TOP BOTTLED WATER BRANDS IN 2023: Best Spring, Alkaline & Glass Water Brands

Bottled Water Brands

Since it was first sold in Europe in the 1600s, bottled water has changed the way people think about drinking water in a big way. People think that the Holy Well in the Malvern Hills is the oldest industrial bottling plant in the entire world. This is where the bottling of water started. Further in this article, we will be telling you about bottled water brands, best-bottled water brands, spring, alkaline, worst, and glass bottled water brands.

Bottled Water Brands

Bottled water brands are those that come in plastic or glass bottles. It could be water from a well, a spring, a mineral spring, or water that has been purified. Bottled water can have bubbles or not, and it comes in different sizes, like small bottles for one person or big carboys for water coolers.

Even though people have been using containers to carry water since the beginning of society, it wasn’t until 1621 that bottled water got its name. In the 17th and 18th centuries, Europeans and American colonists came up with spas and water treatments that made people want to buy bottled water.

Best Bottled Water Brands

Here, we talk about the best bottled water brands in different categories, based on what we found out about their water source, how they make the water, how it tastes, what materials they use for the bottles, and more.

#1. Smartwater

We found that the best-tasting bottled water is Smartwater, which has a clear, clean taste and no bad aftertaste. Vapor distillation cleans the smart water that comes from British springs. It also has electrolytes added to make it taste better and keep you hydrated. Smartwater came out in 1996, and its clean, crisp taste made it a hit right away. The water comes in different sizes, including multipacks with discounts, and Smartwater has recently added alkaline water, flavoring water, and more to its list of products.

#2. Fiji

The best natural drinking water on the market right now is Fiji, according to our study of water brands. Fiji water is pure artesian water that comes from Viti Levu, which is the biggest island in the Fiji group. The water has a pH of 7.7 and includes the minerals magnesium, calcium, and silica. This gives it a crisp, mineral taste. It comes from deep beneath, is bottled at the source, and is then sent all over the world without any extra ingredients or preservatives. The company is switching all of its 300- and 500-ml bottles in the US to recovered plastic. It has also put $2.5 million into making its water bottling plants more energy efficient.

#3. Evian

Evian, which is admired by a wide variety of customers from a variety of countries and cultures, is generally regarded as an expensive brand. It is a kind of water that tastes like silk and has branding on the bottle that is both well-known and simple.

Our study on water brands shows that Evian is among the best-bottled water brands in stores and on the market now.

Read Also: Alkaline Water Brands: What Are They & The Best 21 Picks

Spring Bottled Water Brands

Spring water has been a good choice for drinking water for a long time. This kind of water is great because it has electrolytes in it that come from materials underground that naturally clear out the dirt. Spring water is not treated or processed much, if at all, like tap water, so natural bottled water comes right from the source.

Most bottled water brands turn spring water into vapor-distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or even volcanic rock water, but these are no longer called naturally filtered. It is important that spring water be put in a bottle directly from the source, free from any chemical treatments or other processing, in order to maintain its pure and natural state. Which brands of bottled spring water are the best, and why should you buy these names?

#1. My Own Water Spring Water

The My Own Water Spring Water comes from protected springs in Mt. Palomar, CA. It follows the rules set by the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) to keep the best quality bottled water that is naturally filtered in a 5-step process.

The end result is clean, smooth-tasting bottled water with the same amount of minerals as before. The My Own Water brand of bottled water comes in both PET plastic bottles and metal bottles, which are more eco-friendly. We offer the healthiest, best-tasting water that is also of the highest quality.

#2. Poland Spring 

Even though Poland Spring is a more budget-friendly brand of spring bottled water than some of your other brands, this does not imply that it is of lower quality in terms of flavor or health benefits. This brand uses natural spring water that is sourced from Maine, and it must adhere to very stringent quality criteria in order to be considered acceptable. 

#3. Deer Park SpringWater

The streams that supply Deer Park spring water are all on the East Coast of the United States. The water comes from 12 different springs in 4 different states, such as Frontier Spring in Maryland, Frontier Spring in Pennsylvania, Swift Spring in South Carolina, and Crystal, Crypress, Madison Blue, and White Springs in Florida.

This spring bottle water brand is different from other brands because it comes from different sources, the water in bottles with the Deer Park brand can be either neutral or alkaline. But the pH of water is generally between 6.6 and 8.2, which is perfect. In the same way, the amount of minerals in a bottle of water can vary a lot based on which spring it came from.

#4. Arrowhead Mountain SpringWater

The sources from which Arrowhead water comes are California, Colorado, and Canada. The water is 100% pure spring water, but it has also been filtered. Arrowhead says that before the water is put in bottles, it goes through a 10-step process.

Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water comes in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated bottled forms. Check the package to see which one you are buying. But after the water has been cleaned and fluoride has been added, it might not be the pure mountain spring water you were looking for.

Worst Bottled Water Brands

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says that some bottled water may have traces of contaminants like magnesium and calcium that change the taste but don’t necessarily pose a big health risk. The water’s “source” can also make a big difference. For example, does your drinking water come from a “groundwater” source like a well or spring, where it’s less likely to be contaminated? Or, it could come from a surface source like a river or stream, which typically means it needs more treatment, like disinfection. Here we will examine the worst bottled water brands.

#1. Nestlé Pure Life

A well-known brand name like Nestlé makes you feel a certain way about the past. However, Nestlé Pure Life bottled water is not sourced from credible sources. In fact, it comes straight from the water that cities and towns use. Because it hasn’t been treated, most of the time it’s better to just drink tap water. This is the most boring and possibly worst bottled water you can buy.

Frontiers in Chemistry says that in 2018, a study looked at 259 bottled waters and found that 93% of them had microplastic, man-made polymer particles. The worst findings were found in Nestlé Pure Life bottled water, where one sample had almost 10,000 microplastic particles per liter. Yikes! Even though there is a 12-step quality assurance method, customers don’t like the taste, which proves that the contamination results are correct. One confirmed Amazon buyer said that the water they bought had a metallic taste and just wasn’t very good overall.

#2. Aquafina

Aquafina is made by the big company PepsiCo, which is why you can find this bottled water in almost every major grocery store. Right away, Aquafina points out that its water purification system is very strict and meets or exceeds EPA guidelines. But a story on Mr. Water Geek says that PepsiCo has admitted that Aquafina is just tap water, which is why they talk a lot about how hard the water is filtered. The label for Aquafina says “PWS,” which means “Public Water Source.” This forces the well-known brand to be open and honest with its customers (via ABC News).

When it comes to taste, a small sip of Aquafina brings to mind a chemical taste with hints of plastic. So, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to choose between tap water and Aquafina, we suggest you go with the tap. The quality is almost the same, it’s 10 times better for the Earth, and it just makes more sense from a financial point of view.

Alkaline Bottled Water Brands

You have a lot of choices if you want to get healthier and drink more water, or if your tap water isn’t safe to drink and you’re buying bottled water instead. But what do you have to choose from if you want alkaline water? Which types of alkaline water bottles are the best?  Read on to find out more about the best brands of alkaline drinking water.

#1. Essentia Ionized Alkaline Water

Essentia Ionized Alkaline Water is one of the best-known brands that only works with alkaline water. This is some of the highest pH water you can buy today. It has a pH level of 9.5 or more. Essentia is made to have the most alkaline levels possible. Athletes, especially elite runners, and professional athletes, like to drink it.

#2. Icelandic Glacial Alkaline Water

Icelandic Glacial Water, which is 100% alkaline glacial spring water from Iceland, is perhaps the most renowned. It has a pH of 8.4, which makes it much more basic than most spring water. It’s also full of minerals, and it tastes fresh and clean.

#3. Bodyarmor Water Sport

Bodyarmor SportWater is another great option. It has a pH level of 9.0 and has minerals added to it. This makes it a bit of a mix between water and a sports drink, and the Bodyarmor brand also makes sports drinks with different tastes.

One can buy all these brands between $2.50 and $4 per 33-ounce bottle in stores, online, or through the company’s website. You can save a little money and make sure you always have some bottled alkaline water on hand if you buy it in bulk or in multiple packs.

#4. H2U Watercare Alkaline Water

H2U Watercare’s moderately alkaline minerals help balance your body’s pH and boost your respiratory and immune systems at 8+ pH. The B2B brand focuses on how well its water hydrates and cleans the body, but it’s a pretty normal alkaline beverage brand overall. 

What Is the Healthiest Water to Drink?

When it comes from a safe source and is kept in a safe way, spring water is usually the best choice. When spring water is tested and barely changed, it has the rich mineral makeup that our bodies need.

What Is the Finest Water in the World?

Since 1996, Fiji Water has supplied Earth’s Finest Water to over 60 countries from a sustainably old artesian aquifer.

What Is the Most Common Type of Bottled Water?

One of the most common labels you’ll see on bottled water is “purified.” The water has been purified, such as via reverse osmosis, to eliminate pollutants and other dangerous things.

How Long Will Bottled Water Last?

The US Food and Drug Administration has ruled that bottled water does not need an expiration date. We recommend following best practices and using bottled water within two years of preparation.

What Are the Two Main Types of Bottled Water?

The most common kinds of bottled water are spring water and mineral water. Spring water is considered the healthier option. Both of these types of water are found deep inside the earth and eventually make their way into enormous aquifers. Spring water is bottled from its source, preserving its natural trace minerals like calcium and magnesium.


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