How To Keep Your 2023 Business Resolutions: Detailed Guide

How to keep your 2023 Business Resolutions

As the new year approaches, everyone begins to consider what business goals they want to achieve in 2023, where they want to go, and what they want their business to look like after another year. These objectives and resolutions will propel us forward, but they are all too often abandoned, forgotten, or failed along the way for a variety of reasons.

Discover some methods, tools, and strategies that you can use in your organization to set more ambitious objectives, track your progress throughout the year, and, most importantly, achieve what you need to achieve your long-term vision.

The Advantages of Setting Business Objectives

Setting business objectives is a vital element of getting the new year off to a good start. Establishing your goals and where you want to go provides structure for your teams and helps people understand what they can do to assist you achieve them, among other benefits.

  • 80% of employees who set goals are more interested in their work, especially when they understand how their goals relate to the larger picture.
  • Teams that have goals are more proud of their organization, take more pride in their work, and are more committed to it.
  • To get off to a good start in the new year, organizations should have a clear vision of what success entails. Setting realistic goals and resolutions to aim for is essential. However, it is frequently easier said than done.

When thinking about something as important as what you want to do in a year, it’s crucial to think about what goals you could establish that will have the greatest influence on your organization when you achieve them.

There are a few factors to consider when developing goals like this:

  • What was it that held you back in 2022? When deciding on new company goals, identifying shortcomings and finding strategies to address them is a fantastic place to start. Consider the processes that appeared to slow things down, generate bottlenecks, or cause dissatisfaction, and set targets to solve these problems.
  • What are your priorities? Consider what ideas arose over the year that you may have placed aside to pursue later. Which of these should you put first in the new year? Alternatively, consider which procedures, departments, or other parts of your organization you wish to prioritize.
  • Did you meet your objectives in 2022? What prevented you from achieving your goals or sticking to your resolutions in 2022? Determine whether these previous goals are still relevant to your company in the new year and consider revising them to make them more attainable in 2023.
  • What minor tasks or goals could have a significant influence on your organization? Small tweaks to processes or basic enhancements in how your organization operates can frequently have a significant influence on your overall success. Consider what tiny things you could accomplish in 2023.
  • These types of inquiries will assist you in developing attainable, meaningful company goals for 2023 in order to form a prosperous new year.

Setting Achievable, Realistic Goals

Remember the key aspects of a SMART goal when constructing new ones:

  • Specific: The goal or resolution should specify who, what, when, where, and why it exists. To be as specific as possible, state what you want to accomplish, why it is important, what you can do to get there, who is involved, and so on.
  • Measurable: You must be able to quantify your goal. Determine the measurements you will use to track your progress. Perhaps you want to improve customer service response times, increase client satisfaction, or simply increase sales numbers. Whatever the figure, make sure there is a means to adequately monitor success.
  • Achievable: Your objective should be attainable, which means it should be something you can actually complete in one calendar year. Unachievable goals have a bad impact on morale, demotivating and depressing your teams.
  • Goals should be relevant in the context of your business activities. Employees should understand how this goal connects to overall company success and how their role contributes to it.
  • Time-Bound: Finally, your objectives should be time-bound. Set deadlines for deliverables, milestones, check-ins, and other activities. It’s all too easy to make objectives in January and then assume, “We’ve got the whole year!” A timetable increases the sense of urgency and helps everyone understand what needs to be done and when.

How Technology Can Assist You in Meeting Your Business Goals for 2023

The only thing more difficult than setting new objectives and resolutions is sticking to them and seeing them through throughout the year. 90% of organizations fail to meet their annual strategic goals. Why? Because 80% of them fail to track their goals, just 6% of businesses reassess their goals after setting them.

Here are a few business technology tools that can help you stay on track and make progress toward your goals and resolutions.

Communication Instruments

Simple and clear communication is critical to the success of any organization, but in order to meet your objectives, you must provide your teams with the communication tools they need to collaborate, quickly resolve conflicts and roadblocks, schedule meetings, and communicate things clearly to anyone within an organization.

Microsoft Teams offers simple-to-use features for instant messaging, calendar management, meeting creation, group chats, and video conferencing. Along with VoIP cloud services and other business communications solutions, you may open channels of communication throughout your organization to assist workers in completing tasks, organizing their teams, and working toward their goals.

Data gathering, tracking, and analysis

Unlocking data for your entire organization allows more teams to access it in decision-making, and it can assist ensure everyone can track their progress against business goals for 2023. Cloud-based data storage solutions enable more people to gain access to data collected from throughout your organization, allowing them to use it to make better decisions, report on project performance, follow goal achievement, adapt campaigns, and more.

But, if you’re concerned about the security concerns of easily available data, don’t be. Cloud systems include security elements such as:

  • Access restrictions help to guarantee that only specific people have access to more sensitive information.
  • Password managers are used to guarantee that strong passwords are used.
  • Firewalls and other anti-virus software are used to prevent data breaches from occurring.

Project Management Tools for Team Organization

Keeping several teams coordinated that span various departments—and potentially different locations—is no easy task. Modern businesses require a strong suite of project management services to keep their projects on track and their goals in sight.

According to 30% of business professionals, the most difficult challenge to accomplishing goals and executing plans is an inability to coordinate across teams.

Project managers can use tools like Smartsheet to establish agile workflows to build organized projects that provide employees with transparency into the project’s current status, simple ways to convey vital information, and the data they need to effectively prioritize and finish tasks.

Ensure that your teams have the necessary tools to succeed.
To set and achieve goals in the new year, you must provide your team with the tools it requires to track progress, communicate freely, and manage tasks. Businesses that stick to their goals and resolutions experience the success they seek.

