RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT: What It Is, Jobs, Salary, Software and More

Restaurant Management
Image Source: SUNY Schenectady

If you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, you know how crucial it is to ensure that diners have a pleasant experience. Yet, this is simply the tip of the iceberg of what you must know to run a successful restaurant. You need to take care of all elements of the organization to make sure it operates smoothly when managing a restaurant, just like any other hectic business. This is true for both independent business eateries and huge chains with numerous locations and dozens or even hundreds of employees. The owner of a smaller restaurant may not be able to afford to staff it with specialists in every department, which can make management more challenging. This is especially scary if they lack training or expertise in a restaurant management job. This piece will go through hotel restaurant management, salary, and small restaurant management software.

What is Restaurant Management?

The term “restaurant management” is commonly used to describe those who oversee the operations of restaurants. This involves managing not only the day-to-day operations of the company, but also the staff, the finances, the long-term goals of the firm, the effectiveness of the marketing activities, and the company’s reputation.

Managers in restaurant businesses must have a firm grasp on how things are going behind the scenes, making performance monitoring an essential element of the job. Also, for best results, restaurant management should focus on their service to customers and the quality of their dining experience.

What Does a Restaurant Management Do?

Restaurant management is an important field of study because managers in this industry are responsible for so many moving parts. Good restaurant managers play an integral role in the development of their establishments and offer numerous advantages to their employers. Here is what restaurant management does.

#1. Creating a Positive Experience for the Customer

Those who succeed in the competitive field of restaurant management understand the importance of putting the customers’ needs first. They intend to accomplish this through the implementation of menu optimization, implementation of cutting-edge restaurant technology, provision of a comfortable setting, and management of pricing.

However, managers that care about providing a good customer experience listen to their clients, gain an understanding of their needs, and meet or exceed their expectations. Managers require strong communication skills since they are responsible for monitoring the company’s response to customer complaints and criticism, fixing the problem, and learning from the experience for future improvement.

#2. Establishing Responsibilities and Goals

It’s not uncommon for restaurants to be hectic places, with personnel juggling a wide variety of tasks. Chefs, for instance, are in charge of developing menu items and preparing the dishes, while waiters and waitresses handle customer orders and serve the finished meals.

Moreover, several eateries also employ people to handle things like finances, advertising, and human resources. Those in managerial positions in restaurants must deal with this by laying out specific job duties, outlining what is expected of employees, monitoring daily operations, coordinating strategy shifts, and making sure everyone is working toward the same goals at all times.

#3. Promoting and Enhancing an Eatery’s Appeal

Managers of restaurant establishments must advertise their businesses, develop a distinct selling point for their eateries, and use effective marketing methods if they want to bring in patrons. This necessitates communication between the marketing department and those in charge of running a restaurant.

The greatest restaurant managers will go above and beyond this by making the restaurant itself as inviting as possible. It’s important for a restaurant to put money into maintenance, provide all the amenities their consumers’ demand, and provide a welcoming, on-brand atmosphere to their clients.

What Do You Need to Manage a Restaurant?

It’s not uncommon for advice on restaurant management to center on streamlining the business’s daily operations. You, the manager, are responsible for directing the day-to-day activities, but what about you? Do you need some advice on how to handle situations better? In a word, yes. Indeed, we could all.

Investing in your own personal development is just as crucial as focusing on the company’s day-to-day activities. Everything you do has an effect on the restaurant as a whole, from the quality of the food to the mood of the staff. Here are the top 8 tips you need to manage a restaurant.

#1. Exhibit a Cheerful Attitude

The restaurant’s atmosphere, and the customers’ experiences, can be profoundly affected by your disposition. A bad mood on your part can spread to the rest of the staff and eventually the customers. As a result, it colors the rest of their meal negatively. That’s just asking for trouble.

Try to have an upbeat disposition no matter what happens. Even though you’ll inevitably experience moments of anger and resentment at work, it’s important to keep in mind the reasons why you’re here. Your optimistic outlook, fueled by your enthusiasm, will improve the firm as a whole.

