How to Add Time in Excel Automatically calculate
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You are not alone if you have relied on Excel for project management but have struggled with estimating how much time certain tasks will take. Time spent on a project or job is important information for team leaders to have in order to determine what tasks should be prioritized and where resources should be allocated. Excel can be finicky with time numbers, making it difficult to do things like compare workers’ work hours or determine how much time has passed. In this article, I explained everything you need to know about how to add time in Excel. We also added some tips on how to calculate time in Excel. Why not dive in now?

Time Calculations in Excel

Excel does not have a built-in method for calculating time. It is dependent on the dataset and the desired outcome. The number over text function is a common way to understand time and date data as well as the time difference value.

However, you can get started with two other kinds of calculations, which are:

  • Add time: If you need to add up two times, you can do it by using the
  • Add up to less than 24 hours: When figuring out how long it will take to do two easy things, you need to know how many hours and minutes they will take.
  • Add up to more than 24 hours: When summing the durations of several lengthy, complicated procedures that take a long time to complete.
  • Subtract time: The amount of time between specified beginning and ending times can be calculated by
  • Subtract times whose difference is less than 24 hours: When you need to know how much time has passed since a team member began carrying out a routine duty.
  • Subtract times whose difference is more than 24 hours: Tracking the time spent on a project is essential.

How to Add Time in Excel

It’s true that you want to update your activity log with the current time and date. Alternatively, you can have the time and date inserted into each cell automatically whenever a formula is changed. Due to the wide range of possible applications, we are now able to provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to add time in Excel.

Does Excel have a way to add time? This section will show you how to add time in Excel and how simple the process really is. You may initially find the process of adding up time in this section to be complex, but in reality, it is rather simple. 

How to Add Time in Excel Online?

Put today’s date into Excel. When you open the file, no changes occur. Using a shortcut on the keyboard, such as Ctrl +, might be useful. You will learn more about how to add time in Excel, but this is one way that the date can be modified.

  • First, choose the cell that will house the time and date.
  • The time must be entered using the CTRL + SHIFT + keys. (POINT).
  • Third, press and hold CTRL plus ; (SEMICOLON) to insert the date. Use the CTRL + keys; (SEMICOND), Space, and CRTL + SHIFT + to insert the time and date concurrently. (POINT).

How to Add Time in Excel and Update It in Each Value You Make?

Each time you modify the numerical values of the statistics, you can also refresh the clock. If you know how to add time in Excel, you can utilize that feature as often as you like. Then they’ll demonstrate where to put the editable time and date.

Use the formulas =TODAY(), =NOW().

  • To copy the selected text, press CTRL+C.
  • If there is no data in cell A1, please select it and paste it using CTRL + V.

How to Subtract and Add Time When Doing Your Jobs?

To get a final answer, you might either add or remove the values. Does Excel have a way to add time? It’s a modern manual that provides a wealth of data to help you master Excel. How to subtract time in Excel is the main topic of discussion in this section.

  • Type the beginning time, including the appropriate “a” (AM) and “P” (PM) notation, into cell B2 and hit Enter. The time of completion will be entered in C2 as “a” (AM), “p” (PM), and then Enter. If you’ve been keeping track of additional times, go ahead and enter them.
  • Enter the formula =C2-B2 into cell D2 to subtract the ending time from the beginning time, and then hit Enter.
  • You should then select Format Cells Custom Category. Select h:mm in the Type drop-down menu, and then confirm with OK. Select cell D2 and drag it to cell D4 to see the results for the other hours.

How to Add Time in Excel Automatically

This section gives a deeper explanation of how to add time in Excel automatically. Check it out:

#1. Using Nested-IF and NOW Functions to Add Time in Excel Automatically

The first approach is an automatic time addition in Excel via the Nested-IF and Now functions. Excel’s Nested-IF function can be used to evaluate several conditions at once, and the NOW function can be used to obtain the current time and date.

Step 1: The iterative calculation is enabled 

 You will learn how to set up iterative computation so that Excel will automatically add time for you. If you want to accomplish it on your own, just follow the instructions below.

