Business Values: Core Values to Brand Your Business

business values
Image source: Bonusly blog

Business values represent the health and well-being of a firm. It includes all areas of the business that have a direct impact on the valuation. Furthermore, it includes the necessary flaws and issues that may have been impeding the business’s success in a more efficient manner. here’s all you need to know about business core values, how to write value statements, and you can put them into practice.

What Are Business Values?

Business values are the ideas that guide your company. They may assist you in making decisions, cultivating a culture of teamwork and collaboration, and creating a great working environment.

It is the most commonly utilized value measure in business valuation. Money, stockholder equity, fixtures, and utility are examples of tangible factors. Brand, recognition, goodwill, public benefit, and trademarks are examples of intangible components.

Simply said, it encompasses a firm’s monetary and non-monetary values. It can be modified by effectively managing the current project. Even if they are not business-driven, such as a government agency or a nonprofit organization, all organizations engage in business-related activities. 

Business value is a fairly subjective concept that is determined by the demands of the firm. An investor seeking only financial gain, for example, is not the same as an entrepreneur seeking personal goals and development.

How to Develop Business Values

A clear set of values that everyone in the company agrees on and understands is essential for success. If your company has yet to establish a set of values, the procedure outlined below can assist you in identifying and developing them.

#1. Consider your ideals, beliefs, and values.

The first stage is to consider your personal ideas and views and how they relate to the values you hold for your business.

Consider the following:

  • What do I appreciate as an employee and as a client in other businesses?
  • What are my key beliefs that will guide my business?

#2. Form a group of people to focus on value generation.

Define a team of people that can collaborate to define and draft the corporate values.

If your company is open for business and employs employees, choose people who understand the company’s culture, show leadership, and are critical to the operation.

If your company is new and does not yet have employees, enlist the assistance of reputable individuals from outside the company (for example, mentors, friends, and business advisers).

#3. Consider your company’s values.

After you’ve formed your team, you can brainstorm ideas for business values by performing the following.

Determine which value categories are most appropriate for your company. The following are examples of common corporate value categories:

  • Business expansion
  • Customer support
  • Decision-making
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Staff
  • company culture
  • Social network
  • Environmental sustainability

Encourage the team to develop impact values, which define the good impact the company can have on other people and the environment.

Make a list of your values. They shouldn’t be long, complicated sentences; 1 to 2 words or a short phrase is typically sufficient. You may need to provide a quick explanation, but keep the values as simple as possible. Simple, to-the-point values are easier for employees to remember and are more readily acceptable by customers and stakeholders.

Examine your list of possible values.

After you’ve finished brainstorming, make a rough list of values. If your list is lengthy, choose the top 3-5 significant values you’ve identified. Within your pick, aim for a balance of ideals, beliefs, and behavioral norms.

#4. Consider the significance of each value.

After you’ve decided on the values, think about what they mean.

Take a look at the following.

  • What is the significance of this value?
  • Will customers and employees easily understand it?
  • What are the underlying assumptions?
  • What other words, thoughts, or mental images come to mind when you think about it?
  • Is it applicable to current operations?
  • Will the value assist the company in meeting its objectives?
  • Will it be relevant in one, three, or five years?

#5. Convert your company’s values into a series of actions.

The next step in developing corporate values is to translate them into a set of guiding activities or action statements. This helps to ensure that the values are understood and easily applied throughout the organization.

The actions you take for your company should reflect and expand on your company’s beliefs.

What Are an Organization’s Core Business Values?

Core values serve as a constant direction for both the employee and the organization in attaining their joint goals in an ethical and ideological framework. Every firm is unique, as are its underlying principles. Having said that, there are some universal concepts that apply to all, even if we can express them differently.

Here are four examples of core values that any business should have:

What Are an Organization’s Four Core Values?

#1. Ethics and Integrity

Simply defined, integrity and ethics translate into doing the right thing in an honest, fair, and responsible manner. Building your entire organization on honesty and integrity will go a long way toward developing strong, trusted relationships with your employees, stakeholders, and consumers.

Everyone’s honesty may help the company build a solid, reliable reputation in the market, which is in everyone’s best interests.

#2. Respect

A corporation is nothing if its personnel are not dedicated. Employees who are dedicated to their jobs are the backbone of the company. They collaborate with the system to achieve growth and profitability.

