WHAT IS A COMPANY CULTURE: Types, Examples & Best Practice

company culture
Table of Contents Hide
  1. What Is a Company Culture?
  2. How Does a Company’s Culture Work?
  3. Types of Company Culture
    1. #1. A team-oriented corporate culture
    2. #2. Elite Corporate Culture
    3. #3. Horizontal Corporate Culture
    4. #4. Conventional Company Culture
    5. #5. Progressive Corporate Culture
  4. The Benefits of Company Culture
  5. Creating a Company Culture
  6. #1. Establish Core Values for the Company
    1. #2. Establish Company Culture Goals
    2. #3. Involve Your Whole Team
    3. #4. Adhere to Best Practices in Company Culture
  7. Determining a Company Culture
    1. #1. Examine the company’s website’s “about us” page
    2. #2. Read Reviews and Pay Information
    3. #3. During the interview, ask yourself the following culture-related questions:
  8. 10 Examples of Company Culture
    1. #1. Bento’s Company Culture
    2. #2. Blackbaud’s Company Culture
    3. #3. Bluecore Company Culture
    4. #4. CB Insights Comapany Culture
    5. #5. Evive’s Company Culture
  9. #6. FloQast Company Culture
    1. #7. Reonomy’s Company Culture
    2. #8. Paxos Company Culture
    3. #9. ServiceNow Company Culture
    4. #10. SecureLink’s Company Culture
  10. How do I ensure that my Company Culture remains positive as the business grows and evolves?
  11. How do I address negative aspects of Company Culture?
  12. How does Company Culture impact recruitment and retention?
  13. How does Company Culture impact productivity?
  14. How do I maintain a consistent Company Culture across multiple locations or remote employees?
  15. How do I incorporate diversity and inclusion into my Company Culture?
  16. Company Culture FAQs
  17. What is an ideal company culture?
  18. What one word would you use to describe your company culture?
  19. What is culture at workplace?
    1. Related Articles

Culture has an impact on every area of your company, from the public image of your brand to employee job satisfaction to your financial line. Because so much is at risk, your corporate culture must be malleable and open to improvement. This begins with being able to articulate what kind of culture your company has.
Discover the different types of company culture and learn some ideas from examples to incorporate in your company.

What Is a Company Culture?

Company culture refers to a company’s and its employees’ attitudes and practices. It can be seen in how employees connect, the values they hold, and the decisions they make.

Work atmosphere, company mission, leadership style, values, ethics, expectations, and goals are all examples of company culture.

Organizational culture, corporate culture, and workplace culture are all terms for the same thing.

How Does a Company’s Culture Work?

A company’s culture might be explicitly and purposefully fostered, or it can simply be the product of a series of decisions made over time. Employees that work in a company with a strong culture understand the expected outputs and behaviors and act appropriately.

Some firms have a team-based culture that values employee engagement at all levels, whereas others have a culture that values formal, traditional, or hierarchical management.

When you work for a company with a traditional management style, your job responsibilities will be well defined, but there may be no prospects for advancement unless you go through a formal promotion or transfer procedure.

Employees in a more informal workplace frequently have the flexibility to take on new initiatives and positions as time allows.

Netflix is one example of a company culture that is encapsulated in its motto of “people before the procedure.” Netflix’s company values are outlined in its company culture document: judgment, communication, curiosity, courage, passion, selflessness, innovation, inclusivity, integrity, and impact. Employees are required to uphold these values in all of their actions and interactions, resulting in a creative, collaborative, and successful firm.

Types of Company Culture

If you want to work for a company that is enjoyable to work for, consider the company culture while considering possible employers.

#1. A team-oriented corporate culture

Team-oriented firms prioritize culture fit over skills and expertise.

Employee engagement is a primary objective for a company with a team-first corporate culture. A team-first culture is distinguished by frequent team trips, opportunities to provide relevant feedback, and flexibility to accommodate employees’ family lives. Netflix is an excellent example because they provide limitless family leave and vacation days. Employees are given the freedom to choose what is best for them. In exchange, they are expected to be devoted to the company.

Team-oriented firms prioritize culture fit over skills and expertise.

Why? Because they understand that happy staff leads to happier consumers. It’s a terrific culture to exemplify for any customer-focused company. This is because staff are more likely to be content with their work and want to show their thanks by going above and beyond for consumers.