  • To begin, navigate to the File menu.
  • Then select the Settings menu.
  • Having done so, the Excel Options dialog box
  • Click the Formula button, then select the Enable iterative computation option.

Step 2: Applying the IF-NELTER and NOW-CLAUSE Operators

The Excel Nested-IF and Now functions will be demonstrated next, allowing you to automatically add time to your Excel spreadsheets. Try it out with your own data after reading the instructions.

  • Start by picking out Cell D5.
  • The next formula should be inserted after that.
  • Here, the IF function first determines whether or not Cell C5 is equal to Blank, at which point it either returns Blank or triggers another IF function. The second IF statement will look for Cell D5 to be different from Blank. If the value is TRUE, it will return Cell C5; otherwise, the NOW function will be called.
  • Next, hit the ENTER key.
  • Then, to AutoFill the formula into the remaining cells, simply drag down the Fill Handle tool.
  • When you enter a number in the Sales Column, the corresponding amount of time will be added to the Exit Time Column.

Step 3: Cell Layout

Finally, you’ll learn Excel’s Cell Formatting basics. If you want to accomplish it on your own, just follow the instructions below.

  • Firstly, select Cell D5 and Right-click on it.
  • Then, select Format Cells from the menu.
  • The Format Cells dialog box has opened.
  • Select the Custom tab, then enter the date and time in the format m/d/yyyy h:mm.
  • Select OK to continue.
  • After that, you’ll see that Cell D5 has a different format.

When a value is entered in the Sales column, it will trigger an automated addition of time for the remaining cells in the Exit Time column.

#2. Use of Combined Functions to Add Time in Excel with Updates

Using the ADDRESS, ROW, COLUMN, CELL, NOW, and IF functions, we’ll now demonstrate how to automatically add time with updates in Excel. Try it out with your own data after reading the instructions.


  • Start by picking out Cell D5.
  • The next formula should be inserted after that.
  • Next, hit the ENTER key.
  • Then, to AutoFill the formula into the remaining cells, drag the Fill Handle tool down.
  • When you enter a number in the Sales Column, the corresponding amount of time will be added to the Exit Time Column.
  • Then, follow the instructions in Method 1 to alter Cell D5’s format.
  • Finally, the Combined functions will automatically add time to the Exit Time Column if the Sales Column is updated.

#3. Use of Keyboard Shortcut to Add Time in Excel Automatically

The third way is an automated process that utilizes a keyboard shortcut to add time in Excel. To try this out with your own dataset, just follow the instructions below.


  • To begin, enter a number in Cell C5.
  • After that, go to Cell D5.
  • Next, hit CTRL+SHIFT+; 
  • Time will be added mechanically in Cell D5 from now on.
  • After entering data into the Sales Column, you may use the same keyboard shortcut to add time in Excel.

#4. Applying User-Defined Function to Add Time Automatically

Using a User-Defined Function, we can likewise automate the process of adding time in Excel. Try it out with your own data after reading the instructions.


  • To begin, access the Visual Basic menu via the Developer tab.
  • Now you can access Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.
  • The next step is to go to Insert >> Module.
  • Then, paste this into your Module.
  • Function Add_Time(Sales As Range)
  • If Sales.Value <> “” Then
  • Add_Time = Format(Now, “dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss”)
  • Else
  • Add_Time = “”
  • End If
  • End Function
  • Save your work by clicking the Save button, then return to the worksheet.
  • Next, go to Cell D5.
  • Next, hit the ENTER key.
  • Then, to AutoFill the formula into the remaining cells, simply drag down the Fill Handle tool.
  • Finally, the Exit Time Column will update automatically whenever the Sales Column is updated.

#5. Using VBA to Add Time in Excel Automatically

The third approach will demonstrate how to use VBA code to add up the time in Excel automatically. To try this out with your own dataset, just follow the instructions below.


  • The first step is to Right-click on the Sheet tab of the desired Sheet before inserting the code.
  • Choose View Code thereafter.
  • Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Sales As Range)
  • On Error GoTo Handler
  • If Sales.Column = 3 And Sales.Value <> “” Then
  • Application.EnableEvents = False
  • Sales.Offset(0, 1) = Format(Now(), “dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss”)
  • Application.EnableEvents = True
  • Then, after saving the code, return to the spreadsheet.
  • Finally, the Exit Time Column will update automatically whenever the Sales Column is updated.

