LEADERSHIP STYLE: 7 Most Effective Styles 2023!!!

leadership style

Leadership comes in many forms, and each has its own unique effects on an organization. In this article, we’ll discuss the various types of managers’ leadership styles, why it is important to know your leadership styles, and the type of leadership style that is best for your businesses.

Leadership Styles for Managers 

Leadership styles are managers’ methods of persuasion, motivation, and direction. The style of a leader affects how he or she puts plans and strategies into action to reach specific goals while taking into account the needs of stakeholders and the health and safety of the team.

Every effective leader makes use of a unique blend of traits and characteristics to shape the way they lead their followers. So, leaders must be able to figure out how they can be more effective based on how their leadership style compares to the traits above.

For an organization or situation to succeed, a leader must know the best leadership style. When a leader is aware of his or her own leadership style, he or she can confidently take on challenges of any size.

Why It is Important to Know Your Leadership Styles

Knowing your leadership style helps you understand your thoughts, how you make decisions, and the business strategies you can use. 

It can also help you figure out how your direct reports see you and why they give you the feedback they do. For example, if your employees feel stifled at work and don’t get many chances to say what they think, they may be trying to tell you that you’re a dictatorial leader who needs to change his style.

Type of Leadership Styles 

Important leadership styles you should know includes:

#1. Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic leadership is a type of leadership that follows the rules. Processes and rules are strictly followed because that’s how the policy says they should be. Leaders take into account what employees say, but they don’t use it if it doesn’t fit with company policy. Bureaucratic leaders make sure team members follow work rules. Leaders take into account what employees say, but they don’t use it if it doesn’t fit with company policy. New ideas flow slowly, and there is a lot of red-tape. A hierarchical authority structure is another thing that sets it apart. This means that power flows from the top to the bottom and is given to formal titles.

Despite having less control and more freedom than an autocratic leadership style, there is no incentive to be innovative or go the extra mile. As a result, it is unsuitable for young, ambitious organizations on the rise.

Bureaucratic leadership works well for jobs that involve safety risks or valuable items like gold or money. It is also ideal for supervising employees who do routine tasks.

#2. Laissez-faire Leadership

You can accurately describe a laissez-faire leader as someone who doesn’t get involved or who takes a passive stance. Instead, leaders provide their team members with the tools, information, and resources they need to complete their work tasks. The “let them be” leadership style entails a leader stepping back and allowing team members to work without supervision, free to plan, organize, make decisions, solve problems, and complete assigned projects.

Leaders who take a laissez-faire leadership approach tend to attract and retain employees who are resourceful, competent, and self-driven. The level of trust and independence on the team can be uplifting and helpful, which can lead to job satisfaction.

#3. Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders always expect the best from their teams and keep pushing them until their work, lives, and businesses change or get much better. This type of leaders always expect the best from their teams and keep pushing them until their work, lives, and businesses change or get much better.

They are concerned with fostering change in organizations and individuals. Team members are motivated to go beyond their comfort zones and achieve far more than their perceived capabilities as part of the transformation

They also run the risk of losing track of each team member’s learning curve because some team members might not get enough help and coaching to finish hard tasks. At the same time, transformational leaders can get people to work hard and be engaged through trust and a shared vision.

#4. Democratic Leadership

A leader with a democratic style decides what to do based on what his or her team members say. It’s a collaborative, consultative leadership style where team members can influence project direction. However, the leader is ultimately responsible for making the decision.

Democratic leadership is one of the most popular and effective styles of leadership because it gives lower-level employees a voice, making them equally important in the organization. It is a style of decision-making style similar to that used in corporate boardrooms. Democratic leadership can culminate in a decision-making vote.

#5. Transactional Leadership

Transactional leadership is short-term and involves “give and take.” It’s a transaction because team members follow their leader on job acceptance. Employees are compensated for the work that they would have done anyway. If you meet a certain goal, you will receive the promised bonus. This is especially true in sales and marketing positions

The leader gives clear instructions about what needs to be done and clears up any confusion between the leader and the subordinate. The leader gives clear instructions about what needs to be done and clears up any confusion between the leader and the subordinate. However, its strict environment and direct expectations may stifle creativity and innovation. It may also result in decreased job satisfaction and high employee turnover.

#6. Autocratic Leadership

Autocratic leadership opposes democratic leadership. In this case, the leader makes all decisions on behalf of the team without consulting or soliciting input from them. The leader has complete authority and accountability. They have complete control over all tasks to be completed. Decisions are made without employee input. Everyone must support the leader’s decision. The team frequently has some level of fear of the leader.

