HOW TO SAVE FOR A HOUSE IN 2023: Ultimate Guide


The enjoyable parts of buying a house are looking through real estate ads online and planning exactly how you’d remodel that antiquated kitchen. Not so much setting aside money for a down payment. But buying a house is one of the most major financial decisions you’ll ever make, and the amount of your down payment will significantly impact how much you borrow and how much you’ll have to pay each month. What will it take to save in 2023 for a down payment on a house? For most people, it’s a long-term financial objective that calls for a few potentially significant lifestyle changes. This blog post will look at tips on saving for a house while renting with a low income and for a down payment in 2023. 

How to Save for a House Down Payment

Here are some tips to help you save money for a down payment on a house sooner than you might have anticipated in 2023.

#1. Establish a budget

Knowing where your money is going is essential if you want to save for a down payment on a house in 2023. You might find it simpler to make cuts and start saving more once you take stock of how much you’ve been spending on extras like clothing, shopping, and entertainment. The initial stage is to establish and adhere to a budget. There are many different budgeting strategies available, and the one that works best for you will be the one you can stick to the most.

#2. Establish your budget for buying a house

30% of your income is a specific suggestion for the percentage you should spend on housing. But doing so does not entail taking on a mortgage that consumes a third of your salary. All housing costs, such as taxes, electricity, and insurance, should be included in that 30%. Determine the size of the house you can afford and plan how much money you will need for a down payment.

#3. Automate savings process

Moving money into your savings account when it would be more enjoyable to spend it can be painful. It makes sense to automate your savings because of this. Your savings will increase automatically if you regularly set up an auto-deposit into your down payment fund. You may even set up an automatic deposit into a high-yield savings account online or at a different financial institution from your checking account.

#4. Reduce costs

You’ll need to look closely at your spending at some point in the process of trying to save for a down payment on a house and decide to make cuts if you want to save money more quickly in 2023.

Start with non-essential costs like a gym membership, restaurant meals, or streaming subscriptions. Although exercise is essential, should you pay $50 per month? Running outside or working out while watching informative YouTube videos are free options.

#5. Purchase used to save money

You might be amazed at how much money you can save by purchasing used things instead of brand-new clothes, shoes, furniture, appliances, cars, and other items. However, it’s crucial to use strategy when making purchases. Spending money on things that need to be repaired or replaced immediately is not a good idea.

Buying used is an intelligent plan for both wants and necessities when trying to save for a down payment on a house. It can sate desires for novel items, such as clothing, which can be found for pennies on the dollar. Additionally, you may save money on necessities like a replacement phone by choosing a less expensive certified refurbished model.

#6. Cook more

Although it may sound cliché, there’s a good reason why personal finance experts advise cooking more meals at home when attempting to save money: It works. Americans spent an average of 8.6% of their disposable income on food in 2020. Of this, 3.6% went on food purchased outside the home, and 5% went on food prepared at home. Changing some of the meals you currently eat out to ones you prepare at home could help you save even more money for your down payment on a house. Restaurant dining is typically significantly more expensive than home cooking.

#7. Become a champion reseller.

Some of the properties you own could help you get there when trying to save up a down payment on a house in 2023. Consider selling the stuff you no longer need or use on online marketplaces, at nearby pawn or consignment stores, or at a yard sale.

#8. Move back home

In the past, young adults might leave their parents’ house after high school or college without looking back. However, many young people are concluding that staying at home for a little longer may be the only way to build up a down payment for their own house.


How to Save for a House While Renting

It could seem impossible to save for a house while renting in 2023. Rent is, after all, pricey! And the price stays the same. In the summer of 2022, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment across the country was $1,358. With more of your house going into rent each year, how will you ever save for a house while renting large enough to buy one?

Tips on How to Save a House While Renting in 2023

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the best tips on how to save for a house while renting:

#1. Adhere to a budget.

Making a budget demonstrates to your money who is in charge—you. Instead of wondering where your money went, you now have the authority to direct it. By creating a budget, you may achieve any financial objective, such as saving for a down payment.

#2. Repay debt.

Get this: On average, Americans spend 30% of their monthly salary paying down debt that isn’t a mortgage (like credit card bills, car loans, and education loans). That amounts to over a third of your salary being wasted on things from the past rather than going toward your future home.

#3. Find a housemate.

Let’s imagine you are a single person attempting to save money to buy a house while renting an apartment. A two-bedroom apartment probably won’t cost much more than your one-bedroom one. Consider that in the summer of 2022, the national median rent for a two-bedroom apartment was $1,358. A one-bedroom apartment was priced at $1,185 in the meantime. That difference is not even $200! So instead of paying double rent, why not move to a two-bedroom apartment, find a roommate, and split the cost?

#4. Find a less expensive apartment.

Moving is never enjoyable, especially if you move from a hip neighborhood to one that isn’t. But what if getting cheaper rent could quickly add thousands of dollars to your savings for a down payment?

#5. Reduce wasteful spending.

Cutting back on items you don’t need is another approach to increasing your savings when renting and trying to save for a house in 2023. Yes, it can hurt to forgo some indulgences. But keep in mind that it’s only fleeting. These expenses can be re-added to your budget once you’ve met your down payment goal.

#6. Sell stuff.

Undoubtedly, your apartment or rental home is filled with crap you no longer use. Sell it! You might hold a garage sale if you reside in a busy location. Or you may sell online on websites like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace.

#7. Start a side business.

Take a second job if you want to push your efforts to save for a house while renting. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. You won’t stay employed there indefinitely. So pick an essential activity that you won’t abhor performing after work.