A firm has a responsibility to its employees, and if one of its basic beliefs is to treat employees with the utmost respect, management is likely to have a low staff turnover rate.

honoring all employees entails honoring their individual human rights and privacy, as well as eliminating all types of discrimination, regardless of religion, belief, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, or physical impairment. Furthermore, providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees is a crucial component of showing them respect.

Many firms around the world develop a mentality in which the entire company interacts as if it were a close-knit family. Such an environment boosts employee confidence and makes them feel like an important, if not indispensable, part of the firm. This creates a sense of dedication and a desire to perform even better.

#3. Imitation is not the same as innovation.

Companies that focus on staying ahead of their competition and presenting new ideas to the market adhere to the principle of “innovation, not imitation.” This is critical if a firm wants to be a trendsetter and launch new items that consumers value.

Employees in such firms are encouraged to be dynamic and to come up with unique ideas that can be translated into profitable goods for the company. Imitating people all the time will not get you very far in business.

#4. Drive

If one is never satisfied, one can have a desire to always improve. Organizations that have this principle as one of their fundamental principles strive to provide a dynamic platform for their people to explore their creativity and abilities and grow.

While it is good to celebrate triumphs, sitting back and becoming complacent about them is unacceptable for such businesses. Some firms consistently perform successfully because they understand that their most precious resource is their workers.

Nothing beats a dedicated employee who is prepared to go the additional mile. This necessitates a corporation cultivating an environment that fosters respect and frowns on politics. These four basic principles are an excellent place to start if you want to create this type of work atmosphere at your organization.

What is a Business Values Statement?

Values statements, also known as mission statements, are the guiding principles of an organization; they explain what the company believes in and how employees are expected to behave with one another, customers, vendors, and other stakeholders.

A values statement is, in essence, the moral compass of the organization, guiding how it operates, makes choices, and acts.

What Is the Purpose of a Business Values Statement?

It makes no difference what size your firm is; all businesses, large and small, may benefit from a values statement.

Providing a foundation for a company’s culture, helps build a personality and allows employees to unite around common themes in large firms. Smaller businesses’ values may revolve around the founders and their motivations for launching the company. Their messages may be more direct and directed at a limited customer base.

A values statement, regardless of the size of your business, helps people understand who you are and what is important to you.

What is the Difference Between a Mission Statement, a Vision Statement, and a Values Statement?

A values statement is easily confused with a mission statement and a vision statement, but they reflect three very different parts of who you are as a firm.

Mission statements describe why your organization exists, as well as why it was founded in the first place. Was it done to benefit the community? Do you offer a service? Can you meet an unfulfilled need? The mission statement supplements the vision and values statements by communicating purpose and direction to employees, customers, and stakeholders.

Vision statements are forward-thinking statements that express what an organization hopes to accomplish. This statement may include a problem that the company is attempting to solve or a summary of the company’s strategic plan. The vision statement should excite current and future employees and customers by demonstrating the organization’s goals.

Values statements define what’s important to your company, how you do business, and how you behave yourself. They are a guideline that helps demonstrate your company culture and develop your brand reputation.

The Advantages of a Values Statement

A values statement is more than just information for your website’s “About Us” page. It’s an important part of your organization and the culture it fosters. Some of the advantages of a values statement are as follows:

#1. Shapes Your Company Culture

A values statement defines a company’s moral compass, whereas a mission and vision statement explains its purpose and aims. A values statement reflects what your company stands for and establishes a baseline of expectations for team members and prospective hires.

#2. Transparency

According to a Glassdoor survey, 90 percent of job seekers consider transparency to be an important attribute in a firm. Being honest and open in your values statement demonstrates that your organization has an “open door policy” rather than a “behind closed doors” one and encourages team members to follow suit.

A clear and honest values statement will capture the attention of individuals interested in working for your firm, especially if it encapsulates the ideas that are essential to you and gives prospective employees an understanding of the type of atmosphere in which they would work.

#3. Can Boost Business

A values statement explains what your company stands for, and a good values statement can set you apart from the competition. A corporation that lives up to its ideals is more likely to build long-term connections with its employees and consumers.

How to Put Core Values Into Practice

Every successful organization has values to which they strive. Often, this takes the shape of a mission statement or a “corporate vision,” but how many executives can declare that their entire organization, from top to bottom, practices those values every minute of every day?

Strongly held values can help to build a solid organizational foundation. Unfortunately, a shaky basis can jeopardize the entire organization. Employees frequently give lip service to organizational ideals but fail to put them into action on a daily basis. If a few employees or supervisors do not follow the corporate ethos, it can produce schisms in the corporate structure.