#2. Encourage Open Communication with Your Staff

Modern restaurant management relies heavily on open communication and documentation. Millennial workers are especially interested in your whereabouts and activities within the eatery. This trend emerged because today’s youth value participation in meaningful communities.

However, employees will be more invested in the success of the company and more driven to give them all if you can encourage a culture of open communication.

Maintaining knowledgeable personnel requires holding frequent staff meetings, which you should be doing if you aren’t doing. Make sure you’re in frequent contact with your staff when they’re on the clock. When appropriate, be sure to provide praise as well.

#3. Innovation

It’s easy to overlook the restaurant business as a fertile ground for creativity, but that’s not the case. Easier point-of-sale systems, a “farm-to-fork” philosophy, and updated bookkeeping are just a few examples of how restaurants can benefit from innovation.

Software like Sling, which helps with staff scheduling, has emerged in recent years and simplified the restaurant management of workforces of all sizes. But Sling is more than just a time-tracking app for identifying employees’ shifts.

The sling software helps you schedule more efficiently by making suggestions and letting you know about potential conflicts, all with a focus on the restaurant industry. You need to be aware of these kinds of advances if you want your company to remain competitive.

#4. Honor Achievements

A little boost of confidence never hurt anyone. The same is true for your staff members. A little praise can go a long way toward motivating your team to give their all. Employees learn the value of hard work and are rewarded for their efforts when their achievements are recognized.

Take time to praise someone privately if you see them working hard and solving problems effectively. The employee may feel more appreciated and appreciated as a result of the individual attention.

Also, make it a point to celebrate accomplishments during staff meetings so that everyone is on the same page as to what constitutes a job well done at the restaurant.

#5. Master the Art of Problem-Solving

The worst possible things that can happen in a restaurant eventually do. To a large extent, it holds true everywhere. Since dealing with unexpected situations is a constant in the hospitality industry, it’s vital that you hone your problem-solving abilities.

When an issue arises, it’s best to look for the simplest answer that will work for everyone. Don’t give it too much thought. Reflect on your actions when you have more time. It’s important to deal with issues as they arise so that you can move on to the next challenge.

Take some time once the dust has settled to reflect on the situation, how you dealt with it, and what you might have done differently or better. If we had planned ahead, maybe this issue wouldn’t have arisen. Can this issue be solved more easily? If this happens again, what can we do to prevent it?

You can improve your ability to solve problems in the future by reflecting on past events and drawing lessons from them.

#6. Condition Yourself

The physical demands of restaurant management are substantial. You will have to get up early in the morning to open the restaurant, and you will probably stay up late into the night to close it. That can be physically taxing in and of itself.

However, it’s easy to understand how a manager’s job may be like one big CrossFit session when you factor in the possibilities of lifting heavy objects (furniture, trays of dishes, crates of food, and boxes of supplies) and coping with adrenaline (during the lunch rush and dinner service).

This is why the preparation of your body for the demands of the job is essential. You’ll be on the clock for ten to twelve hours straight, so being physically able to keep going is crucial. Also, you’ll need to strike a balance between sitting at a desk and actually doing something.

Extreme measures may be taken, such as moving heavy pieces of furniture or stowing bulky items, in order to get everything in order and ready to serve the lunch throng. In addition, you will eventually crash and burn if you don’t work on your endurance. That’s how easy it is.

Make sure to squeeze in some exercise at least three times a week, even if your schedule is hectic. A brisk thirty-minute run or a series of stair climbs will suffice. The most crucial step is training your body to endure the toughest challenges of your profession.

#7. Learn to Adapt to Multitasking

Certainly, there will be occasions when you can focus on a single task for a solid couple of hours. The majority of your managerial duties, though, will require you to be at ease with, if not adept at, multitasking.

