How to write a mission statement
Image source- Dreamstime

A mission statement guides you toward the goals you plan to achieve. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, it is important to know how to write a mission statement to serve as a guide for not only you but your business and team. In this article, we provide steps to follow to write a compelling mission statement for your business.

How to Write a Mission Statement

It is important for every business to write a mission statement to provide a brief explanation of its existence. A mission statement typically consists of the business’s operations, target market, and unique selling proposition in one to three phrases.

Employees are given inspiration, focus, and direction from it as it outlines what clients or customers can anticipate from the company. A business plan frequently includes a mission statement.

Features of a Powerful Mission Statement

A powerful mission statement entails the following features:

#1. It Is Short.

Most businesses can write a mission statement that is just one sentence long with adequate brainstorming. Additionally, a well-written mission statement should be succinct and direct.

Even though it’s one of the most difficult tasks, strive to reduce your mission statement to 5–15 words, with a 20-word maximum. Use no more than a 1-word string (A, B, and C) and stay away from words with more than 12 letters or 4 syllables.

#2. It Should be Clear.

Say what you do without going into too much detail. Your mission statement needs to be clear, concise, and simple to comprehend. The timing is not right to display your extensive vocabulary. Avoid jargon and buzzwords and speak in plain, straightforward English.

#3. It Should be Direct.

Mention the issue your organization seeks to resolve, why it was founded, and the people or animals it supports. Above all, a mission statement should explain what you do and provide direction for your staff and stakeholders. If it doesn’t do that, it doesn’t matter how succinct or catchy it is.

Why It Is Important to Write a Mission Statement

  • It enables the company to distinguish itself from rivals.
  • A well-written mission statement can highlight the advantages the business offers its clients.
  • It helps workers comprehend the benefits of working for the company and the reason behind their job.

How to Write a Mission Statement for a Non-Profit

A nonprofit mission statement describes your organization’s fundamental, unique purpose. It communicates the value the nonprofit delivers, what groups it serves, and how.

Therefore, you can write the best non-profit mission statement and it should be a succinct description of:

  • Why does your nonprofit exist
  • Whom it serves
  • How it serves them

You should write your non-profit mission statement with consideration and intention. Spend the time necessary to get it right and involve your stakeholders. But be careful; if you involve too many people and spend too much time crafting your mission statement, you risk creating a statement that is overstuffed with jargon and concepts.

Here is a method for writing a non-profit mission statement for the first time or updating an existing one.

#1. Assemble Your Team

It’s crucial to encourage input from all areas of your organization when you develop your nonprofit’s mission statement.

Get opinions from the organization’s staff, board, volunteers, lifelong supporters, and friends.

This approach may take less time or more time depending on the size of your nonprofit; if it is bigger, you may want to think about using focus groups.

Bring together important individuals, including board members, employees, volunteers, and clients of your organization. Keep the number of persons in the group to six to eight. Ensure that your group includes a range of viewpoints and experiences. To speed up the procedure, take into account employing a consultant.

#2. Idea Generation

To begin, consider what you want your organization to do moving ahead, presuming there are no restrictions on budget or personnel. Don’t just concentrate on what your company is doing right now. Think outside the lines that are already drawn. What would you do to address the issue or unmet need that your company was established to address?

#3. Make Your Final Draft.

The mission statement probably won’t be perfect on the first draft. The wonderful thing about writing is that you can edit it. Consider each word as you revise and ask yourself if it is truly required. After that, consider the term and consider whether it is the best option or whether there is a more intriguing, captivating, memorable, or motivating word.

#4. Review it

Your nonprofit mission statement should be regularly evaluated once it has been approved to ensure that it consistently reflects what your nonprofit does and stands for.

How to Write a Mission Statement for a Business

You can learn how to write a mission statement for your business by putting in mind the following steps.

#1. Describe the Goods and Services That Your Business Offers.

You want potential customers to have a clear understanding of what your business performs. This entails laying forth your offer in simple, understandable language.

#2. Define the Company’s Guiding Principles.

