What Is Mission Statement
Image Source: Peacock Printing
Table of Contents Hide
  1. What Is a Mission Statement?
  2. How a Mission Statement Works
  3. What Are the 5 Key Elements of a Mission Statement?
    1. #1. Purpose
    2. #2. Capability
    3. #3. Inspirational
    4. #4. Transparency
    5. #5. Legacy
  4. Examples of Mission Statements
    1. #1. Life Is Good: To Spread the Power of Optimism
    2. #2. Sweetgreen: Building Healthier Communities by Connecting People to Real Food
    3. #3. Warby Parker: To Inspire and Impact the World With Vision, Purpose, and Style
    4. #4. Honest Tea: To Create and Promote Great-Tasting, Healthy, Organic Beverages
    5. #5. Nordstrom: Offering Customers the Very Best Service, Selection, Quality, and Value
    6. #6. Jetblue: To Inspire Humanity – Both in the Air and on the Ground
    7. #7. Tesla: Accelerating the World’s Transition to Sustainable Energy
  5. Tips for Drafting a Mission Statement
  6. How to Draft a Mission Statement
    1. #1. Clarify Your Company’s Mission
    2. #2. Explain How Your Organization Achieves Its Objectives
    3. #3. Think About the Business’s Motivations
    4. #4. Analyze and Perhaps Modify the Statement
  7. Why is a Mission Statement Important?
    1. #1. Drives the Company Forward
    2. #2. Motivates New Ideas
    3. #3. Influences Culture
    4. #4. Sends A Powerful Message To The Public
    5. #5. Maintains Consistency
    6. #6. Inspires Action
  8. What Is a Vision Statement vs Mission Statement?
  9. Mission Statement Generator
    1. Overview of the Best Mission Statement Generator
  10. Conclusion
  11. Mission Statement FAQs
  12. What are the 3 parts of a vision statement?
  13. What Is a Strong Mission Statement?
  14. What Are Characteristics of a Good Mission Statement?
  15. Similar Article
  16. Reference

Think about the brands you consistently buy. Despite the availability of competing, more affordable options, why do you continue to patronize them? They have a strong reason to do so, as evidenced by their mission statement and core principles. We prefer to spend our money with companies whose ethics align with our own. Loyalty, however, takes time to develop. It takes time to build brand loyalty, just like it takes time to develop a company’s mission and vision statement. In this article, we will discuss the mission statement of a business, company, and generator.

What Is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a concise explanation of why a business or company operates. The major target audience, the goods and services you provide, and the area where you do business should all be specified in your statement.

Do yourself a favor and write out in a single sentence what your company’s goal is if you don’t already have a mission statement. Solicit the assistance of two or three other high-ranking employees in your firm. The next step is to debate each statement until you find one in which everyone can find common ground. When your company’s statement is complete, make sure that everyone is aware of it.

Furthermore, it is more crucial to share the company’s mission statement with employees than with customers. It is not necessary to be creative or interesting in order to have an effective mission statement.

Since the company you run and the business and economic climates will be changing, your mission statement, if you have one, will need to be reviewed and, if necessary, revised on a regular basis to ensure it still appropriately expresses your aims. Simply asking yourself if the sentence accurately describes your current state will be enough.

If your analysis leads to a revised statement, it is important to get the word out to everyone in the firm. Do not underplay its significance. After all, if your company’s objective has shifted, it often means it is expanding, which is quite exciting.

How a Mission Statement Works

When it comes to attaining the company’s goals, a mission statement serves a dual role by keeping employees engaged in their work and inspiring them to think outside the box in their pursuit of greater productivity.

Furthermore, a company’s mission statement articulates its core beliefs and principles, as well as its primary objectives. It also specifies how these relate to the company’s employees, retailers, suppliers, shareholders, and the general public. This mission statement can be used to help these groups better coordinate their efforts with the company.

The statement clarifies the business’s objectives, methods, and outcomes. An organization’s mission statement might help potential investors determine whether or not they share the company’s values. If a company’s stated goal is to become the greatest global manufacturer of cigarettes, for instance, a moral investor who is opposed to tobacco goods is unlikely to invest in that firm.

