HOW TO BATTLE IN Pokemon GO: The Ultimate Guide
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Pokémon games teach players the joys of playing games in public. Just like in real life, you are thrown into a world that you must navigate while also understanding how it works. Here is a Pokemon GO guide. It will assist you in leveling up, becoming an expert Pokémon trainer, and learning how to battle on Pokemon GO.

How Pokemon GO League Battles Work

  • A Great League, Ultra League, and Master League are available in the game. In whichever league you choose, you must begin at Rank 1 and can advance as high as Rank 10.
  • Additionally, players will receive incentives for winning battles. The number of victories a player achieves in a series of five bouts determines how much they are rewarded.
  • The maximum Pokemon CP for each league—aside from the Master League—is 1500 for Great and 2500 for Ultra.
  • When participating in league battles, players will want to select a balanced team.

Battle Moves on Pokemon GO

Only in gyms do battles take place in Pokemon GO. You can choose one Pokémon to send out against your teammate when you are practicing with your Pokémon at a welcoming gym. You can choose a team of six Pokémon to be sent out in turns if you are challenging an enemy gym.

During a battle, one of your Pokémon will face off against an opponent. A Pokémon is called back if it faints and loses all of its HP. If any remain, a replacement is let loose. You have a choice among four combat maneuvers:

  • Standard move: Tap the screen once as a standard action. Each tap will carry out a common action.
  • Special move: Watch the blue bar directly beneath your Pokémon’s health. It will fill up as you make routine moves. If there is a blue block, long-pressing the screen will allow you to perform a special move.
  • Dodge: To avoid incoming strikes, swipe left or right or tap the left or right side of the screen.
  • Change Pokémon: To switch from one Pokémon to another, tap the up-down arrow button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

How to Battle in Pokemon GO

#1. Both Attack And Defense Matter

In addition to Attacks, players must pay attention to their Protect Shield count and the frequency of their Charged Attacks.

For example, there are a few Protect Shields that can protect a Pokemon from a Charged Attack. Protect Shields should only be used on Pokemon that are essential to the player’s success, though. Likewise, using as many Charged Attacks as you can on your adversaries will help push them to utilize their own Protect Shields.

#2. Pay attention to other Stats:

Keep in mind that CP combines a Pokemon’s Attack, Defense, and HP/Stamina, which are its fundamental traits. Players also need to be aware of a few obscure stats.

Pokemon, for instance, watch the “level” that shows up on the stats page as a white semicircle above their emblem. Every time a Pokemon gains power, this bar advances and gradually raises its CP, and players may only reach its maximum when they level up. A higher-CP Pokemon is probably better in these hidden stats compared to others, although there are ways to manually reverse the computation for a Pokemon’s Attack, Defense, and Stamina.

#3. You can switch out:

If done wisely, switching out Pokemon might buy time for players to execute a counterattack and win the game.

#4. Tap very fast:

The Pokemon will use their Fast Attack when you tap the screen, and it will also strengthen their Charged Attack. Tapping quickly causes your Pokemon’s Charged Attack to power up more quickly and deal more damage, allowing it to be utilized much sooner.

#5. Don’t Use Protect Shields Right Away

Trainers can counter an opponent’s Charged Attack by using Protect Shields. Although the majority of trainers will use these right away to stop the first two Charged Attacks, it may be a good idea to think twice. For instance, do you want to employ a shield to shield a Pokemon with one HP remaining from a charged attack when the next fast attack would already cause it to faint?

#6. Use TMs Until Satisfied With Your Attacks

Choose a Pokemon and repeatedly use TMs until you are happy with the attacks it has before you even start the battle.

#7. Make Use of Multiple Moves

Pokemon are capable of having several Charged Attacks if players are willing to invest in stardust and sweets. Depending on your opponent, players can choose which move to use, which could be very useful later.

#8. It is important to Time Your Charged Attacks

Charged Attack timing is important as well. Why would players use a Charged Attack on a Pokemon that would already be dead after a few more Fast Attacks if they were aiming it at a trainer with no remaining Protect Shields?

