product manger vs project manager
image source: CIOInsight

The development, creation, and delivery of a product or project are all responsibilities shared by product managers and project managers. Despite their obvious similarities, these perspectives differ in a number of important ways. This article examines the definitions of a project manager, a product manager (product manager vs project manager), a program manager, and a product owner.

What is Product Manager vs Project Manager

The nature of the organizations that product managers and project managers oversee and manage is the primary distinction between the two roles. A project manager is in charge of carrying out a project or plan from beginning to end, whereas a product manager supervises and leads the creation of goods.

Who is a Product Manager?

A product manager directs the development and delivery of a finished product by their team. To develop and market their project, they might collaborate with a project manager, a product team, and customers. A strategic product road map is created by product managers. To produce and deliver the goods, they conduct research on the product, develop a vision, and put a workflow in place. The product manager may collaborate with the sales and marketing departments to develop their product and enhance its marketability.

Who is a Project Manager?

In order to complete a project, a project manager guides the team. The actions or occurrences that result in a specific outcome are included in a project. For instance, a project manager might want to coordinate the launch of a product. They are responsible for planning, starting, and maintaining the project life cycle. A project manager might collaborate closely with a product manager and their team to accomplish this. The project manager supervises and puts the strategy into action while the product manager develops the plan for a product. The overall objective of the project manager is to finish the project by the specified date and on budget.

Project Manager as Opposed to Product Manager

Despite the fact that they may have similarities, product managers and project managers have different roles and duties. Here are some distinctions between a project manager and a product manager:

#1. Functions

The project manager is the executor, whereas the product manager plans. The product is created by the product manager through research and stakeholder interaction. The project manager then manages the project’s execution by putting timetables, timeframes, and a budget into place.

For instance, a candle manufacturer would employ a product manager to look into ideas for a new kind of candle based on what potential buyers might find appealing. The product manager may collaborate with the product team to create a new candle after conducting research. The product manager can also create a strategic plan to introduce the new candle to the market. The candle manufacturer may then appoint a project manager to oversee and manage the resources, budget, and schedule for the launch of the new candle.

#2. Duties

Because their positions cover various facets of production, product managers and project managers have varied daily tasks. In addition to engaging stakeholders regarding research and product ideas, the product manager may conduct research through interviews and surveys. The product manager may also construct a product road map or work with the marketing team to design the product’s packaging once the product team has finished developing it. In order to achieve deadlines for objectives, the project manager must next become familiar with the product, comprehend the project’s goals, and develop a work plan. They could allocate resources for their project as well.

To learn the perfumes their clients prefer for a new candle, the product manager for the company using the aforementioned example might perform market research or surveys. The project manager can create a timeline that the product and project teams must adhere to in order to fulfill the candle’s release deadline once the product manager develops a plan for creating the candle.

#3. Customers

Both product managers and project managers collaborate with customers to create and market their projects or products, respectively. The objective of the product manager is to develop a product that fulfills the wants and needs of customers. To achieve this, they consult with customers directly to determine potential product needs. Product managers play a significant role in market research to identify consumer trends that could boost the sales of their products. The project manager may also collaborate with clients because this research affects how they arrange the workflow for a product.

#4. Services

The product and project managers oversee distinct teams as both are managerial responsibilities. Both of their teams work to guarantee that the product or project is finished in time for release. While the project manager is in charge of the project team, the product manager is in charge of the product team. But in order to make sure that the product team is accomplishing their goals, the project manager also collaborates with them. The product manager promotes team collaboration even though they solely work with the product team.

For instance, when a new candle is being planned, the product team might assist the product manager with their duties. They could offer assistance with research or offer input on the candle’s design. In contrast, the project team might collaborate with the design or marketing teams to develop labels for the new candle while also helping their boss produce the candle.

#5. Technology

Both product managers and project managers utilize several pieces of software to carry out their duties. Software for product management must convey and record strategy and design. Additionally, software that creates product action plans is sometimes used by product managers. A project’s timeline, schedule, and progress must be monitored through project management software. Project managers may be able to follow the development of a product using features in the software they use to generate development plans.

Product Manager vs Project Manager: Which One is Better?