#8. Hold onto raises and bonuses.

Do you have the chance to earn bonuses at work? You can be in a position where your commissions rise the harder you work. Or perhaps you deserve a pay boost. Whatever your employment position, putting any extra money you make toward your down payment goal is a terrific way to save for a house while renting.

#9. Abstain from rent-to-own.

Before we finish, we must switch gears and caution you about rent-to-own properties. You could be tempted to go with this choice, but be sure you understand how these offers might hurt you before making a decision.

A rent-to-own home is a house you rent for a while before purchasing. The idea is to reserve a house even if you aren’t currently able to pay for it. Rent-to-own is more expensive than renting and trying to save money for a house simultaneously.

How to Save for a House on a Low Income

It’s time to save now that you know how much cash you’ll need in 2023 to buy a house on a low income. You may use these tips to save for your future house on a low income, regardless of whether you’re just starting to save or already have some money in the bank.

#1. Boost your credit score to spend less, perhaps.

You can get a mortgage even if you have bad credit, but you’ll probably have to pay more interest than someone with good credit. Although a 1 percent difference in interest may not seem like much, it adds up over the course of a 30-year loan.

#2. Check out special assistance programs.

Some loans and programs can help you become a homeowner by giving you lower down payments, help with the down payment, and other perks, depending on your situation. For example, FHA loans have lower down payments for first-time homeowners, and the Veterans Affairs department has unique options for both active-duty service members and veterans.

#3. Earn money from items you don’t use.

Trying to save money for a house might be challenging for families with a low income. One of the causes is that salaries frequently fall short of the average cost of living. Because the deck is already loaded against you, how are you supposed to save? Families also don’t usually qualify for things like getting a second job.

This is just due to a lack of time to dedicate to new work. Selling stuff you own is one way to earn more money without giving up time. Children’s products are among the most profitable things to sell. Therefore, you are already in a good position if you are a parent!

#4. Set a goal and begin saving more money.

Savings are frequently utilized for a down payment, closing costs, and as a safety net in case of unforeseen costs or changes in life circumstances. Therefore, having a reasonable sum of savings makes qualifying for a mortgage more straightforward since lenders view you as less risky, according to Johnson.

Tisdale says that if you have a low income, you should set goals before you save money for a house. Setting goals gives you the drive to follow your financial plan. Your brain is rewired by them, which aids in better decision-making. Imagine the kind of life you want to have. What role does a house play? Where is it? What is the price? She advises: “Be as explicit as you can.”

What is the fastest way to save for a house?

Easy Ways To Save For A Home Quickly:

  • Establish a budget (Yes, Really). Making a strategy is the best approach to saving money.
  • Subsist of the new mortgage payment.
  • Save your upcoming bonus.
  • Make this year a “Staycation.”
  • Stop all unnecessary spending (For a Short Time)
  • Get a side job to save more money.
  • Clear your debt.
  • Sell your stuff.

How much money should you save before buying a house?

A wise method to buy a house if you’re getting a mortgage is to set aside at least 25% of the sale price in cash to pay for a down payment, closing costs, and relocation expenses. Therefore, if you spend $250,000 on a home, you might pay more than $60,000 to cover all of the associated costs.

How do you realistically save for a house?

Here are our top tips for saving for a house if you want to one day own a home:

  • Establish how much you require.
  • Take charge of your debt.
  • Temporarily put off saving for retirement.
  • Make saving easier by using technology.
  • Request a present of cash.
  • Start a side business.

Is it worth saving 20% for a house?

Yes, making a 20% down payment will lower your housing costs. Borrowers will save a lot of money over the life of their mortgage loan if they make a big down payment. However, many first-time home buyers can climb the housing ladder faster with a smaller down payment.

How much a month should I save for a house?

According to data from the Federal Reserve, the typical American barely saves 6% of his or her disposable income. Assuming he or she makes the median household income, 6% would be around $300 per month, which, if started saving at age 28, would be enough to buy a $100,000 home by age 35.

At what age should I save for a house?

There is never a bad time to start saving. The best time to start saving is when you’re in your 20s.

Can I save for a house in 1 year?

You could accomplish this in just a year! We’ve created a thorough analysis of how to make it all work using national median home prices, income, and accounting for the down payment, closing costs, and other expenses.

How much do I need to save to buy a 300k house?

You will need at least $10,500 to $15,000 if you want to spend roughly $300,000 on a home but can’t get approved for a financing program that doesn’t demand a down payment. Closing charges and other fees are also necessary, usually accounting for 2 to 5% of the purchase price.

How can I start saving for a house in my 20s?

How to Start Saving for a House in Your 20s:

  • Consider the type of house you can afford.
  • Make on-time, consistent payments on your bills.
  • Open a savings account with a higher interest rate.
  • Establish (and adhere to!) a budget.
  • Save all of your money.
  • Benefit from tax deductions.
  • Begin a side business.


You should have a well-thought-out plan if you want to save for a house in 2023 while renting, with a low income, and for a down payment. But first, make sure you are aware of the down payment needed. Although many people think they need 20% down to buy a house, you can buy a house for as little as 3% down.

For instance, VA Loans let you put no money down on a home purchase. Before you begin saving, consider your financing alternatives and calculate how much money you’ll need.

There are numerous tips you may utilize to save money for a down payment, regardless of whether you have already begun saving for a house or are beginning to do so in 2023. Start by establishing a family budget that includes setting aside a specific sum of money each month for your down payment.


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