PERSONAL VALUES: Definition, Core Personal Values, Examples & Importance

Personal Core Values
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Personal values are “widely desirable goals that direct people’s behavior and serve as pillars of their identity. A person’s personal values define what is significant to them and desirable to them. Your core values serve as a set of personal ethics or ideals that direct your decision-making, interpersonal interactions, and problem-solving. Your ability to develop and accomplish personal and professional goals can be aided by knowing the values that are important to you.

Personal Values 

There are many different values that one person may hold, with some values holding greater weight than others. It has been demonstrated that your most important values frequently influence your decision-making in all facets of your life, including your career, religion, social circles, and sense of self.

Personal values serve as your moral compass, guiding you to do what you firmly believe is right. Individuals develop their personal values as a result of their experiences, familial habits, social conditioning, and consumption of information, opinions, and events. 

Your core values may be fairly consistent, but you might be surprised to learn that your values shift and develop over time. Personal values are dynamic and shift over time. Because of this, it’s critical to comprehend your system of values and to periodically reflect on them. Your core values are the principles that underpin your beliefs and direct your behavior. 

An individual’s behavior and personality traits will be influenced by these principles, which will also help you navigate both prosperous and trying times. Your choices, goals, and relationships with loved ones are all influenced by your unique set of values.

Personal values can be picked up from those around you or developed independently through personal development. Most of the values that children acquire in life are frequently inherited from their families, but as they get older, people begin to develop their own personal sets of values.

List of Personal Values 

Accomplishment; commitment, achievement, adventure, approval, assertiveness, boldness, calmness, compassion, fairness, composure, control, determination, patience, empathy, energy, growth, harmony, independence, inspiration, integrity, nonconformity, openness, passion, peace, prosperity, self-respect wisdom. 

Example of Personal Values 

#1. Independence

Working by themselves and having the freedom to complete daily tasks at their own pace can be fulfilling for some people. Dependability could undermine their sense of independence and sacrifice.

#2. Kindness

Living for others is a moral principle that is essential to the formation of one’s personal value system. Altruism might be a crucial value in your life if it motivates you to do good deeds for others.

#3. Leadership

While some people perform best on their own, others excel in positions of leadership. As you identify your values, leadership is a further crucial concept to take into account. Leading a team and implementing continuous improvements at work can help you find your purpose and build a strong sense of self. 

How To Find And Strengthen Your Values

#1. Learn More About Yourself

Without a thorough understanding of oneself, it is impossible to define one’s values. Begin by being honest with yourself to get a complete picture of yourself.

#2. Determine Your Top Priorities

Not all of the things we value are equally significant in our eyes. Some values are more important than others. Finding Your Core, Defining Values Isn’t Always Easy. Making your list of values, however, will help you concentrate on your priorities.

#3. Conduct A Values Audit

You can define your priorities more clearly by identifying, prioritizing, and pursuing your values. You can set goals and achieve your lifelong aspirations with the aid of these values. Even though the concept of a values audit might seem intimidating, it is incredibly useful for figuring out what you value and doesn’t value. As a place to start, make a list of your values, assign them a priority, and periodically reassess them. You might experience changes in your personal or professional life, so it can be beneficial to revisit and update your values list. 

Core Personal Values 

Knowing your core values can be helpful when you’re having personal conversations with people you’ve just met or prospective employers. Your personal and professional behavior is governed by a set of core values, which are fundamental ideals, rules, or practices. Finding out which values are most important to you can help you learn more about your decision-making, interpersonal interactions, and task-completion processes. They also influence your life decisions, assisting you in making decisions in difficult circumstances.

Why Are Core Values Important?

Finding your personal or organizational core values can give decisions, purposes, mission statements, and goals structure and direction. Companies frequently select a set of core values to direct how they approach hiring and retaining employees, conducting business, and conducting communications. How you treat others and handle adversity depends on your moral principles. They also shape your relationships by determining whom you choose to associate with and travel through life with.

Core Values for the Workplace

#1. Integrity

Being a person of integrity at work entails making an effort to act morally in every situation. Integrity entails choosing to act honorably even if no one else is aware of your choice. Additionally, you might value integrity, openness, and a dedication to acting in your clients’, coworkers’, and business’ best interests.

#2. Responsibility

Being accountable for your job responsibilities is what makes responsibility a crucial workplace value. When you value responsibility in the workplace, you realize how important it is to carry out your responsibilities to the best of your ability and to ask for assistance when necessary. You finish tasks and correct mistakes to produce the best work you can that satisfies or surpasses expectations. 

#3. Growth

Growth is a fundamental workplace value that can be advantageous to both the employer and the employee. Companies that prioritize employee development work to give them chances to broaden their skill sets and knowledge at work. As employees demonstrate their ability to carry out their job duties to the highest standard, managers look for opportunities to assign new responsibilities. Employees who place a high value on development work hard to improve their performance and skills.

#4. Collaboration

Working professionals place a high value on their ability to collaborate with coworkers to achieve a common objective. In many sectors, including technology and healthcare, cooperation is crucial. Learning to appreciate other people’s contributions and ideas frequently leads to higher-quality products and greater success in achieving business objectives.

#5. Communication

When you value communication, you give others your time and attention while concisely sharing your ideas. You could also anticipate similar reactions from other people. You try to provide feedback, extend your thinking to others, and justify your efforts to coworkers or company executives.

#6. Honesty

Since it ensures moral business practices, honesty is a fundamental value that both employers and employees share in the workplace. For a workplace to remain open and equitable, this value must be upheld. Sincerity among coworkers, managers, and clients fosters trust and builds strong bonds, making it simpler to feel safe and appreciated at work.

