EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IDEAS: Working Ideas, Games & Improvement

Image Source: CareerArc

Basically, employees are the foundation of any flourishing business. They represent the company in all dealings with customers and are the engine that keeps the business running. However, employees nowadays want more than to merely clock in, punch out, and feel like they’re simply another cog in the wheel; they want to be engaged in and excited by their jobs, and they want to feel relevant and cherished by their employers. So, employee engagement is thus becoming one of the most popular buzzwords in the workplace and is frequently used to assess productivity and job satisfaction levels. When done properly, employee engagement leads to each team member providing their absolute best. In this piece, we highlighted ideas on how to engage your employee in virtual and inexpensive methods, and games, and how to improve their engagement and participation to in a great way contribute toward company-wide success.

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What Employee Engagement Is and Why It Is Essential in a Company.

Employees are more likely to work hard toward a common objective when they feel emotionally invested in their team’s success. With this kind of motivation in place, employees are more invested in their work and more productive, leading to happier customers and more business. Hence, employee engagement ideas can increase earnings and shareholder returns when combined with an efficiently operated business.

In addition, an engaged worker takes pride in their work and works hard to further the company’s objectives. They are highly motivated, dedicated, and enthusiastic about the organization and its principles. As opposed to this, a disengaged employee may be slacking off; just working enough to get by or even spreading rumors about the company to others.

With the help of employee engagement software, one can monitor a company’s culture, conduct employee surveys, and gain some insight into your staff’s motivation as well as their level of dedication to their work.

Why Ideas About Employee Engagement Is Important

When employees are invested in their jobs and the success of the company as a whole, they are more likely to go above and beyond in all three areas of a business;

  • Job satisfaction
  • Productivity; and
  • Quality of output.

Employees who are invested in the success of the business as a whole will go above and beyond to achieve it. They are less inclined to look elsewhere for work because of higher pay or a more prestigious position, lowering their turnover rate.

When people are engaged, they are more productive, loyal, and dedicated, which increases employee retention, customer happiness, and an organization’s overall financial stability.

What Are the Three CS of Employee Engagement?

The three C’s of employee engagement; 

#1. Career

Employees care most about being able to advance in their careers through opportunities like job rotations, critical assignments, and promotions. There will generally be a significant uptick in employee engagement if the organization and its managers invest substantial, sincere effort into fostering employees’ professional development.

#2. Competence

Refers to one’s potential for development, whereas a career focuses on actual development. Competence develops when people have chances to learn and then use what they’ve learned in practical situations. Moreover, most workers are on the lookout for ways to improve their skills. As long as people believe they are developing marketable talents, they are willing to take on new challenges, learn, and improve.

#3. Care

Managers that truly care about their employees must exhibit qualities such as sensitivity, empathy, and spontaneity. Managers’ daily actions convey feelings of care to their employees. You should always take into account your employee’s “mood”

What Is an Employee Engagement Strategy?

Employee engagement strategies and ideas focus on creating an environment where employee engagement is more likely to develop. An “employee engagement strategy” is any effort made to encourage workers to feel enthusiastic about their work for the company.

Employee Engagement Ideas

When your workforce is dissatisfied and uninspired, no amount of money, time, or resources will be enough to keep the business afloat. Just around a third of workers are actually enthusiastic about their jobs, so if morale is low where you are, you aren’t alone. 

Nevertheless, if you find yourself daydreaming about all the fun and exciting things you and your company can do together, all you need is to read through this extensive but inexpensive collection of employee engagement ideas. 

#1. Make the Onboarding Process Interesting

From day one, employees build opinions about their workplace. Everyone has a responsibility to boost employee engagement. Even while leaders now have more chances to take the kind of action that boosts engagement, everyone else needs to be held responsible. Both managers and staff should make new hires feel welcome and facilitate employee access to resources.

In addition, they should help clarify expectations in communications and introduce new hires to the rest of the team

Planning a few enjoyable activities for new hires is also a good idea. Think about launching a new hire club or a happy hour. If remote employees are hired, think about how you’ll modify their onboarding. A good first impression will help a lot.

#2. Spice up the office setting.