Zappos is known for its lighthearted culture, as evidenced by this parody starring CEO Tony Hsieh.

Zappos is well-known for its upbeat and supportive culture, as well as its excellent customer service. According to CEO Tony Hsieh, “Zappos is a customer service company that happens to sell shoes”. Employees are happy not only because they may express themselves with wacky desk decor (which everyone enjoys), but also because they have the freedom to assist customers in the way they deem fit, rather than following strict standards and scripts. Customers enjoy the clear, personable service in the end.

Potential pitfalls: Maintaining this type of culture becomes increasingly challenging as the company grows in size. As a result, having a team member committed to culture cultivation is a terrific strategy for any company.

If you have a team-first culture, it is possible that:

  • Employees have friendships with colleagues from other departments.
  • Your staff socializes outside of work regularly.
  • Surveys provide you with thoughtful feedback from staff.
  • People are proud of their workspaces.

#2. Elite Corporate Culture

Companies with elite cultures are frequently on a mission to alter the world through untested means.

An elite corporate culture hires only the best because it is constantly pushing the boundaries and requires employees to not only keep up but to lead the way (think Google). Companies with an elite culture hire confident, capable, and competitive candidates who are innovative and occasionally audacious. As a result, there has been rapid expansion and significant market impact.

Companies with elite cultures are frequently on a mission to alter the world through untested means.

Their consumers are frequently other firms that require their products to remain relevant and capable in a new environment—often one created by the elite-cultured company.

SpaceX is a high-profile example of a young (yet inventive) company doing huge things in aerospace production and space transportation. Employees describe being delighted at the prospect of really launching rockets, but expectations are exceedingly high, with 60 to 70-hour work weeks the norm. Nonetheless, knowing that they are contributing to history keeps most employees engaged.

Potential pitfalls: Such intensity might lead to staff competitiveness and workers feeling pressured to always be on. Team outings, peer recognition programs, and wellness efforts can help to combat this.

You may have an elite culture if you have:

  • Employees are not reluctant to raise concerns about things that could be improved.
  • Employees prioritize work and frequently work long hours.
  • Your top performers advance fast through the ranks.
  • You have a large pool of highly competent job applicants to pick from.

#3. Horizontal Corporate Culture

Horizontal corporate culture is prevalent in startups because it fosters a collaborative, everyone-pitch-in approach. These are often newer enterprises that have a product or service in mind but are more adaptable and able to modify based on market research or consumer feedback. Although their lower staff size limits their customer service capabilities, they do everything they can to keep the customer happy—their success depends on it.

In horizontal cultures, where contact between the CEO and office assistant often occurs through chats across their desks to one another rather than email or memos, titles don’t mean much. This is the experimental phase when chances must be taken and every hire must be counted.

Basecamp is an excellent example of a successful company that maintains a startup mentality. Basecamp, which was launched as 37Signals, announced last year that it would focus solely on its most successful product and keep its relatively small size rather than growing into something much bigger and broader.

Potential disadvantages include a lack of direction and accountability in horizontal cultures. Encourage teamwork while keeping clearly defined goals and a clear understanding of who is largely responsible for what. Horizontal structure does not imply a lack of structure.

A horizontal culture exists if and only if the following conditions are met:

  • In the break area, team members debate fresh product ideas.
  • Everyone participates in a little bit of everything.
  • The CEO is the one who makes his or her own coffee.
  • You must still demonstrate the value of your product to naysayers.

#4. Conventional Company Culture

Traditional businesses have well-defined hierarchies and are still battling with the learning curve for communicating via new media.

Companies that require a tie and/or slacks are most often of the traditional variety. In fact, any dress code at all, as well as a numbers-focused approach and risk-averse decision making, are symptomatic of more traditional culture. These characteristics are most often exhibited by your neighborhood bank or car dealership. While the consumer is important, he or she is not always correct—the bottom line always comes first.

However, in recent years, many businesses have seen a significant shift in how they function. That is a direct product of the digital age, which has given rise to new kinds of communication. This includes social media and software as a service (SaaS). Traditional businesses still have clearly defined hierarchies today. However, many are struggling with the learning curve for communicating through new means that can blur those divisions. As long as management does not resist this challenge, it can be a great opportunity for learning and growth. While new office technology is frequently low on management’s priority list, more traditional businesses are beginning to experiment with it as more millennials advance to higher-level jobs.

