ICEBREAKER IDEAS: Top Icebreaker Ideas to Motivate & Get the Attention of Team Members

ICEBREAKER IDEAS: Top Ice breaker Ideas to Motivate & Get the Attention of Team Members
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This is the ultimate guide if you’re looking for fun icebreaker activities for your team members. All of our icebreaker activities are meant to be entertaining and time-constrained. In this guide, we’ll give you examples of icebreaker ideas and exercises that can boost workplace morale and foster interpersonal trust in small businesses.

What Is An Icebreaker?

An Icebreaker is an activity that plays an important part in events where communication and participant comfort are key elements. When you want participants to fully own the outcomes of the meeting or session, they fully engage participants and aid in making sure that all attendees are treated as equal participants. Furthermore, these activities dismantle the barriers that a workplace’s hierarchy, organizational structure, and various departmental entities impose.

In particular, when participants don’t know one another, icebreakers are beneficial. However, they can also be a very effective way to get everyone in the room warmed up, even if they already know each other. A good icebreaker can get people talking, make people laugh, and help participants feel more at ease right away, especially if they come from different organizational levels or departments.

How Does An Icebreaker Work?

An icebreaker is an effective tool to engage attendees and encourage their participation in a meeting, training, or team-building session. It makes people comfortable enough to speak up and warms up the conversation. When participants do know each other, an icebreaker is still adequate to warm up the conversation.

For example, two truths and a lie is a well-known icebreaker idea. Request three statements about each player before beginning the game. One statement must be a lie, and the other two must be true. The subsequent task for the other participants is to determine which of the three statements is false. By educating group members about one another and fostering stronger bonds, this icebreaker reduces tension within the group.

Why Make Use OF Icebreaker Ideas?

Traditionally, Humans have always lived in small and stable societies, but with the changing culture of the workplace, societies are becoming larger and more dynamic. Joining a new group can be difficult, but there is a quick and fun way to resolve newbie anxiety.

Well, ice-breaking exercises, which are intended to be quick and easy ways to help employees get to know and understand one another, are the perfect remedy. When properly applied, this initial ice-breaking will leave teams happy, and enthusiastic, and promote successful and powerful teams.

Types Of Icebreakers

There are various types of icebreaker ideas, but they generally fall under three main categories.

#1. Icebreakers for Conversations

The first kind of icebreaker is purely recreational. The icebreaker will get everyone laughing and talking once they are familiar with one another. When participants are strangers, they get to know one another better and feel more comfortable starting a conversation.

Here are some examples of fun, conversation-starting icebreakers:

  • Ask funny questions
  • Create speedy meeting introductions
  • Share your favorite events or things. 
  • Name 5 (of anything)
  • Find 10 things in common about each other.

#2. Icebreakers as a Transmission Into the Meeting

Icebreakers can be used to introduce or transmit the topic of a training session or meeting, such as asking the group to identify their best team experience. Additional formats can be used for segue icebreakers.

  • Answer unusual questions
  • Identify your favorite items.
  • Take a stand on a matter.
  • Select one word. 
  • Ask team-bonding questions.

#3. Icebreakers as an Activity Based on the Purpose for Meeting

The third type of icebreaker is an activity based on the purpose of the session. It can be used to explore and improve work or relationships, solve problems, or identify new pursuits. For example, a human resources department could use an icebreaker activity to flowchart their entire hiring process. A team could also use an icebreaker to evaluate a recent company event, such as a brainstorming session, to identify what went well and what went poorly.

What Are Some Good Icebreaker Topics? 

#1. Favorite Icebreakers

The following queries rank highest among users of our online agile meeting tool and are our personal favorites. With these, you can’t go wrong.

  • What new insight have you gained into yourself in the past six months? 
  • What ride are you on if you are at an amusement park? 
  • What three words would you use, to sum up your communication style? 
  • How can you tell when you’re under stress? 
  • What song would you choose for your entrance theme if you were a boxer?

#2. Easy Icebreaker Questions

These icebreaker questions are excellent for forming new teams and helping them become more psychologically secure with one another. Check out the challenging icebreaker questions below if you feel ready for something more challenging.!