Employees can become fatigued from the daily grind of 9 to 5. Make sure this doesn’t occur by sprinkling in a few different possibilities. Plan walking meetings to get some exercise and fresh air. In the meantime, let staff continue working remotely or from home if the need arises. Take them to their preferred restaurant or coffee shop for your next one-on-one meeting. Consider putting forward your ideas to make the workplace more engaging if you’re an employee.

#3. Have a Charitable Mission and Implement It.

Your company’s dedication to a charity cause plays a large role in fostering employee engagement, as 79% of millennials currently seeking out businesses that give back to their community. Consider allowing staff members to volunteer for your chosen cause on a few days of PTO every quarter.

#4. Seek advice from the staff.

Each of your staff members has particular skills that can be useful to both managers and staff. When leaders solicit assistance or comments from their team, they are highlighting employee strengths while also expressing their gratitude.

Request their assistance in finding cost-saving opportunities or in editing your important executive presentation. Get their opinion on your most recent team-building initiative. Alternatively, you may ask them for suggestions on how to handle your subsequent strategic planning meeting.

By including your staff, you’ll demonstrate that you value their input and facilitate decision-making that will be popular with all parties. Ask your coworkers for advice that plays to their strengths as an employee. Your coworkers will value your manager’s request for input in the same way that you do.

#5. Offer Opportunities for Growth

One essential strategy for motivating your workforce is to foster a culture of corporate growth.

When individuals feel complacent and trapped in a position that no more seems to offer prospects for advancement, many people want “greener pastures.  This is the reason managers should closely monitor their team and give them more responsibility or even help them transition to new roles when they further their education and maybe add to their respective skill sets.

#6. Be a Coach Who Inspires People, Not a Managing Boss

Get rid of your boss-like attitude. Your staff members prefer guidance, coaching, and nurturing over being bossed around.

According to our research, manager coaching can have a significant impact on worker performance and engagement. According to this report, 85% of highly disengaged workers said their manager doesn’t provide them with enough coaching. Businesses that have staff that receives regular, efficient coaching see a 21 percent improvement in financial performance.

Demand feedback more often as an employee if you find yourself feeling disengaged due to a lack of coaching. Be willing to learn and progress, and don’t forget to express gratitude to your management for their advice.

#7. Applaud the Workforce (not just their work)

More than their work-related accomplishments, your workers are much more. Celebrate your team members’ successes outside of the workplace at every chance you get. For an employee’s birthday, bring cupcakes. Display any accolades from the local community. Purchase them a graduation gift. Recognizing that your staff is so much more than just workers will help you out greatly.

#8. Do a Strengths Analysis

Use a strengths evaluation to help employees better understand themselves and develop. Recognize their strengths and weaknesses and utilize that information to your advantage! Employee development and engagement will improve, allowing you to tap into their full potential.

As a team-building exercise, as an employee, consider recommending that your team members complete a strengths evaluation. In order to work more effectively with your coworkers, it can be helpful to recognize their strengths and weaknesses.

#9. Request That Workers Create Their Own Job Descriptions

Asking your staff to identify their role can help them take responsibility for it. Employees are given a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities as a result. However, it also exhorts them to acknowledge and embrace their responsibility. Therefore, let them construct their part—to a certain extent, of course—instead of dictating what they should do.

Make absolutely sure you accept responsibility for your function as an employee. Share your likes and dislikes regarding your responsibilities. Draw attention to what you find simpler and more difficult. Through this, you take control of how your obligations are handled.

#10. Encourage Uniqueness

Employees generally feel more connected to their jobs when they can contribute their complete, real selves. Find out about individuals’ personal life and what motivates them by asking questions.

Finding out about the staff’s favorite sports team or favorite weekend activity can greatly encourage them to start opening up. When employees are treated like identical robots, engagement suffers. Hence, encourage them to be themselves.

#11. Make Sure They Aren’t Working Too Hard

Provide employees with a working schedule that allows for plenty of downtime to visit with family and close friends. Make them realize that you value their private time as much as their work. Taking the time to demonstrate your concern can play a big role in fostering a sense of value and appreciation in workers and preventing burnout.

#12. Leave the Office and Enjoy Some Fun!

