LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS: 7+ Behaviors That Increase Success

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Positivity in leadership can inspire your team to work harder and more effectively, which will improve their capacity to accomplish tasks. Due to the potential benefit of working with you, these effective leadership behaviors also help you keep top personnel in your field. Your capacity to bring in money for your employer and succeed as an organization can be directly impacted by your ability to act like a leader. In this post, we’ll go over the importance of effective leadership behaviors in organizations, offer some easy steps you can take to establish your own, and list some examples.

What is Leadership Behavior?

The characteristics and acts that make a person an effective leader are referred to as leadership behaviors. Through this conduct, a person can control, oversee, and influence the work of others to achieve particular goals. These behaviors and approaches are something that leaders may pick up to make others around them more effective. When someone has a vision for a company, a product, or a group of individuals, they use these behaviors to inspire others to take action.

Why are Effective Leadership Behaviors Important?

To motivate and guide others to attain organizational goals and improve efficiency, one must exhibit good leadership behaviors. Good leadership behaviors are crucial to:

  • Boost team productivity: Consistent leadership can inspire a team to deliver better work.
  • Retain staff members: Staff members who experience excellent leadership and mentoring in their current positions are less likely to leave.
  • Develop and nurture future leaders: An organization’s future leaders are developed and nurtured through the use of effective leadership behaviors.

Effective Leadership Behaviors Examples

A leader who lacks these behaviors can have trouble accomplishing goals, upholding a positive work atmosphere, or controlling their team. Let’s look at some examples of effective leadership behaviors that will help you and your team in light of this.

The following is a list of the most important effective leadership behaviors you should think about enhancing when reviewing your present practices:

#1. Honesty

Leaders need to be open and truthful to foster trust among their teams and strengthen their foundation. Real leaders encourage candor from subordinates, which promotes more effective teamwork. Leaders who uphold honesty in both favorable and unfavorable circumstances create loyalty and trust in their followers. Important workplace practices dramatically increase when leaders are trusted by their workforce: employees are more engaged and may better understand their role within the team, which leads to higher performance, motivation, and productivity.

Example of honest behavior in practice

Honest leaders can recognize their flaws or errors. They inform every employee about any changes to the organization, whether positive or bad. By being an honest role model, other team members can emulate you.

#2. Decisiveness

Because they have the final say on major decisions, influential leaders must have good decision-making abilities. They must make decisions with confidence and clarity, without any hesitancy or hesitation. Leaders that are self-assured, resolute, and capable of taking responsibility for the results of their decisions foster trust in their followers. If they don’t, they run the risk of losing the trust of their group or appearing ineffective in their position.

Example of decisive behavior in practice

A decisive leader can effectively gather information, examine the advantages and disadvantages of each option, evaluate risk, and make decisions that are deliberate and thoughtful. They appreciate the value of making decisions quickly and precisely, even though they will never rush to make one.

#3. Communicativeness

One of the most important team-building exercises is communication. To set an example for others, leaders must communicate effectively. Employees may express their problems, accept responsibility for their actions, seek assistance, and work more successfully in a setting where there is open communication. When leaders lack effective communication skills, followers are more prone to misinterpret the vision or believe that their efforts are being ignored or underappreciated.

Example of communicative behavior in practice

Connecting with their staff is a priority for communicative leaders. They encourage employees to voice their opinions and ideas, promote two-way feedback, and state goals and expectations. Everyone can easily see their position and how it relates to corporate goals because they are continually communicating with their staff.

#4. Confidence

Excellent leaders must have confidence in their judgment, vision, role, objectives, and plans. Confident leaders can inspire people with their vision and inspire their followers to work towards a common goal. In the view of their followers, weak, unsure, or even out-of-date leaders may appear. When a leader lacks confidence, others may challenge their authority or their judgment. Without confidence, leadership simply does not exist.

Example of confident behavior in practice

Self-assured leader is certain of their choices, theories, and goals; they are aware of how their decisions will affect their team; and they know exactly how to assist their team and their organization. They do not back down from obstacles and do not avoid having uncomfortable conversations when they are necessary for the greater good. As a result, their staff believe in their perspective and are dedicated to their purpose.

#5. Provides constructive criticism

 Constructive criticism is essential because it fosters development and openness in a team. Being able to encourage others and direct them toward achievement is another aspect of leadership. To do this, managers must be able to evaluate the work of their staff and offer feedback in a way that will best encourage their skills and performance. If given appropriately and frequently, this kind of feedback can improve an employee’s performance, perspective, and level of workplace pleasure.

Example of constructive feedback behavior in practice

An employer who values constructive criticism sets up one-on-one meetings with staff members to discuss problems, offer advice, and offer direction. Additionally, they might periodically check in with staff members to be abreast of any issues or possible areas for development. Constructive criticism is provided in a supportive manner as opposed to criticizing, and it includes insights that are precisely defined and actionable.

#6. Recognizes employee achievements

The effect that employee appreciation and recognition have on the effectiveness of the entire team cannot be overlooked by great leaders. Employees that feel rewarded for their achievements and respected in their professions are probably more driven and dedicated to continuing a job well done. Employees may start to doubt their value to the company or the purpose of their work when they feel that their efforts are in vain.

