APPLICATION MONITORING: What it Means, Tools & Guide

Application Monitoring
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Delivering exceptional performance and a wonderful user experience at scale is just as vital in today’s modern digital organization as adding new functionality and features. This necessitates extensive and in-depth application monitoring across the whole customer journey. Application Monitoring, with complete stack monitoring backed by analytics, assists teams in understanding how technology performance affects the business and its customers. In this post, we will define Application Monitoring performance and identify tools for monitoring web and server applications.

What is Application Monitoring?

Application monitoring is the practice of observing an application’s performance, availability, and end-user experience to guarantee appropriate operation. Real-time application performance monitoring (APM) allows businesses to detect problems before they affect real customers and enhance programs to surpass user expectations. APM is critical to giving a gratifying user experience and preventing customer service difficulties or complaints, as a customer or user experience is a primary priority for today’s enterprises.

How Application Performance Monitoring Works

APM uses developments in web server technology, “big data” design, and load balancing on cloud networks to provide precise analytics of running software code. There are numerous APM tools on the market. The best one for your firm will be determined by your specific requirements. Robust monitoring tools, customizable and user-friendly dashboards, alerting systems, and accessible visualization tools for vital information are some of the key characteristics.

Application performance monitoring is based on real-time I/O packet scanning of network data flows. Data analysis and correlation allow for the detection and identification of performance issues. APM solutions often include a dashboard that provides visibility into an application’s performance and may display data such as response time, error rate, and throughput. Event logs can be used to troubleshoot faulty software or database queries. Furthermore, network diagnostics aid in resource planning, hardware allocation, and elastic web server automation, all of which help to save costs.

Why is Application Performance Monitoring Important?

Effective application performance monitoring (APM) is critical to the success of any business. It contributes to the smooth operation of your digital services, with minimal downtime, and the continual delivery of great experiences to your customers. application performance monitoring has various advantages for enterprises.

#1. Customer satisfaction

APM is a useful technique for determining where problems occur in an application. It also illustrates frequent issues encountered during the digital consumer journey. As a result, you may improve the customer experience by finding areas that provide the most value to your customers. APM is also useful in analyzing whether changes are helpful.

#2. Rapid diagnosis

Even a few minutes of outage might result in financial losses and missed client journeys. APM can quickly detect application performance issues and direct IT teams to the source of the issue. This early diagnostic minimizes downtime. Technology teams have more time to create new applications than they do to fix existing ones.

#3. Reduced operating costs

IT teams utilize APM tools to assess how much resource, infrastructure, and computing power are required to keep applications running at peak performance. This helps to keep operational costs to a minimum.

#4. Effective product development

Application performance monitoring tools can be used in the development of a product. You can utilize APM tools to monitor and analyze synthetic traffic, reveal constraints, and identify mistakes in a test or as-live environment. Before an application goes live, development teams may access actionable data and resolve faults that would have previously only been apparent after launch.

#5. Collaboration in business

You may exchange metrics and insights across business groups, resulting in better collaboration, silos breaking down, more engaged staff, and increased productivity.

How Do You Choose the Right Application Performance Monitoring Solution for Your Organization?

Before integrating an application performance monitoring (APM) platform and its suite of tools into your IT infrastructure, there are numerous factors to consider.

#1. Buy-in

Ensure that your teams grasp the reasoning and personal benefits of implementing APM. You must discover a solution that works with the existing systems and processes that your staff is familiar with.

#2. Features

There are a plethora of APM tools accessible. Ascertain that the APM platform you offer includes the appropriate tools for your apps and that it supports your programming language.

#3. Cost requirements

Introducing APM can use a significant amount of CPU resources, especially if you intend to monitor multiple apps. Ascertain that you have the necessary budget for computing resources, as well as the cost of the APM itself.

#4. Ownership

Consider who will be in charge of and accountable for your APM. What teams will be in charge of maintenance and administration?