The wisest course of action is typically to hold off until the next Pokemon is released because, at that time, players will be able to remove more HP unless they are preparing to fire their own Charged Attack.

#9. Train With The Leaders If You Need Practice

You can practice with the team leaders by scrolling to the bottom of the combat page. This is a smart idea because it gives players a chance to practice Charged Attacks, which need a minigame to determine their effectiveness. Additionally, it teaches a player’s team about moves you would not have known about.

#10. Don’t Overpower Pokemon

Players should therefore be cautious before powering up. However, once a Pokemon reaches a level of 2500, it goes crazy because there are no more restrictions; hence, it is wise to spend all stardust on repetitive powering from that point on.

How to Unlock Battle in Pokemon GO

By tapping the Poké Ball icon in the bottom center of your screen, you can access the GO Battle League. The Battle option will be on the right side of your screen in the center. There are two reward tiers available when you join the GO Battle League: Basic Rewards and Premium Rewards. 

Do you tap to battle in Pokemon GO? 

The Pokemon will use their Fast Attack when you tap the screen, and it will also strengthen their Charged Attack. Additionally, tapping quickly causes your Pokemon’s Charged Attack to power up more quickly and deal more damage, allowing it to be utilized much sooner.

Why do I keep losing battles in Pokemon GO? 

If you lose battles on Pokemon GO,  it may be because you are competing against Pokémon of a higher tier.

What is the battle button in Pokemon GO? 

The battle button lets you choose which Pokémon to combat with. Up to six Pokémon can be brought together by you to battle against your foes. Generally speaking, adding Pokémon with high CP and HP to your team is a good idea.

How do I battle with my buddy? 

Battling with your buddy Pokemon is actually super easy. Before any fight, whether that be a gym battle, raid, trainer, or Team Rocket GO fight, simply make sure the Pokemon you have selected as your buddy is included on the roster you bring into battle. Yes, it really is that simple.

It doesn’t actually have to participate in the battle itself; it just needs to be on the team that goes into the fight. 

How do I do more attacks in Pokemon GO? 

The first method is to select a Charged TM from the item menu and use it on a Pokemon. This will impart a new random Charged Attack to the Pokemon. The alternative method is to select a Pokemon’s profile and then click the “New Attack” option. A new move will be taught by exchanging Candy for Stardust.

How do you get stronger in Pokemon GO? 

To become stronger in Pokemon GO, follow the steps below: 

  • Use Stardust to level up your Pokemon and Candy to evolve them to train them. 
  • You can gain experience points (EXP) by doing just about any game action to train your character. 
  • You can access Battle Training under the Nearby tab if you are level nine or lower. Here, you can practice fighting with trainers to hone your combat abilities.

How many battles can you do a day in Pokemon GO? 

The maximum number of Go League bouts you can play in a day, whether they are free or paid, is six sets (or 30 bouts).

Why do I only get weak Pokémon in Pokemon GO? 

The kind of Pokémon you get depends on your location and your level. More strong and unusual Pokémon are more likely to be found as your level rises.

Why should you battle in gyms in Pokemon GO? 

Here are the benefits of battling in gyms on Pokemon GO: 

  • Earn PokéCoins.
  • There is an increase in your Gym Badges.
  • Prestige and Gym Control features are added.
  • Practice and Strategy.
  • You increase your team’s Collaboration.
  • You gain achievements and medals. 

How long does a Pokémon battle last?

It depends on how quickly you can defeat your opponent; each Pokémon match can run anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. Furthermore, tournaments for the official Pokémon trading card game can even last over 12 hours. 

Who goes first in a Pokémon battle? 

In single-player bouts, the faster Pokemon usually attack first, followed by the slower Pokemon. The four Pokemon’s turn orders in double encounters are also determined by their unique speed stats.

How many Pokémon do you get in a battle?

Up to six Pokémon can be assigned to guard each Gym. In an effort to capture the Gym for their own side, trainers from the opposite team are permitted to bring six of their own Pokémon to confront the defenders.


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