All types of questions will be brought to you by your staff members. There will be a flurry of calls from suppliers arranging delivery times. Conversations with customers are expected. To say nothing of the business’s “people” aspect.

You need to organize your time, your budget, and your marketing efforts…and that’s not even the first item on the list. You have an overwhelming number of things to do and distractions to deal with throughout the day.

Also, you need the ability to focus on a single activity for an extended amount of time, switch gears to focus on another when necessary, and then jump back into the first work with confidence and ease.

That’s the essence of multitasking, and it’s a skill that every restaurant manager needs to have. Without the capacity to multitask, you will quickly become overwhelmed and frustrated.

Try these easy tips if you’re struggling to multitask effectively:

  • Cooperate on related projects. When your brain is forced to make a change, this lessens the stress on your neurons.
  • Don’t hide your list of things to do. Because of this, you will be brought back to the tasks that are most important.
  • Learn something new when you won’t be disturbed. This can improve retention rates of the new material.

Your capacity for multitasking, like every other aspect of your profession, may be strengthened with time and effort.

#8. Be Thoughtful About Marketing

Bringing in new customers is an important element of restaurant management. Having an efficient restaurant marketing strategy is one of the best methods to attract customers. Advertising a restaurant on social media is a great idea. It’s a low-cost or no-cost alternative to more conventional forms of advertising like newspaper adverts. Furthermore, it’s not hard to keep up a respectable public profile. Also, read RESTAURANT MARKETING: What You Should Know and Strategies.

It’s also a good idea to keep your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles up-to-date. Posting at least once a week is recommended, although the optimal frequency will vary depending on the platform.

When you’ve got the hang of posting often, don’t forget to respond to the consumers who send you messages, comments, and likes. It’s another method to exhibit your brand’s personality, make your fans feel unique, and prove your credibility. You can also use sponsored social media ads to reach specific demographics with your restaurant’s message if you have the resources. It’s a win-win situation because it’s simpler to monitor the effectiveness of social media marketing.

Hotel Restaurant Management

Managing a hotel’s restaurants entails being in charge of a number of different eateries. These establishments are very much like any other restaurant, except that guests can put their tab on their room’s tab. Customer service, financial management, and stock management are just some of the many talents needed for these enterprises. Success is impossible without training and schooling.

What is Hotel Restaurant Management?

Hotel restaurant management entails setting up a business to boost profits and customer happiness. In order to maintain efficient operations, it also entails assigning responsibilities to personnel. As a result, hotel managers need to understand client satisfaction and customer service. They should also be able to analyze a company’s financial status and decide how to increase its profitability. Managers of hotels and restaurants must also have knowledge of marketing and financial management. Make certain the applicant has a comprehensive understanding of all facets of the sector before submitting an application for a position in this profession.

Students pursuing careers in hotel and restaurant management need to know more than just the ins and outs of the hospitality business. There are academic institutions that concentrate on hotel and restaurant management. However, a competent student will not only master the fundamentals of accounting and business management but also the industry-specific skills necessary to succeed in the hotel industry. A good hotel manager will be an effective leader and up-to-date on industry developments. Once they have learned the ropes, they can take on many other responsibilities.

The business of running restaurants in hotels is becoming increasingly cutthroat. The need for qualified labor in this sector is on the rise, and managing such companies presents its own set of distinct issues. Fortunately, the expanding business requires a diverse range of skill sets that graduates can easily acquire. The key to being a successful hotel or restaurant manager is maintaining uniformity throughout all of your establishments. This is actually much easier than it seems! While running a hotel or restaurant is an exciting and potentially lucrative career, it does require an in-depth familiarity with the hospitality business.

What Is a Hotel Restaurant Management Degree?

A degree in hotel and restaurant management is a professional qualification that can lead to managerial positions in various hospitality-related industries, such as hotels, restaurants, spas, casinos, and more. There are a lot of opportunities to earn an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in this field. Students who want to work in the hospitality, travel, or tourism industries may find this degree program rewarding.

