Trillion dollar companies list 2019/2020

trillion dollar companies list 2018

with the rise of trillion dollar companies, more companies are joining the trillion dollar companies list 2018 as this year 2018 has been characterized the year of the trillion dollar company. Years before, reaching the thirteen digit mark was far-fetched considering the GDP of the United States that was around $20 trillion.

Regardless, after the rise in stock prices last year, with the tech sector on the lead and a major jump early this year. These gave room to a number of grants with the potential to join the trillion dollar companies list this year.

Here’s a breakdown of the trillion dollar companies list 2018

1. Apple
2. Alphabet
3. Microsoft
4. Amazon

The amazing news is, with the stock these companies gained in 2017 and 2018, they are gunning to rise even further.


The iPhone manufacturing company has over the last six years held the most valuable American company with only brief hiccups. So, it was anticipated to be the first trillion dollar U.S company. Apple billowed past Microsoft and Exxonmobil in 2010 and 2012 respectively to claim the most valuable company title. With the multiple leads and take backs, however, Apple has lasted comfortably at the lead spot for about two years. How did Apple do this?

Not too long ago, the multibillion-dollar company’s market cap peaked $900 billion and they opened the floor to the top of trillion dollar companies list 2018 before amazon joined the trillion dollar companies list 2018.


Returns of this search company have maintained a steady pace over the last five years as a result of its dominance in search advertising. Lately, it was recorded that their revenue increased 24 % to 27.8 billion and the earnings per share scaled 32% spinning off cash. Observers are optimistic and hope that Alphabet exceeds a $1 trillion market cap this year.


This superb windows-manufacturing company has quietly followed in the race to $1 trillion. Under the administration of CEO Satya Nadella, the company has increased its business services in the following ways;

  • Acquisition of LinkedIn.
  • Releasing Microsoft’s office suite for IPad.
  • Creation of the surface book (The company’s first laptop).


This is the second biggest member of the trillion dollar companies list after Apple. With a notable rise in market value this year, the e-commerce giant kicked off on a rather fast pace. Managed by Jeff Bezos (one of the top CEOs in the world). Amazon has benched an unrivaled spot of competitive advantages with its program varieties. Market euphoria and study result can help to keep the business world version of the large numbers law in check.

The interesting common characteristics among these companies are;

  • The drive for scaling higher business altitudes.
  • The quest for pitching large market cap.
  • The steady progress recorded due to conscious efforts put into administration and market value optimization.
  • Mind blowing results recorded, from grinding over the years and the success within short periods
  • The culture of doing “that extra” that spark uniqueness.

The interesting common characteristics amongst these companies are;

  • Their race to the trillion-dollar market cap helps to keep in mind that obstruction comes up in the stock market as economic expansion surfaces.
  • Staying true to the business course.

The trillion dollar company list 2018 might appear impossible but trust me, the efforts put into these processes are just the pillars to the growth of these companies.


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