How To Start Kpomo Business in Nigeria: All You Need

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Hides and skins, often known as kanda or kpomo, are a rich business. Some people who are involved in this business are living large because of the huge profits they make. The profits are quite appealing, whether it is sold dry or salted.

This business post will teach you about the profitability of the cow skin business as well as how to build a profitable ponmo business in Nigeria.

What is Kpomo?

Kpomo is a delicacy made from cowhide that is popular in Nigeria and other regions of Africa. It is a byproduct of the abattoir business and is processed and sold as a food item. It is scientifically known as Bos taurus. In Nigeria and Africa, the kpomo-producing business is booming.

In Nigerian slang, Kpomo is also known as Kanda or Ponmo. It is a popular dish eaten by several tribes and cultures throughout Nigeria.

What is the Kpomo Production Business in Nigeria About?

The processing and sale of cowhide, a byproduct of the abattoir industry, for human consumption is part of the kpomo producing business. Bos taurus is the scientific name for cowhide, and it is an important part of the livestock business in Nigeria and Africa.

Cowhide is processed and prepared for kpomo by soaking it in a solution of water and caustic soda for several days, then rinsed and boiled until soft. The processed kpomo is then packed and sold to consumers, or it can be used in a variety of recipes, such as soups and stews.

In Nigeria and Africa, research on the kpomo production business has focused on enhancing processing procedures and boosting the output of kpomo from cowhide. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that the average yield of cowhide to kpomo in Nigeria is around 30%, indicating that there is an opportunity for improvement.

Overall, the kpomo-producing business contributes significantly to the Nigerian and African economies, providing employment and cash to many people involved in the product’s processing and sale.

Reasons Why People Consume Kpomo

Kpomo is delicious when combined with African Salad, pepper kpomo, or pottage meals. Almost every home in Nigeria’s southern Akwa Ibom/Cross River States utilizes kpomo to make soup. In fact, whether you’re making afang or edikang ikong soup, your soap isn’t complete without kpomo. People prefer kpomo for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Age-wise, most older individuals favour kpomo for health reasons, claiming that beef is unhealthy for them.
  • Income: Because of their limited income, others prefer kpomo as an alternative to red meat.
  • Taste: Others consume it because of the taste and sensation they get when they eat it.
  • Business: People that buy kpomo or kanda for business objectives, such as wholesalers or retailers, do so.

Why You Should Consider Kanda/Kpomo Business

Kanda is in high demand. Check out people who are in the kpomo business; they rarely bring them back home, but there is always a market for it.

The Kpomo business is incredibly successful; you may make between #2,000 and #3,000 from one piece if you sell 100 pieces every week. Do the math and thank me later. Depending on the season and region, it may be more.

It generates income. The Kanda business requires people (workers) at all times, including loaders, drivers, roasters, sellers, and so forth.

Nutritional Benefits of Kpomo

Are you aware that Kpomo has so many advantages for humans? Despite the Federal Government of Nigeria recently declaring a ban on kpomo consumption due to a significant drop in the leather sector, it is undeniable that dry cow skin meat provides valuable nutritional benefits.

  • Kpomo has a low protein and fat content.
  • A 100-gram serving of boiled thick ponmo has around 224.65 kcal of energy, 6.80g of carbohydrate, 43.9g of water, 46.9g of protein, 1.09g of fat, and 0.02g of fibre.
  • Calcium (61mg), iron (4.3mg), magnesium (12mg), phosphorus (36mg), and zinc (6.79mg) are all present in trace amounts in Kpomo.
  • After ice fish, it is one of the most cheap types of meat.
  • Kanda is important for weight loss because it contains minimal calories.
  • Kpomo is a source of income.

How To Start Kpomo Production Business in Nigeria: Step-By-Step Guide

In Nigeria, starting a Kpomo-producing business takes meticulous strategy and execution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to starting a Kpomo manufacturing business in Nigeria:

#1. Perform Market Research

It is critical to undertake market research before beginning a Kpomo production business to evaluate the demand for Kpomo in your target market.

#2. Develop a Business Plan

A well-written business plan will help you launch and run your Kpomo-producing company. It should contain your production and marketing strategies, as well as your funding sources and financial estimates.

#3. Register Your Company

It is a legal necessity in Nigeria to register your Kpomo-producing business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

#4. Obtain Funding

You’ll need money to establish and run your Kpomo manufacturing business. Personal savings, family and friends, bank loans, and government grants are all options.

#5. Obtain Land and Equipment

You will need to get sufficient land for your Kpomo manufacturing business as well as purchase necessary equipment such as knives, barrels, washing basins, and drying racks.

#6. Raw Material Source

Quality hides and skins must be obtained from abattoirs or animal markets.

#7. Employ People

You will need to engage qualified workers to assist you with the manufacturing process.

#8. Begin Production

You can begin production once all of the relevant prerequisites have been met.

#9. Create Marketing Strategies

Create successful marketing methods to reach your intended audience.

Starting a Kpomo production business involves dedication, hard work, and perseverance. You may develop a successful Kpomo production business in Nigeria and Africa with good planning and execution.

How to Advertise Kpomo Your Business

It is critical to market your Kpomo brand in order to attract new clients. Concentrate on a few simple methods to help spread the word about your business.

Networking with professionals from adjacent industries is a powerful strategy for business marketing. Request recommendations so that you can conduct research on your competitors.

You can distribute promotional pamphlets at trade shows, in front of stores, in parking lots, or any place where there is a large crowd.