When the leader is well-versed in the issues at hand and time is of the essence, autocratic leadership can be an effective method. It’s also a good idea when the outcome of a decision doesn’t depend on the opinions of others or on reaching a consensus.

#7. Servant Leadership 

Servant leaders prefer the needs of their team over their own. It is also an example of leadership. Servant leadership necessitates leaders of high integrity and generosity. It fosters a positive organizational culture and high team morale. It also fosters an ethical environment with strong values and ideals.

But some scholars think that servant leadership might not work well in situations where other leaders are competing with the servant leader. Servant leaders are prone to falling behind more ambitious leaders. People also don’t like the servant leadership style because it can’t deal with tight deadlines and organizations that move quickly.

What Are the 3 Main Leadership Styles?

#1. Coach-style Leadership

Coach-style leadership means figuring out and building on each person’s strengths, as well as coming up with ways for the team to work well together and as a whole.

#2. Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leaders use their own charm and charisma to inspire and motivate the people they lead. Leaders use eloquent communication skills to rally a team around a common goal. However, because charismatic leaders have an overwhelming personality, they may see themselves as bigger than the team and lose sight of the important tasks.

#3. Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership directs the main operations of the company and coordinates its growth opportunities. The leader can provide assistance to multiple employee layers at the same time.

Which is the best leadership style? 

No single leadership style is appropriate for all organizations or situations. Additionally, there is no single best leadership style, and it may be necessary to switch styles. As a result, it is critical to understand all leadership styles and their benefits and drawbacks. 

What Is a Positive Leadership Style?

Positive leadership helps team members and employees succeed by showing them how to feel good, making it easier for them to feel good, and influencing them to feel good. Effective leaders give their teams a sense of control by being open, having empathy, being self-aware, and being able to inspire others.

What Are the 7 Elements of Leadership?

Anyone in a position of leadership can benefit from the following seven characteristics:

#1. Accountability

When a leader is transparent, those they supervise are less likely to challenge them. Transparency helps people accept change through communication, informed debate, shared decision-making, consensus, and social media. People must understand why and how a decision was made, as well as how it will affect them. Transparent leaders do not micromanage; they give credit where credit is due and accept responsibility for failures.

#2. Learn from Mistakes

Failure has the potential to shape a leader. It is a powerful learning resource that teaches survival, renewal, and innovation. Accepting failure allows us to influence and inspire others. Leaders must be willing to take great risks and fail in order to reap great rewards. Leaders gain valuable insights into people and who they can trust during the process.

3. Trust 

Trust is a fundamental leadership principle. Leadership was once a rare and special function of powerful people. That vertical model of leadership is less effective today. Today, leaders succeed by working with people they don’t control to achieve goals. In other words, a good leader no longer believes in power, but rather in the power of trust. A leader is a trustee in any relationship and must be trustworthy and willing to trust others to be effective.

#4. Self-Assurance

A good leader exudes self-assurance. No one will follow a leader who doesn’t have confidence in themselves, and people can see through fake confidence. A leader who can explain their goals and stand by their decisions is much better than one who puts on an arrogant mask to hide their insecurities. Even after failure, a good leader can trust their instincts and make any decision. Confident leaders are usually happier, build stronger relationships, are willing to take risks, accept feedback, think for themselves, recognize success, and are more motivated.

#5. Determination

A good leader carefully considers each decision, but once made, they are not easily swayed. This demonstrates commitment, which breeds consistency, both of which are traits that benefit leaders. He went on to say that many times, making a decisive decision on a trivial matter yields better long-term results and a stronger team mentality than making “wishy-washy” decisions that end up being correct.

#6. Sincerity

This characteristic is essential for keeping leaders grounded and connected to those around them. Being truthful, having integrity, and listening to employees will only help you gain their respect, which will pay dividends when it comes time to make a decision. The best leaders have an open mind and can switch to new ways of thinking or different ways of doing things when they are needed. A leader will have to make a lot of decisions that are unique to the business and can’t be solved with a ready-made answer. 

#7. Creativity

Teams often look to their leader for new ideas, so any leader will benefit from being able to draw on both past experiences and a treasure trove of new ideas. A leader will have to make a lot of decisions that are unique to the business and can’t be solved with a ready-made answer.  

While leadership styles may need to be tailored to specific situations and businesses, these seven traits can help an organization succeed. Although some people are born leaders, these are qualities that anyone can demonstrate with the right amount of determination.


To promote good leadership in your organization, you need the right tools. Finding your niche as a leader and learning how to adapt to organizations that are always changing will help you build a good management style.


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