An Example of actual employee recognition behavior

Employee appreciation can take the form of a simple “thank you” for their contribution or it can be more substantial like a financial reward or other incentives. Don’t undervalue the impact that positive reinforcement may have on an employee’s willingness to work; even just expressing gratitude for a job well done or celebrating their annual milestones with the company can increase engagement and morale.

#7. Addresses issues early

Good leadership behaviors take action right away and early on instead of letting problems simmer just below the surface before boiling over. Excellent communication, conflict resolution, and problem-solving abilities are essential for effective leadership and are all required to deal with problems. Leaders encounter a wide range of issues frequently, whether in the workplace or elsewhere. From budgets and deadlines to interpersonal conflicts and difficulties, these issues must be handled with the knowledge and skills necessary to support and promote resolution and growth.

Example of addressing issues early behavior in practice

A strong leader is communicative, as was already discussed, and they are also aware of their team’s needs and any problems that may develop. If and when challenges arise, they are aware of what they signify and how they will affect the company; they also have the knowledge and wisdom to deal with them effectively rather than run away from them. Leaders who deal with problems early on see conflict as an opportunity to progress and advance rather than as something to be feared.

#8. Motivates and inspires people

Leaders must inspire and encourage followers to get them on board with the vision and be dedicated to shared goals. If a leader doesn’t have influence, their position is weaker, and their followers may be disinterested, complacent, or hesitant to follow. A leader is frequently a creative visionary, but great ideas are useless if they can’t persuade those around them to believe in them or inspire their followers to take action.

Example of a motivating behavior in practice

A leader who engages in inspiring conduct will also show awareness of how their actions affect the team. They focus their messaging and objectives in a way that appeals to and motivates their audience. In addition, a motivational leader consistently encourages employees to develop to their full potential by emphasizing the value of employee growth.

#9. Develops others

More than just setting an example or motivating others toward your vision is involved in effective leadership. The growth of others is a top concern for great leaders because they genuinely care about their team members, want them to succeed, and give them the support they need. A leader who puts others’ growth first can inspire and motivate people to take action and produce outcomes. An additional benefit is when team leaders place a high priority on their own and other team members’ leadership development, recognizing everyone’s potential and growth.

Example of coaching behavior in practice

Leaders typically make it a point to check in frequently, be open to concerns and feedback, and provide direction and support when displaying an interest in the growth of others. They possess expertise and communication skills from their position and are eager to offer the employee’s best interests clear goals and direction.

#10. Innovativeness

Great leaders frequently have big-picture aspirations, are imaginative, and have no fear of the unknown. They frequently welcome fresh perspectives, original concepts, and constructive change. They also value the diversity of skill sets and competencies on their team because each one brings something particular to the collective objectives. Also, they often foster an atmosphere at work that values and promotes the innovation of other team members.

Example of innovative behavior in practice

Rather than relying on tried-and-true strategies, an innovative leader frequently asks, “What if?” These executives add value to an organization by coming up with original and unique ideas. To create their ideal, creative workplace, they presumably hold frequent brainstorming sessions and encourage open dialogue with colleagues.

What Are Leadership Behaviours?

Leadership behaviors incorporate certain activities and conduct into their management styles to effectively lead their employees, inspire them, and help them accomplish their goals. 

Why Are Good Leadership Behaviours Important?

To motivate and guide others to attain organizational goals and improve efficiency, one must exhibit good leadership behaviors. Leadership behaviors are necessary to: Boost a team’s productivity: An effective team leader can inspire their group to work harder.

What Are the 4 Leadership Behaviors?

The four essential leadership traits are as follows:

  • Effective problem-solving.
  • Working with a strong focus on results.
  • Looking for alternative viewpoints.
  • Helping other people.

What Are 5 Behaviors Good Leaders Demonstrate?

The authors found that when leaders perform at their highest level, they exhibit five basic behaviors: they set an example, inspire a common vision, question the status quo, empower people to take action, and uplift the spirit.

What Are the 6 Leadership Behaviors?

The Leading Six Behaviors:

  • Developing trust.
  • Integrity in behavior.
  • Motivating Others.
  • Stimulating original thought.
  • Coaching others.
  • Rewarding Success.

What Are Specific Leadership Behaviors?

Good leaders don’t shy away from making difficult choices. They refrain from postponing choices or letting their personal opinions get in the way. They thoroughly consider issues, conduct a thorough study, attempt to consider all options, make a choice, and then adhere to it.

What Is the 7 Most Common Leadership Style?

There are seven main leadership philosophies:

  • Autocratic
  • Authoritative
  • Pace-Setting
  • Democratic
  • Coaching
  • Affiliative
  • Laissez-faire.

What Are the Three Main Leadership Behaviors?

One of these three leadership styles—autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire—is developed by each effective leader depending on their own personality, objectives, and corporate culture.


Don’t worry if you don’t exhibit all of the listed examples of effective leadership behaviors above. These are skills that may be developed with time, effort, and practice. Create a clear plan for the behaviors you want to cultivate after listing them in writing. There is never a better time to start than right now.


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