Both the Product Manager and the Project Manager positions are regarded as important in an organization. The best profile for you, however, will depend on your interests, preferences, and abilities. While product management focuses on fundamental problem-solving skills, project management typically incorporates a broader analytical viewpoint. Although the job descriptions for product managers and project managers are very distinct, depending on the organizational structure, some of their responsibilities may overlap. Both managers frequently deal with activity-based specifics of product or service development. In other words, in addition to using a systematic plan, the Project Manager may also need to use a technical one.

Product Manager vs Project Manager: Hierarchy and Job Titles

Product manager and project manager are more or less equal to some common titles, even though the actual job titles depend on the industry.

#1. Preliminary Positions

Potential product managers and project managers are initially hired as project coordinators and schedulers, respectively, and as associate/junior product managers. Senior managers typically train others working in these positions, who also produce reports and help the management group.

#2. Advanced Positions

Senior professionals with comparable job titles, such as product manager and senior product manager, differ in their years of experience. Both lead the product development team and work independently. In certain companies, senior product managers may also be tasked with mentoring their less experienced counterparts.

A senior project manager is in charge of numerous projects at once, while a project manager manages one project at a time in the project management team. As a result, the latter leads a larger team than the former.

#3. Highest Positions

The roles of product director and vice president of the product are the most senior positions on a product management team. In terms of duties, these two profiles are almost identical. They are considered to own the pertinent product and take on a leadership position within the product team. They do not, however, participate in the practical aspects of product development or design. But in large firms, the Chief Product Officer has the senior-post profile (CPO). A CPO is responsible for the entire product strategy and vision.

The Project Director and VP of the Project are also the most knowledgeable members of the project management team. They determine the direction of the project management team and make important choices.

All industries, including those in IT, law, construction, manufacturing, health insurance, telecommunications, etc., need product and project managers. Additionally, as industries continue to evolve, new job titles in both management fields keep appearing.

Average Salary: Product Manager vs Project Manager

A product manager’s job is comparatively more lucrative than a project manager’s. The organization and industry determine the precise wage figures. The typical compensation range at various levels of product and project management is shown below:

Level of Experience Product Manager Average Salary Project Managers Average Salary
< 1 year (entry-level) Rs. 7-10 lpa Rs. 4-5 lpa
5-9 years (mid-level) Rs. 15-17 lpa Rs. 10-13 lpa
10-20 years (senior-level) Rs. 20-30 lpa Rs. 17-22 lpa

Skills Necessary

Every job requires a particular set of abilities and skills. Similarly, the nature of the abilities needed for project management and product management is slightly different. A summary of the crucial traits anticipated in either manager is provided below:

In addition to the abilities mentioned above, both managers need to be educated about their respective functional areas and the industry. Additionally, both jobs need the following skills

  • Technical Competencies
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Being resourceful
  • Oratory Techniques
  • Social Skills

Challenges Withstood

Management is a field that is never without difficulties and obstacles. The obstacles faced by product and project managers increase with employment status. The problematic areas in both management sectors are illustrated below:

Product Manager Project Manager
Engineering Dependencies· Rapid Innovation Cycle Highly Competitive Market·   Flexible Market Dynamics· Unrealistic Deadlines·Budgeting Issues·Inadequate Risk management· Limited Stakeholder Engagement·Unpredictable Project Scope

A product manager must continually communicate with the engineering team to accomplish the objectives of the product because the process of product development strongly depends on their productivity.

Additionally, both managers may have similar issues as a result of organizational structure flaws. Here are some of the common obstacles:

  • Absence of accountability structures
  • Absence of Initiative
  • Insufficient management oversight
  • Goals are not clearly stated.
  • Inadequate evaluation standards
  • Inadequate resources
  • A lack of backup plans
  • Team with little training and experience
  • A lack of communication between the teams
  • The conflict between project/product goals for the short term and the long term
  • Extremely divergent viewpoints among team members
  • Lack of coordination and concentration

Product Manager vs Project Manager vs Product Owner

Understanding the roles of product manager and project manager, the product owner collaborates with the development team to ensure that the right experience is being created. The product owner owns the product vision, defines the ideal customer experience based on a thorough understanding of customer needs, and focuses on all cross-functional work.

We shall examine the objectives, line of work (occupations), marketing plan (collaborations), and roadmaps (teamwork) of the three managers in turn. First, let us look at what exactly a product, program, and project manager do in their different responsibilities.