GE, which was founded in 1892, is about as traditional as they come and is well-known for its straightforward management procedures. However, the company recently discontinued its regular performance evaluation in favor of more frequent talks between management and employees. It is even introducing an app to help enable feedback. It’s a perfect example of a traditional company embracing technology and change.

Potential pitfalls: This rigid approach allows little room for creativity or experimentation. This can lead to a lack of passion or animosity among staff as a result of being micromanaged. Getting employees to grasp the company’s bigger objective, as well as putting more trust in them to work toward it, can help to prevent this.

A conventional culture exists if and only if the following conditions are met:

  • Most departments and roles follow stringent criteria.
  • People from various departments rarely engage with one another.
  • The CEO is in charge of major decisions.
  • Your company has a market monopoly.

#5. Progressive Corporate Culture

Uncertainty is the distinguishing feature of a transitory culture.

Mergers, acquisitions, and market shifts can all contribute to progressive culture. Companies in these scenarios frequently have to answer to investors or advertisements in addition to employees. Uncertainty is a distinguishing feature of a progressive culture since employees frequently do not know what to expect next.

But it’s not all bad news. You can use a big change to describe the company’s new goals or mission, as well as to answer employees’ most pressing queries. The best thing a company can do to keep employees from leaving is to manage expectations and counter rumors through continual communication. Change can be frightening, but it can also be beneficial, as clever employees understand. They will view change as an opportunity to improve and experiment with new ideas. And, ideally, they can persuade their colleagues to join them.

LinkedIn, which acquired Lydia.com before being acquired by Microsoft, is well-versed in transitional culture.

One recent example of a company in transition is Amazon’s $13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods. While Wall Street saw the acquisition as a dream come true, the mismatch between Amazon’s data-driven culture and Whole Foods’ empowerment culture caused a bit of a nightmare. In contrast, Disney’s purchases of Pixar and Marvel won the company a larger percentage of the box office as well as accolades for excellent change management. What’s the distinction? Disney took the effort to determine which perks were most important to its new employees, pledged to preserve those benefits, and then followed through.

Potential pitfalls: A progressive culture can make employees fearful. Any change in management or ownership, even if it is beneficial to the company, is not always viewed positively. Communication is critical in reducing these anxieties. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to hear employee feedback and issues, as well as keep top personnel motivated.

A progressive culture exists if and only if the following conditions are met:

  • Employees openly discuss the competition and potential buyouts.
  • Your company has a high employee turnover rate.
  • The majority of your funding comes from ads, grants, or donations.
  • Market changes affect your revenue.

The Benefits of Company Culture

Employees cherish company culture because they are more likely to like their jobs when their needs and values align with those of their employers. If you work somewhere where the culture is a good fit for you, you’ll be more productive and create better relationships with your coworkers.

On the other side, if you work for a company where you do not fit in with the company culture, you are likely to enjoy your work far less. For example, if you prefer to work independently but are employed by a company that values teamwork, you are likely to be dissatisfied and inefficient.

Employers care about company culture because employees who fit in are more likely to be not only happier but also more productive. When an employee fits in with the culture, they are more likely to want to stay with the company for a longer period of time. This minimizes turnover and the costs involved with training new workers.

Creating a Company Culture

Creating a great work culture is not an easy task, but it is something that each firm can do.

First, let us revisit our concept of company culture:

A company’s culture can be defined as a set of common values, goals, attitudes, and practices that define the firm.

It is vital to recognize that company culture is a naturally occurring phenomenon; whether consciously or unintentionally, your team will build a culture. As a result, begin by determining which of the four types of organizational culture your company adheres to. From there, you may divide the task of developing company culture into two parts: the broad picture and the day-to-day. Let’s begin by breaking down the big picture.

#1. Establish Core Values for the Company

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: fundamental values are nothing more than words on paper until they’re put into action. Before applying, the best candidates will conduct extensive research on your company. So, they will be able to determine whether you walk the walk when it comes to your basic values. So, how can you put your basic values into action? Consider the following examples:

1. Be Bold

This is the first of Facebook’s five stated core values, and it can be found in everything the company does. Facebook is not afraid to take on large projects and push the boundaries. While this can backfire at times, it certainly helps the company recruit and keep like-minded employees.

