MARKETING CONSULTANT: All You Need to Start (+ Free Tips)


There’s an increasing demand for marketing consultants, due to their unique skills in boosting sales and profits. As such, the profession is becoming quite lucrative and very rewarding. In this article, you’ll learn what the job of a marketing consultant entails. You’ll also gain knowledge on how you can build a career in the field of marketing consultancy.

Marketing consultants work with brands to develop and implement strategies to generate leads that’ll increase sales. They have an excellent understanding of what motivates customers and can advise companies on the best methods to reach their target audience. In other words, marketing consultants are experts in the art and science of promotion. 

Businesses that involve the marketing of products or services, and non-profits that organize campaigns or fundraising often need the services of marketing consultants. These clients understand that there are complexities in the market that their in-house marketers can’t resolve. Therefore, they hire external experts to augment their employees’ effort and bring value to their organization.

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Types of Marketing Consultants 

Independent or Freelance Marketing Consultants

Independent marketing consultants are self-employed individuals or freelancers. They operate single-handedly and consult for one or more businesses. Many companies prefer to hire one individual who can train their internal team or run their entire marketing campaigns. Consequently, it saves them the cost of full-time salaries, other benefits, and even an office space. 

These consultants can operate in one or two marketing disciplines and across a few industries. For instance, an independent marketing consultant may focus on real estate, fashion industry, or non-profit organizations. He may also specialize in internet marketing, brand reputation marketing, or direct response marketing.

An advantage of hiring freelancers is that they are more specific, offering brands a tailored plan that suits their needs. However, because they’re a one-person “team,” they may spend more time handling projects, especially if they work simultaneously for other clients.

Marketing Consultancy Firms

Marketing consultancy firms are large groups that offer marketing consulting as a service. They employ marketing consultants who have diverse knowledge across different industries and marketing niches, to serve a broader market. 

Some marketing consultants prefer to start their careers with consultancy firms instead of taking the self-employed, freelance route. They tend to learn faster, have more stability and security at the beginning of their careers.  

With marketing consultancy firms, businesses don’t have to hire internal marketers, pay full-time salaries, or get additional office space. Instead, they’ll have an external team of experts that can handle any marketing-related challenges. Lastly, these firms are also faster in completing projects since they have more hands.

What is the Job Description of a Marketing Consultant

The job descriptions of marketing consultants vary by the kind of service they offer, the projects they handle, and each client’s requirements. However, the following responsibilities generally apply to them:

  1. Understanding the company’s primary marketing requirements to develop the right strategy that aligns with their specific goals.
  2. Analyzing the client’s current marketing efforts to detect areas of weaknesses that require improvements.
  3. Working closely with brands to create new content and develop strategies that can better reach the target market and increase sales.
  4. Implementing new marketing campaigns and tracking the success of the new approach using analytical tools
  5. Engaging existing customers, successfully retaining them and creating loyal followership using creative and catchy content. 
  6. Creatively expanding a company’s customer base by attracting new clients and motivating them to buy products and try out services.
  7. Ability to study market trends, technological innovations, and other external factors that may affect a business and adjusting strategies to suit the new market.
  8. Training and educating internal marketing staff on best practices, to hone their marketing skills.
  9. Engaging in different promotional channels like social media, TV, and Radio to attract brand awareness to a company.
  10. Continuously advising businesses and organizations on new marketing methods that’ll generate leads to boost sales and profits.

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Marketing Consultant Jobs

Businesses are continually seeking experts with promotional skills to grow their brands. Therefore, there are several marketing consultant jobs available. The number of marketing consulting firms has increased by 3.3% in the last five years

Currently, marketing consultancy jobs are available in different niches. Some marketers focus on specific industries, while others consider the size of the organizations. A marketing consultant can choose to be an advisor for small businesses like restaurants, hair salons, and spas. He or she can also focus solely on large companies, non-profits, or start-ups. 

Some marketing consultants work as social media consultants, helping businesses grow their online presence and gain customers. Others focus on assisting companies to figure out their core message and build their brand.