How to Calculate Time in Excel

Let’s go over some time formulas in Excel so you can get down to the precise hours, minutes, and seconds in your preferred time format. Here is how to calculate time in Excel:

Time Difference in Excel

Time values are a prerequisite to learning how to use Excel for time calculations. Also, time values are the decimal numbers that Excel converts to the hours, minutes, and seconds format. The Time periods in Excel are treated as numbers and can be added or subtracted as such. The time that has passed between two given times is known as the “time difference” or “elapsed time.”

To subtract two times that differ by less than 24 hours, do the following:

  • Type the beginning time and date into cell A2 and press Enter. Include the appropriate “AM” or “PM” notation.
  • Then, in cell B2, type the ending time and press Enter.
  • Then, in Cell C2, type =B2-A2 and press the Enter key.
  • In C2, right-click, then choose Format Cells.
  • Select “h:mm” from the “Custom” menu 
  • When you click OK, the format of the time between cells A2 and B2 will switch to show only the hours and minutes that have passed.

Date and Time in Excel

You learned how to use Excel’s built-in time calculator in the prior lesson. However, the time difference you learned the calculation for was less than 24 hours. Working with dates rather than times is necessary if you need to remove two times that differ by more than 24 hours. Format the cells as follows (using the dialog box):

  • Type the beginning time in cell A2 and press Enter.
  • Put the final time in cell B2 and press Enter.
  • After selecting A2, right-click and choose “Format Cells.”
  • Select “Custom,” then enter “m/d/yyyy h:mm AM/PM.”
  • Select OK to have the date in A2 formatted as “1/0/1900” and make the necessary changes.
  • Copy the layout from A2 to B2 with the Format Painter, then change the date.
  • Type =(B2-A2)*24 into cell C2 and press Enter to see the sum update to a format reflecting the total number of hours that have passed since A2 was last updated.

Sum Time in Excel

Let’s say you’re trying to calculate how much time each team member spent on each of the project’s tasks. If the sum of those times is less than 24 hours, then do the following:

  • To do this, first create a single duration in cell B2 (using the h:mm format) and push Enter.
  • Second, in cell B3, type the new time frame and press Enter.
  • In cell B4, type =B2+B3 and press Enter.

If the sum of all the hours you’ve spent on your project is more than 24 hours, try these alternatives.

To do this:

  • First create a single duration in cell B2 (using the h:mm format) and push Enter. (Caution: The maximum time is 23 hours and 59 minutes)
  • Second, in cell B3, type the new time frame and press Enter.
  • In cell B4, type =B2+B3 and press Enter.
  • After selecting B4, right-click and choose “Format Cells.”
  • 5. Go to the category menu, select “Custom,” and enter “[h]:mm;@.”
  • When you click OK, you’ll see the total of the times in B2 and B3 displayed in B4.

How Do I Add 30 Minutes to a Time in Excel?

  • Start a new Excel document and enter the initial time stamp manually.
  • To obtain the list where the time increment is 30 minutes, enter the formula =A2+TIME (0,30,0) in the formula box.

How Do You Add Time to an Hour in Excel?

To automatically fill in the next cell in the date and time list with the formula =A2+1/24, select the cell adjacent to the first cell in the list, type =A2+1/24 into that cell, hit the Enter key, and then drag the auto fill handle to the appropriate cell. View captures. Simply hit the OK button.

How Do You Calculate Hours and Minutes Worked?

Find the beginning and ending times, deduct the time spent clocking in and out and any breaks that weren’t paid for, and then add up the remaining hours to get the total number of hours worked for the pay period. Time-tracking software is the most practical method for keeping tabs on employee hours spent on the clock.

Final Thoughts

We do hope you’ve learned how quick and simple it is to subtract or add time in Excel with this helpful article. You can change the value of any statistic as often as you like by updating it in this way. Many people have picked up the ability to add time in Excel since the professionals wrote the how-to guide. We do hope this article was helpful. Let’s hear from you in the comment section below!


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