2. You must be your own customer

Squarespace has no trouble living up to its self-professed customer-centricity. Because Squarespace is built on its own platform, the company has an incentive to create the finest product possible.

3. “We always do the right thing.” Period.” –

A highly public leadership shuffle resulted in new corporate values for ride-hailing behemoth Uber, and this is possibly the most intriguing of them. The company’s commitment to keeping to its beliefs was demonstrated by its decision to break ways with its former CEO, as well as numerous other key executives.

When basic values are practiced, they become more than just words. They become the company of a healthy corporate culture.

#2. Establish Company Culture Goals

Every company has a goal, and no, we’re not referring to your quarterly KPIs. We’re talking about the underlying concept that underpins your company. The primary reason it was established in the first place. How you express that aim has a significant impact on company culture. Consider the following scenarios:

  • “Create a world that fosters human connection,” says Airbnb.
  • “Build for everyone,” says Google.
  • “Live to deliver wow,” says Zappos.

These objectives may appear lofty, but they were created to reach individuals on a deeper level. They are aspirational messages that explain what the company is working toward, rather than simple recitations of what the company performs. Great things happen when a company’s aims connect with those of its people.

#3. Involve Your Whole Team

One of the key drivers of company culture is the general attitude of an organization’s staff. Getting the big picture correct goes a long way toward cultivating a good attitude but don’t think it’s enough. A few proactive activities can help to maintain positive attitudes and productivity:

  • Make a point of expressing gratitude for everything your team does. Everyone is busy, and it is easy to ignore the simple things, but a little appreciation may go a long way.
  • Determine what inspires your staff and present them with the possibilities they seek. Providing opportunities for your staff to pursue what motivates them can help to keep employees engaged and attitudes positive.
  • Even the finest employees require assistance from time to time, so be sure you’re providing plenty of it. Whether on a professional or personal level, demonstrating that you are available to your team when they require it is one of the most critical things a leader can do.

#4. Adhere to Best Practices in Company Culture

When it comes to putting your company culture ideas and projects into action, make sure you do so deliberately. A company’s procedures, like its attitudes, are where the cultural rubber meets the road. An environment that allows people to get away with inappropriate behavior that is not in line with the company’s culture breeds poor performance among weaker employees and discontent among stronger employees. Fortunately, there are numerous things you may do to avoid this issue:

  • Begin by providing a good example. Simply said, the simplest method to ensure that your employees’ actions correspond with expectations is for them to witness their leaders live those standards daily.
  • Encourage the behavior you wish to see. We’re not even talking about monetary prizes here. Simply acknowledging individuals who embody the company’s culture can have a significant impact on behavior (and culture).
  • Make sure to give lots of feedback. You can’t expect employees to change their conduct if they aren’t aware of the problem. Giving honest feedback might be difficult, but it is essential for a healthy culture.

Building a great company culture takes time and a lot of hard effort, but the advantages are well worth it, as we’ve experienced. Are you dissatisfied with the culture you’ve created? Discover the five easy steps to changing your company’s culture.

Determining a Company Culture

A simple interview can be difficult to determine a company culture. Always do your homework and ask the right questions.


The interview process is already stressful, and it can be difficult to know whether the interviewer is being truthful or exaggerating when it comes to the “can you tell me about your company culture?” question. During the interview process, how can a candidate gain a good sense of a company’s culture? Here are some guidelines for judging whether a company’s culture is actually beyond reproach or strangely repugnant:

#1. Examine the company’s website’s “about us” page

A good “about us” page should include company values, employee testimonials, and even images and contact information for leadership. This demonstrates that the company has nothing to hide when it comes to fostering a successful culture.

#2. Read Reviews and Pay Information

Before your interview, visit other websites to read interviewee and employee reviews. Make sure to look at salary statistics to see if the company pays its employees appropriately. You can also ask your network if they know anything about culture.

You should prepare a list of questions about cultural topics that are significant to you ahead of culture. Perhaps you’d like to learn more about how the team works. Perhaps you’d like to know whether there are any employee resource groups (ERGs) in your company that you could join. You may simply want to ensure that you have a suitable work-life balance. If you have any cultural queries, don’t be scared to bring them up during the interview.