Tools for Application Monitoring

Application monitoring, also known as application performance monitoring (APM), tools help software engineers spot events that depart from expected performance and behavior. These tools are used by engineers from various domains, such as development-operations (DevOps) engineers, site reliability engineers, information technology (IT) operations, cloud ops, application owners, and application developers. Knowing about the numerous APMs used in the business might help you choose the correct tool to maximize efficiency at your job if you operate in this profession.

What Is the Meaning of Application Monitoring Tools?

Application monitoring tools are software packages that help businesses monitor and evaluate the performance and success of various applications. These tools let businesses monitor various parts of their applications and services to ensure they are running well. Application performance monitoring tools can assist firms in promptly responding to faults or problems inside their applications.

Application Monitoring Tools

Here is a list of various application performance monitoring tools that you might use for your project:

#1. Dotcom-Monitor

Dotcom-Monitor is used by software professionals to monitor the functionality and features of websites, application performance interfaces, web services, and web applications. Furthermore, Dotcom-Monitor employs the EveryStep web recorder to view real-time changes to an interactive website and its element.

#2. AppDynamics

This monitoring tool is excellent for firms that employ a variety of cloud-based apps. They offer cloud monitoring, particular cloud service provider monitoring, cloud migration, and continuous delivery solutions. The tool monitors performance in real-time and saves performance data for future reference. It also provides a diagnosis tool that analyzes the application’s continuous performance while also showing data about the user experience.

#3. New Relic

New Relic is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that primarily monitors availability and performance. It is an application performance monitoring tool that aids in the discovery of any flaws in the application’s code. It uses an application performance index to establish performance standards for applications and checks whether those standards are met.

#4. Raygun

Raygun focuses on application performance monitoring to provide insights and visibility into the server-side performance of an application. Its primary goal is to deliver quick and real-time information into the performance of your web and mobile apps. Raygun features error monitoring and crash reporting, allowing you to acquire code-level insights into your code and correct mistakes that degrade the end-user experience.

#5. Datadog

Datadog is a SaaS-based data analytics platform that assists businesses in determining infrastructure and cloud service performance parameters. It includes characteristics that allow for comprehensive visibility in an application. Datadog assists in learning about applications deployed in a variety of environments, including on-premise, multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, and Internet of Things (IoT). Datadog simplifies the discovery and analysis of metrics, logs, and traces, making troubleshooting easier.

#6. Dynatrace

Dynatrace provides cloud services such as monitoring, AI, application security, and automation. One of Dynatrace’s main fundamentals is unified AIops, which it employs to simplify all of its offerings.

#7. Splunk

Splunk is similar to a SIEM (security information and event management) solution. It captures and correlates machine data in real-time. It logs data and provides numerous ways to visualize it, such as dashboards. Splunk indexes all of the data it collects, making it simple to find events and logs. Splunk provides advanced machine data analytics capabilities such as real-time monitoring, predictive intelligence, and bespoke reporting. Splunk’s tools for detecting and diagnosing security issues across cloud deployments include monitoring, alerting, incident handling, and beach analysis.

#8. Pingdom

Pingdom is a web performance monitoring service provider. This tool can provide information about the performance of various websites and applications. It also lets you track your site’s visitors, analyze traffic, and observe how well a site performs in terms of server response time, bandwidth utilization, and other key data.

Web Application Monitoring

The process of monitoring and analyzing the performance and availability of web applications is known as web application monitoring. Web apps give services and capabilities to end users via the internet and can be accessible from a range of devices and places.

Web application monitoring often entails tracking important performance parameters such as response time, page load time, error rates, and server uptime using specialist software tools. User behavior and interactions with the application, including clicks, page views, and transactions, may also be tracked by the monitoring tools.

Top Web Application Performance Monitoring Tools

#1. Site 24X7

Site 24X7, one of the most popular app monitoring tools, ensures that your application is always optimized for speed. As the term implies, surveillance is ongoing. With this tool, you can simply understand your application’s behavior and eliminate any gaps between how it is perceived by your users and how it operates.

#2. Stackify

Page Speed Insights’ ideological opposite is Stackify. This one is designed exclusively for developers. You can use this performance monitoring tool to improve code, troubleshoot problems, detect errors, and optimize web app speed, among other things.