It takes a lot of dedication and thinking to set relevant goals, track your progress, and finally achieve what is required to move your organization forward.

All of the above business technology solutions are components of a bigger effort that firms must undertake to digitally alter their relationship with technology. This may appear intimidating, but it does not have to be.

What Makes A Good Resolution?

The most effective resolutions are quantifiable. Rather than simply stating that you want to expand your customer base, choose a specific number to aim for and then make it happen. 

Choose a measurable goal that can be met sooner rather than later. You don’t want to spend the entire month of January attempting to meet your February objectives.

What Are The Two Key Elements Of Resolution?

Every resolution has key elements that help in actualizing them. In a business resolution, the two key elements that can help you on answering the question, ‘how do you keep your 2023 business resolutions’ are:

Being reasonable

Making your goal unattainable is the surest way to fall short of it. For example, resolving to never eat your favorite food again is a recipe for failure. Instead, aim for a more attainable goal, such as avoiding it more frequently than you do now.

Being prepared

Make your resolutions before New Year’s Eve. If you wait until the last minute, it will be determined by your state of mind on that particular day. Instead, it should be planned well in advance of December 31st.

How Do You Keep Your 2023 Business Resolutions?

You have to be realistic

Making your goal unattainable is the surest way to fall short of it. For example, resolving to never eat your favorite food again is a recipe for failure. Instead, aim for a more attainable goal, such as avoiding it more frequently than you do now. 

You have to plan ahead

Make your resolutions before New Year’s Eve. If you wait until the last minute, it will be determined by your state of mind on that particular day. Instead, it should be planned well in advance of December 31st.

You should outline your plan

Make a plan for dealing with the temptation to skip that business conference or take a vacation instead of working. 

Have a list of “pros” and “cons”

It may be beneficial to see a list of items on paper to keep your motivation high. Build this list over time and invite others to contribute to it. 

Keep your list with you and refer to it whenever you need help staying focused.

You can discuss it

Don’t keep your resolution to yourself. Inform friends and family members who will be there to support your decision to better business. 

The best-case scenario is to find a friend who has the same New Year’s resolution as you and motivate each other.

Monitor your progress

Keep track of every small victory. Short-term goals are easier to achieve, and each small victory will keep you motivated. Keep a business journal to help you stay on track, and reward yourself every time you achieve your goals.  

How Do You Stay On Track With Resolutions?

Having effective business resolutions is not the only thing you should be working on. How do you keep your 2023 business resolutions on track? This should be the next thing you can consider working on. 

You can do this by:

Establishing your goals

The most effective resolutions can be measured. Choose a measurable goal that can be met sooner rather than later. You don’t want to spend the entire month of January attempting to meet your February objectives. 

Make your goals a reality

It can be demotivating to spend an entire year attempting to reach a goal only to discover that it is so far out of reach. Your goals should be attainable.

There is no point in attempting to achieve unattainable goals. If the goal is large, break it down into smaller goals to make it less intimidating.

Make deadlines to stop procrastination

Set deadlines instead of making year-long resolutions. Make quarterly resolutions to give you something new to strive for. Consider them mini-milestones to assist you on your journey. 

By assigning specific deadlines to your goals, you create a sense of urgency to complete them. You can also avoid procrastination. The reality is that it is only a dream until you start working on it.

Have monthly reviews of your objectives

It is a waste of time to think about your goals if you are not actively attempting to achieve them. If you want to be successful, you must prioritize it. 

You can plan monthly meetings to assess your progress toward your goals. Strategy sessions are critical for the future of your company.

You can schedule it 

Some activities are constantly pushed aside in favor of others due to the nature of your priorities. One of these things is business resolutions. 

How do you keep your 2023 business resolutions on track? Schedule it.

If you plan for your business resolution and put it on your calendar or in your journal, you will be forced to complete the task. 

Make no excuses; when the time comes, do it. It may appear to be a barrier in your day, but you must maintain your focus on long-term accomplishments as well as short-term day-to-day efforts.


Having your business resolutions before the start of a new year is good for your business growth and sales. There are lots of situations that can make your business resolutions fail and fall off track. 

This article answers your question on ‘how do you keep your 2023 business resolutions, prevent them from failing and also keep track of them. I hope you find it useful in keeping your business resolutions. 


Frequently Asked Questions On How Do You Keep Your 2023 Business Resolutions

What does the term “resolution” mean in business?

A resolution can be defined as a formal way for a company to record decisions they made at a meeting of company members. Ordinary resolutions and special resolutions are the two types. 

How can I write a business resolution for a board meeting?

To write a business resolution for a board meeting, take note of:

  • The date of the board meeting.
  • The number of resolutions.
  • Check the title of the board resolution if it’s appropriate.
  • The decision.
  • The names and votes of the directors
  • Name, signature, and date signed by the chairperson

Why is business resolution important?

Business resolutions are important because they allow businesses to quickly navigate decisions that would otherwise take a long time. It also enables the shareholders and board of directors to hold the company’s employees accountable and provide critical direction where necessary.

How can I keep my 2023 business resolutions?

You can keep your 2023 business resolutions by:

  • Being realistic
  • Planning ahead
  • Outlining your plan
  • Creating a list of “pros” and “cons”
  • Discussing it with a friend
  • And finally, monitoring your progress


  • – 10 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution
  • – 3 Most Common Business Resolutions for the New Year
  • – 8 Steps To Achieving Your Business’s New Year’s Resolutions More Quickly
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