Most Popular Programming Languages in 2023
Photo Credit: Forbes

You might be unsure of which programming language to learn if your plans involve advancing in your current position or switching to a completely new one. There are many popular programming languages to learn in 2023. Making the best decision is important because learning the language will cost both money and time. When making your choice, you should take into account several factors, such as the degree of difficulty you are willing to take on, the programming language knowledge you already have that complements your existing coding skills or your motivations for learning a top programming language. Learning the appropriate programming language is essential if you want to create mobile applications, earn a programming certification, or gain new skills.

Discover the most popular programming languages that employers will be looking for in 2023 by reading the information below.

Programmers (developers) and computers can communicate with one another using a programming language. A programming language is a set of rules that allows string values to be translated into various forms of machine code or, in the case of visual programming languages.

How to Choose a Programming Language to Learn 

The tech industry undergoes frequent updates, so a candidate should be knowledgeable of the most recent languages. Other considerations, however, have a significant impact on the decision of which programming languages to learn. 

To begin with, one must be aware of their objectives and decide on a career path after learning a programming language. After that, thoroughly research your market and determine which industry you want to work in.

Next, you must comprehend the job portfolio and industry demand for the profession you have chosen. Study the languages and skills needed in the profession of your choice. Consider beginning with one of the simpler programming languages before gradually increasing the level of difficulty. Python and Ruby are great languages, to begin with. 

Also, search for easily accessible material that will enable you to pick up new information quickly. To connect with business leaders, join forums and social media sites. The market is constantly changing, so keep innovating and learning. 

Best Programming Languages to Learn

The startup industry has a high demand for the two most popular programming languages, JavaScript and Python. Additionally, these are considered to be the most popular programming languages for beginners. 

#1. Javascript

One of the foundational technologies of the World Wide Web is the high-level programming language known as JavaScript. Although JavaScript was initially only used to create web browsers, it is now also utilized in server-side website deployments and other applications besides those that run in web browsers. The most popular programming language currently in use is called Javascript, and many businesses are highly interested in using it. A Java developer typically makes $112,152 a year. 

By specifying the content and layout of web pages for use across platforms (desktop, mobile, and web), learning HTML and CSS will help a programmer move from beginner to intermediate level.

Benefits of Javascript:

  • Easy to understand and apply
  • Used extensively online
  • Can start up right away in the client-side browser
  • Decreases the server’s workload. 

On the other hand, writing cross-browser code is challenging because it can occasionally be interpreted differently by various browsers. 

#2. Python

The popularity of Python makes it one of the most popular programming languages for beginners to learn today. It is a free, open-source programming language with a large number of support modules, community development, straightforward web service integration, friendly data structures, and desktop applications with a GUI. It is a well-liked programming language for applications involving deep learning and machine learning. 

Packages like Blender, Inkscape, and Autodesk, which provide 2D and 3D animation, are created using Python. Popular video games have also been made using it. Python is a programming language used by programs like FreeCAD and Abacus, which require computation and science. The typical yearly salary for Python developers is $109,092. 

With Python, a novice can start producing results right away, but problem-solving and abstract thinking abilities are also necessary.

Benefits of Python:

  • Flexible
  • Easily and intuitively readable
  • Official instructions and documentation that are highly regarded
  • Scripted rather than compiled. 

Python is becoming increasingly more popular in technical education as well as in business applications, and it is a widely used coding language. 

#3. SQL 

A common query language for databases is SQL. It is employed to access and modify data stored in databases. Unlike procedural languages, declarative languages like SQL only specify the desired results, not the steps to get there. The most popular database query language in the world, SQL is a strong tool for gaining access to and modifying data.

Benefits of SQL:

  • A database can be quickly manipulated and queried using SQL, a standard database query language. 
  • Applications and environments like data warehouses, e-commerce platforms, and web applications all frequently use SQL. 
  • The advantages of SQL over other database query languages include better performance, better data integrity, and easier access to data manipulation.

Contrarily, SQL can be slower than other languages, especially when working with big databases. Furthermore, SQL is not a good choice for some tasks, like machine learning or calculations involving complex mathematics.

#4. Java

The most widely used and most popular programming languages today include Java. Because of its Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) features, this general-purpose programming language, which is owned by Oracle Corporation, has become the norm for cross-platform applications.

In addition to big data, Java is frequently used in web and application development. Several well-known websites, including Google, Amazon, and Twitter, use Java in their backends. Although Java is a more difficult language to learn, skilled developers who know how to code in Java are in high demand. A Java developer makes about $109,225 per year in salary. 

