REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT TOOLS: Its Software & All You Need to Know

Requirements Management Tools
Photo Credit: IBM

The term “requirements management” refers to the process of managing the requirements or needs of any product. Also, in the IT business, requirements play an important part in ensuring proper user satisfaction and trouble-free software/application delivery. A study by Accompa found that poor requirements are the reason why 71% of software projects fail. There are a lot of tools for requirements management out there.  As a result, selecting one for your project is extremely challenging. In this article, we’ll be discussing requirements management, the best & free requirements management tools and software available, and more topics related to requirements management. Let’s begin!

What Are the Best Requirements Management Tools?

The best requirements management tools are the central repository for product development teams. These tools ensure that all team members can access evolving needs and properly determine where they are in the product development process at any given time. 

Product development teams can benefit from software requirements management tools that capture everything from soft knowledge to regulatory compliance standards in real time.

The Best Requirements Management Tools

Having the best requirements management tools can help speed up work processes and give good results. Few of the best paid and free requirements management tools include:

#1. Modern Requirements

Modern Requirements is one of the best requirements management tools, with a gold medal. It is built on Azure DevOps, making it a reliable requirements management tool. It brings together teams on a single platform to provide a single source of truth model. 

Its solutions are also designed to improve project pace and create corporate value. It also meets quality and compliance requirements across all techniques and industries.

#2. Jama Software

Jama Software is one of the top requirements management tools for managing risks and tests. With Jama Connect and industry-specific services, teams developing complex products, systems, and software can shorten cycle times. Also, they will be able to enhance quality, reduce rework, and reduce the effort required to demonstrate compliance.

#3. Visure

Visure Solutions, Inc. is a dependable specialized requirement ALM partner for businesses of all sizes in safety-critical and business-critical industries.

#4. SpiraTeam

SpiraTeam is an Inflectra integrated Requirements and Quality Management solution. This turnkey platform is suited for regulated sectors that require audit trials and end-to-end traceability. 

#5. Xebrio

This is a complete requirements management ecosystem that checks the entire project development lifecycle. It checks from requirements through deployment while allowing for real-time collaboration among stakeholders. 

Changes in requirements can be visibly tracked and linked to tasks, defects, test cases, and milestones for end-to-end traceability. Xebrio also enables teams to always keep on top of schedules, budgets, and timelines.

#6. IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next

One of the best requirements management tools is IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next. It is an effective tool for optimizing, collaborating, and verifying requirements within the company. This RM solution not only helps you to collect, trace, and evaluate but also manages information changes.

#7. Street of Procedure

Process Street is one of the simplest software requirements management tools for managing processes, team workflow, checklists, and operating procedures. Interacting with a client with this tool is simple and time-saving. Process Street also allows users to develop their processes without having to be experts in the field.

Is JIRA A Requirements Management Tool?

You might be wondering if you’re utilizing JIRA to manage projects and issues then why not apply it to requirements management as well?

The utility is already available. Every day, developers and testers are working on it. It can also be used to manage needs. You can easily add the criteria. However, keeping track of them is challenging. What number do you have? How many are in the works versus those that have been completed?

It’s extremely tough to keep track of requirements after they’ve been completed in JIRA. After all, it’s a tool for task management, not a requirements management tool. When a requirement is completed, it is removed from the backlog and out of sight.

Trying to locate those completed requirements might quickly turn into a full-time job. And keeping track of criteria isn’t the only thing you have to accomplish in a day.

The Types Of Requirements Traceability

For your project, you can generate three distinct Requirements Traceability Matrixes. Let’s see who they are:

#1. Forward Traceability:

The purpose of this document is to relate the requirements to the test cases. This will assist you in verifying that your project is moving as planned. It will also ensure that all criteria are well tested.

#2. Backward Traceability: 

A Backward Traceability Matrix is created when you map your test cases to the requirements. It will assist you in ensuring that you are not increasing the scope of the project by adding features or functions that were not originally specified.

#3. Bidirectional Traceability:

This Traceability Matrix is created when requirements are mapped to test cases for Forward traceability and test cases are mapped to requirements for Backward traceability in a single document. This document will assist you in ensuring that all of the criteria given have corresponding test cases and vice versa.

Importance of the Best Requirement Management Tools

Even if you’ve done an excellent job gathering requirements for your project, automated aid can help you manage them as development advances. 

Here are some requirements management chores that these requirements management tools can help you with.

#1. Managing Versions and Changes

Your project should specify a requirements baseline, which is a specified set of needs that will be included in a single release. A modification history for each requirement will explain past decisions and allow you to revert to a previous version of a requirement if necessary.

#2. Maintaining Required Attributes 

For each criterion, you should keep a range of information, or attributes. Everyone involved in the project must be able to see the qualities, and only certain people must be able to change their values. 

Furthermore, requirements management tools can produce some system-defined attributes, such as the date created and the version number. It can allow you to define additional attributes of various data kinds. 

Consider identifying attributes like an author, person in charge, origin or rationale, release number, status, priority, cost, difficulty, stability, and risk.

#3. Connection of Requirements to Other System Components

Individual requirements should be traced to other system components to ensure that your team does not ignore any requirements during implementation. Links can be defined between different types of needs as well as between requirements in separate subsystems. 

The traceability linkages highlight the various system parts that the change may influence when examining the impact of a change proposed in a given requirement.

#4. Monitoring of the Status

Tracking the status of each requirement during development helps to keep track of the overall project status. If a project manager knows that 55% of the requirements assigned to the next release have been implemented and validated, 28% have been implemented but not verified, and 17% have not yet been fully implemented, he or she has a good understanding of the project’s status.

#5. View Subsets of the Requirements

To view subsets of requirements with certain attribute values, you can sort, filter, or query the database.

#6. Limit the Access

You can give users different levels of access. Web access allows you to share requirements information with all team members, regardless of location.

#7. Engage With Various Stakeholders

Most software requirements management tools allow team members to communicate about requirements concerns via email. When a new discussion entry is made or a requirement is updated, an email can alert those who are affected.


Requirements management tools can help you in centralizing requirements. It will make it easier to manage shifting requirements. Using requirements management tools will improve your job consistency.

You can use tools like SpiraTeam. It’s a tool for managing the lifecycle of applications. Xebrio is a project management application. Jama Software is a collaborative platform, while Process Street is a checklist, workflow, and SOP application.

We hope that this post has aided you in your search for the best Requirements Management tools and software.

Requirements Management Tools FAQs

What does collaborative requirements management software do?

A collaborative solution allows for structured cooperation and accommodates everyone. It also makes the transition to Agile easier.

What Are The Best Requirements Management Tools?

The best requirements management tools are the central repository for product development teams. These tools ensure that all team members can access evolving needs and properly determine where they are in the product development process at any given time.


  1. REQUIREMENT MANAGEMENT TOOLS: What It Is, Free Tools and Application
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