MARKETING ANALYSIS: Definition, Top Tools, SWOT, Report & Guide

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Marketing should not entail tossing everything against the wall to see what sticks. An efficient marketing plan is founded on extensive research on your target market and current marketing activities. Consider doing a full marketing study of your company to better understand your customers, strategy, and how to spend your marketing money. This is where market research comes in. In this article, we will discuss all of the marketing analysis including some tools, how to write a report on it, and a clear overview of SWOT marketing analysis and competitive marketing analysis.

What is a Marketing Analysis?

A marketing analysis is a process that helps you understand your target audience’s varied demographics and segmentation, successful engagement techniques, the customer journey, and approaches to boost conversions. A marketing analysis may help you optimize your marketing campaigns, increase the return on your marketing budget, increase brand awareness and consumer loyalty, and increase lead creation.

Marketing analysis assesses whether or not a marketing campaign is successful. It is vital to design customer engagement programs with the expectation of what the outcomes should be, and then undertake rigorous analysis to determine whether the outcomes were met, surpassed, or failed.

What are the Benefits of Running a Marketing Analysis?

These benefits of running a marketing analysis include:

#1. Risk mitigation

Knowing your market will help you reduce risks in your business since you’ll be aware of major market trends, key players in your sector, and what it takes to succeed, all of which will inform your business decisions. A SWOT analysis, which evaluates your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, can also help you safeguard it further.

#2. Specific items or services

When you understand what your customers want from you, you will be in a much better position to serve them. When you know who your consumers are, you can utilize that knowledge to personalize your company’s services to their needs.

#3. New developments

Staying ahead in business frequently entails being the first to recognize a new opportunity or trend, and using marketing analysis to remain on top of industry trends is a wonderful approach to position yourself to capitalize on this information.

#4. Revenue forecasts

Market prediction is an important part of most marketing analysis since it predicts future numbers, characteristics, and trends in your target market. This offers you an indication of the potential profits, allowing you to alter your business plan and budget accordingly.

#5 Evaluation criteria

Outside of basic metrics, it might be tough to assess your company’s success. A market study gives benchmarks or key performance indicators (KPIs) against which your firm can be judged and how well it is performing in comparison to competitors in your sector.

How to Conduct a Marketing Analysis?

It requires time and effort to conduct an effective analysis. It’s time to figure out how to accomplish it gradually.

#1. Identify your primary goal.

You may undertake analysis for a variety of purposes, including identifying and evaluating competitors, assessing market conditions, or analyzing your customers. Determine the goal of your marketing analysis. It could be both internal and exterior. Internal suggests that you aim to enhance things within your firm, such as cash flow management.

#2. Describe the state of your industry.

It is critical for research to evaluate the state of a certain industry. Try to figure out where the industry is going. You should outline the state of the industry you wish to join using measures such as size and future growth.

#3. Identify your target audience.

To successfully advertise a product, you must first identify the correct target audience. Because not everyone can be your customer, you must select individuals who will be interested in the benefits your product offers. Conduct a specialized study for this aim. Your research should center on your ideal customer and the factors that impact purchasing decisions.

#4. Know your competitors.

Competitor research is a critical component of marketing analysis. You must set aside adequate time to evaluate your competitors, their market position, strengths, shortcomings, benefits, and outstanding traits. Make a list of your top competitors and conduct a SWOT analysis on each of them. Determine what makes them unique and what makes them stand out.

#5: Examine your data

Once you’ve gathered and verified the relevant information, it’s time to assess its use for your firm and product. Divide your information into three categories that are important to your business: rivals, target market, and purpose. Make sure your study includes the following elements: client purchasing habits, an industry overview, estimates for future growth, and so on.

#6: Apply the findings of your marketing analysis

Examine your marketing study once more to see what information you can use to help your firm. After reviewing your competitors’ marketing strategies, you may wish to improve your own in order to target customers.

What are Marketing Analysis Tools?

Furthermore, there are numerous tools available to help you better your marketing analysis and the insights it yields. Here are some examples of free or low-cost marketing analysis tools for businesses.

#1. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the good SEO marketing analysis tools that helps you to examine and optimize existing content before deploying it. An SEO tool is essential for increasing your rankings in search engines like Google and Bing, ensuring that more users find you when they search for relevant keywords and phrases.

#2. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is useful for website analytics because it can tell you who is visiting your site and where they are coming from. This tells you which individuals of your target audience are seeing your external marketing efforts and are interested enough to search for or visit your website.

#3. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most widely used marketing analysis tools for analyzing the origin and behavior of online traffic. It can show you how users discover your website and what they do once there. This high-level perspective can assist you in identifying the reasons people leave your website, allowing you to increase the amount of time they spend on pages and optimize the areas you want them to interact with. The best part is that Google Analytics is completely free.

#4. Semrush

Semrush is also one of the good SEO marketing analysis tools that allows you to optimize your web content and compare it to competitors. It provides a choice of price options for businesses of various sizes and can scale with your company as you develop and reevaluate your marketing needs on a regular basis.

#5. SpyFu

SpyFu specializes in monitoring your competitors’ success in online advertisements and search engine rankings, allowing you to set goals to outperform them. Your marketing efforts do not take place in a vacuum; knowing what your competitors are doing can help you outrank them or do something unique to stand out.

What is a Marketing Analysis Report?

