DISPLAY ADS: What You Should Know as a Beginner

DISPLAY ADS types of sizes what is the purpose benefits

Display ads are the practice of promoting a good or service using visuals like photos and videos on networks of publisher websites like Facebook and Google Display Network, among others. Banner, picture, and text advertisements are all examples of display ads, and they are typically displayed in conjunction with content on third-party websites. This article contains the types of display ads sizes, the purpose, and the benefits of display ads. Dig in to get the full info!

What Is Display Ads?

You have likely been exposed to display ads without even realizing it. Display ads promote goods and services by using text, images, or videos on websites owned by other people.

Display ads come in a variety of forms. It includes, for example, banner ads. Leaderboard advertisements on desktop and mobile devices are also. The majority of advertisements have a rectangle or square shape, and their content is usually created to complement the host website’s and the target audience’s preferences.

Advertising networks with strong audience targeting tools and a variety of ad formats, like Facebook advertising or Google ads, allow the running of display ads campaigns (that you can also combine with search ads).

Types of Display Ads

The following are the types of display ads:

#1. Remarketed Display Ads

Remarketing advertising also called retargeting ads, makes up the majority of display ads you encounter today. Retargeting initiatives are now commonplace because of the tendency toward ad personalization.

91% of consumers, according to Accenture Interactive, prefer to make purchases from companies that keep track of their preferences and make offers tailored to their needs. Retargeting advertisements do this and are simple for brands to use.

An efficient strategy to keep your brand in front of customers who have already expressed interest in what you have to offer is through a dynamic remarketing campaign.

#2. Customized Display Ads

Remarketing is viewed by Google as a subset of tailored advertising, which can be successful when used to segment your audience and provide a better user experience. Consumers are targeted with personalized ads based on their online behaviors and demographic information. Personalized product recommendations can even be shown in your ads depending on a user’s most recent interactions with your website.

Google recognizes four different types of tailored advertisements in addition to remarketing. Instead of considering interactions with any specific brand as a targeting choice, each takes into account general user behavior and preferences.

#3. Targeting by Affinity

Through affinity targeting, you can reach customers who have expressed a keen interest in your industry. With somewhat broad affinity groupings like “auto fanatics” or “movie fans,” you can connect with a sizable audience.

#4. Individual Affinity Groupings

You can be more particular about the interests you wish to target by creating smaller bespoke affinity groups like “long-distance runners” and “orchid growers.” Keep in mind that you will reach lesser audiences when you select narrower categories.

#5. Custom Intent and Market Advertisements

Customers who are actively looking for goods or services like yours are the ones you want to reach with custom intent and in-market ads. Fewer people will see your ad than with affinity or bespoke affinity targeting, but those that do will be more likely to make a purchase.

#6. The Same-Pubic Adverts

Similar audience advertising seeks out people who share the same traits or interests as your existing visitors. Google combines the profiles of people on your remarketing lists with those of other users, then looks for commonalities to produce lists of new but comparable audiences.

#7. Ads That Are Context-Specific

Contextually targeted advertising are displayed on websites in accordance with certain criteria rather than showing your adverts to people based on their user profiles.

Using topic targeting, you may actively participate in these decisions or leave them to Google.

#8. Topic Selection

You can choose a topic from a list, and Google will match your ad to relevant Display Network or YouTube pages. Additionally, it enables you to intentionally omit items that are not performing well or are not pertinent to your message.

Similar to affinity targeting, topic targeting matches your ads with websites rather than people.

#9. Display Ads on Websites

Website placement targeting is your best option if you’d want to personally select the websites that will host your advertisement. You can choose certain pages or entire websites.

Even better, you can combine contextual targeting with placement targeting. In this method, you pick a website, and Google chooses the pages on that your advertisement will appear.

Display Ads versus Native Ads

All online advertisements that users see are referred to as “display ads” in this context. A type of advertising that makes an effort to match the platform’s content is referred to as “native advertising.” This is done to make the message easier for platform users to understand. Like promoted posts on Twitter or suggested posts on Facebook, native ads display in-feed and are not disruptive.

Therefore, native advertisements are not supposed to look like ads at all, whereas display ads are meant to stand out from the web page they are placed on. Native advertising typically appears as recommended content on websites or in social media feeds; it blends in with the editorial flow of the page.

Native advertisements focus on soft-selling whereas display ads draw attention by standing out from online pages.

Display Ads Sizes

If you want your Google display ads to perform well, are you using the most common and effective sizes?

