4 PS OF MARKETING: What They are and How to Use Them

4 Ps of marketing
Image credit: userGuiding

When talking about the 4 ps of marketing, we are basically talking about marketing strategies that will change the development of your business in a positive way. The 4 ps of the marketing mix include place, product, price, and promotion. In this post, we will be discussing the 4 ps of marketing and their significance, and as a way of going into details, we will also give relevant examples.

Overview: 4 Ps of Marketing

The 4 Ps of marketing is also known as the marketing mix, which means a basic business strategy that has historically been based on the four Ps of product, pricing, location, and promotion. The phrase “collection of marketing instruments that the firm utilizes to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market” refers to the marketing mix.

The four Ps represent the crucial factors that must be carefully thought out and put into practice in order to properly advertise a good or service. Product, price, place, and promotion are among them. They cover a wide range of aspects that are taken into account when marketing a product, such as what consumers want, how the good or service satisfies or doesn’t satisfy those wants, how the good or service is perceived in society, and how it distinguishes itself from the competition, and how the business that makes it engages with its clients. More Ps, such as people, process, and physical proof, have been identified since the four Ps were first proposed in the 1950s.

In the 1950s, Neil Borden, a Harvard advertising professor, popularized the notion of the marketing mix as well as the ideas that were known principally as the four Ps. In his 1964 article “The Concept of the Marketing Mix,” he outlined the various ways in which businesses may engage their target audiences through advertising strategies. Borden popularized these ideas that are still used today by businesses to market their products and services.

What Are the 4 Ps of the Marketing Mix

The term “marketing mix” is a generic one that refers to the various decisions that businesses must make when introducing a good or service to the market. While the 4 Ps marketing mix is as follows:

  • Product ( services)
  • Place
  • Price
  • Promotion

The questions you must ask in order to create your marketing mix serve as an excellent starting point for understanding the 4Ps. You can learn more about and define each of the four elements by answering the following questions:

#1. Product/Service

  • What is the client’s requirement for the good or service? What requirements does it meet?
  • What qualities must it have to fulfill these requirements? What features have you overlooked? Are you supplying the customer with expensive features they won’t actually use?
  • Where and how will the client use it?
  • How does it appear? What will buyers think about it?
  • What should the size(s), color(s), etc. be?
  • What name should it have?
  • What branding is used?
  • How does it vary from goods made by your rivals?
  • What is the highest amount that can be provided and yet be sold for enough profit?

#2. Place

  • Where can customers find your goods or services?
  • What sort of store will they shop in? Is it a specialized store, a grocery store, or both? Online? Or straight from a catalog?
  • How can you gain entry to the appropriate distribution channels?
  • Do you really need to hire salespeople? or go to trade shows? Or submit content online? or perhaps distribute samples to catalog businesses?
  • What do your rivals do, and how can you improve upon them or stand out?

#3. Promotion

  • Where and when can you reach your target market with marketing messages?
  • Will you advertise online, in the media, on TV, radio, or on billboards to reach your audience? Utilizing mailshots for direct marketing? utilizing PR? in the online world?
  • When should promotions be made? Is the market subject to seasonality? Does the date of your market launch or subsequent promotions depend on any larger environmental issues?
  • How do your rivals’ promotions work? And how does that affect the promotional strategy you choose?

#4. Price

  • How valuable is the good or service to the consumer?
  • Do there exist recognized price points in this area for goods or services?
  • Is the clientele price conscious? Will a slight price cut increase your market share? Or will a slight increase be undetectable, giving you a larger profit margin?
  • What discounts should be provided to business clients or other particular market segments?
  • How will your price stack up against those of your rivals?

4 Ps of Marketing Examples

Identifying your distinctive marketing mix begins with defining your product. What do you provide the client or sell them? This may be a tangible good like a car or a set of hair accessories, a business consulting service, or even a digital good like a subscription to an online discussion board. According to the marketing mix 4P strategy, you should define the following characteristics of your product to help it become as clear as possible.

  • Who is my ideal client?
  • What exactly are they looking for?
  • What needs are being met by my product?
  • What distinguishes my product?
  • What distinguishes my offer from those of rivals?
  • What quality does my product have?
  • What are the advantages of my product?

By doing this, you may describe your product in the most appealing way possible and increase sales and consumer attention. Also, by doing this, you may describe your product in the most appealing way possible and increase sales and consumer attention. Take, for example, a bakery that serves young families. Pastries are definitely their product, and applying the 4 Ps to the bakery’s product may be described as follows:

4 Ps of Marketing-Example 1 (Product)

We are aware that trying cuisine in a strange area might make you uneasy. We provide high-quality, reasonably priced pastries as well as a calm atmosphere where you can watch your favorite shows from chairs that have been specially painted. Your little ones can get the latest food fast and effortlessly from our trained barkers. You and the kids will want to return every week since it's so much fun!

