JOB SHARING SITUATIONS AT WORK: Advantages and Disadvantages

job sharing

Job sharing is a working system where more than one person shares the workload of a full-time position. This work arrangement is beneficial for employees who want to work part-time or have someone they can share the responsibilities of their workload with. These working arrangements are great options for employees with increased responsibilities that require their attention at home. However, in this article, you will find out what job sharing is all about with examples, teaching, and programs. We’ll also discuss helpful tips that will help you successfully implement a job-sharing arrangement at work.

Understanding how a job share arrangement works and the benefits of job sharing can help you prepare to share your work responsibilities in a way that helps you, your partner, and your employer succeed. 

What Is Job Sharing?

Job sharing is a flexible work practice in which two or more people work part-time schedules to complete the work one person would do as a full-time job.

This arrangement makes it possible for both businesses and their employees to divide the work and schedule requirements of a full-time position between two or more employees. These employees  are also known as job share partners.

Job-sharing can be an idle plan for workers who are looking to reduce their hours to give attention to their home, or someone who is simply looking for a lighter workload. Moreover, flexible work arrangements can help employers retain experienced workers who are looking for a greater work-life balance. Job sharing can also decrease benefits costs for employers, depending on their benefits policies.

In a sharing setup, two employees work part-time to fill one position. Hours can vary: They may work together for a part of the week or never see each other. They will need to determine whether to each be responsible for the position at different times or if each one will be responsible for different tasks. They’ll also need to figure out how to share a workspace, computer, and other equipment so they don’t waste time looking for files.

What Are Some Examples of Job Sharing?

To be considered a shared job, both employees must be liable for the bulk of its obligations and must interact in order to do them. One Community Health Nurse post, for example, may be shared by two employees. The majority of these benefits and drawbacks apply to part-time work in general.

Job Sharing in Teaching

Placing equal attention on your full-time teaching job with family obligations or raising children could be very difficult to manage. So, taking a teaching job sharing can reduce your work hours as a teacher. As a result, it will give you more time to pay attention to other things leading to less stress and a better work-life balance.

Unlike the more common co-teaching model. Teachers who share a job split the responsibilities of one teaching job between two or more people, which means each person works only part-time. Teaching Job sharing can be seen in the United Kingdom—especially in elementary schools. On the other hand, you will only find a few in the United States. However, as sectors seek creative options to tackle the teacher shortage, job sharing may become increasingly popular.

What Are the Rules of Job Sharing?

Job sharing involves two or more workers splitting a full-time position. Job sharing pay, perks, and leave are proportional to full-time compensation (split by hours worked).

Job Sharing Examples

To create an effective schedule for each job share partner, consider the needs of the position and the company. A company that doesn’t require someone to be physically present or doesn’t require the role’s responsibilities during specific times can offer its employees more flexibility in choosing the shifts they want to work. Here is an explanatory job sharing example:

Tessy being married for two years just had her first set of twins. Which she decided she wouldn’t be leaving full time to the care of a nanny. She began to consider job sharing because she no longer wanted to work on a full-time basis. But still wanted to be able to preserve her career skills and status within her profession. With her supervisor, Tessy determined that a job-sharing arrangement would be valuable in helping her create a sense of balance in her home. She now works half a day from Monday to Friday. While her partner takes over the rest of the day. 

Here are the structures you can choose from when determining which hours each partner in an arrangement will work:

#1. Working the Same Shift:

In a same-shift job share arrangement, both partners work the same days and hours of the week. This arrangement works best for employers who can split the responsibilities of a position between two employees, do not need coverage for the position at different times and do not require more hours than each partner is working. For example, each partner may work Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

#2. Splitting Days:

In a split-day job share arrangement, each partner works on the same days but during different hours. This arrangement works best for employers who need coverage for the position for a full eight hours or more or for employees who prefer to work opposite schedules. For example, one job share partner may work Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. with the other partner working Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

#3. Splitting the Weeks:

In a split-week job share arrangement, each partner works the same hours but on different days of the week. This arrangement works best for employees who want to work only a few days per week but can work a full-time shift on those days. For example, one job share partner may work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. while the other partner works Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

#5. Combination structure:

Some job share arrangements combine various work hour structures to create a blended schedule for each job share partner. For example, one job share partner may work Monday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the other partner working Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and both partners working Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. This example combines the split week structure with the same shift structure on Friday.

Job sharing program

Work-Sharing is an adaptation program designed to help employers and employees avoid losing their jobs. When there is a temporary reduction in the normal level of business activity that is beyond the control of the employer. This job-sharing program measure provides income support to employees eligible for Employment Insurance benefits who work a temporarily reduced work week while their employer recovers.

Employees on a Work-Sharing agreement try to agree to a reduced schedule of work and to share the available work over a specified period of time.


#1. Different skills and experiences are being utilized in a single position. Particularly when they complement each other.

#2. sharing partners can fill in for one another during scheduled and unscheduled absences.

#3. A problem can be solved easily by having two heads work on the task and can simply cover-up for the workload.

#4. Continuity of position skills and knowledge in case of one employee leaving.

#4. Employees can keep their careers on track while having more time for family and other activities.

#5. No additional expenses for a department.


#1. It may be difficult finding a personally and professionally suitable partner.

#2. Finding a suitable partner that will replace the one that has left might be challenging.

#3. Changing the arrangement could cause a lot of problems.

#4. Extra supervision effort will be added to monitor two instead of one employee.


There are many reasons to pick a job-sharing arrangement – it may be to care for a dependant, work another job, or further one’s education. People typically seek out a job share because they want to reduce their stress levels. Whatever the case may be, it is up to you (and your partner) to make it work. Joan Williams, a law professor at the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law and the founding director of the Center for WorkLife Law, believes that any job can be shared if done properly and deliberately.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some reason job sharing would be used in the workplace?

Job sharing helps to alleviate delays created by vacations and other absences, as sharers frequently cover for one another. Employee retention: Job sharing prevents staff who want to work fewer hours, such as working parents, from being compelled to leave your organization in order to take time off.

How do you effectively share your job?

  • Divide the roles as efficiently as possible
  • Make the most of the flexibility you have
  • Reduce the occurrence of common issues.
  • Make sure you have a contract in place.
  • Make sure you have a plan in place if one of your job-share partners decides to leave.

How common is job sharing?

In the private sector, job sharing is a very uncommon practice; according to a SHRM research, only 8% of firms with formal flexible work arrangements have a formal job-sharing program. The federal government, on the other hand, actively promotes job sharing and other forms of flexible labor.

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