10 Examples of Company Culture

#1. Bento’s Company Culture

Bento for Business is expenditure management software that uses smart employee debit cards to assist small businesses to monitor staff spending. “Though we move quickly and it may appear that we don’t have time to sit and explain things, every employee at Bento enjoys sharing, supporting, and lifting others,” says John Turner, Full-Stack Engineer at Bento. Bento’s motto, “Be Human,” exemplifies the company’s commitment to both professional and personal development.

Several members of the company’s leadership team extend their mentorship beyond the office to support team members in all parts of their lives, assisting employees in becoming more human. This attitude of aiding and supporting one another spreads across the company, from coworkers to customers and partners. When one employee was hesitant to speak with the CEO, they began holding regular meetings to boost their confidence by discussing both personal and professional issues and aspirations.

What makes Bento’s company culture great: Employees at all levels feel valued in all parts of their lives, including their professional and personal goals.

How to put Bento’s ideas into practice: Create a healthy leadership and mentoring culture. Ensure that staff at all levels feel at ease collaborating. Encourage one-on-one meetings among different roles and teams.

#2. Blackbaud’s Company Culture

Blackbaud, a developer of cloud-based software for the philanthropic industry, centered its company culture around a shared desire to give back. “You can’t fully succeed at Blackbaud unless you’re enthusiastic about serving the nonprofit community,” says Brandon Phipps, Blackbaud’s Vice President of Sales and Market Development.

The company walks the walk by organizing team-wide service projects, allowing employees to take time off to volunteer, and providing a company match for employee charity donations. Employees are also encouraged to participate in the company’s Blackbaud Community Grants selection process, which gives grant money to local NGOs in Austin, TX. Of course, it’s not all work; the company also offers social events based on their interests, such as pinewood derbies, Harry Potter, and an annual Star Wars movie marathon.

What makes Blackbaud’s company culture exceptional: Blackbaud created a culture of employees who are enthusiastic about nonprofits. A common cause binds the team together and assures that everyone is working toward the same objective.

Create a culture of enthusiasm by implementing Blackbaud’s concepts. The mission of a company extends beyond money. By emphasizing your corporate objective and hiring like-minded individuals, you can reaffirm the significance of what you do and develop a self-sustaining culture of success.

#3. Bluecore Company Culture

Bluecore is a retail marketing tool that employs artificial intelligence (AI) to assist businesses to improve campaign performance. Customer success is strongly ingrained in their culture, and it is one of their key values. “Culture is driven by a distinct set of values and personality centered on defined success goals,” explains Kim Surko, Vice President of Customer Success.

“Our team is focused on its objectives, and we are motivated by our remuneration system and recognition.” With that framework in place, we can apply our personality and values to establish how we will achieve those objectives.”

They also begin career pathing during the hiring process and continue it throughout the employee’s tenure at the company. Senior leaders provide career counseling and support to team members to help them explore their passions and identify roles inside the company that allow them to use their unique skills — even if that means creating a new role.

What makes Bluecore’s company culture exceptional: Bluecore’s top two priorities are customer and employee success and pleasure. The two work in tandem to build each other up, resulting in an external and internal army of brand ambassadors.

Bluecore’s concepts can be put to use in the following ways: Create a culture that is focused on customer success. As mothers, if the consumer is happy, everyone is happy. A team that works together to improve the customer experience will foster an internal culture of collaboration and mutual success.

#4. CB Insights Comapany Culture

They employ machine learning to analyze data to assist businesses in understanding industry trends and making informed decisions based on real information. It’s critical for a company that monitors trends to keep its personnel up to date on evolving technology. “CB Insights places a strong emphasis on staff development and learning,” says Alyssa Anchelowitz, Senior Marketing Manager. “They’ve increased management training programs and provided an education stipend, which allowed me to learn more about Javascript during my first year here.”

Managers have regular conversations with employees about their career pathways and where they want to grow personally and professionally. They also encourage staff to take on new challenges, including having a quarterly Hack Day where employees can work on whatever they want for the company for 24 hours.

What makes CB Insights’ company culture exceptional is that they hire people who are hungry for information and continually fuel that need with stipends and opportunities to study.

