How To Start Gum Arabic Farming In Nigeria: Complete Guide

Gum Arabic
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Gum Arabic farming has firmly established Nigeria as the world’s third-largest producer of the commodity, trailing only Sudan and Chad. You should be aware that Nigeria is the major producer of Arabic gum in West Africa. Gum Arabic cultivation is a great agricultural investment that can yield significant returns if done correctly.

The purpose of this post is to offer you the necessary guidance to start a profitable gum Arabic farming business in Nigeria. You should just enjoy your reading because the essay promises to be both educational and instructive. Let’s get started!

What is Gum Arabic?

Acacia gum, often known as gum Arabic, is a natural gum obtained from the hardened sap of the Acacia Senegal and Acacia seyal plants. Acacia Senegal is its scientific name. Gum Arabic has numerous industrial applications, including the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Gum Arabic is an important agricultural commodity in Nigeria and Africa, with the potential to provide large cash for growers and processors.

What is The Gum Arabic Farming Business in Nigeria About?

Gum Arabic farming, also known as Acacia Senegal farming, is the cultivation of Acacia Senegal trees for the purpose of harvesting the gum Arabic sap, which is utilized in a variety of industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Acacia Senegal is a tiny, thorny tree indigenous to Africa, most notably the Sahel region of Sudan, Nigeria, Chad, and Mali. It is well-known for producing high-quality Arabic gum.

Gum Arabic farming entails planting and caring for Acacia Senegal trees until they reach maturity, which usually takes 5 to 7 years, at which point they can be tapped for sap. Making cuts in the tree bark allows the sap to seep out and solidify before being harvested. After that, the gum Arabic is collected, cleaned, and processed for sale.

Gum Arabic farming research has demonstrated that good management practices can result in improved productivity and quality of gum Arabic. The production per hectare varies according to management approaches, but a well-managed gum Arabic farm can generate up to 2000 kg of gum Arabic per hectare.

Benefits of The Gum Arabic Farming Business in Nigeria

Gum Arabic farming in Nigeria has several economic benefits, including:

#1. High monetary value

Gum Arabic is extremely valued in the international market, giving farmers a good opportunity to earn a substantial income.

#2. Creation of new jobs

Many people are employed in the farming and processing of Gum Arabic, including farmers, processors, and traders, lowering unemployment in the region.

#3. Foreign exchange source

Gum Arabic exports produce foreign exchange for the countries engaged in its manufacturing.

#4. Earnings diversification

Gum Arabic farming can provide diversity for rural farmers who rely on subsistence farming for a living.

#5: Higher standard of living

The cash provided by Gum Arabic production and processing can help farmers and their families better their level of living.

#6. Increased rural development

Gum Arabic farming can promote rural development by allowing farmers to invest in their farms and communities.

#7. Growth in the agricultural sector

Gum Arabic farming has the potential to be a catalyst for agricultural growth in Nigeria and Africa.

#8. Land preservation

Gum Arabic trees aid in the prevention of soil erosion and degradation, both of which are common in the region.

#9. Environmental stewardship

Gum Arabic farming is environmentally friendly since it contributes to the preservation of the natural habitat and biodiversity.

#10. Nutritional source

Gum Arabic is an important component in the food and beverage industries because it contains dietary fibre and other minerals.

How to Get Started with Gum Arabic Farming in Nigeria

Gum Arabic farming, like any other business investment, needs certain characteristics to be successful. These critical needs are provided below for your convenience.

#1. Create a detailed business plan.

You must recognize that no firm can succeed without a solid business plan. Without your gum Arabic business strategy, there is a good chance that your business investment will fail. You wouldn’t want a company that can’t withstand the test of time, would you?

Your gum Arabic farming business plan will not only serve as a guide for you, but it will also assist you in obtaining a loan for the firm. You must produce a detailed business plan in order to obtain a government loan for agriculture in Nigeria. If you do not have a business plan, no investor will ever consider your company.

#2. Purchase Land

After you’ve completed your business strategy and secured your startup financing, the following step is to acquire farmland on which to grow your gum Arabic seedlings. The land is critical to the success of your gum Arabic-growing enterprise in Nigeria. If you do not have the funds to purchase hectares of land for this farming venture, you might hunt for land to lease.

#3. Get viable gum Arabic seedlings

This is critical if you want to run a successful gum Arabic farming business in Nigeria. Your supply of seedlings is quite important before starting a gum Arabic farming business in Nigeria. You can obtain enhanced seedlings from the Agricultural Research Institute in Benin, Edo state.

#4. Planting your seedlings

It is best to raise the seedlings in a nursery before transplanting them to their permanent location. The nursery planting should take place in May, and the transplanting should take place in July. Planting the seedlings in a nursery first aids in the healthy development of your gum Arabic seedlings.

#5: Harvesting your Arabic gum

As previously indicated, it takes 4-5 years for the gum Arabic tree to grow and begin producing gum for harvest. The same method for gathering latex from the rubber tree can be used here. To release the gum, use a sharp tool, such as a knife, to cut the source of the gum on the tree. Because the tree is in full bloom during the wet season and no gum is generated, you can only harvest during the dry season.

You should be aware that the harvesting season runs from October to June, and the gum is gathered every 10 days. It is critical to keep your gum Arabic away from water after you have harvested it from the farm. This is due to the fact that when the gum comes into touch with water, it hardens and changes colour. In this state, the quality of your gum is already compromised. As a result, you must use extreme caution when storing your gum Arabic after harvest.

