Voice Of Customer: Definition, Program, Analysis & Guide Questions

Voice Of Customer

Customer retention rates are 55% higher and average customer service costs are 23% lower in companies with a Voice of the Customer program (VOC)! Additionally, this study found that compared to other organizations, best-in-class VOC users experienced an almost 10-fold boost in yearly company income. In this article, we’ll start by defining the Voice of Customer Program and discussing its significance. The importance of understanding your Voice of Customer survey questions and feedback will then be discussed, along with how you can undertake this data analysis to gain insightful information.

What is Voice of Customer (VOC)?

Insights about your consumers’ preferences, expectations, and dislikes are identified, analyzed, and acted upon through a Voice of Customer program. VoC data focuses on customer and product experiences to identify what matters most to and has the greatest influence on the customer.

According to MIT’s excellent description, VOC offers “unparalleled insight into what your customers want from your business and product” because the feedback is provided by your prospects. You can modify your product or customer experience to meet the demands and preferences of your customers if you have a clear understanding of what they want.

Many businesses think they have a VOC program in place because they conduct surveys and collect feedback. A voice of the customer program encompasses the full process of gathering consumer feedback in one location and evaluating the data to determine what matters most to customers and why.

The Benefits of a Voice of the Customer Program

Businesses collect the voice of customer information to use it to enhance how a consumer feels about every engagement with the company. With the use of text analytics and sentiment analysis technology, you can make sense of customer feedback data and better understand VoC.

Businesses may comprehend and then address their customers’ demands by hearing their voices in the marketplace. Businesses are better able to spot issues and opportunities so they can proceed appropriately when they have insight into client preferences, issues, and complaints through a Voice of Customer program.

Building a Successful Voice of Customer Program

Setting the stage is important before you dive in and start creating a step-by-step plan for achieving customer experience maturity. Too frequently, people go right into developing a program without ensuring that all the elements are in place to forward with constructing a customer-centric organization.
You may successfully implement client-centricity across your entire firm by concentrating on the following six factors.

#1. Powerful leadership

Starting from the top down, a customer-centric culture must be established. Any customer-centric program has a poor likelihood of succeeding if there isn’t executive-level support. For the client experience to improve, you’ll also need the backing of lower-level management.

#2. Vision and clarity

To ensure that everyone in the organization can comprehend the shared objective, your VoC vision needs to be detailed. Start by concentrating on the words and messages you’ll employ to communicate your vision.

#3. Engagement and collaboration

An organization that prioritizes its customers will succeed over the long term with an engaged workforce. Additionally, as workers are more motivated, cross-functional cooperation and synergy will result in more significant and effective client initiatives.

#4. Learning and listening

A methodical approach to tracking and gathering consumer feedback is essential for enhancing the entire experience. Given the variety of methods available for collecting customer feedback, it’s critical to base any listening program on a solid foundation that can adapt when customers’ preferences for providing feedback change.

#5. Alignment and action

When a corporation is aligned, all of its employees are moving in the same direction toward a common goal, and each workgroup determines the steps it has to take to achieve that goal. In general, “action” denotes the quantifiable activities done to enhance the client experience.

#6. Patience and commitment

Building a world-class customer culture is not an overnight endeavor, and it cannot be entirely outsourced, as much as it pains organizations to hear this. Whether you like it or not, the world’s most prosperous customer-centric businesses were developed over a long period.

Techniques for Collecting Voice of Customer Program Data

Data collection methods and voice of the customer initiatives come in a wide variety. Each organization should modify the templates to suit its needs since the strategies it employs should be based on its objectives and the metrics it is tracking. Each of these approaches has advantages and disadvantages, so a business may decide to combine them rather than employ just one way for data collection.

#1. Customer interview

Because it is a straightforward method of getting feedback, the traditional method of collecting data through client interviews has endured for so long. Depending on the requirements and interests of a company, interviews may be conducted in person, over the phone, or by email. With the help of this strategy, businesses can better comprehend the viewpoint that a consumer, or group of customers, has regarding the organization with which they contact.

#2. Customer surveys via the Internet, email, or SMS

Different types of questions can be used in surveys to elicit insightful information about the problems that customers experience. Multiple-choice, drop-down, and open-ended questions are just a few of the several survey question formats.

