POULTRY BUSINESS: Beginners’ Guide to Launch a Lucrative Poultry Business

poultry business
poultry business

Poultry Business

The word poultry business for many automatically strikes a chord as a chicken or egg business. However there are divers’ areas when it comes to poultry farming business. The poultry industry is a lucrative business and as poultry produce as always in demand.

Poultry business is referred to as the raising of various types of birds commercially for the purpose of producing eggs, white meat and feathers.

There are many business areas in poultry business which includes.

  • Chicken farming
  • Egg production
  • Poultry vaccines and medicines
  • The administration of vaccines and medicines
  • Chicken meat production
  • Poultry feed production or sales
  • Packaging/marketing poultry produce
  • Poultry equipment’s etc.

Food is a basic need for man and regardless of the economic situation people will feed and with the increase awareness on the health implications of red meat there is an increase in demand for chicken, turkey and white meat in general.

Types of Poultry Farming

There are many options when it comes to poultry farming and with each one comes a unique market need and benefit.

  1. Turkey farming is high in demand next to the chicken and their market value is pricey, they eat ½ pounds of food daily but can take less if well portioned. They can lay up to 3 eggs per week, they are also great fliers and some people keep them as pet. Lastly turkey is meaty and has a high market demand during Thanksgiving.
  2. Chickens are high profits farm produce and they are the best backyard farm birds, they are easy to rear. They lay eggs at least 6 to 7 times a week and they can serve as pets for some individuals. They can do it all, chickens are known to have the best organic manure and they are cheap to cultivate. If they are well feed their meats can serve a family for days. Some farmers used feed their chicken from the sales they make from their eggs.
  3. Geese are friendly and are difficult to rear and they are high in profits. In an entire year a geese can lay 20 to 40 eggs and their eggs are large, their fluffy feathers can be used for pillows when they are slaughtered. They make loud honking noise when they see strangers so they can equally serve as guard.  
  4. Ducks are of different types for examples the swimmers breeds, the unique Muscovites, the plumper’s, the meaty-faced, waterfowl, mallards, Perkins and the skinny varieties. Each of the different types comes with their special needs, they need lots of space to breed, they are omnivores and they feed on lizards, tadpoles and mice. They also feed on lettuce, tomatoes and bread. They are not so high in demand but are very pricey.
  5. Guinea fowl they look like turkey and they are known as African birds, they are cheap to maintain and in Africa they are hunted, they can fly as high as a tree for the night roosting to be safe from predators. They lay eggs seasonally only in spring and not more than 30 a year. They are very delicious and have more aroma than chicken. Lastly they are loud and they can wander for miles if left free, they can’t be used as pet and they are pricey in the Africa market.
  6. Quail are known for their eggs aside it’s tiny size it is high in protein and they can lay as much as 200 eggs in a year, they are great birds to keep in the home. They don’t roost and they need lots of space to breed, hide and play.

Poultry Farming For Beginners

Poultry farming is very lucrative when you have the right information to guide you but bear in mind you can’t know it all in one day or one article.

  1. Learn more about the business because if you make one mistake it can lead to serious loss.
  2. Intern or work for as many poultry farmers and farms especially in the area you intend to delve into in other to gain experience.
  3. Research poultry farmers what they do individually and how they succeed.
  4. Write out a business plan which will include mission, future financial projections, capital investment, marketing plan, pricing, and lots more, this will help tailor your business in the right direction.
  5. With poultry business you have to be timely and perfectly else there would be financial losses.
  6. It takes passion to see the business through knowing that profits don’t come in immediately.
  7. Financial implications include workers’ wages, drugs and feeds for the birds. Location, equipment’s, management and maintenance. 
  8. Decide on a niche for example eggs, boilers, layers, ducks, turkey etc.
  9. Name your business this will make your poultry business stand out and over time with good branding and PR your brand will become a household name.
  10. You need to consider the type of rearing method you want to settle for.

Costs of Starting a Poultry Business

There is no fast rule on the financial cost implication when starting a poultry business but your first consideration should be the current economic analysis, this will help you project the financial profit margin to be expected over a period of time.

There are key expenses you will make when starting a poultry business.