For major corporations, crafting a mission statement can take years and cost millions of dollars. Mission statements can gain widespread recognition and use over time.

Also, the use of a mission statement is not limited to corporations of any size. A private mission statement is an important tool used by many high-achieving students, professionals, and investors. These statements of purpose frequently cover all areas of one’s life, including finances, careers, spirituality, and interpersonal connections. This, in turn, aids the individual in keeping a healthy work/life balance, which boosts performance across the board.

What Are the 5 Key Elements of a Mission Statement?

In fact, crafting a mission statement for your company or business could be the single most astute decision you make, as it is much more than just an inspirational message or lofty vision. It’s a practical and strategic resource for keeping your company on track and avoiding detours. 

In light of the foregoing, let’s examine the key elements of a mission statement that will assist guide your company on the correct path.

#1. Purpose

Why does your company even exist, and what is its main goal? A mission statement is not the same as a vision statement, however, it may reference elements of your vision. The latter describes the direction you want your company to go. It’s a statement of purpose, really. Beyond offering products and services (which will almost definitely vary over time as demand and marketplaces fluctuate), a company’s mission statement should focus on what the company or business is doing currently to differentiate itself.

#2. Capability

In what specific area(s) does your company shine? In what significant ways are you superior to the competition? It’s understandable if you’re working to enhance and strengthen these currently. Even when they have complete market control, the most successful corporations in the world are never content to rest on their laurels. The goal here is to distill your greatest strengths into a statement that not only describes your exceptional qualities but also indicates where you should go from here.

#3. Inspirational

You need not go all teary-eyed and dramatic about it. Your mission statement’s primary purpose is to help you readjust and refocus your efforts when things don’t go according to plan; this is especially crucial in the face of setbacks, difficulties, and other challenges. The language used to describe the things we’ve already noted (purpose and competencies) often contribute to the motivational quality of a mission statement.

#4. Transparency

Finding the sweet spot between a concise and easily transferable statement and one that is practical is crucial. A goal statement that falls short of its necessary length is likely to be vague and leave out important details. However, if it is excessively lengthy, it will be awkward and, more importantly, easily forgotten. It takes time to find that sweet spot, but the results are well worth it.

#5. Legacy

Even while a mission statement is primarily concerned with the present and the future, it is essential that it also conveys the spirit and substance of your company’s past. What are you recognized for in the business world and among your peers, and perhaps even more importantly, what do you hope to be recognized for in the years to come?

Examples of Mission Statements

Let’s examine some real-world examples of a mission statement from successful businesses to help us get a handle on the concept.

#1. Life Is Good: To Spread the Power of Optimism

Although it’s difficult to resist smiling when you see positive T-shirt phrases like “Seas The Day” and “Forecast: Mostly Sunny,” the Life is Good brand is about more than just encouraging positivity. There are a lot of T-shirt companies out there, but what makes Life is Good stand out is its purpose to inspire positivity through its products.

Those unfamiliar with the company’s public charity may be surprised by this goal. After all, how can a T-shirt company assist promote joy? We think this statement is fantastic because it manages to be both broad and detailed.

#2. Sweetgreen: Building Healthier Communities by Connecting People to Real Food

The mission at Sweetgreen is not just defined as something the brand believes; instead, it strives to align with your beliefs. We applaud the statement’s use of gender-neutral wording.

The phrase makes it clear that the company’s main focus is on establishing links between us, the client, and the expanding network of farmers growing healthy, local products.

What makes this statement powerful is the intention to foster interpersonal relationships. In addition to fulfilling its mission online and at its restaurants, Sweetgreen has also made strides in the neighborhoods where it has opened locations. The primary focus is on educating young children about the importance of a good diet, physical activity, sustainability, and the origins of their food.

#3. Warby Parker: To Inspire and Impact the World With Vision, Purpose, and Style

The brand distills its founding principles and its hope for the future into a single line.