Examples of Personal Core Values

#1. Kindness

How you treat others is influenced by your values, including kindness. When you value quality, you frequently put the needs of others before your own to decide what words or deeds can be most helpful. Making kindness your guiding principle can help you to help others feel at ease and encouraged. 

#2. Creativity

The world is seen as a source of various possibilities by those who value creativity. They picture strategies for overcoming obstacles or beginning something new. Although creativity is frequently linked to artistic endeavors, it can also spur innovation in fields like design, technology, and culinary arts.

#3. Generosity

Giving is a fundamental value that influences others through charitable deeds. Being generous benefits the giver as well because it makes them feel good inside and increases their sense of worth. This core value can be used in the workplace to motivate executives and staff members of all levels to help those both inside and outside the organization.

#4. Dependability

People who place a strong emphasis on dependability and value this quality in others exhibit stability and consideration. When faced with a difficult situation, others can rely on you and ask for assistance because of this value. Being dependable entails dedication and consistency in both your words and deeds. It can be crucial in activities like volunteering, friendship, and tasks that are given to you on the job.

#5. Humility

Honoring humility demonstrates your capacity for selflessness and self-restraint. If you have humility as your central value, you’ll frequently be willing to acknowledge your shortcomings and compliment others’ virtues. Gaining others’ respect and trust through humility can help you build stronger relationships.

#6. Determination

By choosing to value determination, you can encourage others and yourself to keep working toward a goal despite setbacks or difficulties. You might use this as one of your guiding principles to achieve personal success. It can also serve as a motivating tool when things get tough in your life, making it simpler for you to keep working toward a solution.

Importance of Personal Values

It’s critical to have a clear understanding of your personal values because this makes it easier to recognize the behaviors and projects that enhance your well-being and self-respect. You’re more likely to be happy with your choices and interactions when your behavior is consistent with your values. Personal values are crucial because they aid in moral development and ensure that your actions are in line with your beliefs.

Personal values are the primary force behind our personalities and behaviors, so any attempt to reinvent ourselves must draw on these values to give ourselves the best chance at a more satisfying life.

You can’t separate your personal values from your professional, academic, and personal lives. For instance, it may influence the methods you use to learn in your studies, especially if you are in higher education.

#1. Enhanced Quality Of Life

To live your best and most satisfying life, you must first gain clarity about who you are. Personal values lay the foundation for living an authentic and meaningful life. It can assist you in figuring out your motivations, establishing healthy boundaries, and making crucial life decisions. When your needs and expectations are clear, life can become much more enjoyable and satisfying.

#2. Personal Core Values Enhance Self-Awareness

They can help us identify the goals we have for both our professional and personal lives. Without personal values, we would not know what we were capable of or what we wanted to accomplish. For as long as there is growth, self-awareness is a requirement. We remain aware of our objectives, passions, and boundaries thanks to our personal values.  

#3. Values Aid in Determining Your Purpose

What is my purpose in life? is a profound question that values can assist in addressing. Without understanding what is crucial in life, you cannot expect to know what you want from it. It is easier to find an answer when you are aware of your values.

#4. Values Direct How You Respond to Challenging Circumstances

Values serve as the foundation for behavior. They can assist in making sure your actions are consistent with your core values.

#5. Values Aid in Decision-Making

Your values can aid you in making the right choice when you are faced with a decision-making problem because emotions get in the way of good decision-making.

Other importance of having strong personal core values include:

  • It makes you feel more confident
  • Core values assist you in setting long-term objectives in addition to short-term ones.
  • It also increases your awareness of your aspirations and professional objectives
  • Finally, it teaches you how to concentrate on what is most crucial, which reduces your stress levels.

List of the Best Personal Values

  • Loyalty 
  • Compassion 
  • Fairness 
  • Honesty  
  • Generosity 
  • Integrity
  • Humility

What Are the 7 Types of Values?

  • Moral values
  • Personal values
  • Cultural values
  • Social values
  • Ethical values
  • Spiritual values
  • Behavioral values

What Are the 10 Values That an Individual Possesses?

  • Loyalty
  • Spirituality
  • Humility
  • Compassion
  • Honesty
  • Kindness
  • Integrity
  • Selflessness
  • Generosity
  • Courage
  • Tolerance
  • Trustworthiness
  • Empathy
  • Self-Reliance

How Do I Write About My Personal Values?

Be as genuine as you can when writing your personal values statement. 

  • Write down a list of your core principles.
  • Organize and get rid of the values that don’t matter as much.
  • Describe your values and why they are important to you. 

What Are Personal Values in Life? 

Personal values are defined as “widely desirable goals that influence people’s behavior and serve as guiding principles in their lives.”

What Are the 4 Values in My Life?

Our core values enable us to live the lifestyle we want with anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Our decision-making is guided by our core values. Fairness, respect, care, and honesty are the core values. Other fundamental values include generosity, fidelity, compassion, integrity, etc.

What Are Core Values in Life?

Your core values are the ideas or ideals that are most important to you and play a major role in your daily life. It also includes the values you hold dear in your daily life and professional life.


Personal values are an essential component of the moral code that governs our behavior and determines who we are. These are the things that are significant to our happiness and well-being and are therefore what we value. In addition to being an extension of who we are, our personal values also help to define who we are as people. They represent us and everything we stand for. 

Our personal values serve as a moral compass that directs us in our actions, words, and interactions with others as well as how to treat ourselves.

You can get a good sense of someone’s inner landscape by understanding what matters to them. You can also use this knowledge to influence how you interact with them, appeal to them, or persuade them to follow your lead.

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