CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLES: 10 Principles Of Classroom Management

Classroom Management
Image Credit: Edutopia
Table of Contents Hide
  1. What are the benefits of effective classroom management and styles?
  2. Classroom Management Styles and Discipline
  3. How does discipline relate to classroom management styles?
  4. Effective Strategies In Classroom Management
    1. #1. Get Used To Your Student Names
    2. #2. Model Behaviors
    3. #3. Establish and Document Rules
    4. #4. Address Issues in Friendly Manners
    5. #5. Offer Rewards and Praise
    6. #6. Use Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
    7. #7. Draw up Class Lessons in Exciting Ways
    8. #8. Introduce Open-ended Project
    9. #9. Watch out for Off-task Behavior and Address them Immediately
    10. #10. Use Peer Teaching Where Necessary
  5. #11. Encourage Active Participation
    1. #12. Set Time For Your Self
  6. 10 Principles of Classroom Management Styles
    1. #1. Create Routines for Everyday Activities
    2. #2. Make the Most of Teaching Times
    3. #3. Adopt a Proactive Sense & Discipline
    4. #4. Recognize and Applaud Positive Behavior
    5. #5. Establish Rules
    6. #6. Identify Students With Special Needs
    7. #7. Prioritize Variety Teaching
    8. #8. Retain Energy And Vibe
    9. #9. Integrate Interactive Teaching Style
    10. #10. Build Relationships
  7. What are the 3 C’s of classroom management?
  8. What is the best classroom management style?
  9. What are the three R’s in a classroom?
  10. What are the four pillars of classroom management?
  11. What are the five importance of classroom management?
  12. What are the main models of classroom management?
  13. What are the 7 responsibilities of a teacher?
  14. Conclusion
  15. Classroom Management Styles FAQs
  16. What are the 3 C's of classroom management?
  17. What are the differences types of classroom management styles?
  18. Related Articles

What makes one a great teacher isn’t just their ability to impart knowledge to students or guide students through their career path, but also their ability to use effective strategies in the management of the classroom. When we talk about classroom management, we refer to the diverse techniques and styles through which a teacher maintains the behavior of pupils in a classroom while bringing the class under control.

Every successful teacher must make this a teaching goal. And this simply means they will have to devise effective strategies that encourage student participation in classroom activities. In reality, it varies with the age group of students involved as well as the subject in question, but then, if done appropriately, would result in the overall performance of the students in that classroom. 

What are the benefits of effective classroom management and styles?

When a teacher employs effective styles and strategies in classroom management, it leads to the following;

  • It eliminates disruptive behaviors. 
  • It builds and strengthens a teacher-student relationship.
  • Build and promote respectable conduct among students, thereby facilitating the smooth operation of the class.
  • It facilitates the effective execution of the school curriculum and syllabus.
  • Classroom management and etiquette also instill discipline in students.

Classroom Management Styles and Discipline

In relating discipline to classroom management, we need to first highlight what discipline is. We all know it’s a prerequisite for success and progress. Aside from this, what is discipline?

Discipline is basically adhering and aligning to a set of rules, guidelines, or principles. In a way, it’s simply all about establishing behavioral control. Discipline is a method of living in accordance with a set of rules and principles. Discipline can be developed in the following ways, rendering punishment for misconduct or self-control in accordance with socially acceptable standards of thinking and behavior. Either way, it’s a criterion that transcends every aspect of life. 

How does discipline relate to classroom management styles?

Children attend schools not just to read and write but also to learn basic conducts that’ll help them become better citizens in the future and to live better lives. That’s how discipline relates to classroom management styles. Teachers do not just focus on using strategies to compel obedience and maintain decorum, they also integrate discipline to make them responsible citizens. That’s why contemporary education defines discipline as preparing children for a democratic society and assisting them in acquiring information, habits, strength, and ideas. 

Within a classroom setting, teachers train students to adhere to rules and guidelines by using punishment to compel compliance as well as make corrections. On the other hand, classroom management styles focus on strategies that enable the teacher to maintain control and also get students to participate in the class activities.

Effective Strategies In Classroom Management

There are tons of ideas out there in the form of information that is referred to as strategies that’ll help you effectively manage your classroom. While it’s true that they are overly lengthy, there’s so much you can achieve as a teacher if you decide to adopt some of those methods. If you want to effectively manage your classroom as a teacher, check out the following proven strategies;

#1. Get Used To Your Student Names

Imagine passing by a mall and someone calls your name aloud. You’ll instantly turn to see who that is, right? Except you want to intentionally avoid the familiar voice. That’s right, our names ring a special bell that it takes discipline not to turn on whenever you hear your name. This applies to the relationship between students and their teachers too. When teachers call students by their names, it creates a sense of identification. The student feels secure and assumes the teacher knows them well. This result in openness.