Now is the time to start expanding your ideas. You didn’t create a product or service by accident. Instead, you’re more than likely driven by a set of fundamental principles.

These are values that our customers value as well as values that the company’s personnel respect. You may add a compelling set of core values to your mission statement by finding those that have significance for you personally and for your organization.

#3. Describe How the Product or Service Your Business Offers Fits Your Values.

So how does your company’s product serve your fundamental principles? You must make a relationship between the two that the general public can understand.

For instance, if innovation is one of your key principles, you should describe your product or service as pushing limits and explain how it enables users to innovate their lifestyles or business models. In essence, you are increasing the offering’s literal value to achieve a greater goal.

#4. Review it.

Above all, your mission statement should be simple, to the point, and devoid of extraneous information. Your company’s purpose should be clearly described, along with the shared objectives the business is striving to realize. The mission statement should be read by additional team members or advisers, and any necessary changes should be made in accordance with their suggestions.

How to Write a Mission Statement for a Team

A team’s purpose for existing is briefly stated in its mission statement, which is frequently done in the context of the wider corporation. In most situations, the team members collaborate to determine a shared objective and purpose for their work together.

Team mission statements are typically created by employees working together on a project, but any team, department, or organization can utilize one to better coordinate, foster a collaborative environment, and strengthen relationships. You can learn how to write a mission statement for your team.

To establish a successful team mission statement with your department or group, use these guidelines:

#1. Create Your Team

Decide who will be on the team first. To determine whether the current staff members work well together, you can bring them all together for an initial meeting. When it is feasible, every member of the team should take part in the creation of the team mission statement, as opposed to company-wide mission statements that are developed by a limited group of personnel.

#2. Identify Your Goal.

Together, decide what the team will be used for. This will vary greatly based on your long-term objectives. If your group is a department within the organization, for instance, your goal will be different from that of a team formed particularly to do a brief project. Know the purpose of the group and what you’re trying to accomplish.

#3. Recognize Your Audience

Recognize the clients that your team serves. Your mission statement’s structure and the specific content you include will depend on your target audience. Your audience may be the company itself, your clients, or another stakeholder, depending on your objectives.

#4. Know What to Incorporate

Mission statements for teams are frequently brief. They are typically simply one or two sentences long. For this short statement to be successful and beneficial, it’s crucial to contain the appropriate elements.

Most mission statements conclude with a sense of legacy, or how the team’s goals will continue to benefit the organization as a whole and the community they serve.

#5. Describe How You Plan to Accomplish Your Goal.

While some team mission statements merely describe the team’s goal, others also describe how the team accomplished that goal. The best way to ensure that the team is aware of the expectations is to discuss the course of action required to attain the goal. Depending on the length of the overall statement, you can decide whether to add the individual action steps while writing your real mission statement or not.

#6. Compose a Draft.

Write your mission statement’s first draft. Use direct, simple language to capture your goal and actions because most team mission statements are simply one or two words long overall. Consult with the entire team for advice on the best way to word and organize your message.

#7. Refine and Proofread

Together with your team, go over, proofread, and revise your draft. Think about asking coworkers who aren’t on your team for comments and suggestions. Once your mission has been expressed to your team members and others outside the team, edit the document as necessary.

#8. Share Your Post.

Everyone on your team should be aware of your team’s mission. Consider putting it on the website of your organization and posting it in a common place where the team meets frequently. Distribute it to the organization’s other members as well. The statement can also be used to track your development over the course of the project.

What Makes a Mission Statement for a Team Important?

Team mission statements are less prevalent, although company mission statements are a widespread practice. However, there are a number of possible advantages and benefits to sharing team mission statements with small groups within an organization:

  • Provides focus: By developing and implementing a team mission statement, all team members will be aware of the objectives of the organization.
  • Defines a purpose for the group and effectively directs everyone’s efforts toward it.
  • Chooses standards: It is much simpler to choose the standards by which the team will function once its purpose and goals have been decided.
  • Employee recruitment: During the hiring process, recruiters and hiring managers can use the team purpose statement to entice motivated and goal-oriented workers to the company.
  • Establishes stability: A team mission statement provides consistency, especially when there is organizational or team turnover.