In this case, the bakery is selling pastries, which is a pretty common service. However, they are aware that people are concerned, uncertain, and skeptical about trying out food in a new place. Regardless, they are still their target market. And as a result, they market their product as unique and fun to try out.

4 Ps of Marketing-Example 2 (Place)

Since “place” is a significant aspect or part of the marketing mix definition, the idea is inevitably relevant in the digital age.

Certainly, some businesses will be local. For instance, a remote plumber. But about 70% of Americans claim that patronizing local businesses is important to them. Still then, more than 80% of shoppers patronize online vendors. This is to say that customers are definitely online. Hence, knowing just where to advertise your goods online is very crucial to the growth of your business so as to be sure you are selling to the right sets of persons.

This could mean where your product is marketed than to your real physical location. This entails locating the websites where your target market frequents and placing your product there. These sites could be any or all of the following.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat
  • YouTube
  • Reddit

Your demographic study will be the main factor in determining this, but rival research might also be useful. Do your rivals market their goods on Facebook? Or is this a chance for you to market your product near clients but away from competitors because your audience doesn’t spend much time on Instagram?

4 Ps of Marketing-Example 3 (Price & Promotion)

Studies have shown that email marketing is a successful tactic, with some of the highest returns on investment of any digital marketing tactic. So during a holiday weekend offer, Drip House, an online clothing store, employed email marketing. They used graphics to show how the business is using price to encourage sales by offering an 80 percent discount.

The promotion is sent to you via email. This campaign relies on photographs rather than words to quickly convey its message before the potential consumer moves on to another email because they are quickly skimmed. As a result, it is visual and simple to review.

More Info on the 4 Ps of Marketing?

As earlier said, the four main components of a marketing strategy are product, pricing, place, and promotion often referred to as the marketing mix or the four Ps of marketing. The following four elements of the marketing mix can help a company increase the likelihood that a product will be seen and purchased by consumers or even spur inquiries. Understanding a product well is essential before promoting it. Finding out specifics about the target audience and its preferences is part of this. Before creating a product, consider the following queries:

  • Which product is it?
  • Is it a particular good or service?
  • What is the product’s purpose?
  • Does the item meet a need or offer a special experience?
  • Who are the product’s intended customers?
  • What sets the product apart from its rivals?

We hope that this succinct explanation of the four Ps of marketing sheds some light on a crucial component of effectively launching a good or service. Any product or brand’s marketing strategy must take into account the specifics of the product, price, place, and timing. To successfully position a certain product or brand in the market, marketers must balance these four factors, whether they are working with a startup or an established company

What is 4P and 7p of marketing?

These four initial components—Product, Price, Place, and Promotion—were then broadened to include additional factors including People, Packaging, and Process. These are now regarded as the components of the “7 P’s” combination.

What is the 7 P’s of marketing?

Product, pricing, place, promotion, tangible evidence, people, and procedures make up the seven Ps of marketing. The essential marketing mix that a company needs in order to market a good or service is made up of the seven Ps.

What is 8ps of marketing?

Product, pricing, place, promotion, people, positioning, processes, and performance make up the eight Ps of marketing. To have them cooperate with your marketing mix is the objective. If you can, your chances of attracting and converting new consumers will be substantially higher.

What are the 5 C’s of marketing?

A marketing framework called the 5C Analysis is used to examine the environment in which a company works. Along with risk exposure to numerous environmental elements, it can provide light on the main success factors. The five Cs are context, company, collaborators, customers, and competitors.

What does STP stand for in marketing?

A marketing strategy known as segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) rethinks how and to whom you should advertise your goods. It improves the emphasis, relevance, and personalization of your marketing communications for your target audience.


The 4 ps of the marketing mix are already covered in this post, so you don’t have to search any further. The examples of this 4 ps of marketing should be familiar to you by now you so that you can use them correctly in your own organization.


What are the 4 main Ps of marketing?

The 4Ps of marketing is a model for enhancing the components of your “marketing mix”—the way in which you take a new product or service to market. It helps you to define your marketing options in terms of price, product, promotion, and place so that your offering meets a specific customer need or demand

Which of the 4 P of marketing is most important?

Price: The Most Important P in the Marketing Mix

Which of the 4 Ps is the easiest to change?

Price: the assignment of value, or the amount, the consumer must exchange. -The most flexible of the four P’s (easiest to change, quickest to give results).

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