#2. Model Behaviors

Teachers want their students to talk to others in a respectful and friendly manner. Achieving this will be easier if you do just that. Aside from the verbal means of transferring attitudes and reactions, children also learn from teachers’ actions.

#3. Establish and Document Rules

When it comes to establishing rules, getting the students to actively participate will enable them to remember the rules. Even though you’ll document the rules, getting them involved help to establish boundaries in certain situations. You can start by asking the student what they think is appropriate and what isn’t. For every point raised, make sure you discuss the importance and outcome with them. Also, documenting the rules and keeping a copy where the student will easily see it will help them familiarize themselves with each rule that guides conduct in the classroom.

#4. Address Issues in Friendly Manners

One of the strategies that affect teachers and their management styles is how they address issues. Children can be a whole bag of trouble, but they are also adorable. Therefore, every sense of their adorable traits must be upheld above their naughty actions. What does this mean? This simply means you must, at every point, avoid harassing students. You must also avoid punishing the entire class when one person is at fault. And then, in administering punishment, ensure the child understands why they are being punished, and stay clear of such an act next time.

#5. Offer Rewards and Praise

Everyone loves receiving rewards, and a little praise for a job well done every now and then wouldn’t hurt either. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the most effective strategies for classroom management styles. When you offer rewards and praise, you equally motivate other students to participate in class activities.

#6. Use Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

When it comes to teaching, excellent communication is one of the strategies that teachers use in their classroom management styles. Verbal communication occurs more frequently than non-verbal communication. However, both are effective management styles. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to intentionally imbibe non-verbal communication such as infographics, videos, and so on.

#7. Draw up Class Lessons in Exciting Ways

When class activities are fun and exciting, it piques interest from the get-go and encourages initiatives. Rather than simply starting a lesson with topics boldly written on the board, find a way to introduce each topic in ways that capture students’ interests. When students are excited about a topic, they will actively engage in it.

#8. Introduce Open-ended Project

A project generally allows students to maximize their talents and utilize their skills. In addition, they learn in their own space and develop self-esteem in immense measures. To effectively use this strategy, write down a project’s ideas and allow each student to choose what it is that they will do. Do not hesitate to offer help where necessary, but do ensure you do it in such a way that the child feels they started and completed the project themselves.

#9. Watch out for Off-task Behavior and Address them Immediately

Remember, there’s more to being a teacher than teaching students to read or write. You also instill discipline to help them become better citizens. Students will go off track every now and then. You need to keep an eye out for such appropriate behavior and address it immediately. When it resorts to punishment, ensure the student knows why they are being punished. This will make them not repeat such again.

#10. Use Peer Teaching Where Necessary

A good teacher is satisfied with seeing her students do well. If at any point you notice any of them is struggling, you should reach out and help. You can pair the top-performing students with struggling students and watch them help build themselves. But then, you’ll have to separately teach the peer tutor how to relate with tutees excellently. This is also one of the strategies that make classroom management styles effective.

#11. Encourage Active Participation

In a class setting, there’ll always be hyper-active students who are willing to not just answer your questions but to pose their own questions, or even share other ideas with the class. You need to make room for this. In addition, you should also ensure you involve another student who originally wouldn’t love to participate in the class activities.

#12. Set Time For Your Self

You need to be healthy and passionate to carry out your duties effectively. This simply means you have to take care of yourself too and keep your passion alive. What was it that confined you to the classroom with students? You need to keep that passion alive at every point, and always take a break when you need to.

10 Principles of Classroom Management Styles

Principles are sets of fundamental essences that result in certain qualities. In line with classroom management styles, they are rules that govern classroom operations and activities. There are diverse principles for classroom management styles. Other, several people mistake this for strategies, principles are not strategies. The following are the top 10 principles of classroom management.

#1. Create Routines for Everyday Activities

The first principle of classroom management that we’ll highlight out of the 10 is creating routines for everyday activities. While preparation and planning are the teacher’s responsibility in terms of carrying out your duties, you can come up with routines that will save time and energy. For instance, every student can be asked to submit their phones once they come for class in the morning. And about two people will be asked to return these phones to each student once it’s time for the gaming session. Rather than having the entire class crowd around the teacher’s table in a bid to get their phones, these reinforce orderliness in the classroom. This can also apply to other things such as the passing of assignments or class activities.

#2. Make the Most of Teaching Times

So much more can be achieved when teachers maximize teaching time. You can introduce activities that’ll help students become engrossed in every activity. For instance, rather than introducing probability as a topic, you can simply use the anticipation of an election outcome to highlight voting. Use the past election or the coming election to talk about the different candidates vying for the position and the electorate voting for their chosen candidate. Let every opportunity instill moral values that’ll make them good citizens.

