Onion Farming in Nigeria: All You Need To Know

onion farming
Nigerian Finder

Onion farming is a significant business with a high-profit margin for serious producers because it is widely consumed around the world. The economic potential in this industry is huge, but most of us see onion as one of those food things we cook with, but it goes beyond that if we truly grasp that going into the business of onion farming might earn us millions of naira. Stay tuned because we will be happy to supply you with some extensive recommendations on how to enter the onion bulb farming industry and generate genuine money.

What is an Onion?

Allium cepa is a biennial plant in the Amaryllidaceae family that is grown for its edible bulbs. The onion plant’s bulbs are utilized as a food item in many cuisines around the world, and the plant offers numerous health advantages. The onion plant is also used medicinally, and it is said to have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic characteristics.

What is the Onion Farming Business in Nigeria

The onion farming industry, also known as Allium cepa cultivation, entails planting and harvesting onions for a variety of purposes, including gastronomic, medical, and cosmetic applications. Onions are a biennial crop that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is farmed all over the world, including Nigeria and other regions of Africa.

To produce a satisfactory harvest, onion bulb farming necessitates correct soil preparation, planting, and cultivation practices. According to research, using enhanced seeds, effective agronomic methods, and adequate onion storage can greatly increase onion output yield. The optimal time to grow onions varies according to temperature and soil conditions, but they are generally best planted during the dry season.

The production of onions in the United States is based on a system that has been in place for a while, and it has been proven to be a very effective method of generating revenue for the company. The average output per acre in Nigeria, for example, ranges between 10 and 20 tonnes. Farmers, on the other hand, can attain even better yields with adequate care and management.

Benefits of the Onion Farming Business in Nigeria and Africa

There are various advantages to onion bulb farming, some of them are as follows:

  • Job creation: Onion farming provides employment prospects for farmers as well as other people in the value chain.
  • Income generation: Onion farming generates income for farmers and other value chain actors, decreasing poverty.
  • Contribution to GDP: Onion bulb farming contributes to Nigeria’s and Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • Export revenue: Onion farming provides prospects for foreign exchange generation through exports.
  • Price stability: Because it assures a regular supply of onions in the market, onion farming can help stabilize onion prices and reduce inflation.
  • Food security: Onion farming helps to provide food security by producing food for local use.
  • Nutritional benefits: Onion farming can increase nutrition because onions are high in vitamins and minerals.
  • Environmental sustainability: By employing environmentally friendly farming practices, onion bulb farming can help to promote environmental sustainability.

Types Of Onions In Nigeria

Onions are a versatile vegetable that is widely grown in Nigeria and Africa for its culinary and medicinal properties. The region grows a variety of onions, each with its own set of traits and applications. Some of the most common onion varieties growing in Nigeria and Africa are:

#1. Red Onions

The skin of this onion is a rich reddish-purple color, and it has a mild, sweet flavor. They are frequently used in salads, sandwiches, and other foods.

#2. White Onions

These are the most prevalent onions growing in Nigeria and throughout Africa. They have a strong flavor and are frequently used in cooking and pickling.

#3. Yellow Onions

The skin of these onions is yellow, and the flavor is intense. They are commonly used in cooking and are excellent for caramelization.

#4. Spring Onions

These are young onions, picked before they grow. They taste softer than mature onions and are frequently used in salads and stir-fries.

#6. Shallots

These are little onions with a sweet, mild flavor. They are frequently used in gourmet cuisine and treasured for their delicate flavor.

Each onion variety has a distinct flavor character and is used in a variety of culinary recipes. Farmers can specialize in growing one or more of these onion varieties based on market demand and farming capability.

How To Start The Onion Farming Business In Nigeria

Onions may be grown in practically any place, but if you want to maximize yield, you’ll need to invest in a few things, including irrigation. Let’s get into specifics on how you can get started:

#1. Site Selection

The soil must be rich in nutrients and well-drained. It has a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 and can be sandy or loamy. Prior to sowing, organic matter can be applied to enhance the soil and increase crop output. To soften the land, plowing 6 to 7 times is recommended. Typically, organic manure is applied at the last plow.

#2. Planting

The planting of onions is done with the help of seedlings and setts. Onions are typically planted in November or December and take 3 to 4 months to mature. Because of the climate in the country’s north, 100% of the onions consumed in Nigeria are grown there.

Planting is done on ridges, and furrows should be formed to make post-planting tasks easier. The recommended plant spacing is 15cm by 10cm. The seeds can also be planted in raised or flat beds. Raised beds have the advantage of preventing water logging over flatbeds. Excessive rain can usually produce water logging, and onions perform poorly in saturated soil. Raised beds and a network of furrows will ensure that there are paths of exit for the water, which will help to prevent waterlogging.

Another onion bulb farming approach is to start your seeds in a nursery and then transplant them to the farm after 45 days. These seedlings should be separated by 10 cm.

It is critical that you thoroughly water your onion plant. This is possible with drip irrigation. Irrigation should generally be done weekly for at least 2 months after planting or 3 weeks before the plant reaches full maturity. Irrigation is critical during the bulb-forming stage; however, if watering is not stopped at the appropriate time, maturation may be delayed.