Socializing is a powerful tool for boosting employee engagement in the workplace. Building a team can result in more satisfying work environments, effective communication, as well as stronger working connections.

Hence, consider team lunches, summertime happy hours, or workplace Christmas celebrations. Prioritize spending time with coworkers outside of the office. It will bind your work together while also aiding the development of relationships.

Inexpensive Employee Engagement Ideas

It’s been proven through extensive research that financial compensation isn’t the only factor contributing to job satisfaction. But, carefully selected inexpensive rewards and ideas will aid in maintaining long-term employee engagement.

Hence, business owners should implement a system of inexpensive or non-monetary rewards to increase employee motivation and engagement. You need to decide on a budget and the behaviors and outcomes you wish to incentivize before you can do so.

There are several advantages to using non-monetary inexpensive ideas and incentives to foster employee engagement. Without breaking the bank, morale, and output increase, absenteeism decreases, and the general mood in the office improves.

Below are a few ideas of inexpensive, non-monetary rewards that business owners might give to their employees to increase motivation and employee engagement.

  • Acknowledge and appreciate
  • Give employees a chance to make a difference
  • Aim for continuing education
  • Offer flexible work schedules
  • Introduce job rotation
  • Little gestures go a long way
  • Plan teambuilding exercises

Virtual Employee Engagement Ideas

Virtual employee engagement ideas involve activities, games, and projects that are aimed at actively influencing remote employees while working from.

There are many ways to keep remote workers interested. For instance, you may spend time and/or money on online team-building exercises to strengthen your teams’ relationships. These connections and ideas are closely related to virtual employee engagement. Also, you can show appreciation by praising others verbally, in writing, and financially.

Employers can engage their remote or hybrid staff via virtual methods without having to meet them in person.

What are the Best Virtual Employee Engagement Games, Activities & Ideas?

Virtual employee engagement ideas or games are activities that encourage and strengthen the bond between a company and its remote employees. Some examples of such events are Mister Rogers Calls, a #you’re-awesome channel, and the quarterly Christmas celebration. The goal of these suggestions is to increase enthusiasm and engagement. 

That being said, here are some of the amazing virtual employee engagement ideas or games to engage employees.

  • Virtual Murder Mystery
  • Solve Puzzles With Remote Teams
  • Spreadsheet Pixel Art
  • Quarterly Christmas
  • Virtual Rewards And Recognition
  • Quarterly Christmas
  • Online Office Games (Fun Event)
  • International Monster Hunter
  • Virtual Water Cooler Activities
  • Virtual Event

Improve Employee Engagement Ideas

Successful employee engagement strategies take time to develop and require the support of upper-level management. Yet that shouldn’t stop you, because an enthusiastic team is a key to success for every business.

Here are a few ideas to improve employee engagement, including both quick-fix and long-term solutions.

  1. Request feedback and use it to improve.
  2. Ensure that your managers are active.
  3. Adjust your onboarding procedure.
  4. Create volunteer opportunities.
  5. Support the physical and mental well-being of employees.
  6. Assemble resource groups for employees.
  7. Give out regular questionnaires on employee satisfaction.
  8. Provide choices for job growth and career paths.
  9. Promote passion-driven endeavors.
  10. Honor and reward exceptional performance.
  11. Organize team outings.
  12. Provide management instruction on employee engagement.
  13. Provide programs and chances for training.
  14. Workflows should be cleared of pointless tasks.
  15. Let employees choose their own schedules.

How Do You Spark Employee Engagement?

Here are the four basic ways to spark employee engagement and growth;

  • Performance Reviews
  • Reward System.
  • Continuous Feedback
  • Ongoing Training.

Which Are the Five Employee Engagement Components?

The five core components of employee engagement;

  • Meaning
  • Autonomy
  • Growth
  • Impact, and
  • Connection


Employee engagement has now become one of the most popular phrases in the business world and is frequently used to assess productivity and job happiness levels. When done properly, employee engagement leads to each team member providing their absolute best.

Moreover, when ideas and games that foster employee engagement in used, it enables employees to be more productive, loyal and dedicated, which increases employee retention, customer happiness, and an organization’s overall financial stability.


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