#3. Adopt a Proactive Sense & Discipline

The third of our top 10 principles of classroom management styles is being proactive. Being proactive with discipline simply means predicting possible issues and eliminating them immediately. You do not have to wait till the offense is committed. Among the 10 principles of classroom management styles, this is one of the most important. Students are a little withdrawn when punished and will love to avoid this at all times. That’s why you, as a teacher, must always watch out for behaviors and actions that’ll possibly lead to this and correct them before it happens.

#4. Recognize and Applaud Positive Behavior

Another important principle of the 10 principles of classroom management is applauding good behavior and excellent performance. Everyone loves honor and praise. If you’ve ever received a red badge for excellent performance, imagine the joy on your face when you return from school that day. While punishment for misconduct should never be delayed, applauding for good behavior must also be applauded to motivate others to behave well too.

#5. Establish Rules

Setting classroom rules must be done from the get-go. It shouldn’t just be highlighted, it must be documented. One of the best ways of establishing classroom rules is to actively involve the student in the rules. You can simply ask them what their ideas are on appropriate and inappropriate behavior and the punishment that follows misconduct. Being part of this helps the student to adhere to the rules.

#6. Identify Students With Special Needs

Learning is always in various degrees of time and space. There will always be overzealous students who are super intelligent, and there’ll also be students who need help with their learning abilities. You need to identify these students and strike a balance in your teaching activities. If it means holding special classes or peer teaching, do so. Just ensure you get enough help to carry them along with you.

#7. Prioritize Variety Teaching

Using various teaching styles is also one of the 10 principles of classroom management and styles. It isn’t just a principle; it’s also one of the most effective strategies for effective classroom management styles. Students are gifted in various ways. In a class setting, you’ll always see the logic and mathematics wizard who doesn’t like word puzzles. You’ll also see linguist enthusiasts who don’t want anything to do with mathematics. So you always need to come up with activities that’ll interest every category of students.

#8. Retain Energy And Vibe

Retaining vibes and energy is the 8th of the 10 principles of effective classroom management styles. You do not want your students to be highly energetic in the morning and dull just after lunchtime. If the class activities are not boring, you’ll have to sustain the joy and willingness to learn that they brought to class in the morning.

#9. Integrate Interactive Teaching Style

Aside from the normal verbal means of communication, teachers should adopt teaching styles that will enhance students’ performance and participation.

#10. Build Relationships

If a teacher’s strategies or any of these 10 principles of classroom management styles are effective, there’s a need to prioritize relationships. It’s easier to get results when there’s a close relationship than when there isn’t.

What are the 3 C’s of classroom management?

I’m presenting my three C’s of behavior control, which are consistency, reminders that are frequent, and expectations that are explicit. Building relationships is a crucial first step in good classroom management, as you are undoubtedly already aware, but it cannot be the end of the process.

What is the best classroom management style?

Because it is most closely related to good student actions, the authoritative approach is the best method of classroom management.

What are the three R’s in a classroom?

The “3 R’s” of education—reading, writing, and arithmetic—were stressed to me as a child, as I’m sure they were to many of you.

What are the four pillars of classroom management?

The four attributes that are essential for this process are autonomy, competence, relatedness, and relevance. They comprise the four key components of classroom management strategies. Let’s review these 4 first. One tactic for encouraging learner autonomy is to provide your pupils the freedom of choice.

What are the five importance of classroom management?

In a nutshell, good classroom management creates and maintains a calm learning atmosphere for your kids. encourages social and emotional development and provides chances for meaningful academic learning. improves the amount of time actually spent on the lesson and decreases negative behaviors.

What are the main models of classroom management?

The four methods of managing a classroom are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and indulgent. From the teacher having extremely strong control and little student involvement to the teacher having less control and greater participation from the students, they might be very different.

What are the 7 responsibilities of a teacher?

Seven Functions of a Teacher

  • Authoritative/ Controller.
  • Delegator.
  • Prompter.
  • Participant.
  • Demonstrator.
  • tutor or lecturer.
  • Resource.


Teachers must ensure that all the students, regardless of race, color, or socioeconomic background, are subject to the same rules and procedures in our classroom because we want to maintain a sense of fairness for all students. We don’t just say one thing and do another. That will have a negative impact on our reputation. This simply means that a teacher must live according to o their own principles too.

Classroom Management Styles FAQs

What are the 3 C's of classroom management?

Compassion, connection, and consistency. The three C’s of classroom management help you to effectively control your classroom.

What are the differences types of classroom management styles?

There are four types of classroom management styles. These are permissive, authoritative, indulgent, and authoritarian.

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