TIME SHEETS: What It Is, Free Templates & Guide

Time Sheets
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When a company manages its time well, it may successfully fulfill deadlines, stay within budget, and be successful. You must be able to maintain correct records in order to accomplish this. Because of this, timesheets are crucial for any profitable business. Do you want to know what a timesheet template can accomplish for your company? Here is all you need to start.

Time Sheets 

An employer can keep track of the hours a specific employee worked over a specific time period using a timesheet, which is a data table. Timesheets have been recorded using a variety of techniques, including paper, spreadsheet software, and internet time-tracking tools. Digital timesheets have replaced paper-based ones in recent years.

Applications for Time Sheets

Applications for time sheets include:

#1. Processing Payroll

Employers can process payroll by using timesheets to keep track of employee hours, vacation time, accruals, and changes. Employers can track a workflow for payroll approval with the use of timesheet software systems. Payroll problems are most often caused by inaccurate data entry.

#2. Time Sheets for Law Firms

It is crucial for law firms to keep accurate records of client hours and information about the services they provide to customers. Timesheets help legal firms keep track of bills based on client service hours.

#3. Timesheets for Freelancers

For independent contractors, time is money. Since many independent contractors bill clients by the hour, keeping meticulous time records is essential. Knowing the time spent on projects becomes challenging for people who work in a separate place from their clients.

#4. Timesheets for Accountants

The efficiency with which employees use their time with clients determines how profitable accounting firms are. High earnings are a result of high utilization and billability. Accounting firms can track both their time and their invoices with the aid of time sheets and time-tracking software.

Advantages of Timesheets

The following are the benefits of timesheets:

#1. Minimize Time Wasted

Timesheets can show you where you are squandering labor. They help you figure out which tasks take longer than they should and how to get the most out of your work.

#2. Bill truthfully

You can appropriately bill customers with the use of timesheets. They serve as a means of demonstrating to your clients that you manage their projects effectively and don’t waste their money. Timesheets will make it so that your clients don’t have to keep checking on the status of their projects.

#3. Automate Your Billing.

Businesses use timesheets to bill customers for services rendered based on billable hours. By automating billing and invoicing, you can lower your costs. Revenue can also rise as a result of automated billing.

#4. Enhance project management

Timesheets are surprisingly crucial project management tools in the following ways:

  • By keeping track of the time spent on a project, they assist in determining if a person is qualified for a new project, role, or job based on performance.
  • They assist in identifying places where a worker uses more time than allotted and needs extra training.
  • They are useful in gauging the overall effectiveness of your endeavor.
  • They make it simple to allocate the workload among group members by assisting in determining the availability of workers assigned to a project.
  • They make it possible for project managers to keep track of development and foresee delays.

#5. Save money for your company.

Thanks to timesheets, you can find out exactly what your staff is working on. By contrast, the number of time employees put in compared to the results they create may be used to monitor employee productivity.

Why are Time Sheets Used?

Timesheets are used for the following reasons:

#1. Provide Accurate Payroll

Calculating precise payroll is the most fundamental application of employee timesheets. To do so, multiply the total number of hours worked during a week by the employee’s hourly wage.

#2. Examine qualifications

To keep an eye on how well your staff is performing, you can utilize timesheets that track tasks inside a project (also known as project management). This helps you determine whether a certain person is qualified for a new task, position, or job.

#3.  Prioritize qualifications

In project management, timesheets can also show whether an employee is gaining competence in a field that could be useful for upcoming projects.

#4. Send Client Invoices

One of the most important reasons to use timesheets is to tell clients who use your services how many hours you worked and, by extension, how much money you made.

#5.  Assess Training Needs

Timesheets often show when an employee is taking longer than expected or allotted to do a certain task. With that information, you can offer instruction where it is required.

#6. Organize workloads

You can see where your employees are putting in the most effort by looking at their completed timesheets. By doing this, you may more fairly spread the workload and boost productivity.

#7. Evaluate Effectiveness

Timesheets are a great way to find out which of your tasks are less productive than others. With that information in hand, you may concentrate on adjusting and enhancing your procedures.

#8. Create a History Database

Timesheets give exact numbers for common tasks that can be used as a guide for future projects. For instance, in the last three projects, testing took your staff an average of four days. Afterward, you may use that knowledge to enhance client communications.