#3. Netreo

Netreo, the company that created Stackify, also includes best-in-class web application response time functionality in their full-stack monitoring tool. The Web Application Response Time Monitor (Web ART) is intended to provide IT organizations with a realistic view of the user experience and to help them quickly identify the source of performance slowdowns.

#4. GTMetrix

GTmetrix is another popular performance monitoring tool, that allows a thorough examination and testing of your app or website. The good news is that you can get a free test for your portal in which performance across key metrics (PageSpeed and YSlow scores) are calculated from 25 global servers and supplied as data for you to examine and understand.

Server Application Monitoring

Server performance monitoring is the practice of collecting and evaluating metrics to measure the performance of your server resources. This is where monitoring software comes in—it ensures that your apps operate properly and that your servers have sufficient resources to run their tasks. This implies it keeps an eye on the following critical server components:

  • CPU
  • Used memory
  • Storage
  • Network

Best Server Application Monitoring Tools

There are many various types of server management software, and each one focuses on a different aspect of monitoring. This section will go through some of the top server monitoring tools and their distinguishing features.

#1. Prometheus and Grafana

Prometheus and Grafana are two well-known open-source monitoring tools that are widely used for server monitoring. To submit metrics to Prometheus, you’ll need to install a bevy of data-gathering agents known as exporters, while Grafana allows you to construct spectacular dashboards utilizing those metrics.

#2. SolarWinds Server & Application Manager

SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor provides dependable monitoring for virtual servers in the cloud, on-premise, or hybrid settings. It provides an understanding of your server consumption metrics as well as application performance metrics, depending on your situation.

#3. ManageEngine OpManager

ManageEngine OpManager is a simple and inexpensive server performance monitoring program that focuses on the network. It provides comprehensive server and network monitoring capabilities, such as network traffic flow visualization and server network monitoring from end to end. If your company employs VoIP, ManageEngine OpManager can simply monitor and report on VoIP performance on your servers, providing insights on how to improve it.

#4. Sensu Go

Sensu Go is an observability platform that supports server performance measurements and enables you to close monitoring visibility gaps in metrics, logging, and tracing. Also, Sensu can smoothly incorporate existing monitoring systems such as Nagios, StatsD, Telegraf, Prometheus, and others.

#5. Nagios XI

Nagios XI is a comprehensive monitoring software for enterprise servers and networks. Also, Nagios XI, the commercial version of Nagios, was built on top of the open-source version and has more capability, and takes less administrative time. Nagios is most concerned with server metrics, application performance, and network traffic. It captures data through agents installed on both network elements and the components being monitored.

How Does Application Monitoring Work?

Application monitoring works by using specialized software tools to track and analyze the performance and availability of applications. The monitoring tools typically collect and analyze data from various sources, such as servers, networks, databases, and user interactions.

What Are the Key Areas of Application Monitoring?

Application monitoring typically focuses on several key areas to ensure that applications are performing optimally and meeting the needs of end-users. Here are some of the key areas of application monitoring:

  • Performance
  • Availability
  • Errors and exceptions
  • Security
  • User experience

Why Is Application Monitoring Useful?

Application monitoring is useful for several reasons:

  • Improved performance
  • Increased availability
  • Faster issue resolution
  • Improved security
  • Better user experience

What Are the Five Types of Monitoring That Can Be Carried Out?

Several types of monitoring can be carried out, depending on the specific context and needs of an organization. Here are five common types of monitoring:

  • Performance monitoring
  • Availability monitoring
  • Security monitoring
  • Compliance monitoring
  • User experience monitoring

What Are the 4 Steps of Monitoring?

The four steps of monitoring are:

  • Planning
  • Data Collection
  • Analysis
  • Action


The ideal Application Monitoring Tool is determined by the needs of your project. However, pricing, ease of use, supported technologies, and cloud compatibility are all important considerations when selecting an APM.

An APM must specify how or where the problem exists. To address these difficulties, you will most likely want the services of specialists that have experience enhancing and developing web apps for a wide range of use cases. If your mission-critical applications are experiencing performance challenges, or if you wish to upgrade your present technology stack, application performance management tools should be your next investment.


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