Fuller’s mission statement is as follows: “We are always asking ourselves how we can do more and create a greater impact, and that begins with reinventing everything that a company and industry can be. We intend to show that it is possible for a business to expand while remaining profitable and socially responsible without requiring customers to pay extra. And we know now that originality, sympathy, and ingenuity are essential if we’re to succeed. This is additional evidence of Warby Parker’s willingness to let their individuality come through. Here, the correct wording of the mission statement is crucial to its success.

#4. Honest Tea: To Create and Promote Great-Tasting, Healthy, Organic Beverages

The tagline at the start of the Honest Tea mission statement implies the absence of any artificial ingredients in the company’s namesake beverage. Consumers who are sick of unpronounceable components in their tea and who have been looking for a tea that lives up to its name are the target audience for this brand.

Honest Tea’s entire raison d’etre is based on the play on the words of its name. The company used to produce an annual report called the “Mission Report” to demonstrate its commitment to its stated goal of “being transparent about our business practices and living up to our mission to seek to create and promote great-tasting, healthier, organic beverages.”

#5. Nordstrom: Offering Customers the Very Best Service, Selection, Quality, and Value

When it comes to dedication to the consumer, few businesses can compare to Nordstrom. Clothing variety, quality, and pricing are all mentioned in the company’s statement, but it’s evident that the focus is on the customer: “Nordstrom works relentlessly to give customers the most compelling shopping experience possible.”

Anyone who has shopped at Nordstrom can attest to the store’s dedication to the high level of service promised in its mission statement. Associates are constantly milling about the store, checking in with customers to see if they need any assistance, and otherwise going above and beyond to ensure that each and everyone leaves with a positive impression of the Nordstrom brand.

#6. Jetblue: To Inspire Humanity – Both in the Air and on the Ground

We appreciate the kind wording used to characterize JetBlue’s dedication to its founding objective through its marketing, charitable connections, and influence programs. It states that in 2000, the company “set out to bring humanity back to the skies.”

However, if you’re interested in learning more about JetBlue’s specialized initiatives, you may find additional information there. This includes things like the Soar With Reading program, the JetBlue Foundation, environmental and social reporting, and more. It does a great job of breaking down all these initiatives using large headers, bullet points, images, and links to additional web pages where readers may learn more. Volunteering and donating TrueBlue points are also encouraged by JetBlue.

#7. Tesla: Accelerating the World’s Transition to Sustainable Energy

An automobile company’s statement that includes the punny word “accelerating” is bound to get noticed. The business description in Tesla’s mission statement, however, is what got the company on this list.

Tesla may be an automaker, but the company’s main focus is on advancing clean energy. As a result, the globe is in a “transition” towards this industry, despite the fact that sustainable energy still has a “long road” ahead of it.

Customers are more likely to rally around a company like Tesla if its mission statement acknowledges the industry’s immaturity.

Tips for Drafting a Mission Statement

Following these tips will help you draft a mission statement that really reflects your business.

  • Be Concise. If you want to swiftly introduce your business, your mission statement should be no longer than 100 words. However, to underline the effect your organization hopes to make, use declarative phrases and active verbs.
  • Consider Long Term. Make sure the company’s future is reflected in the statement of purpose. Even if the company’s culture or objectives shift in the future, the current statement should still accurately reflect the company’s long-term aims.
  • Seek feedback. One option is to canvass the staff for feedback on the mission statement. Getting feedback from them can help you refine it or uncover angles you hadn’t thought about before.

How to Draft a Mission Statement

It’s crucial to be direct and to the point when drafting a mission statement, but to also cover all the bases. An excellent mission statement can be crafted by following these steps.

#1. Clarify Your Company’s Mission

Explain the company’s motivation for existing first. The goal of a store selling shoes and clothes, for instance, is to make a profit by doing so. A mission statement should not only outline the company’s goal but also highlight its unique selling proposition in comparison to similar businesses. Do this by explaining your company’s niche, which will help clients appreciate your business’s social impact.

A store’s mission could be to provide only environmentally friendly clothing and footwear for children made from organic materials. Customers are more likely to make a purchase and show interest in a firm’s items if they are aware of how that company differs from the competition.