#3. Live chat

A live chat option on the website is gaining popularity as a result of its capacity to gather in-the-moment user input. Live chats can gather more than just consumer complaints; they can give businesses the chance to plan a follow-up survey to find out how users are finding the site.

#4. Online reviews and social media

Social media is another platform that businesses may use to communicate with customers in real time. Businesses can have two-way conversations with their clientele to discover more about what they want, forecast trends, and get direct customer feedback.

#5. Website Activity

Along with these additional methods of data collection, a business can examine customer website behavior using tools like heat maps. To improve the user experience, the business can monitor these patterns of behavior and test various modifications to evaluate what works and what doesn’t.

Voice of Customer Survey

Useful feedback about your brand, products, or services is gathered from customers through the Voice of Customer survey. They are intended to provide you with regular insight into matters that can transform your promoters and passives into critics rather than measure everything at once.

According to our research, the ideal number of questions for the customer voice survey should be six or fewer. Yes, we are aware that is hardly anything. But if you keep your surveys brief and to the point, you can see a retention percentage that is up to 5.3% higher.

Before sending your Voice of Customer survey, consider these questions.

Let’s look at the types of questions you should ask yourself before you question anyone else before moving on to some examples. As you begin assembling your VoC survey, keep the answers to these questions in mind.

  • What was the purpose of the survey? Are you attempting to gauge consumer opinion or gather brand sentiment? Are you interested in learning more about the market as a whole? What results do you hope to achieve? Start there and work backward.
  • Who is being surveyed by you? Are all of your clients being surveyed, or just those who had interactions with you in the previous two months? Don’t rush to survey brand-new clients. They haven’t had much time to interact with you yet, so it can be a little annoying for them to get a survey so quickly. Before you press the “send” button, carefully consider your list of recipients.
  • Do you want information that is quantitative or qualitative? You will receive clear information on important topics from quantitative questions, whereas qualitative questions will provide you with a more in-depth, nuanced understanding. Which questions you choose to ask will depend on what you’re trying to find, but both are worthwhile.
  • Are your answer choices well crafted? VoC responses can take a variety of shapes. Some are multiple-choice alternatives, some are open-ended questions, and some are rating scales with a scale from 0 to 10 or from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” Make sure the format of your responses is appropriate for the posed question.
  • Does your survey need further analysis? Yes, with NPS surveys, some kind of follow-up is typically necessary to swiftly address problems with dissatisfied customers. Keep in mind that the main objective is always to keep your clients. This is in addition to increasing your bottom line.

Great Voice of Customer Survey Question Examples

Are you seeking information with value or with a purpose? insight into the level of consumer satisfaction with your company, your goods, or your services? Or perhaps you’re interested in their opinions about or commitment to your brand. These goals are each driven by a distinct methodology:

  • Customer Effort Score (CES) VoC surveys measure the ease of communication and the amount of work required to resolve a problem for a customer.
  • Customer satisfaction (CSAT) VoC surveys gauge the level of satisfaction your brand has with its consumers. These kinds of surveys may be based on a specific transaction or the relationship as a whole.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) VoC surveys are one of the most commonly used brand loyalty surveys. Have you ever seen a survey that asked, “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” this is an example of NPS in use.

Here are some good instances of queries:

Value or Results-Based VoC Questions

  • Are you satisfied with your search results today?
  • Is there something we don’t offer that you were looking for?
  • How would you rank the worth of your purchase, on a scale of 1 to 10?

Brand Loyalty or Brand Perception VoC Questions

  • How likely are you to tell a friend or work colleague about us?
  • What comes to mind when you think about our company, its logo, products, or services?
  • What might keep you from doing business with us in the future?

Customer Feedback Survey Questions

  • How did you find today’s interaction with us?
  • What level of satisfaction do you have with the service you got?
  • Was the customer support representative able to resolve your problem?
  • How pleased are you with how long it took to address your problem?

Voice of Customer Analysis

Your consumers’ opinions of your brand, goods, and services are referred to as the “voice of customer.” The real challenge arises when you have to make sense of it. This is called a survey of the voice of customers, and it is a market research technique that gives brands an understanding of their customer’s needs and wants.