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make when creating the ad creative for your upcoming online marketing campaign is the size of your ad banners. The wide variety of banner sizes supported by the Google display network can occasionally tempt those without any experience to just choose the ones that look most practical and move forward with creating ads.

Selecting the appropriate Google display ad size is crucial to the overall effectiveness of your campaign. Even if you have experience making display advertising, using the incorrect sizes for your campaign could result in the failure of your entire effort.

Every person working in digital marketing should be aware of the top-performing and most popular ad sizes that the Google display network supports.  Here are some Display Ads sizes:

#1. 250 x 250 – Square

Both text and display advertising can be displayed in the 250 × 250 ad size on desktop computers and mobile devices. Despite being one of the most popular display ad sizes, Google notes that because of the typically low inventory, display advertisements in this size may not perform well. Due to their tiny size, advertisers should anticipate that larger ad formats will perform better than square advertising. Due to the widespread perception that audiences prefer rectangular shapes over square ones, some marketers opt to steer clear of square banner ads. It turns out that compared to square banners, rectangle ones actually seem to perform better.

#2. 200 x 200 – Small Square

The small square ad size is just a more condensed version of the square ad. On desktop and mobile networks, it is also accessible for text and image display adverts, although once again, inventory shortages can result in subpar performance (especially since the advertisement itself is so tiny).

#3. 300 × 250 px — Medium Rectangle

For both text and image ads, the medium rectangular ad is the most useful. It is simple to embed between paragraphs and in sidebars because to the size. This area is suitable for a lightbox or a video advertisement.

#4. 300 × 600 px — Large Skyscraper

The term “half-page” is used to describe this type of advertisement because it takes up half of a page. The biggest benefit of selecting this ad type is the additional space it provides for conveying your message. Half-page advertisements are ideal for sidebars because they don’t detract from the page’s primary content. Additionally, they are substantial enough to draw attention, creating impressions and conversions in the process.

#5. 468 x 60 – Banner

This display ad size is equivalent to the traditional top-of-the-page banner ad at 468 pixels wide and just 60 pixels tall. The performance of 468 x 60 advertisements appears to have decreased with the emergence of the Leaderboard format, despite being one of the most popular ad sizes on the Internet for the previous 20 years. These advertisements may have been easier to see in the past on older, lower-resolution displays used by users to access the internet.

#6. 728 x 90 – Leaderboard Banner

Leaderboard banners are an effective size for Google display ads. They now frequently take the place of the 468 x 60 banner as the leading option for a top-of-page or above-the-fold advertising spot with strong conversion rates. Make sure you buy top-of-page spaces for this ad size instead of bottom-of-page ones, which aren’t as frequently viewed.

#7. 300 x 250 – Inline Rectangle

The best-performing Google display ad size on the network is typically an inline rectangle. This ad size may also go by the abbreviation “MPU,” which can refer to either a multi-purpose unit or a mid-page unit. These advertisements are frequently used to break up the material in the center of pages. They could be used to start a video ad or start a lightbox ad experience.

What Is the Benefits of Display Ads?

The following are the benefits of display ads:

#1. Display Ads Have Eye-Catching Design

Display ads may (and should!) be created and styled, which is among their primary advantages. Regular PPC advertising must be text-based and adhere to character limits, which restricts how quickly and efficiently you can grab attention and get your point across.

Utilizing visuals, video, audio, and your company’s logo, you may stand out to users and get their attention when using digital display advertising.

#2. They Enable Opportunities for Remarketing

When a certain audience that has previously visited your website browses another website, remarketing enables your company to place targeted display adverts in front of that audience. Once a potential buyer is aware of your good or service, a well-positioned display advertisement can prompt them to buy.

Remarketing is a clever technique to get in touch with potential customers who might not have made an initial inquiry or purchase. There is a lot of targeting versatility, and you may filter your targeting on the Google Display Network to only appear on particular sites or exclude certain sites. You can even show off display advertising that your potential customer saw while visiting your website and that feature a brand message or a particular product.

#3. Display Ads Promote Brand Visibility & Awareness

A new customer must be aware that your firm exists before you can acquire them. Moreover, customers now need to come into contact with a brand ten times before they consider doing business with them, up from seven only a few years ago.

You can go on the attack with display advertising and reach customers before they in need of a certain product or service from you. Since they’ve seen your name online frequently, you have a better chance of being the person they think of by the time they need what your company provides.