#2. Explain How Your Organization Achieves Its Objectives

Provide an overview of the business’s overall procedures to demonstrate how it completes its objectives. Among these are the firm’s guiding principles and ideals. Equal access to firm resources is an example of a company value, as is providing customers with quality products. A corporation specializing in veggies, for instance, might cultivate its produce using eco-friendly methods on fields controlled by the company itself.

#3. Think About the Business’s Motivations

The drive and motivation behind the organization’s work can also be articulated in a mission statement. Consider the company’s original intent and why it was founded before attempting to write a mission statement that may no longer be in line with the company’s current direction. Produce companies, for instance, may want to emphasize improving people’s health and providing them with access to high-quality, locally-grown food in their mission statements. This is the beneficial effect the company hopes to have on the world by providing its clients with organic vegetables.

#4. Analyze and Perhaps Modify the Statement

The mission statement should be read aloud and checked for faults in language and spelling after the first draft has been completed. If your first copy isn’t crystal clear, you may need to rewrite it so that it’s easy to grasp for the target audience of the brand. Checking in on the company’s mission statement from time to time is also crucial. For example, the company may have changed its culture or reached its earlier aims.

Why is a Mission Statement Important?

Here is the importance of a mission statement to the company or business.

#1. Drives the Company Forward

A company’s future success can be greatly influenced by its mission statement. By determining the reason for the task, one can better understand the company’s objectives. The next step is for the group to formulate a strategy to realize their aims. A solid foundation and a strong ability to grow as a corporation are essential for any enterprise. Team and partner actions will be guided by this. In addition, customers may evaluate the brand’s ethics before making a purchase decision.

#2. Motivates New Ideas

The process of reflecting on a mission statement can be creative. Everyone needs to have a say in creating the mission statement. Although a solid basis is essential, the statement may prompt a reappraisal. It can prompt employees to reevaluate the company they work for, and it can be modified over time to better achieve organizational objectives. Part of the planning process, this involves getting everyone’s input.

#3. Influences Culture

Statements like these have broad implications for how businesses should operate and how employees should view their jobs. The morale of an organization’s staff is influenced by its culture. It helps employees understand the company’s beliefs and goals. Employees can better align their work with the company’s goals and the outcomes desired by different divisions before ever starting work there.

However, including such comments in job postings and descriptions as well as the interview process helps to draw in qualified applicants who share the company’s values. Recruits’ cultural fit and high retention rates are certain when they get privy to the company’s statements and values during the onboarding process.

#4. Sends A Powerful Message To The Public

A company’s mission statement is a powerful public statement, not just a tool for internal communication. Thus, customers’ and clients’ beliefs are captured in such remarks. Reconsider making such a comment if it doesn’t adhere to these standards or speak to the target audience. The first step is for the message to either pique the listener’s interest or reassure them of the company’s commitment to its objective. So, look for broad principles and goals in instances of good statements.

#5. Maintains Consistency

When a company expands, new divisions and employees are needed. A company runs the risk of diluting its identity and values as it expands. It is common knowledge that a mission statement can help anyone make a choice. In particular, it promotes cohesiveness and progress in the business. Avoiding inconsistency and confusion requires statements to be as clear as possible. Get another opinion or the group’s input before making the message public.

#6. Inspires Action

Statements that encourage action are called “action-oriented.” They are not manufactured for the sake of manufacturing. In its place, the team prioritizes the organization’s overall mission. Similarly, a business may strive to create a superior item. Customers’ needs must be addressed in the consequent statement. They cut right to the heart of what the firm is all about. The company’s dedication is shown in its exciting, energetic remarks.

What Is a Vision Statement vs Mission Statement?

A company’s mission statement should specify its goals, its target audience, and the rationale behind its advocacy. A company’s vision statement, on the other hand, lays out its ideal future state for a given area or the entire world as a result of the company’s offerings. As such, a mission statement serves as a guidepost on the way to realizing a company’s goal.

Also, a company’s vision statement is a direct phrase outlining the goals of the business. This informs consumers about the company’s offerings, its target audience, and the rationale behind its actions. A brand’s vision statement is an expression of the brand’s long-term goals and objectives. This is more abstract, as it represents the potential of the brand in the eyes of the consumer and the long-term value it can provide. Also, read PURPOSE STATEMENT: Definition & Steps for Writing an Effective Purpose Statement.