How you can put CB Insights’ ideas to use: Create a culture that places a premium on personal development. Professional and personal development are important variables in an individual’s success. If you encourage your employees’ interests, they will be more engaged and driven at work and in life in general.

#5. Evive’s Company Culture

Evive combines big data and predictive analytics to assist consumers in optimizing their job perks. Evive, like most businesses, goes through growing pains, but what keeps its culture in sync is a collective dedication to make an impact and enhance people’s lives. “Profession is such an important aspect of a person’s life, and the benefits and support platforms that come with that work may mean the difference between subsisting and flourishing,” explains Andres Gonzalez, UI Designer at Evive.

As a company that is so dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives, their crew is no exception. They launched a ‘going green’ program to lessen their ecological imprint, which continues to affect their culture. Their team’s effect extends outside the office by helping at local charities such as the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

What makes Evive’s company culture exceptional: Making the world a better place and making a difference in the lives of others are important values, and their staff acts on their passions to support those values.

How to put Evive’s ideas into practice: Create a culture that is centered on a cause. Encourage employees’ interests by offering opportunities to volunteer, start a passion project, or establish initiatives that involve the entire team to achieve a goal.

#6. FloQast Company Culture

FloQast is a cloud-based software provider that assists accounting departments in streamlining and improving procedures. “Overall, I think it’s incredibly important for management to be transparent about what’s going well and what’s not,” says Mike Whitmire, Co-Founder, and CEO. “I enjoy addressing the positive, but I believe there is more value in discussing the negative.”

Having an open-door policy across teams and experience levels has produced a close-knit culture where everyone is comfortable asking challenging questions and working together to overcome challenges, which is especially important for a company that has grown tenfold in just over five years. Not only that, but employees feel more at ease being their true selves and being open about their problems and desires within their team and in their particular career trajectories.

What makes FloQast’s company culture exceptional: Transparency is key to their culture, and it is embodied by everyone from the CEO to the most recent hire. One employee expressed amazement at how open the CEO and COO were during the interview process.

How to put FloQast’s ideas into action: Make transparency a part of your company’s culture. Always make an effort to have open talks about the company’s information and the internal and external issues that affect its health. Open talks will spread throughout the organization if leaders are forthright with their immediate reporting.

#7. Reonomy’s Company Culture

Reonomy is a commercial real estate search platform that uncovers insights and new opportunities for users around the country. “At Reonomy, we have a distinct culture of ownership, passion, and collaboration, and I’m excited to be a part of it,” says Michael Manne, Chief Revenue Officer. “Many organizations preach about culture, but it’s something you definitely see — and feel — when you visit our workplace.”

Reonomy offers individual and team “shout-outs” in company meetings to promote their culture of collaboration and ownership. They also seek out individuals from varied backgrounds who are enthusiastic about the product, which helps everyone understand the purpose and value of their work as a component of the overall product.

What makes Reonomy’s company culture exceptional: Reonomy assembled a collaborative team of independent owners. Their entire staff is fast to brainstorm ideas and take ownership of responsibilities to make those ideas a reality.

How to put Reonomy’s concepts into practice: Create a culture that encourages both autonomy and collaboration. Building a great culture requires a delicate mix of pushing individuals out of their comfort zones while still allowing them to excel at what they do best. Provide a combination of both to your team so that everyone feels comfortable working together and is equally prepared to own their position.

#8. Paxos Company Culture

Paxos is the first regulated blockchain company, developing tools to enable businesses to exchange assets more quickly and cheaply than ever before. Starting on day one, the company focused on building an inclusive workplace for new hires by asking them to bring in ‘rookie cookies’ to encourage team members to drop by and introduce themselves. “We also pair recruits with team friends, plan lunch with their supervisors, and stock their desks with Paxos stuff,” adds Helen Galarza, Office Manager & People Operations Specialist. “Onboarding will never cease to evolve.”

Paxos encourages employees to bond beyond the first day by helping in the community and celebrating milestones such as birthdays and work anniversaries. They also continue to foster a diverse and inclusive environment by celebrating diversity and sponsoring a Guacamole-Off, a competitive and tasty method to bring teams together.

What makes Paxos’ company culture great: Paxos takes pride in bringing people together with delicious gifts and regular celebrations on an employee’s first day and every day after that to ensure everyone feels included.