Some colleges may even provide specialized tracks within a given degree program. It’s possible, for instance, to specialize in studying the hospitality industry, whether in restaurants, hotels, or conventions. Coursework for a degree in hotel and restaurant management often covers topics such as

  • Culinary principles
  • Food and beverage control
  • Business communications
  • Facilities design
  • Accounting
  • Human resources
  • Marketing
  • Convention management
  • Hotel maintenance
  • International Business

Practicum or internship requirements are common in degree programs for hotel and restaurant management. However, this can help you learn the ropes of the business and figure out what it is about the field that most interests you, both of which are valuable skills. You can learn more about the different career options available to you in this field by engaging in a wide range of activities.

What Does a Hotel Restaurant Manager Do?

Depending on the establishment, a hotel or restaurant manager’s responsibilities may vary. You could, alternatively, specialize in either hotel management or restaurant management. Hotels that include dining options on the premises could, however, employ a single manager to oversee both establishments. Managers in the restaurant and hotel sector often are responsible for a wide range of tasks, depending on the establishment they oversee like.

  • Helping clients and answering their questions
  • Developing and sustaining partnerships with suppliers
  • Sharing ideas with other service providers
  • Scheduling workers and keeping schedules current
  • Creating and enforcing regulations
  • Maintaining a risk-free place of employment
  • Management of the Employee Life Cycle (Recruitment, Hiring, Orientation, and Termination)
  • Budgeting for an organization
  • Reporting on business activity for the benefit of higher-ups
  • Managing the day-to-day activities and staff

In addition, the hotel’s general manager and management will also check in to make sure everything is all right and that diners are having a good time. The manager’s job is to keep the business running smoothly and efficiently by supervising the staff and coordinating their efforts.

What Are the Skills Needed for Hotel Restaurant Management?

Management positions in the hotel and restaurant sector necessitate the cultivation of a wide range of skills, both practical and interpersonal. You can increase your options by attending workshops and getting certifications in addition to formal training and gaining experience. For a job in the restaurant or hotel sector, it helps to have skills like.

#1. Observation of Details

The ability to finish jobs accurately and see problems early requires a high level of attention to detail. Managers in the hospitality industry must pay close attention to detail to guarantee that their establishments run smoothly. The ability to spot and fix even seemingly insignificant problems is useful for these specialists because they must often keep track of multiple factors simultaneously. In addition to helping with inventory management, this talent could be used to guarantee compliance with all rules.

#2. Assistance to Clients

Working in the hospitality industry or managing a restaurant requires stellar customer service skills. These abilities allow professionals to better respond to consumer inquiries and address their concerns. Managers should pay close attention to this since they may be called upon to help out in sticky circumstances that regular workers have been unable to solve. Expertise in customer service allows these individuals to set benchmarks and assess current methods for betterment.

#3. Communication

Verbal and written communication skills pertain to your capacity to impart, receive, process, and document information. Managers in the hospitality industry rely heavily on their ability to interact verbally with their staff and patrons in order to address concerns and address guest demands. The ability to put thoughts on paper allows people to keep detailed records, provide reliable reports, and convey messages.

#4. Leadership

People with strong leadership skills may rally their followers behind a common cause and keep them inspired and motivated until they succeed. In the restaurant and hotel sector, managers often have teams of individuals under their supervision, therefore the ability to effectively lead people is crucial. These abilities could help them foster a cooperative workplace where everyone is motivated to contribute to the team’s overall success.

Software Restaurant Management

It’s important to keep up with the latest trends in the food and drink business. Methods that were commonplace a few years ago are being phased out in favor of newer, more efficient alternatives.

The evolution of restaurant management software is one of the most notable trends in the hospitality industry. However, new systems emerge every day, each one capable of performing previously impossible feats in a fraction of the time and with more precision.