Product Manager vs Project Manager vs Product Owner: What a Product Manager Does

The product manager determines the strategy and vision for the product. This position outlines the release process and pinpoints the cross-functional tasks required to release the product (or feature). This work is ongoing over a product’s full lifecycle; it is not a one-time task.

The Line of Work of a Product Manager

The product manager is an expert on the market, customers, and the product. They can quickly move between an internal and an outward focus while handling both strategic and tactical tasks.

Marketing Plans of a Product Manager

The product manager drafts the product roadmap in order to include the strategic goals and delivery schedule for the product team. Additionally, they are in charge of gathering suggestions, ranking them, and including them on the roadmap.

Product Manager Teamwork

The cross-functional product team is headed by the product manager. Teammates in engineering, marketing, sales, and support collaborate closely with them. They share the product vision and plan with executives and other stakeholders, such as customers and partners, who have a stake in the product’s success.

Product Manager vs Project Manager vs Product Owner: What a Project Manager Does

The project manager keeps an eye on everything and makes sure schedules are met. They are in charge of overseeing all cross-functional tasks necessary to achieve a complete product experience. Additionally, this position has an internal focus as it manages complicated tasks involving numerous teams and interconnections.

Line of Work of a Project Manager

The project manager has substantial expertise in assisting team members in maintaining deadlines and schedules. They are adept at estimating project completion times and spotting potential issues caused by scope or resource constraints. They are tactical and internal execution-focused.

Marketing Plans of a Project Manager

Each cross-functional release has forthcoming work that the project manager outlines in a strategy along with a schedule for completion. Resource planning is done by the project manager, who also recognizes cross-functional interdependence.

Project Manager Teamwork

The project manager collaborates with a larger team and is required to comprehend how the business provides value to clients. The project manager is adept at sustaining everyone’s drive and focus.

Product Manager vs Project Manager vs Product Owner: What a Project Owner Does

By setting priorities for the product backlog and producing user stories, the product owner assists the development team. The engineering and development teams act as internal customer experts, addressing queries and outlining specifications.

Line of Work for the Project Owner

The product owner is a pro at compiling thorough user stories and requirements documentation. They approach internal needs in a more technical manner. They are in charge of managing sprints and taking part in daily scrum sessions in an agile setting.

Marketing Plans of a Project Owner

Usually, the product manager establishes the product roadmap, and neither the product owner nor the product owner creates a separate plan. To assess the product roadmap and ensure priorities are in line, they should collaborate closely with the product manager (project vs program vs product manager).

Project Owner Teamwork

In order to organize sprints, the product owner collaborates closely with the development team. In order to establish specific requirements and ensure that the technical foundation can support the future of the product, they may also collaborate with UX and operations.

It’s critical to comprehend how these responsibilities normally differ from one another and overlap. In organizations where the titles and areas of responsibility are separate, each role should collaborate closely as a close-knit team in order to get the greatest results. This is how you can meaningfully contribute to your company and aid in the development of a product that consumers will adore.

Product Manager vs Project Manager vs Program Manager

Defining each manager’s area of authority can help you understand how program managers, project managers, and product managers differ from one another. Understanding the contrasts between projects, programs, and products highlights the disparities in talent that each of these professions demands. One way to make the distinctions between program managers, project managers, and product managers (product, project, and program managers) clear is to determine their area of responsibility.


Out of these three categories, products are the most tangible. A company’s offerings to its clients, whether tangible goods, services, or experiences, are all considered products. A product may also be a hybrid of two or more of these groups rather than fall into one of these three categories. A more local mindset is needed for product development and launch than for program management because it involves conceptualization, development, marketing, and many other specific requirements.


A project is made up of a number of tasks that, when finished, are meant to produce and advance something new. Projects can be distinguished by the fact that they have a set beginning and finish date as well as significant time limits. The number of project managers will depend on the scope and importance of the project.


A program is the culmination of many related, interconnected projects. Programs are in charge of all of the projects that make up their component programs, whereas projects only have a narrow, generally short-term aim. Programs, as a result, have a long-term, strategic approach and play a bigger part in the overall organization. For instance, a program might be in charge of starting a new project or opening a new site.

Project Manager vs Product Manager vs Program Manager: Differences

Although each sort of manager requires a strong sense of organization and leadership, the distinctions in their roles necessitate that you give other talents more importance. You may create training programs that will help them succeed in the roles you’ve given them by being aware of these distinctions.