Create an inclusive culture by using Paxos’ concepts. Determine the finest methods for bringing individuals together, because bonding teams perform better together and are more comfortable providing and receiving criticism and brainstorming ideas. As Paxos’ method demonstrates, something as basic as cookies can set the ball rolling.

#9. ServiceNow Company Culture

ServiceNow is a cloud-based platform for businesses that automates operations, manages projects, and streamlines communication.

“Growing our local culture is a constant evolution and discussion topic,” says Ryan Wells, Senior Technical Program Manager at ServiceNow.

As a tiny company, they understand how much each new employee has on their culture, and they encourage everyone to contribute to and lead new culture, diversity, and inclusion initiatives.

During their first week, the staff is equally as eager as new hires, and the company funds team trips such as karaoke, bowling, and baseball games to welcome them into the fold. Because inclusivity is a big part of their culture, when one employee brought lunch from home while others ate out, they all got together and brought food back to the workplace so everyone could eat together. When it comes to company culture, small things can make a tremendous difference.

What makes ServiceNow’s company culture outstanding: According to one employee, there has a “culture of friendship.” Customers are welcomed as part of their culture; they even bake a cake every time a new customer is added.

How you can use it Ideas from ServiceNow: Create a culture centered on personal interests. If people are open about their idiosyncrasies, others are more likely to do the same. It is critical, especially in small businesses where everyone has a large impact on the culture, to ensure that everyone feels included and represented.

SecureLink is a security platform for technology providers and clients that gives security, control, and accountability to customers. When it comes to expanding its personnel, this high-tech company isn’t hesitant to look outside the typical tech candidate pool.

“Focusing on the individual and their strengths rather than their experience provides us a significant advantage,” says Jacob Venard, SecureLink’s Director of Customer Success.

Rather than focusing exclusively on education and experience, they seek out unconventional candidates, such as those with backgrounds in teaching, firefighting, and philosophy. Joel Burleson-Davis, Vice President of Technology, studied philosophy, ethics, ancient languages, history, and Greek in college before moving on to graduate school to study systems science before joining the team. They like to hire people who are enthusiastic about learning because they are more likely to stay motivated, enjoy their work, and approach issues with a fresh perspective.

Personality and motivation transcend education and experience in SecureLink’s company culture.

How you can put SecureLink’s ideas to use: Create a culture that is eager to learn. Have you ever had a candidate with whom your team clicked but who lacked the background of other interviewees? It may be smart to take a risk and hire people who are enthusiastic about learning because you can always teach technical skills to people who are eager to learn and overcome obstacles.

How do I ensure that my Company Culture remains positive as the business grows and evolves?

To ensure that your Company Culture remains positive as the business grows and evolves, it’s important to regularly revisit and reevaluate your culture and make adjustments as needed to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your employees and customers.

How do I address negative aspects of Company Culture?

To address negative aspects of Company Culture, you should be transparent and proactive in addressing any issues, encourage open communication and feedback from employees, and implement changes to improve the culture as needed.

How does Company Culture impact recruitment and retention?

Company Culture can have a significant impact on recruitment and retention, as potential employees are increasingly considering company culture when deciding whether to take a job, and current employees are more likely to stay with a company that has a positive culture.

How does Company Culture impact productivity?

Company Culture can impact productivity by creating a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages employee engagement, motivation, and collaboration.

How do I maintain a consistent Company Culture across multiple locations or remote employees?

To maintain a consistent Company Culture across multiple locations or remote employees, it’s important to clearly communicate your company’s values, beliefs, and behaviors, and to ensure that employees have the resources and support they need to uphold the culture.

How do I incorporate diversity and inclusion into my Company Culture?

To incorporate diversity and inclusion into your Company Culture, you should actively seek out and embrace diverse perspectives and backgrounds, promote equal opportunities and fair treatment, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Company Culture FAQs

What is an ideal company culture?

A company culture that prioritizes its people and customers is excellent. I believe it is critical to always improve and develop new ways to suit the demands of customers while adhering to the company’s values and ethics.

What one word would you use to describe your company culture?

The phrases “talented,” “motivated,” “committed,” “creative,” and “ambitious” are among the most frequently used by businesses to characterize their culture (and its personnel).

What is culture at workplace?

Workplace culture is the set of common values, belief systems, attitudes, and assumptions that employees in a workplace share.

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