If implemented properly, restaurant management software can guarantee a restaurant’s success. Never scrimp on restaurant management software, whether it’s a point-of-sale (POS) system or inventory management software that will save you countless hours of stress.

What is Software Restaurant Management?

Restaurant management software is a system that assists restaurant owners and managers in running their businesses from start to finish. Restaurant personnel utilizes these technologies to keep track of inventory, payroll, orders, and analytics. Managers and owners can use these tools to evaluate business operations across various locations, make new employee onboarding easier, and track staff effectiveness. This software offers a variety of features for either specific restaurant kinds or restaurants as a whole.

Furthermore, the point of sale (POS) system and the restaurant management software share some common features. While point-of-sale (POS) functionality is an integral part of restaurant management software, it is just one of many useful tools available. If you’re looking for point-of-sale (POS) software, head over to the restaurant section.

Product eligibility criteria for the Restaurant Management subcategory include:

  • Inventory management, point-of-sale, employee management, accounting, order management, reservation management, and payroll processing should all be available.
  • Assist with managing the front and back of the house while also helping out in the office
  • Catering to the needs of restaurants and the hospitality industry.

Best Restaurant Management Software

The use of an administrative hub for managing a restaurant’s operations is made possible by restaurant management software. It is helpful for first-time users to narrow their search for restaurant management software by focusing on specific features. Billing, customer relationship management, stock and inventory management, and reporting and analytics are all essential elements. The management burden can be reduced, sales can be increased, and the customer experience can be enriched all thanks to automation. Also,  you can reopen your restaurant and ride the tide of new restaurant trends with the help of restaurant management software. Here are some of the best restaurant management software for your business.

#1. MarketMan

MarketMan is a comprehensive software solution for restaurant management, cafes, and food distribution networks. Its seven components help businesses of all sizes save time and money by improving both back- and front-end processes. Restaurant, inventory, purchasing and order, expense monitoring, multi-unit and chain support, recipe management, and billing and payments are just some of the modules available. Large companies can easily set up separate databases for each branch and related business and link them all together with MarketMan.

Furthermore, this software may help you calculate how much it will cost to make each dish on your menu, as well as any new dishes you might come up with, saving you time and money. Make a digital cookbook for use in the cafeterias of your franchise.

#2. Lightspeed Restaurant

Lightspeed Restaurant is a fully-featured POS software that integrates with other aspects of restaurant management. One of the best parts of the software is that it allows customers to create unique menus in a matter of minutes and to keep those menus up-to-date from anywhere. Customers would like it if you provide images and descriptions of your menu items.

Furthermore, the program displays the layout of the eatery. To ensure a realistic depiction of your space, you can provide your own pictures for tables and chairs. Table turnover is increased and revenue is maximized thanks to color indicators that show if a table is available, taken, or ready to be paid for. Users can adjust the number of tables available at busy times.

In addition, the software facilitates a less complicated ordering procedure for both clients and employees. For example, with Lightspeed Restaurant, you may install a portable POS system to serve clients wherever on your premises. The kitchen receives instantaneous notifications of customer orders placed via mobile devices. With this self-service option, wait staff can concentrate on upselling and other customer service-related tasks.

Lightspeed Restaurant’s robust customer management tools allow you to compile detailed profiles for each patron, complete with ordering preferences and past attendance records. With this function, you can give each customer the attention they deserve.

#3. TouchBistro

TouchBistro is a program made specifically for eating establishments of all kinds. The system was developed with the intention of automating the vast majority of the administrative tasks involved in running a restaurant. Orders, tables, and employee schedules are just some of the things it can handle efficiently. The app is iPad-friendly, so you can do things like access reporting and analytics whenever and wherever you like.

However, the software can function offline thanks to its support for local area networks. This ensures that there will be zero downtime if and when an internet outage occurs. In addition to this crucial function, the software also lets managers keep tabs on their enterprises at all times thanks to cloud-based reporting and menu management.