#3. Post Planting

Weed control is a crucial activity after planting. Weeds have the potential to reduce your yield, thus they must be controlled. Weeding is very vital during the early stages of growth. However, weeding is usually done twice or three times during the onion planting season.

The onion plant may be affected by bacterial and fungal diseases. Some of these diseases harm the roots, while others have a negative impact on the bulbs, reducing harvest output. Bacterial soft rots, downy mildew, botrytis, and rust are among them. Herbicides can be used to control these illnesses in general.

The use of pesticides is common in the United States, but it’s also common in the UK. Maggots, thrips, nematodes, and leaf miners are a few examples. These pests have a negative impact on the quality and quantity of your harvest, but they may be controlled with the proper pesticides.

#4. Harvesting

It takes roughly 3 to 4 months for bulb onions to mature. The dry season is the best time to harvest. They are available for harvest in January and February. When half of the plant’s neck has fallen, the plant is harvested. Another sign is the creation of a shiny membranous cover around the bulbs, or when the plant’s foliage starts to wither.

Harvesting is often accomplished by plucking the bulbs of the onion plant and then cutting them off from the leaves. It is critical to sun-dry the bulbs after harvesting before storing them. This is due to the fact that moisture can cause fungal disease infestation. After appropriate drying, the bulbs can be stored in the warehouse until they are ready to be delivered to the market.

How To Process Onions In Nigeria or Africa

The processing and packaging of onions is an important phase in the onion farming industry in Nigeria and Africa. Proper processing and packaging not only extend the shelf life of the onions but also improve their quality and appeal. The following is a step-by-step tutorial for processing and packaging onions:

  • Harvest the onions: Harvest the onions when the leaves begin to yellow and the bulbs are firm. The onions should be dried for a few days.
  • Remove the outer layers: Clean the onions by removing any damaged or diseased outer layers.
  • Sort the onions: To maintain uniformity, the onions should be sorted by size and quality.
  • Peel and wash the onions: The onions should be completely peeled and rinsed.
  • slice the onions: Depending on their intended purpose, the onions can be sliced into various shapes and sizes.
  • Dry the onions: To avoid mold growth and extend shelf life, the onions should be properly dried.
  • Package the onions: The onions can be packaged in various materials such as mesh bags, plastic bags, or cardboard boxes. To avoid harm to the onions during shipping, the packaging material should be of high quality.
  • Store the onions: To prevent spoiling, onions should be stored in a cold, dry, and well-ventilated location.

Proper processing and packing of onions can boost their marketability and yield higher income for farmers.

The Peak Planting, Demand & Supply Season For The Onion Farming Business In Nigeria and Africa

The peak production, supply, and demand season for the onion farming industry in Nigeria and Africa varies according to region and type of onion farmed. In general, onion production in Nigeria and Africa occurs twice a year, with the main seasons being October to December and February to April, as these times give excellent growth conditions.

During the peak production season, the supply of onions normally increases, resulting in cheaper prices for consumers. On the other hand, demand for onions is strongest during the dry season, which lasts from December to February, when supply is often low and prices tend to rise. This provides an opportunity for onion farmers to maximize revenues by boosting production during periods of low supply and conserving onions for sale during periods of high demand.

To completely comprehend the production, supply, and demand trends in the onion farming industry in Nigeria and Africa, it is necessary to do a market study and stay current on industry developments and government regulations that may affect onion farming.

How Long Do Onions Take to Grow From?

Onions can be grown from seed rather than sets or plants, although maturity takes 3 to 4 months. Green onions grown from sets are ready to harvest in around 6 weeks. Plant the bulbs 10″-12″ apart and just under the surface if you want huge onions for cooking.

What is the Best Time to Plant Onion in Nigeria?

Onions are primarily grown twice a year, with the first planting season occurring between August and September and the second planting season occurring between November and December.

Is Onion Farming Profitable in Nigeria?

Similarly, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) ranks Nigeria as the world’s sixth greatest producer, accounting for almost 10% of worldwide output. As a result, onion farming is a profitable industry in Nigeria, contributing significantly to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

How Many Onions Grow From One Set?

The answer is straightforward: one onion comes from an onion set or a seed. Many onion sets are now “heat-treated” to prevent them from bolting into blossoms.

Which Season is Best for Onion Farming?

Onion bulb farming climate requirements: The onion crop is a cool-season crop that is often grown in the winter and harvested shortly before the summer season begins. Onions thrive under a variety of climatic environments. Its cultivation, however, requires a calm season with no extremes of heat or cold.


The onion bulb Farming in Nigeria and Africa offers enormous economic growth and development possibilities. The onion is a popular vegetable with numerous health benefits and strong demand both locally and globally. Its cultivation provides several advantages to farmers and business owners, ranging from excellent yields to export prospects.

An onion bulb Farming Business involves careful planning, adequate knowledge, and access to resources such as land, equipment, and finance.




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