  • What animal best embodies who you are right now? 
  • What superpower would you choose today, and how would you use it? 
  • What aspect of nature best captures who you are right now? 
  • Which song would you choose to sing karaoke to right now? 
  • Which emoji is currently the most popular on your phone? 
  • When you woke up today, what was the first thing that came to mind? 
  • Which do you like better, the mountains or the ocean? Why?

#3. Icebreaker Questions For Virtual Meetings 

These questions will make the virtual meeting more interactive. 

  • Show us something you like about your house. 
  • What one skill enables you to work successfully from a distance? 
  • Have you got the best spoon or cup? Please show it to us and tell us why you like it. 
  • Evaluate how happy you are with your current working environment. What one aspect of it do you love? 
  • What limitations have you put in place to make sure you disconnect from work? 
  • What might seem normal to you but be strange to someone else? 
  • Which chair style do you prefer? 

#4. Icebreaker Questions For Work

You can develop stronger bonds with your team members, coworkers, or newcomers by using the questions in this section. To establish psychological safety and trust, think about incorporating them into weekly team gatherings.

These icebreakers are the best for kick-starting meetings at work.

  • What kind of weather pattern would best describe how you’re feeling right now? 
  • What is a skill that everyone could use more of? 
  • What concern do you have in your line of work? 
  • What’s on your mind right now, and why? 
  • Which recent book was your favorite, and why? 
  • Any helpful advice recently? 
  • Which color best captures your current personality?

#5. Funny Icebreaker Questions

These icebreakers are the funniest and will have you laughing aloud just by reading them. Be prepared for some hilarious responses as well! 

  • What odd item do you currently have in your fridge? 
  • What luxury item would you bring if you could only bring one with you to Mars? 
  • What supernatural being would you transform into at night, and why? 
  • In the event of a zombie apocalypse, which fictional character would you want by your side? 
  • What kind of cocktail would you be if you were one? 

What Are Some Icebreaker Activities? 

Today, not every meeting takes place in person. Others are virtual. These entertaining icebreakers can be used whenever, wherever, and over any distance!

#1. Show and Tell

This is one of the best virtual icebreaker ideas. Why? Because it makes your teammates’ true values clear! How to use this icebreaker is as follows: Ask the members of your remote team to grab something nearby (or even send a private photo through group chat!). This thing ought to be exclusive to them. Share! Share your item and the encounter or story that led to it in turn.

#2. Rotating Questions

You can use insightful questions to encourage candor in small groups. Create a list of conversation starters you can use, or compile a list of icebreaker questions from earlier in the article. Have each person respond to a question in turn. They can pick another question to answer if they don’t like the one they were given.

#3. Phone Photo

Do you want to develop a closer personal relationship with your team? By exposing your most embarrassing or proud moments to the world, this icebreaker activity is a great way to break the ice. Send a message before the video call begins, asking everyone to find an on their phone and post it in the group chat. Tell them about your photo when the session starts! This icebreaker will make you laugh more if the photo is more absurd. Lastly, this is a great activity for everyone because everyone has an interesting photo on their phone!

#4. The Virtual Game Icebreaker

What results when integrated video conferencing technology is combined with entertaining online games? The best Zoom icebreaker ever! These virtual game icebreakers are affordable and fun, and they were created with remote teams in mind. The games will allow you to get to know your coworkers’ new, hilarious sides. Note that each icebreaker activity incorporates personalized player trivia into the game for an extra layer of getting-to-know-you fun. How well do you know your teammates? You’ll soon find out!

#5. Partner Lunch

Want a fun way to spice up a meeting and perhaps even make it more tasty? Then use Partner Lunch. It will be better if you and your team are in similar time zones because this icebreaker requires some preparation. Plan a time when everyone on your team can participate in a video call and a shared meal. Find a coworker. Before your group call, randomly assign partners to speak with one another for 10 to 20 minutes. Talk! The partners should have lunch together right away to get to know one another. Additionally, to encourage conversation, you could even compile a list of challenging questions. 

What Is A Good Meeting Ice Breaker? 

