How To Write A Professional Resignation Letter

a resignation letter
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Yes, your job might stink badly, or you might have found a better option. Still, it’s important to write your resignation letter politely and professionally. This will go a long way toward fostering a healthy relationship between you and your boss. I mean, you wouldn’t want to leave your workplace feeling awkward and guilty, would you? Here’s your guide to writing a professional resignation letter. I’ve included some templates to help streamline the process for you. First, let’s understand a resignation letter and why it’s important…

Key Takeaways

A resignation letter is a formal document or email that informs your employer that you’re leaving your position.

To write a professional resignation letter:

  • Keep it simple and straight to the point
  • Maintain a positive and professional tone
  • Proofread for grammar and spelling errors
  • Be honest but diplomatic in your reasons for resigning (optional)
  • Avoid burning bridges and maintain a professional demeanor

What is a resignation letter?

A resignation letter is a formal document or email that informs your employer that you’re leaving your position. Usually, a resignation letter is sent at least two weeks before the due date. This helps the employer make the necessary adjustments for your departure, and possibly find a replacement. 

When you take out the time to write a professional and polite resignation letter, you portray yourself as a trustworthy and reliable person, thus helping you maintain professional relationships. You can even get letters of recommendation and positive reviews during reference checks.

What is The Significance of A Resignation Letter?

In The HR Process, a resignation letter provides an official and formal means for an employee to communicate their decision to leave the organization. It ensures that the resignation is properly documented and recognized by the employer. Most times, before you are taken into a new role, some employment contracts and labor laws will require you to provide a written notice of your resignation. With a resignation letter, you can fulfill your contractual obligations and comply with legal requirements.

Also, the resignation letter is like a written record of your decision to leave the office, as well as your reasons for leaving; it’s like a form of reference. With this, HR can maintain accurate personnel records, track employee turnover, and address any potential disputes or legal issues that may arise in the future.

In addition, a letter of resignation can serve as an opportunity for the organization to conduct an exit interview to gain insights on the possible cause of departure, and areas for improvement. 

Read Also: STAY INTERVIEWS: Tips for Conducting Stay Interviews (+Example questions)

Finally, writing a resignation letter can give you the opportunity to express your thoughts on the work ethics in the organization, express your gratitude, and leave on good terms (you didn’t commit a crime, anyway). You’re leaving the job, but it shouldn’t sever the connections you have built with your colleagues and superiors. 

Overall, resignation letters serve as a critical communication tool in the HR process, ensuring clear and documented communication between employees and organizations. They promote professionalism, facilitate smooth transitions, and help organizations effectively manage workforce changes.

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Importance Of Writing A Professional Resignation Letter

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During my time as HR manager, I got a big shock when one of my most trusted team members sent in her resignation letter. I was disappointed initially, but I was quite impressed with her letter. She never made mention of any wrong done to her by the company, rather she praised us for our unwavering commitment to ensure that every employee has a conducive work environment. She went on to state her reasons for leaving (which were quite understandable of course), and offered to give her assistance in recruiting and training a new member. Who would remain angry after reading such a letter? You can bet that we’re still on good terms, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her for any opportunity that comes knocking. 

It’s not just enough to write a letter; politeness and professionalism matter a lot. Baring your grievances in your letter will only result in a breach of communication, which is not healthy for your work life. 

Now, what are the components of a resignation letter?

Key Components of a Resignation Letter

Date of the letter

The date indicates the formal notification of resignation and provides a reference point for record-keeping purposes.

Employee’s name and contact information

Include the employee’s full name, current job position, and contact information (email address and phone number). This ensures that the letter can be easily identified and linked to the employee’s file.

Recipient’s name and contact information

Address the letter to the appropriate recipient, typically the employee’s immediate supervisor or the HR department. Include their full name, job title, and contact information.

Formal salutation

Begin the letter with a formal salutation such as “Dear [Recipient’s Name]” or “To Whom It May Concern.” This sets a respectful tone and addresses the recipient appropriately.

A clear statement of resignation and last working day

State the intention to resign clearly and concisely. Mention the last working day, taking into consideration any notice period required by the employment contract or local labor laws.

Express gratitude towards the organization

Express sincere gratitude for the opportunities, support, and experiences gained during the employment tenure. This helps maintain positive relationships and demonstrates professionalism.

Brief explanation for the resignation (optional)

If appropriate, provide a brief and concise explanation for the resignation. However, it is not mandatory to provide detailed reasons for leaving, especially if it may be sensitive or personal.

Offer to assist with the transition process (optional)

Extend a willingness to assist with the transition process, such as training a successor or providing any necessary documentation or information. This shows commitment to a smooth handover of responsibilities.

Closing and signature

End the resignation letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely” or “Best Regards,” followed by the employee’s signature. If submitting the letter electronically, a typed name is sufficient.