Sometimes these schisms show as excessive personnel turnover. They can also emerge as underachievement. In any case, they must be identified and remedied before they cause too much harm to the organization.

#1. Convert Values into Behaviors

The primary problem is a misalignment between daily behaviors and company principles. This is because most values, including as excellence, creativity, teamwork, customer focus, and respect, are concepts. The only way to ensure that values are followed is to transform them into behaviors that can be watched and quantified.

For each value, you must develop and model behaviors. This ensures that everyone engaged understands the spirit of each value vital to your organization. Employees and executives alike now have specific behaviors expected of them and are held accountable for them. This eliminates the possibility of misinterpretation or subversion of organizational ideals.

#2. Obtain Participation from Everyone

It is more beneficial to involve everyone in the organization rather than dictating behaviors. Inquire with employees about what organizational values mean to them. Inquire about how the values make people feel. Employees should be asked to recommend behaviors that best reflect each individual organizational value. Inquire about what they believe they can do individually to better embody those beliefs on a daily basis.

#3. Participate in Integral Development

Integral Development can help you bring your organization’s principles to life through leadership development programs and management training. Every course we offer is built on improving the individual and the organization using Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory’s four quadrant approach.

Why Are Company Values Important?

Almost every successful corporation has strong company values that the majority of the team shares and lives by. According to survey after study, organizations with strong company values outperform in terms of financial success, customer and employee satisfaction, and growth rate.

Furthermore, employees want to work for firms that share their values. Mission-driven organizations are growing in popularity. And values are crucial in this context.

The five most essential reasons for establishing company values are listed below.

#1. Assist the team in making decisions

Good values assist your staff in guiding all organizational decisions. Each project or activity should be able to pass the values test. In other words, when asked, “Do we live our values by taking these actions (or avoiding making these decisions)?”

Having clear values helps your team members understand what you stand for, what the corporate “WHY” is, and what activities should be avoided. This is especially true during trying times. Constant advice is essential in the VUCA world, with many environmental, social, technological, and privacy problems.

#2. Organize your squad

With agreed values, it is easier to explain the larger purpose. It improves performance by increasing team alignment, and reducing waste, and unproductive decisions.

Teams that do not share business values communicate inconsistently, which produces confusion and unease. Define clear company values, communicate consistently, and align your workforce.

#3. Boost motivation

Teams that articulate their beliefs and mission are more engaged and driven. When you understand your values, you can determine which behaviors are promoted. It will then be easy for you to comprehend what is expected of you. In a psychologically safe setting, you feel more secure and inspired to cooperate toward common goals.

#4. Customers should be informed about the ideals.

Customers selected businesses that share their beliefs. They benefit from core values since they assist them grasp what your company stands for. In that scenario, customers will identify not only with your firm, but also with the higher goal you translate for. These clients are far more devoted and will spread the word about you and your cause.

#5. Employ the proper individuals.

Clear values help ensure that new employees will be a suitable match for the firm. Attracting, recruiting, and retaining brilliant individuals all rely on core principles.

Work from anywhere in the globe is now easier than ever thanks to remote and distributed work. As a result, candidates compare your organization to global players rather than just local ones. And one of the most important ways to express your brand and attract the appropriate people is through fundamental principles.

Please keep in mind that we are not claiming that having company values will make your organization successful. It is by no means the only factor, but it is one of several.

What Are the 5 Core Values?

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Sportsmanship
  • Servant management

What Are the 7 Types Of Values?

Honesty, bravery, freedom, trust, team spirit, modesty, and responsibility are among the seven sorts of values.

What Are the 12 Universal Core Values?

Universalism entails open-mindedness, wisdom, social justice, equality, a peaceful world, a beautiful world, unity with nature, environmental protection, and inner harmony. Benevolence is defined as helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness, loyalty, responsibility, and friendship.


Values are critical for developing a strong corporate culture, aligning your team, and assisting them in making sound decisions. However, execution is even more important in this case. No matter how amazing your corporate values sound, first and foremost, live by them, lead by example, prioritize them over profit, and never compromise.

Remember to thank your team members for embracing business values. Other team members will join you, and you will build a strong and long-lasting organization.

  1. LEADERSHIP VALUES: Importance of Values In leadership
  2. BUSINESS VALUE: Meaning & How to Calculate It!!!
  3. COMPANY CORE VALUES: Top 10 Core Values & How to Develop It
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