To recap, here are some key distinctions between the two types of statements:

  • Mission Statement. A company’s mission statement should explain the present goals of the organization. A mission statement often includes information about the company’s primary purpose, its primary customer base, and its primary products and services.
  • Vision Statement. A company’s vision statement is a proclamation of its long-term goals and objectives. Included in a vision statement are the same components that may be found in a mission statement, but they will be expressed in the future tense.

Mission Statement Generator

A company or business needs a mission statement in order to have focus and determination. It can help bring everyone together in the firm behind a similar objective and inspire them to give their all in their work. Customers and business associates who align with a company’s principles are attracted to that company. To put it simply, it gives life meaning. It’s what keeps the business moving forward and shapes every choice the management team makes. 

However, to assist enterprises in formulating their own mission statement, a mission statement generator has been developed. Both new and established businesses might benefit from using this generator to develop or hone their company’s mission statement. The company mission statement generator serves as a guide for defining the organization’s guiding principles and long-term objectives. In addition, having a simple mission statement generator is also beneficial.

Overview of the Best Mission Statement Generator

Here is the top best mission statement generator you might consider as a business or company owner.

#1. HoneyBook

HoneyBook is a tool that provides the resources necessary for the efficient operation of small and medium-sized service organizations. Over 35,000 businesses have already benefited from HoneyBook’s powerful mission statement generator.

To get your personal mission statement, you’ll need to fill in a few details about your business. The data comprises, among other things:

  • Your company’s name
  • The personality that best highlights your brand
  • The industry your company is in
  • The primary good or service you provide
  • Your target audience
  • How you improve your customers’ lives

As you provide this data, the tool will use it to build a powerful mission statement for your organization. If the generated mission statements did not meet your expectations, you may click the “Generate More” button to generate yet another excellent statement.

HoneyBook takes your responses and uses them to create a new, personalized, and inspiring mission statement with only minor changes to the content and overall structure. The provided statement is editable, so you can change things like the font and color.

#2. Almost Anything

You may quickly and easily create a mission statement for your business with the help of Almost Anything, another internet generator. The creators of this excellent mission statement generator are a pair of professional brand strategists with a combined 20 years of experience.

The world-class mission statement generator works the same way as HoneyBook in that it requires you to input some information before producing a personalized mission statement.

Your company’s name, the sector it operates in, the problem it solves for clients (in no more than five words), and the two guiding principles your brand represents should all be included.

However,  after filling up the blanks, you may click the “generate mission statement” button for the tool to automatically produce a statement. You can generate a new mission statement using the same or different inputs if you’re not happy with the first one.

In addition, the mission statement generator on Almost Anything is quick, simple, and as basic as you need it to be.

#3. ComfyChair 

The ComfyChair mission statement generator is a quick and easy way to generate mission statements, but it doesn’t allow for much in the way of personalization.

Enjoy an endless supply of randomly produced mission statements to use as inspiration for your own. If you are unhappy with the given mission statement, you may request a different one.

There is no need to worry about mediocre outcomes because of the high quality of the mission statements. Whether you need a message for your organization or your neighborhood, ComfyChair has some great ideas.


In conclusion, the mission statement, the vision statement, and the values statement are the three most typical business descriptions that outline the activities and goals of an organization. The concept of a “purpose statement” just gained traction in the business sector in recent years.

Mission Statement FAQs

What are the 3 parts of a vision statement?

Your company’s vision should be motivating and consistent with the company’s overall purpose. The following are qualities that should be present in a vision statement:

  • Aspirational and Ambitious
  • Practical and Achievable
  • General

What Is a Strong Mission Statement?

A strong business mission statement should be one to three sentences long and no more than 100 words. This means they’re slightly lengthier than most company slogans, but they’re still concise, memorable, proactive phrases that summarize what your firm does and its beliefs.

What Are Characteristics of a Good Mission Statement?

A great mission statement will include ambitious goals that can be attained. It’s not like that’s an impossible claim to make. The plan needs to be plausible and believable to the organization’s staff. However, a mission’s viability depends on the resources that are readily available within the organization.

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