If you’d like to get a marketing consultant job, you’ll need to have the right degree, a good portfolio, and specific skills. Here are some qualifications for a marketing consultant:

  • An undergraduate degree in marketing, business or communications 
  • Reasonable years of experience working as a full-time marketer
  • A portfolio with a successful history of marketing consulting
  • Knowledge in one or more marketing niches, across several industries
  • Ability to understand people and excellent consumer psychology skills
  • Exceptional communication skills
  • Copywriting skills
  • Knowledge of data analysis and budget planning
  • Strategic decision-making ability
  • Excellent understanding of social media marketing, SEO, PPC, leads generation, and other similar aspects of marketing
  • Marketing automation experience in software like Marketo and Pardot
  • Ability to devise strategies and implement the right tactics.
marketing consultant
A consultant

To begin your career, here are steps to follow:

Get the Right Training and Experience

From the list of qualifications, you can tell that you need a relevant undergraduate degree to become a marketing consultant. Fortunately, many schools offer undergraduate programs in marketing, communications, business, and other related fields. These courses won’t only provide useful information for your career, but can also help you compete favourably. 

You may choose to get additional training in specific skills like graphic design, advertising, branding, copywriting, CRM, and others. You’ll also need to acquire some years of experience in marketing. Start by applying for entry-level positions in marketing firms and build your career from there. 

Determine Your Area of Specialization

When you first start, don’t attempt to try out everything. You need to highlight specific areas where you can stand out from the competition. For instance, you can specialize in brand or product marketing and mediums like print or TV advertising and social media advertising.

Build Your Portfolio

Before hiring you, clients will want you to showcase your ability to yield results, and a good portfolio can help with that. As a starter, you may not have several achievements. Therefore, and it’s better to begin building your portfolio with volunteer work. You can also include your internship program and any promotional projects you carried out in school. 

Get the Relevant Licences

Depending on your specialty area and where you reside, you may require specific licenses, permits, and certifications. Find out what you need and acquire them as they can enhance your opportunities and instill confidence in your clients.

Decide if You Want to Freelance or Join a Consultancy Firm

You can start your career in two ways; independently or with a firm. Both are good choices. If you’re confident you can navigate the marketing consulting world yourself, you can begin as a freelancer. However, if starting alone is a bit intimidating, you can always join a firm for better security.

Start Networking

If you want to succeed, you’ll need to start networking to build your client base. Firstly, you can get a website to advertise yourself and ensure your social media profiles reflect your services. You can also reach out to the kind of clients you’d like to work for, through online mediums and in person.

Marketing Consultant Resume

When applying for jobs, you need a well-drafted marketing consultant resume. Your resume should reflect:

  • Your work experience relevant to the position for which you’re applying
  • Essential skills and competencies, based on the job posting
  • Academic qualifications and relevant certifications 
  • A list of projects handled or quantifiable achievements
  • Area of specialization

Marketing Consultant Salary

The salary for marketing consultants differs by location. According to Indeed, marketing consultants in the United States make an average of $59,269 annually. While in the United Kingdom, marketing consultants can make up to £57,393 annually

In Nigeria, marketing consultancy is a growing industry, with only a few marketing consultants available. Payscale lists an average business consultant’s salary as ₦1,848,649 annually, while MySalaryScale lists an average digital consultant’s salary as ₦70,000 monthly. However, the actual salary may vary significantly from these average figures, depending on the client and the marketing consultant’s responsibilities.

In conclusion, a marketing consultant’s job is an excellent choice, with an incredibly rewarding paycheck. While it requires you to gain specific skills and experience over several years, a successful career is worth the effort

What Exactly Does the Marketing Consultant Do?

Professionals in the field of marketing consult businesses to assist them to comprehend their clients. They pinpoint marketing strategies that will successfully and successfully reach the target demographics.

Is Consulting in Marketing a Difficult Job?

In essence, working as a marketing consultant is a freelance position that pays well when you develop a clientele. As a result, working hard and picking things up quickly are prerequisites for success as a marketing consultant. It takes years of experience and patience to create a career as a marketing consultant.

What Education and Experience Do I Need To Become a Marketing Consultant?

A bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, or communications is typically required to enter the field as a marketing consultant. While working as a marketing consultant is occasionally possible without a bachelor’s degree, the majority of employers demand that marketing professionals have a bachelor’s degree.

How Can Someone With No Experience Become a Consultant?

There are no prerequisites to being a consultant because they operate under a contract, which makes this occupation flexible. It all depends on the organization’s demands and how persuasively you can present your offer. However, consulting jobs are competitive, and firms expect consultants to provide advice at a high level of expertise.

Do People Need Marketing Consultants?

The demand for marketing consultants is increasing, particularly for individuals with specialized skills in areas like sponsored or organic search, social media, product marketing, email, etc. A marketing consultant can offer methods and techniques to help firms accomplish their objectives or complete the task (or even do both.)

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