  1. The cost of the type of birds you want to rear.  
  2. The cost of their feeds that will be sufficient before sale begins.
  3. The cost their vaccination and how many they will take before you make sale.
  4. The operational cost of running the business for the length of time until sales begins.
  5. The cost of equipment’s.
  6. The cost of labor
  7. Marketing cost would include flyers, media ad, opening cost etc.
  8. Legal fees for obtaining permit and license.  
  9. Location cost
  10. Utility bills (water bills, electricity, gas, sewer etc)
  11. Equipment installation fees.
  12. Miscellaneous.
  13. Insurance fees.

The list will grow and more research are carried out, poultry is not a business you rush into, take time to get the right information and employ the services of an expert to further guide you so you don’t lose money.

Profitability of Poultry Farming

Poultry farming business profitability and the profit margin dependent on the type of birds you choose to rear or what you sell. there are areas to make profit from for example chicken eggs are harvested every day which in variably means cash at hand every day.

If you choose to deal on boiler fowl it means your sale will be seasonal, you will have to train for at least six weeks before selling and it all depends on the state’s regulation and policies.

The profitability is tied to the investment capital. It will take some time to gain by your initial capital but overtime with consistency and following of the laid down rules the profits will roll0in in good figures.

How to Start Poultry Business

  • Niche: There are two types of common poultry farming the boilers and the layers. Some big farms do both others choose a one. In which ever you choose there are steps to take rules to follow.
There are niches you can choose from in chicken or turkey farming.
  1. Meat production
  2. Egg and meat production
  3. Poultry feed production
  4. Egg production
  5. Hatchery
  • Choose the type of birds you and to rear and start small with the right business plan you can expand.
  • Create a logo which will be the first look of your brand to your customers.
  • The Location should away from town but at the same time it should be accessible and factor the cost of transporting your produce to town.
  • Finances can be a constrain in setting up but there are way to go about it, you can take a bank loan or partner with two or more persons so the investment coat can be shared.  Funds are needed in many areas of the business for example equipment’s, vaccination, incubators, lighting system, feeders, drinkers, perches, heaters, and brooders and lot more. You will have to pay wages still sales starts. 
  • Face to face advert is still very effective till I date, yes there is social media but flyers and word of mouth is very effective.
  • Hire professionals who have experience in the farming, for there are many delicate aspects to farming that a rocky will not understand which can lead to disaster and loss. You will need an admin, an accountant and a store keeper.
  • Website and social accounts are very important the world has gone global and many people go on the web to search for basically everything they need. Get customers to write positive reviews for you, lastly ensure your website is impressive and is updated regularly with your constant supervision.
  • Marketing your produce is very important and whatever strategy use choose to employ make ensure you invest in online advert, flyers, stickers, send out proposal to customers who needed your product in large quantity, analyze the market demand and supply for your product and know your customers it will help you have a marketing plan.  

ALSO READ…. FLOUR PROCESSING BUSINESS: Cost breakdown & How to start tips (+ Detailed Guide)

How Profitable Is the Poultry Business?

Farmers can make up to $100,000 a year from chicken farming, based on the size of their farm and the type of chicken they raise. Profit margins will be directly affected by things like breed, feed costs, housing, and marketing.

Is Poultry a Good Investment?

The poultry business is a robust one, and it has great potential going forward. This is largely because of two fundamental factors: the reliability of food demand and the vertical integration (efficiency) of poultry businesses. Since most poultry companies are privately held, there aren’t many places to put your money.

How Do I Start a Successful Poultry?

Make sure your poultry farm has the necessary feeders, waterers, nests, ventilation systems, cages, coops, and perches. A poultry farm also requires a waste management system, lighting equipment, a brooder or incubator, and an egg tray.

How Much Do I Need to Start a Poultry Business?

Small scale – approximately $70,000 is required to begin rearing chickens on a small scale (approximately 50 birds) and keeping them in cages in your backyard. Medium scale – You’ll need between $800,000 and $6 million to create a mid-scale chicken farm, which will require homes and other materials dispersed across 1-2 plots of land.

  1. How to Write a Poultry Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide
  2. POULTRY FARMING BUSINESS: Baby-steps to Setup a Cost-effective Business in Nigeria
  3. 2023 Agriculture Loan List, Updated!!!(13 + Application guide)
  4. BUSINESS FARMING: Profitable Ideas on How to Start a Small Farm Business
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