Also, TouchBistro’s built-in Self-Ordering Kiosk can save fast-food restaurants money on manpower while making customers’ ordering experience more streamlined. The app’s intuitive features, such as table management, bill splitting, and menu changes, are designed to meet the demands of the vast majority of eating establishments. The iPad serves as the primary user interface for the system.

TouchBistro also allows for a more flexible ordering process, giving restaurant workers greater freedom. This function helps workers attend to their consumers, which in turn increases sales and tips. Customers get a better overall experience when order mistakes are eliminated.

#4. Clover

Clover is a point-of-sale system that’s built for eateries of various sizes. The system’s intuitive design streamlines the ordering and payment processes for wait staff. The software enables eateries to take payments via NFC and mobile wallets, as well as the more traditional credit and debit cards and cheques.

Customers will have a better time eating out at restaurants that use Clover’s point-of-sale hardware and software. Contactless payments provide for more secure transactions, digital receipts, and easier tipping. Clover is a point-of-sale system that allows eateries to accept payments even when they’re not open.

Online ordering is also made easy for eateries thanks to Clover. In order to guarantee precision, online orders are sent straight to the register. To further verify that your orders are fulfilled accurately, you might add descriptive modifiers. The software also facilitates the easy consolidation of separate orders, the opening of new tabs, and the division of final bills.

The ability to easily monitor sales and income is another useful feature of this POS system for eatery owners. Overall and hourly revenue, open orders, and best-selling items are only a few of the parameters for which the system delivers precise data. In addition, you may check in on sales as they come in, and you can even pull up data on the go.

Restaurant Management Salary

Managers of hotels and restaurants typically make the most money in the hospitality business. These occupations need a high level of dedication on a daily basis, but they can be rewarding for those who have a real interest in the industry.

Aside from the salary, there are other perks that come with working in hotel and restaurant management. Bonuses for managers can sometimes reach 50% of their base compensation, and they may also be eligible for free or cheap meals, lodging, parking, and other perks. Depending on the company, you could also receive other perks like profit sharing, retirement programs, and paid time off for school.

With so many variables at play, it might be tough to estimate your compensation. A general sense of what to expect from a hotel and restaurant management salary may be found in the table below.

Jo TitleAnnual Median Salary
Chefs and Head Cooks$56,520
Hotel Managers$61,910
Food Service Managers$61,310

Employment Projections by Profession, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022. Unless otherwise specified, all pay data is presented as a national average. Depending on factors such as area of expertise, years of experience, and geographic location, actual compensation may vary widely. In addition, employment growth forecasts at the national level may not be indicative of regional or seasonal economies or job markets, and they certainly don’t guarantee anything.


In conclusion, there are several components that work together to make a restaurant successful. The first step in being a successful restaurant manager is to gain an in-depth knowledge of the various factors that contribute to the bottom line. A restaurant can expand through clever advertising if its operations are solid and its personnel is well-trained.

Micro-operations can manually handle sales, pricing, inventory, and personnel activity. A good POS system and integrated inventory can help you manage ingredient-level inventories, automated purchasing, seating management, staff performance, and business reports to prepare for growth.

Restaurant Management FAQs

Why Do Restaurant Managers Quit?

Most employees would readily admit that low pay is a major factor in their decision to leave a position. Employees citing poor compensation as a reason are often exaggerating the significance of this issue. Perhaps they aren’t happy enough in their current position.

Is It Hard to Be a Restaurant Manager?

No, a job in restaurant management is exciting and lively, requiring a love of food, a desire to create meaningful experiences for customers, and the ability to adapt quickly to an ever-changing business. Managers in restaurants need to be strong leaders and totally committed to their jobs.

  1. How To Open A Restaurant In 2023:  Free Tips & How to Open It with No Money
  2. RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Guide to Effective Restaurant Management
  3. RESTAURANT MANAGER: Job Description of a Restaurant Manager & Salary
  4. BEST 30 MARKETING IDEAS: +Free Tips[Updated 2023]


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