Benefits of Java

  • Java is considered a good place to begin learning how to code and develop programming skills
  • Any fairly complex and contemporary program that can run on any operating system will allow you to access and manipulate the most crucial computer components, such as the file system, graphics, and sound. 

#5. HTML 

The preferred language for developing websites and software is HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Web pages are made with HTML. Images, links, and other types of content can be added to your web page using HTML. Creating a simple web page only requires a basic understanding of HTML, a straightforward programming language.

HTML structures can be used to incorporate images and other objects, such as interactive forms, into the final product. By providing structural semantics for text elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotations, and other objects, it makes it possible to create structured documents. Tags—words enclosed in angle brackets—are used to distinguish HTML elements.

Benefits of HTML:

  • Making well-organized, standards-compliant, and simple-to-update web pages is one of the advantages of using HTML. 
  • For those who are new to web development, HTML is a great place to start because it is simple to learn.
  • The use of HTML, along with CSS and JavaScript, is commonplace when structuring and presenting content for the web. 

In contrast, HTML is a markup language, which makes it less expressive than a programming language like JavaScript or PHP. As a result, it is more difficult to develop complex web applications or web pages in HTML. 

Web designers must carefully encode any user input because HTML is not a very secure language, which makes it difficult to properly prevent security flaws. 

#6. CSS 

Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), you can specify how a page that was created using a markup language is displayed. A style sheet, or set of guidelines for web browsers, can control an HTML or XML document.

CSS is used to style every HTML tag, including the document’s body text, headings, paragraphs, and other text elements. The presentation of table elements, grid components, and image

 Benefits of CSS:

  • CSS is a tool used by web developers to build responsive and accessible websites. Making websites that look good on mobile devices and tablets, such as smartphones and tablets, can be made simpler for web developers by using CSS. 
  • Additionally, CSS can aid in enhancing accessibility for those with disabilities on websites.
  • Learning and using CSS is simple. The abundance of online resources and tutorials makes it possible for anyone to start using CSS to style their web pages.

On the other hand, debugging CSS can be difficult. Finding the problem’s root cause when a CSS file contains errors can be challenging. Additionally, writing can take a lot of time. The creation and maintenance of CSS files can be time-consuming due to their size and complexity.

#7. PHP

The programming language PHP was developed in 1990 and is open-source. The fact that PHP is used to create more than 80% of websites on the Internet, including well-known ones like Facebook and Yahoo, makes it essential knowledge for many web developers.

For writing server-side scripts, programmers primarily use PHP. Nevertheless, programmers with advanced PHP coding abilities can also use this language to create command-line scripts and desktop applications. 

Beginner developers are thought to find learning PHP to be fairly simple. PHP developers have access to several focused online communities, making it simple to find support and solutions. PHP programmers typically make an average of $107,409 per year.

Benefits of PHP: 

  • Open-source
  • Simple to create and adaptable to a wide range of tools
  • Effective in terms of cost
  • Flexibility when connecting to databases 

#8. C#

Because it supported object-oriented programming ideas, Microsoft’s C# program gained popularity in the 2000s. Because C# uses the integrated development environment Microsoft Visual C++, it is most suitable for Windows, Android, and iOS applications. C# is widely used as the backend programming language by well-known websites like Dell and Bing. C# developers make about $111,760 annually.

Due to its dependence on Microsoft, this programming language is less flexible and is used for cross-platform software applications, including those for mobile devices and business applications. 

Benefits of C#

  • Fast 
  • Simple to use
  • Object-oriented
  • Scaling and updating
  • Ability to communicate with other codes
  • Open source

#9. C and C++

Most popular programming languages, including C#, Java, and JavaScript, have their roots in C, which is likely the most established and well-liked programming language. C++ is an enhanced version of C. The study of C is often skipped by developers today, but some believe that learning C first gives C++ development a solid foundation. Programming and computer science make extensive use of both languages. 

Because C and C++ programmers have access to compilers for a wide range of platforms, the portability of the applications they create is generally high. C and C++ are regarded as high-performance and most popular programming languages. As a result, they are frequently employed in the creation of applications where performance is a key concern, including client/server applications, commercial goods like Firefox and Adobe, and video games. The average yearly salary for C and C++ developers is $118,366. C – The stricter coding style and less user-friendly language of C have a higher learning curve.