How to Control Employee Timesheets

The following process are steps on how to control employees’ timesheet

#1. Describe the significance of Time Sheets.

Your firm cannot function without timesheets. Your staff needs to understand how crucial they are. The following is a list of the most common questions we get from our clients.

#2. Establish Guidelines and Restrictions

Don’t rely on chance or the notion that the process will resolve itself. Give clear rules and guidelines so that workers know how to fill out their timesheets from start to finish. When it comes to these rules and regulations, it is better to be too careful than not careful enough.

#3. Teach Your Team

After you’ve told your employees why timesheets are important and set the rules and guidelines, take the time to teach them how to use them. Again, it’s best to get started as soon as possible, so think about integrating a timesheet tutorial in your onboarding procedure.

#4. Sort time

In some companies, timekeeping entails more than just punching in and out at the start and end of the workday. Within the greater time span that is their typical workday or shift, your staff might need to keep track of the amount of time they spent working on various tasks.

#5. Automate timesheets.

Although categorizing your team’s time is a crucial step in the payroll procedure, it also adds another level of complexity

If there are too many categories, your staff members can become confused about how to name each block of time, or they might forget to do it at all.

#6. Email Reminders for Time Sheets

Even if your staff does a great job of keeping track of and categorizing their time, if they forget to turn in their timesheets by the due date, it could seriously slow down the payroll process.

Send out timesheet reminders a few days before the due date to prevent this from becoming a significant problem. Email, text messages and push notifications are the most popular methods for doing this.

#7. Accept the Time Sheets

Even with today’s computer solutions, it could still be hard for employees to fill out their time sheets. They’ll err. They’ll either accidentally add more time than they should, or they’ll fail to mention the time they’ve actually worked.

Time Sheets Template 

Any business can use a time sheets template, whether digital or paper, to keep track of the working hours of its personnel. Using template is an excellent approach to ensuring that you collect the right data for each pay period. Many businesses choose to use time sheets template instead of timekeeping software or a third-party service.

How to Use Time sheets Templates

The user-friendliness and ease of use of time sheets templates are priorities. Start tracking work hours using a time sheets template by doing the following:

#1. Decide on a Template

Choose the template type that best meets your needs first. Think about things like how long your pay periods are, how much detail you require, and the kind of employment you are recording.

#2. Create an Agenda.

Choose a certain day or hour when you or other employees will complete your timesheets. Many businesses ask their employees to fill out their time sheets template every day when they come to work and when they leave.

#3. Verify the Details.

Verify that you have typed your information in the proper area when filling out your timesheet template as an employee. Being precise when completing your timesheet template might help you avoid having to make mistakes later.This kind of timesheet is most often used to keep track of the time of salaried workers who work the standard 9–5 workweek. This kind of timesheet is most often used to keep track of the time of salaried workers who work the standard 9–5 workweek.

#4. Weekly Time Sheets Template

The number of hours worked during a week is recorded on a weekly timesheet. This type of template is often used by shift workers with unpredictable schedules or independent contractors who work for a wide range of clients.

Can I Use Excel for Time Sheets? 

Yes, one can use Excel for time sheets. To create a timesheet in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Format your spreadsheet.
  • Step 2: Add the timesheet title
  • Step 3: Add the necessary labels
  • Step 4:Add labels for the time
  • Step 5: Add final touches

What Should a Time Sheet Include? 

A standard time sheet, whether it be on paper or in software, employs a grid to show how much time was spent on various tasks and/or projects each day. In general, timesheets include the following details:

  • Name of the worker
  • Paid in full
  • Worked date
  • Daily hours worked
  • Total weekly working hours

But you can also ask staff members to submit other information, such as their ID number (if relevant), hourly rate, overtime hours, lunch breaks, mileage, vacation time, and more.


Running a business effectively requires keeping track of how many hours each person works during a pay period. A time sheet template can help you set up payroll in a way that is consistent and easy to use. Workers who are paid hourly frequently rely on their time sheets to track their earnings. It’s useful to know what time sheets are and how to utilize them, whether you’re an hourly worker, a payroll specialist in a human resources department, or both.


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