Tips to Follow to Create a Powerful Mission Statement for Your Team.

Although every team works in a different way, you may follow some tips to ensure your team has a clear, practical, and purposeful statement. Here are a few additional ideas to think about when creating a powerful mission statement for your team.

  • Be succinct: Mission statements are short on purpose to maintain the clarity of the message. Ensure that your purpose statement is no more than one or two sentences long.
  • Be specific: Be detailed and precise in your terminology. Avoid wasting time or space on phrases or concepts that are not relevant to the goals of your team.
  • Be proactive: Write your mission statement with the long term in mind. When determining your overall purpose, take into account the final result so that you can be proactive in your efforts.
  • Be open: While clearly stating the goal of your team, your mission statement should also leave an opportunity for the group to develop as a unit.
  • Being critical: During team formation and at regular intervals, request input and helpful criticism on your mission statement. Ensure that what you say is meaningful and clear.

Mission Statement Generator

A mission statement generator helps create compelling statements. You can effortlessly develop a compelling mission statement with the help of a mission statement generator and save hours of time.

There are several mission statement generators you can try out for free:

  • HoneyBook
  • Almost Anything
  • Whole Whale
  • Mission Statements
  • Joe-Ks
  • ComfyChair
  • Custom-writing
  • Taskade
  • Nichesss

What Are the 3 Parts of a Mission Statement?

Every mission statement should have these three parts:

  • Purpose: A mission statement must have a purpose in order to explain the existence of an organization.
  • Vision: A mission statement should have goals the organization has for the future.
  • Value: A summary of the fundamental principles that govern the organization’s actions and choices.

What Is an Example of a Mission Statement?

The powerful mission statements are clear, concise, and memorable. They can tell a story through a statement. Here are a few examples:

  • TED: Spread ideas.
  • Google: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
  • Walmart: We save people money so they can live better.

What Is a Good Mission Statement Format?

A good mission statement is a plan that is practical and connects you to your clients while also outlining the goals of your company. It should be a brief explanation of your intention for the organization and society at large. It should carry an optimistic tone.

Customers and staff will remain loyal to your business when your brand forges a sincere relationship with them, boosting your total profitability.

Mission statements also aid in differentiating your company from the competitors in the industry.

What Is Coca-Cola’s Mission Statement? 

Coca-Cola’s mission statement declares its purpose as a company which is to serve as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

  • To refresh the world,
  • To inspire moments of optimism and happiness,
  • To create value and make a difference.

What Is the Starbucks Mission Statement?

The mission statement of Starbucks reads: “With every cup, with every conversation, with every community – we nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection.”

What Is the Amazon Mission Statement?

Amazon’s mission statement reads: “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, and our Operations and award-winning Customer Service teams are at the heart of that mission.

What Is McDonald’s Mission Statement?

McDonald’s mission statement states that: “Our mission is to make delicious feel-good moments easy for everyone. This is how we uniquely feed and foster communities.

In Conclusion,

A mission statement explains what your organization does to someone who doesn’t know anything about it. We can see from the post above that the mission statement represent the goal of an organization. With your goal in mind, you can always write what you feel you can do. Moreover, You can look up the organizations you admire to find compelling mission statements.


What are the 4 key elements of a mission statement?

Mission statements can and should have an optimistic tone, but they also need to have some sort of practical application.

A mission statement should have these four key elements:

  • Value.
  • Inspiration.
  • Realistic.
  • Specificity.

What is the aim of the mission statement?

The main aim of a mission statement is to define the organization’s existence and the beneficial contributions it may make to clients, service users, staff members, and society at large.

A mission statement outlines all the organization’s main goals.

When should you create a mission statement?

The best time to create a mission statement is when starting a new enterprise.

  1. HOW TO CREATE A BRAND 2023 Guide (+ Free Tips)
  2. What is A Mission Explained [+ Free Tips] & Guide
  3. INCOME STATEMENT: Formats, Examples, and How To Prepare One
  4. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF A COMPANY: Best 2023 Samples & Templates to Learn From
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