C++ is a little harder to learn and use effectively than C (and even harder than Java). Also, compared to other languages, C++ enables much greater “control.” C is useful for learning programming basics at the most basic (hardware) level.

#10. TypeScript

Despite being a newcomer to the top programming language rankings, TypeScript is gaining ground. It is a typed JavaScript variation that Microsoft created in 2012, and it is excellent at managing big code bases. JavaScript-based projects are typed using TypeScript, which helps with error detection and prevents systemic issues. TypeScript is used for both client-side and server-side development.   

Benefits of TypeScript: 

  • Excellent for large-scale projects
  • Its community on GitHub is the fastest-growing.
  • Increases the effectiveness of developing JavaScript 

#11. NoSQL 

Non-relational NoSQL databases are created to offer high performance and scalability. Furthermore, big data applications, where data is dispersed across numerous nodes, frequently use NoSQL databases. The four key categories of NoSQL databases are as follows:

  • Key-value stores 
  • Columnar stores
  • Document stores
  • Graph databases.

Benefits of NoSQL:

  • A database system known as NoSQL does not employ the conventional relational model. 
  • Big data applications that require quick scaling frequently use NoSQL databases. 
  • The speed and scalability of NoSQL databases can surpass those of relational databases.

Contrarily, since NoSQL databases are typically younger than SQL databases, they might be missing some of the features and functionality that SQL databases provide. 

Furthermore, it may be more difficult to find qualified personnel who can work with NoSQL databases due to their less standardization than SQL databases.

#12. Swift 

This is one of the more recently developed programming languages available today. Swift was initially marketed as a replacement for Objective-C, the main programming language used in Apple products when it first came out. Due to its cutting-edge features, such as concurrent programming and automatic memory management, Swift has become increasingly popular among developers.

Because of this, Swift is arguably one of the most popular programming languages for creating Apple products and one of the languages with the fastest rate of expansion. Consider Swift as your first programming language if you are interested in creating Apple products.

Additionally, as Apple continues to grow into the largest revenue and profit generator in the smartphone industry, expertise in iOS app development is in high demand. 

Which Programming Language Is the Most Widely Used? 

The most widely used programming language in use today is called Javascript, and it is highly sought after by numerous businesses. The most well-liked language to learn is JavaScript. A scripting language called JavaScript (JS) is used to increase the interactivity of websites and mobile apps. Game development also frequently makes use of it. With the addition of elements like animations, dropdown menus, and color-changing buttons, JavaScript is renowned for its capacity to bring life to websites. 

What Is the No 1 Programming Language? 

Python is among the most widely used and most popular programming languages in the market today for developing software and websites, along with Java, JavaScript, and C++. Learning a coding language has many advantages, whether you want to advance your coding abilities or launch a career in technology.

The startup industry has a high demand for the two most popular programming languages, JavaScript and Python. Django, Flask, and NodeJS are a few examples of Python-based backend frameworks that are commonly used by startups. These dialects are also regarded as the best ones for novice programmers to learn.

  • Javascript
  • Python
  • C#
  • C/C++
  • SQL
  • Java

Why Java Is Better Than Python? 

Because Java is a compiled language, it is typically quicker and more effective than Python. Python’s syntax is clearer and shorter than Java’s because it is an interpreted language. It requires fewer lines of code to accomplish the same task as Java.

Should I Learn C or Python? 

Because of its superior memory management techniques, Python is a more reliable programming language than C. The majority of hardware applications are developed using the C programming language. There are very few built-in functions available in C. The number of functions that come with Python is quite large. If you want to learn a programming language for the first time that is simple and even enjoyable, Python is always advised. 

What Is the Hardest Programming Language? 

Malbolge is unquestionably the most challenging programming language to learn, as evidenced by the fact that it took at least two years to complete the first Malbolge code. Because the code is intended to be as difficult as possible, it has an absurdly low readability, which presents a challenge to programmers.

Should I Learn Java or Python?

Because Python is more logical and has a syntax that is remarkably similar to English, it is the perfect language for beginners. Due to its open-source status, numerous new tools have been developed to enhance it.

Contrarily, Java is a general-purpose programming language that was created specifically to enable developers to write code once and have it run anywhere.


It is best to start with one language when learning to program if you have never done so before so that you can grasp the fundamentals. You can use the coding skills you pick up in school to pick up one of the top programming languages. If you want to become a programmer, change careers, or advance professionally at your current position, learning one of these languages is a great place to start. Due to the availability of classes for everyone—from novice Python learners to seasoned Java users—you can find the ideal course for you. 

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