Tips for Writing a Professional Resignation Letter

Now, let’s get into writing the resignation letter properly. A well-written resignation letter not only addresses your decision to leave but also reflects your professionalism and respect for the company. Here are some valuable tips for writing a professional resignation letter: 

#1. Keep it simple and straight to the point

Your resignation letter should be brief and straightforward. Avoid including unnecessary details or lengthy explanations. Stick to the main points, state your intention to resign, your last working day, and a brief expression of gratitude. Aim to keep your letter to one page if possible, as this demonstrates respect for the recipient’s time.


“I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [Your Position] at [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day]. I have appreciated the opportunities for growth and development during my time here, and I am grateful for the support of my colleagues.”

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#2. Maintain a positive and professional tone

Maintain a professional tone and avoid negativity throughout your resignation letter. Even if you are leaving for some negative reason, refrain from expressing dissatisfaction or criticism in your letter. Focus on the positive aspects of your experience with the company, and express gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had.

#3. Proofread for grammar and spelling errors

Before sending your resignation letter, carefully proofread it for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Errors in your letter can show a lack of professionalism and may reflect poorly on you as a candidate. Take the time to review your letter thoroughly. You can equally ask a trusted colleague to proofread it for you.

#4. Be honest but diplomatic in your reasons for resigning

If you choose to include reasons for your resignation in your letter, be honest but diplomatic in your approach. Avoid blaming or criticizing the company, your colleagues, or your supervisor. Instead, focus on personal or career-related reasons for your decision to leave. Here’s an example:

“After careful consideration, I have decided to pursue a new opportunity that aligns more closely with my long-term career goals. I am confident that this decision will allow me to further develop my skills and contribute positively to my future endeavors.”

#5. Avoid burning bridges and maintain a professional demeanor

Finally, it’s important to maintain a positive and professional demeanor throughout the resignation process. Avoid burning bridges with your employer or colleagues, as you may need their support or references in the future. Express gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had and offer to assist with the transition process to ensure a smooth exit.

Sample Letters Of Resignation

Here are some sample letters of resignation:

Formal Letter Of Resignation

(Your Name) (1234 Street Address) (City, State, Zip)

(Today’s Date)

(Company Name)
(1234 Address)
(City, State, Zip)

Dear (Supervisor’s Name),

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as (Title) at (Company), effective two weeks from today’s date, (Last working day).

During the transition period, I am committed to ensuring a seamless handover of my responsibilities. Please let me know how I can be of assistance in this regard.

I want to express my gratitude for the opportunities for growth and development that I have had during my time with (Company). Your guidance and support have played a crucial role in my professional journey, and I am thankful for the trust you placed in me. I wish you and the entire team at (Company) continued success.

I will be reachable via email at (Email address) or by phone at (Phone number) if there are any post-resignation matters that require my attention.

Once again, thank you for everything, and I look forward to maintaining a positive relationship with (Company) in the future.


(Your Signature)

(Your Name)

Download this template

Professional Letter of Resignation

(Your Name) (1234 Street Address) (City, State, Zip)

(Today’s Date)

(Company Name)
(1234 Address)
(City, State, Zip)

Dear (Supervisor’s Name),

I’m writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my role as (Title) at (Company). My last working day will be (Last working day).

I’ve enjoyed my time at (Company) and am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn and grow within the organization. I’m confident that the experiences and skills I’ve gained here will continue to serve me well in my future endeavors.

Please let me know how I can assist in the handover of my responsibilities so I can help ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you for your support and understanding regarding my decision. I appreciate the professionalism and camaraderie I’ve experienced at (Company).

You can reach me via email at (Email address) or by phone at (Phone number). I look forward to staying in touch and wish everyone at (Company) continued success.

Best regards,

(Your Signature)

(Your Name)

Download this template

Common Mistakes You Should Avoid in Resignation Letters

You must have seen some hints here and there, but I’ve brought them together in this section: common mistakes you should avoid in your resignation letter. Let’s go through them:

  • Lack of clarity: Ensure your resignation letter is clear and straight to the point. Make sure you specify your decision to leave, your reasons (if any), and your last working day to avoid confusion.
  • Emotional or unprofessional language: Writing your resignation letter is not a time to be all sentimental and teared up. Maintain a professional tone throughout your letter. 
  • Failure to express gratitude: Express your gratitude for the opportunities for growth and continuous learning during your stay. 
  • Too much personal details: I already said that it’s optional to state your reasons for leaving. However, if you must state your reasons, avoid giving out too many personal reasons, as this will make you look unprofessional.
  • Not including your contact information: Your employer should be able to reach you to get more details about your departure. Not including your contact information will give you off as rude and unprofessional. 
  • Inadequate notice period: Review the employment contract or local labor laws to determine the appropriate notice period. Provide sufficient notice to allow for a smooth transition.
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In Conclusion,

Be polite and maintain professionalism in your resignation letter, no matter your role or reason for leaving. Expressing gratitude and support will go a long way in keeping you in the good book of your employers. And they’re good for future reference, too!

  1. HOW TO WRITE AN EMAIL: Tips and Examples on Writing Professional Emails
  2. LETTER OF EMPLOYMENT: Meaning, How to Write It & 20+ Free Samples
  3. EMPLOYEE RESIGNATION LETTER: Format, Examples & Guide


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