OVERALL PERFORMANCE COMMENTS positive for self-appraisal examples

Managers often face challenges when conducting performance reviews. Sometimes there is a significant discrepancy between what people say and what they are trying to say. If employers want to get better at this, they need to get in the habit of giving constructive feedback during performance reviews. Positive employee overall performance comments and overall performance comments for self-appraisal are very important in all industries. Check this article for some overall performance comments examples!

Overall Performance Comments 

It’s uncomfortable when people pass judgment on you. Regrettably, one must expose themselves to criticism while working. Why? Due to the fact that feedback on their performance in the form of an annual review will be made available to them. The majority of employees may feel uneasy because many of them worry about receiving a poor performance review, even if they may have worked hard for the company all year.

Yet, performance reviews can also be beneficial for employees because they can provide them with a clear picture of how they are doing inside the company. Accurate overall performance comments can lead to both improved performance and greater employee engagement.

Overall Performance Comments Examples

The following are some overall performance comments examples, you can use for your overall performance comments:

#1. Attendance

One of the most important character traits a worker may have is punctuality. To ensure efficiency and production, they must be on time and take breaks at the appropriate times.

Employees may be reluctant to talk about their tardiness or the reasons they stayed at work over their lunch break, but you can’t deny that attendance is a sensitive issue. Nonetheless, if done correctly, attendance evaluation procedures can be quite beneficial.

Here are a few comments on it:

  • “You consistently arrive on time, stick to your schedule, and take your lunch break at the appointed time.”
  • “She is always on time for work and maintains perfect attendance.”
  • “You plan your vacation time in advance and are trustworthy to do duties on time.”

#2. Evaluation Remarks on Interpersonal Effectiveness

The time when companies operated in isolation is long past. Today, open offices are fashionable because they encourage knowledge exchange and interdependence.

Here are a few comments on it:

  • “Everyone in the office can work together quite well.”
  • “Your capacity to advance the corporate culture is highly regarded.”
  • “You work incredibly well with others, and it’s a pleasure to work with you.”
  • “You are a fantastic asset to the company since you can make everyone feel at ease around you.”

#3. Innovation and Creativity

Only when workers have a positive working environment can creativity and the free exchange of ideas flow. Yet, a strong hierarchical workplace culture and interpersonal disputes can prevent an individual from expressing themselves freely. Managers should recognize workers who promote an innovative atmosphere and reach out to those who struggle to do so.

Here are some examples of it:

  • “You frequently come up with fresh, original answers to an issue.”
  • “She has an aptitude for thinking beyond the box”
  • “His innovative abilities are a valuable contribution to the team”
  • “You have a special mind, and you have come up with some of the most imaginative concepts we’ve ever seen”

#4. Communication Skills

Things can go wrong if there is improper communication. Everyone will enjoy working together when there is smooth communication between the various departments and coworkers. Here is some reviewer feedback:

  • “You are fantastic at expressing your wants.”
  • It’s challenging for your peers to follow because of how long you take to explain a project’s needs and how inadequate the documentation is.
  • You should work on communicating and writing emails more clearly.
  • “Your bluntness and lack of tact when speaking with peers are making them uncomfortable.”

#5. Leadership

Those who work in management roles are those that are constantly concerned for others, namely their team members. They are always assisting others in moving forward. But, they also require direction in order to succeed. A manager’s productivity increases by 8.9% if they receive feedback on their abilities. With the intervention, they become more successful and profitable.

Here are some constructive criticisms for managers and leaders:

  • “You lead your team well and engage in specialized team-building exercises.”
  • “You are just and treat each member of your team fairly and with respect.”
  • “She gives staff members the tools and instruction they need to carry out a duty.”
  • “You keep employees accountable for their work.”
  • “He keeps your department’s culture of openness and knowledge-sharing strong at all levels.”
  • “You engage in open communication with your team.”

#6. Learning Ability

It is crucial that you always seek out opportunities to learn new things while working. The company counts on you to work hard and show improvement every day. Let’s examine a few reviewer comments.

  • He always seeks out new opportunities to learn.
  • You constantly place yourself in situations where you can get a lot of knowledge.
  • “You only accept difficult activities because they will pique your interest in learning more,”
  • “She learns new information quickly. She is always eager to take on new responsibilities and is open to learning tools that will improve her efficiency at work.
  • He encourages others to study by sharing what he has learned in the past and will learn in the future.

#7. Time Management

It’s not uncommon for workers to fall behind schedule at large and small corporations alike due to the overwhelming amount of strain they’re under. They are unable to assign jobs or set priorities. You can recognize those who are managing their time well by reading the feedback from time management appraisals. Similarly, it provides you with a means of motivating people who struggle with time management.