A marketing analysis report is a compilation of data from several sources, such as social media, SEO, public relations, and others. A marketing analysis report also aids in measuring how well your marketing efforts have done in relation to a set of goals and key performance indicators (KPIs).

How to Write a Marketing Analysis Report

To prepare a marketing analysis report, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Download a template or develop your own format to document your findings. Use the document to demonstrate that your product or service is in demand.
  • Determine which problems your product or service can help to solve. Include information on the benefits and features. Contrast your product with that of the competition. Examine the marketing plan and identify its advantages and disadvantages.
  • List specific information about your target clients, such as their age, location, gender, and other pertinent information. Explain how you intend to advertise your product to them in the current economic climate.
  • Run focus groups, and interviews, or construct a poll to collect feedback on your ideas from your present customers, if applicable. Determine how to reach out to new clients, such as through social media and mobile technology.
  • Seek professional assistance. Examine any competitive marketing analysis report from trade and industry publications. Attend trade exhibitions, congresses, and other gatherings to obtain extensive industry data and studies.
  • Determine the target market’s size. Establish whether the industry is stable, increasing, or volatile. Determine how much your customers are willing to pay for your goods or service.

What is SWOT Marketing Analysis

SWOT marketing analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is a sort of analysis that assists you in developing your business strategy by comparing internal (strengths and weaknesses) to external (opportunities and threats) elements. Internal variables include items over which you have control and can change, such as your personnel or intellectual property. External elements, such as consumer trends or competition, are beyond your control. The study gives you a clear view of what your company is doing well and where it might improve. A SWOT Marketing analysis provides you with a clear picture of what is affecting your company both within and internationally. A business might identify new ways to improve and grow by carefully assessing a SWOT Marketing study.

How to do a SWOT Marketing Analysis

The first step in doing a SWOT analysis is to design a grid. Begin with the top left corner’s strengths, then the upper right corner’s vulnerabilities, opportunities in the bottom left, and dangers in the bottom right of the grid.

Fill up each quadrant next. One simple approach to do this is to ask yourself questions about each box. Here are a few ideas.


  • What do you excel at?
  • What distinguishing qualities or services do you offer?
  • What experiences do you have that will assist you in achieving your goal?
  • What distinguishes you from your competitors?
  • Where do you make the most money? Why?


  • What components of your business might be impeding your progress?
  • What abilities or resources do you lack?
  • What is it that is costing you money?
  • Is there anything you feel you’re not good at?


  • What can you do better?
  • What external factors can assist you to reach your business objectives?
  • Is it possible to reach out to new audiences?
  • Is there any technology that you could employ to improve your business?
  • Can you go above and above for your current customers?
  • Where or how could you grow your company?


  • What external factors could jeopardize your progress or performance?
  • What do your competitors excel at?
  • What are your rivals doing that you aren’t?
  • What is going on in your field?
  • What is going on (or could go wrong) in the economy that could impact your company?
  • Is your market seeing fresh entrants?
  • Is your target audience dwindling?

Competitive Marketing Analysis

A comparative Marketing analysis, also known as a competitor analysis, is a method of determining how well your company and its products or services are performing in comparison to other competitors in your market selling similar products or services.

A comparative marketing analysis identifies market participants who are poised to take advantage of your opportunity and separates each participant’s operational strengths, substantive flaws, product offerings, market domination, and lost chances.

How Competitive Marketing Analysis Help Small Businesses

If you don’t keep an eye on the competition, your successful business today may not be successful tomorrow. Using a competitive marketing study, you may assess the current market and where you stand in comparison to your competitors. With such knowledge, you may make changes to position your organization for long-term success.

What are the 4 Types of Market Analysis?

Market analysis can be classified into four types: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive.

What are Examples of Marketing Analysis?

The seven marketing analysis approaches or examples

  • Surveys of the market.
  • Interviews with individuals.
  • Group discussions.
  • Consumer feedback.
  • Field tests.
  • Participation on social media.
  • Analyze the competition.

What are the 7 Steps of a Marketing Analysis?

The seven steps of performing a market analysis are as follows:

  • Determine your goal.
  • Investigate the current situation of the industry.
  • Determine your ideal customer.
  • Recognize your competition.
  • Obtain additional information
  • Examine your data.
  • Put your research to use.

How to Write a Marketing Analysis?

The following are the main components of your research:

  • An overview of the size and growth rate of your industry.
  • The predicted market share percentage of your company.
  • An overview of the industry.
  • Customer purchasing habits.
  • Your projected growth.

What are the 5 Ps of Marketing Analysis?

Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People are the five P’s of marketing, which serve as a framework to guide marketing initiatives and keep marketers focused on the appropriate things.

Is SWOT Analysis a Marketing Analysis?

Yes, SWOT analysis is a powerful tool for developing an effective marketing plan. You can design a plan to assist you to reach your business goals by assessing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

What are the 4 Cs of Marketing Analysis?

Customer, Cost, Convenience, and Communication are the four C’s of marketing. These four Cs decide whether a business will prosper or fail in the long run.

What are the Three Elements of Marketing Analysis?

Planning, Integration, and Consistency are the three components of marketing analysis.

How Many Types of Marketing Analysis Are There?

Marketing analysis is classified into three types.


Businesses can get useful knowledge about a certain market by doing market analysis. A market study can help you identify and assess the prospects and hazards of a market if you are starting a business, investigating your present market, or simply looking at new markets. You may design a concrete marketing strategy and successfully implement your business idea based on market study.


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