Brands will work on these variables, evaluate them, and identify insights to work on that will offer them a competitive advantage in the market. Voice of customer analysis will capture customers’ expectations, opinions, and preferences.

Why is the Voice of Customer Analysis Important?

  • Voice of customer analysis will increase the effectiveness of your marketing.
  • It enables you to take into account each customer’s comments and evaluate it for enhancements.
  • Voice of customer analysis helps you understand why customers choose to stick with or abandon your business.
  • It makes it easier to comprehend the preferences and decisions of your clients.
  • Voice of  Customer analysis will help you understand which clients are the most lucrative and how to attract new target customers to your business.

How to Perform the Voice of Customer Analysis?

After collecting customer feedback, your brand will have a ton of data to work with; how your analysis turns out greatly depends on the voice of customer tools you use to conclude the data. In this section, we’ll go over how to conduct a voice of the customer analysis on your voice of the customer:

#1. Start with a question

You may already have a goal or aim in mind before you begin your voice of the customer program, so even before you begin your analysis, be firm and specific about your inquiry.

#2. Assemble your data

Utilize techniques like surveys, interviews, focus groups, social media, etc. to gather customer feedback. Make sure to frame your surveys and questionnaires so they are focused on your goal or survey topic and question. The voice of customer analysis follows. It begins with choosing your sample customer or target customer to feature as your voice of customers.

#3. Sentiment analysis

Here comes the data analysis, which is largely handled by AI’s abilities. The AI determines the feedback’s sentiments based on whether they are favorable, negative, or neutral.

#4. Natural language processing

Voice of Customer analysis requires the analyzing system to read through all the data and be able to make sense of the information. It will draw out the trends, preferences, topics, and issues by analyzing the words. This process is known as natural language processing, or NLP.

#5. Data correlation

In every data analysis process, the raw data are helpful only when information is derived from them. The same is true for the voice of customer analysis. You will have a lot of random data from customers, indicating god knows what.

#6. Draw conclusions

You will have a clear understanding of how relevant your data, information, and conclusions are concerning your targeted voice of customer goals in this phase after you have labeled and segregated your data, so it is time to make information out of it that will help you come to certain conclusions and insights to work on.

#7. Start making improvements

Customers know they have given their input and are now waiting for the necessary adjustments in the brand, so how you respond to the analysis and make improvements in your branding greatly influences how they perceive you.

What are the 4 steps of VoC?

The Voice of Customer program’s four stages:

  • Engagement.
  • We want data.
  • Awareness
  • VoC drives the business

What is the voice of the customer examples?

When Johannesburg Bank ran a hashtag-based campaign to get feedback on what clients loved and loathed about their bank, that is an example of how the Voice of the Customer was employed.

What is the voice of the customer in CRM?

Through the Voice of the Customer (VoC) process, your business solicits customer input about their interactions with your goods and services and then converts that feedback into actionable insights.

What is the VOC strategy?

Customer feedback is gathered using a research technique called the Voice of the Customer (VoC).

What is the VOC process in Six Sigma?

VOC refers to the methodical process of asking customers directly about their needs, wants, expectations, and performance experiences with the goods and/or services you have given them.

What are the 4 main customer needs?

The four primary client needs

  • A fair price.
  • A good service.
  • To feel valued.
  • A good product.

What are the five basic needs of a customer?

Let’s demonstrate the five primary customer needs to be met now that we are aware of what those demands are:

  • Price points.
  • Convenience.
  • Sustainability.
  • Transparency.
  • Control and options.

What are the interview questions for Voice of Customer?

Voice of the customer products and services questions”

  • Are you satisfied with your search results?
  • Was there anything that kept you from finishing your purchase?
  • Is there something we don’t offer that you were looking for?
  • Did our customer support assist you in resolving a problem?


We hope that this essay has demonstrated the significance of VOC as well as its practical applications for your company. Finally, let’s consider a few ideas for improving your VOC and ensuring that you’re receiving the outcomes you require. Companies starting a VOC program frequently have trouble connecting their findings to modifications in customer behavior. It’s essential to connect customer perceptions and actions to the collected feedback. Documenting your findings is a crucial component of any VOC program so you can demonstrate to all pertinent stakeholders how it is generating ROI for your company.


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