  • “You complete the urgent tasks on time without skimping on the details”
  • “You consistently adhere to deadlines and make efficient use of your time.”
  • “She efficiently prioritizes tasks without getting mired in unnecessary details”
  • Despite the short deadline, you went above and beyond our expectations by doing more work than was required.

#8. Delegation

You need to assign a lot of the work because you can’t do it all yourself. Let’s examine a few of the review comments you can use for delegating.

  • When you want your staff to achieve specific outcomes, you need to give them the proper resources.
  • “By always selecting the best person to do it, you encourage people to take on additional work and solve problems.”
  • “When you assign someone a task, you make sure that you provide them enough help to complete the assignment without any problems.”

#9. Customer Experience

The secret to creating enduring relationships with customers is a customer-centric business model and excellent customer service. Employees must therefore learn skills that will provide a rich client experience.

You might take a look at these performance review comments to help your company improve the client experience:

  • “He gets along with all kinds of clients.”
  • Customers frequently request your advice and experience
  • “You are open and honest, and you always acknowledge when you don’t know something.”
  • “You consistently follow up with both new and existing clients to ensure that they feel valued and are reminded of us.”

#10. Productivity

A worker’s productivity is determined by how much and what kind of labor they produce in comparison to the standards that their employer has established.

  • “You have demonstrated a high constant level of performance in your work”
  • “She is constantly looking for ways to be more productive.”
  • “Your positive outlook on your work inspires others to achieve well too”
  • “She is a detail-oriented person, which favorably reflects in her job”
  • “To improve results in his work, he shares his knowledge of industry trends and best practices.”

Overall Performance Comments for Self-Appraisal

To review their performance with a boss or team leader, professionals in numerous fields may write self-evaluations. A self-appraisal, often referred to as a “self-assessment” or “self-evaluation,” can assist you in reviewing your accomplishments, productivity, and deficiencies. Here are some overall performance comments for self-appraisal:

#1. Reliability Phrases

These self-assessment statements describe your dependability or dependability for your team members, especially in challenging situations.

  • I follow through on the tasks assigned to me with diligence.
  • I’ve been able to fulfill 80% of the deadlines, and I’ve alerted people ahead of time of delays as necessary.
  • I reply to emails right away.
  • To make sure that nothing gets missed, I keep a well-organized to-do list.
  • I consistently strive for excellence in my work.

#2. Communication Comments

Here are some examples of it:

  • I make sure that my team members receive clear communication about the goals and objectives.
  • I communicate with the organization’s departments clearly.
  • I persistently and with great thought offer my team members comments and suggestions.
  • I approach delicate situations with a mindfulness that helps when there is conflict.
  • To keep my coworkers and managers informed of important changes both big and small and to keep us all on the same page, I constantly share pertinent information and updates with them.

#3. Ownership and Initiative Phrases

By using these self-assessment expressions, you can demonstrate your level of commitment and engagement in taking on extra responsibility when necessary.

  • Besides meeting my KRAs, I enjoy taking part in other activities.
  • I am now responsible for at least 40% of the new projects assigned to our group.
  • I’m the first team member to put up my hand with a novel idea.
  • I like dedicating 15–25% of my time to projects that I oversee from beginning to end.
  • The sales increased by 10% last quarter after I assumed control of the biggest client.

#4. Job Performance Comments

Here are some examples on it:

  • I enjoy and cherish my work, and I respect it.
  • I frequently take on tasks that go above and beyond my regular work duties.
  • It brings me enormous delight to disclose that I have exceeded my performance targets.
  • I promote a team-oriented workplace by including every team member.

#5. Attendance Phrases

To analyze your performance based on how prompt and attentive you are, it’s vital to take into account the self-evaluation remarks below.

  • I regularly arrive at work on time.
  • I show up to every meeting and let people know in advance if I can’t.
  • I am considerate of other people’s time and make every effort to start and end meetings on schedule.
  • I plan ahead for my time off and let my team members know about it.
  • I avoid taking unneeded pauses while working.

#6. Customer Satisfaction Phrases

Measure your ability to respond to client requests or complaints in a way that increases your Net Promoter Score, brand credibility, etc. by using self-evaluation performance words for customer satisfaction.

  • I respond to every client inquiry within a day.
  • In client satisfaction surveys, I consistently receive positive feedback.
  • When addressing consumer issues, I remain composed and patient at all times.
  • I have the expertise to provide consumers with complex answers in a timely manner.

Positive Overall Performance Comments

Employee feedback has the potential to improve the bond between you and your team when given in a considerate and sympathetic way. The following are examples of positive overall performance comments:

#1. Good Work

An employee’s level of engagement can be determined by their response to feedback in a timely manner. Employees are more committed to the organization when they feel their work is important.