Because much of the labour is done for free by committed fans, social networks have emerged as the new advertising favourite. Someone who advertises on your behalf may be compensated.

Alternatively, you could build a fanbase that will promote you for little to no cost.

How To Produce and Package Kpomo in Nigeria

Producing and packaging Kpomo in Nigeria entails a number of processes that necessitate meticulous attention to detail and adherence to best practices. A step-by-step approach on producing and packaging Kpomo in Nigeria is provided below:

  • Slaughtering and Skinning: The initial stage in making Kpomo is slaughtering the animal, followed by skin removal. After that, the skin is carefully cleaned to remove dirt and pollutants.
  • Scraping and Cleaning: The skin is scraped after washing to eliminate any leftover hair or fat. It is then thoroughly cleaned to remove any remaining dirt and pollutants.
  • Soaking: The cleaned skin is then immersed for several hours in water and salt to soften and prepare it for the next procedure.
  • Bleaching: After soaking, the skin is bleached using an ash-water mixture. This helps to eliminate any lingering impurities from the skin and gives it a pale appearance.
  • Drying: The bleached skin is then spread out to dry for several days in the sun. The skin is rolled over frequently throughout this process to achieve equal drying.
  • Packaging: Once the skin has dried completely, it is sliced into various sizes and packed for distribution in sealed bags or containers.

Proper packaging is essential for keeping the Kpomo fresh and safe for consumption. To preserve the quality and freshness of the Kpomo, use vacuum-sealed bags or containers.

Challenges Of The Kpomo Production Business in Nigeria

Some of the difficulties you may face while doing business in Nigeria include:

  • Inadequate financing: Inadequate financing is one of the issues that the Kpomo producing business faces. Entrepreneurs may lack funds to invest in the manufacturing process or purchase necessary equipment.
  • Inadequate storage facilities: To maintain its quality and prevent spoilage, kpomo requires good storage. A lack of proper storage facilities can result in spoiling, which can result in financial losses.
  • Inadequate market knowledge: A lack of market information can result in a mismatch between supply and demand, making it difficult to sell the product at the appropriate price.
  • Inefficient distribution channels: Inefficient distribution channels can cause a delay in bringing Kpomo items to market, resulting in spoiling and profit loss.
  • High competition: Because the Kpomo business in Nigeria and Africa is so competitive, entrepreneurs must be creative in order to stand out.
  • Inadequate processing facilities: Kpomo processing necessitates the use of correct equipment, and a lack of processing facilities can result in low-quality goods and spoilage.
  • Inadequate regulatory framework: A lack of an effective regulatory framework can lead to the manufacture of subpar Kpomo goods, which can be hazardous to human health.
  • Unreliable power supply: Power supply is critical in the Kpomo manufacturing process, and a lack of reliable power supply can cause interruptions and delays.

Cost to Start Kanda/Kpomo Business

Depending on how much money you have, you can start a kpomo business. A small-scale kpomo business can be started for N10,000, while a larger-scale business can be started for N100,000.

Depending on the size of the bag, Kpomo is stuffed with three or two pieces. The same size is assembled and reasonably priced.

The prices for sizes 9 and 5 are N9,000 and N5,000, respectively. Will advise you to go with the larger size because it has a greater impact on the market.

Depending on where you are, transportation costs N1,000 per piece. They are mostly transported by trucks.

How to Preserve Soaked Kpomo

If you have soaked kpomo that you want to keep, follow these methods to keep it fresh for longer:

  • Before storing your soaked kpomo, thoroughly rinse it with clean water to eliminate any dirt or debris that may have accumulated during the soaking procedure.
  • Boil the kpomo: Bring a pot of water to a boil with the rinsed kpomo. Boil for around 10-15 minutes to eliminate any bacteria present.
  • Remove the kpomo from the heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.
  • Refrigerate: After it has cooled, place it in an airtight container and in the refrigerator. The ponmo will keep for up to 5 days.

How Much is a Bag of Ponmo?

N30,000 for each 1200-item bag.

What is the English Name for Kpomo Meat?

Cow skin, also known as Kpomo, Ponmo, or Kanda, is popular among Nigerians.

Do I Boil Ponmo?

Ponmo must be boiled for an extended period of time in order to kill microorganisms and make it soft and easily digestible. Cooked ponmo can then be used as a condiment to flavour soups such as Egusi and Edika-kong.

What is Another Name for Ponmo?

Ponmo, also known as kpomo, Kanda, and pomo, is a sort of meat prepared from the skin or hide of a cow. The hide of the cow is first removed and then cooked till tender. When it’s soft, it’s sliced into little pieces and fried.

Is Dried Ponmo Healthy?

Although Ponmo has low nutritional value when compared to other protein sources because it doesn’t include all essential amino acids, it has a lot of collagen, which is the most prevalent protein in human bodies. Because our bodies produce collagen, it is not vital that we eat collagen for growth.


Kpomo/Ponmo, generally referred to as cow skin, is a thick and hefty cut of beef. It holds a special place of adoration in Nigerian cuisine among the numerous cultures that make up the nation.

The value of ponmo is evident in a variety of regional soups, including vegetable soups, Egusi, Afang, Edikaikong, Gbegiri, and others.

Choice Pomo chunks are widely used to add colour to stews and sauce soups. Although it is widely considered that pomo has little nutritional value, this is only true when it is cooked harshly.

The preceding article described how to start a ponmo business in Nigeria. Please leave a remark if you have any questions, suggestions, or recommendations.


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