this is a win-win for everyone.
  5. Respect for the Customers:

    More contemporary marketing evolution like relationship marketing ensures a good relationship with the customers. So, this shows respect for the customers and their opinion.

What Is the Main Importance of Marketing?

Marketing educates clients about the items and services you offer. Through marketing, clients learn about the worth of the items, their applications, and any other information that may be useful. It generates brand awareness and distinguishes the company.

What Are the Types of Marketing Strategies?

Companies adopt a type of marketing strategy based on the result of their market analysis. And there are many types of marketing strategies that you can choose from. Check out this post for more.

Courses on Introduction to Marketing

If you want to know more on the introduction to marketing. Here is a list of our cherry-picked courses, free and paid, that are helpful.

  1. Udemy’s paid course on Introduction to marketing

  2. Alison’s free course on introduction to marketing

  3. Edx free course on introduction to marketing


I hope this article gave you some ideas that you can use to improve your marketing skills.

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