  • Your participation in today’s meeting changed the course of this project. I can tell how much you care about the project’s success and how hard you work to finish it on schedule. I like your commitment, and I think you have a promising future.
  • You have exceeded every expectation that was placed in your path, and I am truly impressed. To be quite honest, I didn’t think you’d be able to complete all of these things before the deadline, but I’m glad I was incorrect. I’m not exaggerating when I say that you are a huge contribution to this team.
  • One of your best qualities is consistency. I can always rely on you to give each of your assignments the consideration they deserve and to understand the necessity of setting priorities. Continue your wonderful effort!

#2. Team Player

Becoming an independent contractor is simple. Being a perceptive, sympathetic, and considerate person who can get along with others is challenging. If your team includes a person like this,

  • After Tony left for vacation, I’m grateful that you’ve been taking over his workload. You stand out because you strive to make the work as excellent as possible rather than simply doing it for the sake of doing it. You strengthen the team more than it already was. Continue your wonderful work.
  • I believe I speak on behalf of the entire team when I say that you are a great point of contact for the team. We appreciate your work in ensuring that everyone is on the same page, enabling other team members to prioritize their jobs, outlining any complications before beginning any project, and, most importantly, aiding others whenever you can. You are a great asset to the team and to our business because of this.

#3. Milestones

The accomplishment of a significant goal or objective is remembered fondly when a milestone occurs. Don’t miss out on the chance to congratulate and celebrate with your team members when they accomplish something outstanding as a manager or leader.

  • Your suggestion was the catalyst for the new initiative and had a hugely beneficial effect on our financial outcomes. Your proactive attitude is a unique but exceptional quality that makes our team stronger. Although I am aware that speaking up and taking chances are difficult, I respect you for doing so. I appreciate you going above and beyond what was required.
  • Congrats to Helen for completing this difficult task in a lightning-fast manner. It’s extremely impressive to see how you worked with other teams to expedite your portion given the project’s short schedule and increased complexity. I want to express my gratitude for your tireless efforts throughout the years.

What a Manager Has to Remember When Making For Overall Performance Comments

Here are things managers need to remember when making overall performance comments:

#1. Provide a SWOT Evaluation of Their Performance to Them

While developing a corporate strategy, businesses often find it helpful to perform a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). The same holds true for anyone trying to raise their performance. The employee’s boss can include their strengths under Strengths and their weaknesses under Weaknesses.

#2. Examine Prior Performance

You can obtain the total performance review remarks from prior years if the employee has worked for you for a long time. It may give a sense of their previous performance. You could discuss any significant improvements or declines and determine why they occurred.

#3. Describe the Areas That Require Improvement

It’s up to you to point out these areas in your overall performance assessment comments because your colleagues might not be able to see them. Assist them in developing the necessary skill sets to make sure they are capable of accomplishing them.

Time management, teamwork, effective communication with all stakeholders, being receptive to criticism, etc. are some areas that may need development. Provide all the details that will help them perform better in your overall performance review comments.

#4. Make Sure to Offer Constructive Criticism

You won’t achieve your goals by using negative reinforcement. Even if it does, your employee will find working with you to be extremely difficult. Moreover, don’t limit yourself to only compliments. The employee also needs to be aware of the shortcomings in their work.

#5. Be Open and Honest

It’s important for your staff to understand that the feedback they got on their overall performance was sincere and unambiguous. Both the business and the employee lose out if you don’t quickly address an employee’s subpar performance.

#6. Choose the Appropriate Words

The power of words is immense. When drafting remarks for an overall performance review, word choice is important. No matter what kind of performance assessment you want to give—positive or negative—make sure it inspires the staff to act appropriately.

What Should I Write In My Overall Comment Performance Review?

Time management, experience, involvement, communication, and accepting criticism are common areas for growth. In addition to these, you can evaluate their performance evaluation from the prior period to see how far they’ve come.

How Do You Write Overall Performance Comments?

Here is how to write overall performance comments:

  1. Set expectations and goals from the start
  2. Gather relevant information
  3. Make the time
  4. Keep the review objective
  5. Use a coaching mindset
  6. Use language carefully
  7. Include the positive
  8. Share constructive criticism

What Should I Write for Overall Performance Comments Examples?

Here are examples of how to write overall performance comments:

  • Transactions logged.
  • Calls taken.
  • Appointments set.
  • Paperwork processed.
  • Projects completed.
  • Events coordinated.
  • Meetings facilitated.

Final Thoughts

It’s not simple to put together comments for an annual performance assessment. Many employees will have varying opinions about how they are being graded, regardless of how well-formulated and reasonable those opinions are.

That is not to say that evaluating performance is useless. Without a doubt. Performance assessments are hugely important, and they require regular communication between the two sides. The advantages increase significantly with the improved formulation of these performance reports.


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