Here are four tips for asking good icebreaker questions:

  • Pick icebreakers that encourage self-expression, don’t have correct or incorrect answers, and anyone can respond. 
  • To establish a psychologically secure environment, respond to your own icebreaker question first. 
  • To keep the conversation going, keep it straightforward. 
  • Have fun strengthening your culture and your relationships.

What Are Good Icebreakers For Adults? 

#1. QuizBreaker IceBreaker Game

Objective: Help adult teams connect through a fun icebreaker quiz game once a week.

Link: One free trial of

How It Works

  • You register and invite your group to participate in the icebreaker exercises. The platform includes more than 100 carefully curated amusing icebreaker questions, but you can also add your own unique ones. 
  • Once the ice-breaker questions have been answered by your team, automated email quizzes can be sent out, requiring participants to guess one another’s answers. 
  • Each subsequent round of the game unlocks new levels, badges, and points. Additionally, you can set the quiz to be sent out daily, weekly, monthly, etc., depending on your preference.

Lastly, a leaderboard is included for some friendly competition. It’s a really enjoyable and easy icebreaker activity for adults.

#2. TriviaNerd

Objective: Use of TriviaNerd to encourage teams to collaborate and solve problems. 

Link: Access to’s multiplayer account


  • Go to your TriviaNerd profile. 
  • Give your team members the QR code or invite code. 
  • Pick a trivia game to play with your friends. 
  • Together, play trivia games. 
  • You may complete as many as you like and award prizes or prizes.

#3. My N.A.M.E

Objective: to introduce names and an intriguing fact about each person that might lead to conversation later With a brand-new team where nobody even knows each other’s names yet, use this icebreaker. This icebreaker is one of our favorites because it is easy to do and needs no prior planning on your part.


  • Give the group members five minutes to come up with fascinating facts that match the letters in their first names. 
  • Share your acronym with the group.

An example:

Hi, I’m Hera.

H is for horses, my favorite animal.

E is for eating, my favorite activity.

R is for Rome, a city I never want to visit.

And A is for Austria, the country I wish to travel to.

How Do You Get Everyone’s Attention In A Meeting? 

#1. Make It About Them

Ask attendees why they should attend a meeting and listen to their answers. Consider e-mailing ahead of time to get attendees thinking about what they would like to learn. Challenge those who feel they have no intrinsic reason to be at the meeting. Show vulnerability to help the audience connect to you. Additionally, information may help those reluctant to attend earn a certification and take a step toward their desired position.

#2. Consider The Level Of Expertise

Be aware of the audience and their level of knowledge, be engaged, speak clearly, make eye contact, repeat sections if necessary, and give specific definitions or ideas on each topic.

#3. Make Changes

The most important details are to make small changes to a meeting or conference, such as using a flip chart, changing the location in the room, changing presenters, and going off the topic if there is time. Furthermore, flip charts are a great way to keep an audience alert, and a change in voice, mannerisms, and expertise can be refreshing and interesting. Go off the topic if there is time, and compliment the area.

#3. Use Props, Photos, Videos

Props, photos, and videos are visual aids that can be used to illustrate changes during a meeting. Props can be sporting equipment, photos can be metaphors, and videos can evoke emotions such as laughter, and pride.
Furthermore, photos and videos can add appeal to a meeting with color, personality, metaphors, and emotion. Videos can evoke laughter, pride, and camaraderie.

#4. Take Short Breaks

Include breaks in the time you have been given. Everyone will become focused again for the next part of the presentation after getting a drink refill or taking a short walk. A brief online or in-house scavenger hunt will get people moving. You must conduct meetings engagingly. Additionally, any meeting can be interesting and educational by acknowledging the level of expertise, utilizing a multimedia format, and allowing for breaks.

How Do You Motivate A Team Meeting?

  • Celebrate little wins.
  • Share motivational quotes.
  • By introducing fun icebreaker ideas.
  • Talk about a podcast. 
  • Describe a recent source of inspiration for you. 
  • Display the fruitful results of your team’s labor. 
  • Pose a compelling query. 
  • Send a brief inspirational video.

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