#6. Marketing plan

The next step is to sell your gum Arabic to buyers after you have harvested it from the farm. While developing your gum Arabic farming business plan, you should have developed a marketing strategy. It is critical to identify local buyers and companies that require your agricultural produce.

Consider the export of the product: China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Belgium are major consumers. As can be seen, the market for gum Arabic is very significant both in Nigeria and elsewhere.

Types Of Gum Arabic in Nigeria

Gum Arabic cultivation in Nigeria can be done using various different varieties of gum Arabic. These are some examples:

  • Acacia senegal: This is the most prevalent type of Gum Arabic grown in Nigeria and throughout Africa. It is grown primarily in dry savanna environments and is recognized for its high-quality gum.
  • Acacia seyal: This variety of Gum Arabic is mostly found in Africa’s sub-humid and semi-arid regions. It is well-known for its excellent yields and is mostly employed in the food and beverage industries.
  • Acacia laeta: This type of Gum Arabic is found in Africa’s wetter regions, particularly in West Africa. It is well-known for producing high-quality gum, which is mostly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
  • Acacia polyacantha: This variety of Gum Arabic is native to East Africa and is noted for producing a high output of high-quality gum.
  • Acacia mellifera: This variety of Gum Arabic grows in Africa’s dry and semi-arid regions. It is well known for producing significant yields of high-quality gum.

How To Process Gum Arabic in Nigeria

Gum Arabic is processed and packaged in Nigeria in the following ways:

  • Gum Arabic is gathered during the dry season, which lasts from December to April. The gum is removed from the trees by creating incisions in the bark and allowing the sap to drain and form hardened lumps.
  • Cleaning: After harvesting, the gum is cleaned to eliminate any dirt, bark, or other contaminants that may have attached to it.
  • Sorting: The cleaned gum is separated by color, size, and quality. diverse hues of gum are segregated due to their diverse functions.
  • Crushing: To make it simpler to dissolve in water, the sorted gum is crushed into tiny bits.
  • Dissolving: To form a solution, the crushed gum is dissolved with hot water. The fluid is quickly agitated to completely dissolve the gum.
  • Filtering: To eliminate any leftover contaminants, the solution is put through a fine mesh filter.
  • Clarification: To eliminate any leftover contaminants, the solution is cleared using a process known as sedimentation or centrifugation.
  • Drying: A vacuum or spray dryer is used to dry the cleared solution. The dried gum is then ground into a fine powder.

To minimize moisture absorption, the Gum Arabic powder is stored in airtight containers or bags.

Challenges of the Gum Arabic Farming Business in Nigeria

As a business owner, you may confront several challenges during the course of your operation. Some of the obstacles that can be avoided in Arabic gum cultivation in Nigeria include:

  • Climate: Although gum Arabic is a drought-resistant crop, it requires precise climatic conditions to thrive. Inconsistent rainfall and severe temperatures can have a negative impact on the production of Gum Arabic.
  • Pests and diseases: Gum disease and pests Pests and illnesses can reduce productivity and quality in Arabic agriculture. Termites, scales, and beetles are common pests, and anthracnose and powdery mildew are common illnesses.
  • Limited access to financing: Small-scale farmers in Nigeria and Africa frequently have limited access to financing, making it difficult to invest in the necessary equipment and inputs for Gum Arabic farming.
  • Lack of access to markets: Market access is sometimes limited for gum Arabic producers because of poor infrastructure, insufficient transportation, and a lack of trustworthy market information.
  • Lack of understanding of best practices: Many farmers are unaware of the best methods for Gum Arabic farming, such as planting, harvesting, and processing procedures.
  • Limited access to inputs: Farmers frequently lack access to high-quality seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs required for successful Gum Arabic growing.
  • High labor costs: Gum Arabic production needs a lot of human effort, which can be expensive, especially for small-scale growers.
  • Inadequate storage facilities: Adequate storage facilities are critical for preserving the quality of Gum Arabic. However, many farmers do not have access to them.

How Long Does Gum Arabic Take to Grow?

Five-year-old trees are ready to be tapped, and production peaks between seven and fifteen years. A traditional bush-fallow system is used in Sudan, with a 20-year cycle during which Acacia Senegal is grown for 15 years.

Is Gum Arabic Exported from Nigeria?

Gum Arabic is traditionally collected in Nigeria from public or private properties. Workers who collect gum sell it to middlemen, who subsequently sell it to exporters.

Does Gum Arabic Expire?

When stored in a cool, dry environment at ambient temperatures and relative humidity levels of 60%, gum arabic and Xanthan gum products normally have a shelf life of three (3) years.

Why is Gum Arabic So Expensive?

The dried sap of the acacia tree is used to make Arabic gum. Sudan, a country in Africa, is the primary exporter of this gum. This is one of the reasons it is so expensive; Sudan has lately been immersed in a civil conflict and appears to be unstable for the foreseeable future.

Which States Produce Gum Arabic in Nigeria?

Borno, Yobe, Jigawa, Bauchi, Adamawa, Kebbi, Gombe, Plateau, Katsina, and Zamfara are among the top-producing states. The Borno, Yobe, and Jigawa states generate the majority of grade I. The best grade II comes from Plateau and Bauchi, while the best grade III comes from Bauchi.


Gum Arabic planting is a lucrative option for Nigerian agricultural entrepreneurs. Aspiring gum Arabic farmers can establish a successful and sustainable farming venture by following the outlined steps for land preparation, seed selection, planting techniques, care and maintenance, harvesting, and marketing.

Gum Arabic farming may contribute to economic growth and environmental protection in Nigeria with the right planning, devotion, and knowledge.


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