why is chatgpt at capacity
Credit: OpenAI

ChatGPT, which was launched on November 30, 2022, has quickly become a revolutionary chatbot. Several individuals have been awestruck by its sophisticated capabilities and have gone on to give it a trial. However, when using ChatGPT, a large chunk of users have always complained about getting the “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error. So if you are here, my guess is, you either want to find out why you keep getting this response or you need a quick fix.

For this reason, in addition to giving simplified explanations as to why you may be getting the ChatGPT “at capacity” error, we have provided practical solutions to this pesky error.

What does “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” mean?

So, what exactly does Chat GPT at capacity mean? As the error message implies, Chat GPT is at capacity when there are too many users attempting to access the service at the same time – more than the servers can manage.

This often occurs when Chat GPT is having extremely high traffic or when there is an issue with OpenAI’s infrastructure. If you receive this error notice, it implies that Chat GPT is temporarily closed to new users and you will be unable to use the AI language model.

But according to their official website, the company is working to scale its systems to accommodate increased traffic and improve service quality.

Why is Chat GPT Always “at Capacity?”

ChatGPT is a popular language model that is used by millions of people around the world. As a result, if several people interact with ChatGPT simultaneously, it may experience significant demand and approach its limits. This can overload the system, resulting in slower response times or decreased accuracy.

It’s worth noting that the capacity of language models like ChatGPT is projected to grow as technology advances and more computing resources become available.

ChatGPT Peak Hours

Peak hours for ChatGPT vary depending on location and time zone. ChatGPT often sees the most traffic between 7 a.m. and 12 a.m.

Outside of these hours and on weekends, usage tends to decline. Because most ChatGPT users are from Europe and the United States, connecting during their sleeping hours increases your chances of getting in.

How to Fix ChatGPT Is at Capacity Issue?

Here are some tried-and-true solutions to the “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error:

#1. Examine Server Outages

First and foremost, determine whether you are receiving an error because a server is unavailable. At the absolute least, this will help you in deciding whether your inability to access ChatGPT is due to capacity or a server outage. Use Downdetector (which has the same parent company as Mashable) or OpenAI’s status tool.

#2. Be Patient

The most straightforward answer is to wait a little and try again later. If you don’t need a rapid response, this strategy is ideal.

As previously stated, excessive traffic is a crucial contributor to the “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” error message. Even if you keep running into the same issue after many efforts, waiting at least fifteen to thirty minutes is best.

If you don’t want to keep checking back, you can sign up for an email notification once the service is restored by clicking the “Get notified when we’re back” link.

#3. Make Use of a VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) might sometimes assist you in avoiding the “at capacity” error notice. This option connects you to a new server location that may have fewer users and less traffic.

#4. Experiment with General Tricks

General techniques can sometimes help to resolve the “ChatGPT is at capacity” error notice. These are some of the tricks:

  • Reloading the page: Reload your browser to reload the page from the server rather than the cache. This will cause the browser to issue a new request to the server for the page, allowing you to access the ChatGPT interface.
  • Using ChatGPT in private mode: Try privately (using incognito tab) using ChatGPT.
  • Clearing the cache in your browser: To remove the cache in Google Chrome, launch the browser and select the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. This will display a menu. Then, choose the option to clear browsing data. A new window will open, and from there, pick the opportunity to earn site data, which includes cached pictures and files, cookies, and any other user information. Finally, click the “Clear” button to complete the cache-clearing process.
  • Restart Your Computer: Restarting your computer or device may be a difficult-to-explain trick that works for various difficulties.

#5. Try ChatGPT Plus

OpenAI offers a membership package called ChatGPT Plus. It is a premium service that ensures quicker response times and greater availability. This could be a suitable alternative if you frequently use ChatGPT and require a dependable service. You pay $20 every month and go.

#6. Log in to Your ChatGPT Account Again

Logging out and back into your ChatGPT account can sometimes help you avoid the “at capacity” problem notice.

#7. Try a Different ChatGPT Account

If you can access more than one ChatGPT account, consider switching to a different one to see if it helps.

#8. Make Use of an Alternative OpenAI API

OpenAI provides a variety of APIs, including GPT-4, GPT-3, DALL-E, and Codex. If ChatGPT is complete, try an alternative OpenAI API to see if it helps.

#9. Try to Avoid Peak Hours

ChatGPT frequently approaches capacity due to everyone attempting to use it simultaneously. A simple workaround would be to try accessing ChatGPT outside peak hours. This roughly equates to earlier in the morning or later in the evening in your time zone when no one is trying to utilize ChatGPT to summarize a book or compose a cover letter.

#10. Use ChatGPT on a Mobile Browser

If you need help accessing ChatGPT on your computer, check in via your mobile device. This will provide you with a different IP address and can be used as an alternative if you do not have a VPN.

#11. Research ChatGPT Alternatives

Finally, if none of the ways above work, you might try a ChatGPT alternative, such as Google’s Bard AI, Microsoft’s Bing ChatGPT, Baidu’s Ernie Bot, ChatGPT Sidebar, and so on.

Chat GPT “At capacity” for Days

This error notice may persist for some time. Some Reddit users have reported being locked out for days. However, because the problem is server-related, there is little you can do. The capacity will ebb and flow throughout the day, and OpenAI will do its best to sustain access.

Generally, Chat GPT being full is due solely to the number of people attempting to test or use it. However, several methods may increase your chances of being among the fortunate few who are admitted. Otherwise, you may be confronted with one of its many poems dedicated to your inability to access the service.

Why Is Chat GPT Always at Capacity?

If you discover that Chat GPT is always full, you may encounter an issue. Clearing your browser’s cache will ensure that nothing on your end is preventing you from gaining access.

Select the three dots in the top right corner of the Chrome window, More Tools, and then Clear Browsing Data. Once this is done, try to reaccess Chat GPT.

How Long Do You Have to Wait for the Chat GPT?

In our experience, wait times can be as short as a few minutes. Some Reddit users, however, have reported waiting days. ChatGPT has recently been allowing customers to utilize the service rather rapidly. So your wait will not be excruciatingly long.

What is the daily limit for ChatGPT?

There is a daily restriction of 10 enquiries but it is completely free to use. On the other hand, if you require limitless access, you can always upgrade.


Chat GPT’s capacity problem is due to an excessive number of individuals attempting to access the service. The best approach to avoid this error at all costs is to avoid using the service during peak hours.

Alternatively, OpenAI provides the option to get a notification when the service is restarted. Select the “get notified when we’re back” button under the capacity error notification to sign up for this.


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