#4. You Can Retarget Interested Consumers with Display Ads

Remarketing with display advertisements targets users who have visited your website before but did not make a purchase by displaying relevant ads to them again.

You have probably experienced this. You might be perusing an online home improvement store’s selection of electric drills. Using Google to look for something completely different, when you arrive at a blog or website created by Google, you notice advertisements for electric drills that announce a discount at the same home improvement store.

#5. They Offer a More Affordable Advertising Alternative

It is quite cheap to begin running display ads, in contrast to other advertising channels like television or radio, which demand significant production expenses. You can start developing display ad campaigns that will assist you in directing people back to your website with just a picture and some content.

The cost of display advertisements is very low. Rates can be as low as 50 cents per thousand impressions (CPM) for highly focused campaigns, which is how rates are often determined (one impression is equal to a one-page visit by an internet user). As a result, your advertisement can be viewed 1,000 times for just 50 cents.

What Is the Purpose of Display Ads?

With the help of display ads, you have the chance to exhibit your offers in a wide range of ad formats. In addition, your ads can potentially reach visitors on millions of websites all over the world when you produce display ads on advertising platforms like the Google Display Network.

Display advertising is a great way to increase brand recognition as well as clicks, conversions, and sales from consumers who may not be specifically interested in your company but have discovered your display ad to be pertinent to the remedy they were looking for.

Display advertising performance depends on selecting the correct user to target at the appropriate time and on the appropriate website.

When it comes to remarketing campaigns, display ads are extremely effective at increasing brand recognition and client acquisition since they show visitors to your website what they’re missing out on by passing up a particular offer.

Due to their attention-grabbing format, display ads have the ability to boost your marketing ROI. They also raise brand knowledge and visibility and use retargeting campaigns to reach the right consumers.

The success of your display advertising strategy depends on the creation of optimized display ads.

Best Practices for Display Ads

The success of a display ad hinges on its design, just like with any other kind of advertising. Here are a few pointers to keep you headed in the right direction.

#1. Respect the Experience of Your Viewers

You should stay clear of pop-ups, autoplay video advertising, and other ads that viewers can’t dismiss by navigating away from the page. However, not in the way you’d desire. These strategies will undoubtedly make others take notice of you. Instead, consider inserting a static advertisement into the site’s content or close to the edge of the screen.

A further guideline is to make sure that your advertisement doesn’t take up more than one-third of the screen. When users are on mobile devices, high ad density might irritate them by hiding the content they intended to view.

#2. Use a Basic Layout

While the details of your brand story should be included, display advertising are frequently too small to do so. Use a straightforward design and as few words as you can to convey your message to users without overwhelming them.

#3. Put Quality before Quantity

Make sure everything looks excellent because you only include the necessities. Make use of crisp, understandable language, high-resolution photos, and a distinct brand. After exporting each image, don’t forget to view it.

What Are Display Ads Examples?

Users may see display ads as images, videos, or animated GIFs on websites and mobile applications. The majority of display advertising uses square, landscape, or skyscraper styles along with compelling images, content, and a call to action (CTA) to persuade consumers to click. Similar to advertisements you might find in a newspaper or magazine, display ads are found online. They can be found in the articles, blogs, movies, and websites that information seekers browse. Using the Google Display Network, you may target more than two million websites.

What Are Some Uses for Display Ads?

Display ads are useful for retargeting people who are already interested. Users who have recently visited your site or completed an action there, for instance, can be retargeted. They can also help you reach a larger audience more quickly by raising brand awareness. Display advertisements are intended to pique attention, advertise goods and services, and maintain your brand’s prominence in consumers’ minds.

You may watch and monitor your campaigns using display advertisements in order to cut expenses while boosting performance. By using A/B testing, you may find out, for instance, which headlines, graphics, and CTAs result in the most clicks and the highest conversion rates.

What Are Display Ads Called?

Display ads, often known as “banner ads,” are a popular type of paid web advertising that typically take the shape of a graphically-designed picture or a photograph with accompanying text.

What Are Display Ads on Social Media?

Social media posts that have been automated and repurposed for traditional banner placements are known as “social display ads.” Brands can increase cross-channel exposure and social campaign KPIs like brand awareness, direct response, and consumer prospecting by rearranging popular social media postings.

Final Thoughts

Display advertising is an effective marketing tactic that can increase the efficacy of your marketing when used in conjunction with other initiatives as part of a larger strategy. Display advertising is a sensible strategy at every stage of the customer journey, from increasing public awareness at the beginning to luring returning customers back with tailored bargains and offers.


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