Product Director

A product manager is a professional that oversees the creation of new products for your company. Among their duties are, but are not restricted to:

  • Affecting the design and production of items
  • Integrate the customer’s demands and wishes with the company’s capabilities and values.
  • A product manager can have an impact on a product’s development and strategy.
  • Management and leadership abilities
  • A comprehension of the product, its purpose, and the need it fulfills

A product manager must have vision and market knowledge in order to succeed. As a result, they want strong analytical abilities to comprehend and satisfy customer needs. Additionally, the ability to translate raw market data into useful insights and research skills is required. Furthermore, the ability to make important decisions that will affect a product’s future is dependent upon information and confidence. Additionally necessary are creativity, attention to detail, flexibility, a desire to adapt, and an internal feeling of drive.

Program Manager

Program managers function at a higher organizational level than project managers do. The program manager, who is in charge of organizing all the projects falling under their purview, receives reports from numerous project managers. The duties of a program manager include:

  • Preparing for and keeping track of the program’s development
  • Regulating program spending and assessing expenses against realized profits and advantages. 
  • Maintaining constant communication with all parties involved.
  • Evaluating the program’s potential risks and threats to success

A program manager’s talents are frequently transferable to many different industries and departments because they deal with a higher degree of organization. The day-to-day obligations for this position are significant, but the scope of a program is far wider than these responsibilities. As a result, managers want a stronger sense of strategic vision that goes beyond the specifics of each project.

Project Manager

Professionals in charge of effectively completing projects are known as project managers. A plan for completing the project must be developed, a team must be assembled that is appropriate for the project’s requirements, and the working process must be overseen, led, and troubleshot. Keep in mind that project management can be a very active and involved field when evaluating a candidate’s skill set.

Strong time management is especially important in this profession because projects frequently have schedule limits. As a result, some essential skills include understanding how to allocate, manage, and utilize time effectively. Project managers can create effective plans and make the most of the resources at their disposal thanks to these skills.

A project manager needs the necessary knowledge and skills to use project management approaches. Scrum and agile development methodologies are effective tools for maximizing project efficiency. Furthermore, having knowledge and experience of contemporary project management techniques gives a project manager more tools to guarantee success.

Project vs Product vs Program Manager: Comparisons

There are several similarities between the jobs of program managers, project managers, and product managers. The capacity to efficiently manage time, understand organizations, and have a feeling of leadership are all essential. A set of soft skills is also necessary for everyone in a managing role if they want to get the most out of the people and assets they oversee. These managers all require certain qualities, including effective interpersonal communication, interpersonal skills, and a drive to advance personally and professionally.

But each of these roles has particular duties that are all their own. This leads to the various demands of each function. For instance, a program manager must refrain from trying to control the initiatives that fall under their purview. Rather, they must keep their attention on the big picture while having a strategic vision and being able to delegate. On the other hand, project managers gain by managing their responsibilities with vigor and personal involvement. As a result, the job of product manager requires making decisions that are both analytical in nature yet risky creative, and innovative.

Can a Product Manager Be a Project Manager?

Although they frequently collaborate closely on the same projects, product managers and project managers typically handle two distinct sets of tasks.

What Is the Difference between Project Manager or Product Manager?

While a project manager concentrates on organizing, managing, and supervising projects, a product manager concentrates on the creation and release of products.

What Is the Highest Salary for a Product Manager?

Product Manager’s salaries in the United States range from $28,000 to $525,000, with a median income of $111,000. 57% of Product Managers earn between $111,000 and $242,000, while 86% earn more than $525,000.

Is Product Manager a Stressful Job?

With increased responsibility comes increased anxiety. Due to its adaptability, the position of a product manager is incredibly demanding. Despite the fact that this profession is also extremely rewarding and enjoyable, it is also frustrating for numerous reasons.

Do Product Managers Make Millions?

Yes, Some senior product managers at Google, Uber, and Microsoft earn as much as $200,000 a year. Product manager salary information is available on Glassdoor and PayScale.

What Is the Next Step after Project Manager?

Project managers may advance to become senior project managers, directors, vice presidents, or other executive positions.

Is an MBA Enough to Be a Product Manager?

Although an MBA is not currently required to obtain a position as a product manager, an advanced degree can be advantageous when applying to high-profile organizations. A product management MBA can also help you climb the corporate ladder more quickly than a bachelor’s degree alone.

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