UNDUE STRESS: Meaning, Lawsuit & Causes

Undue Stress at Work
Photo Credit : Personnel Today

Workplace pressure that isn’t too much, however, can eventually result in undue stress from the job. Long hours, a demanding workload, job insecurity, and disagreements with coworkers or superiors are just a few of the many factors that contribute to undue stress at work. Employers must acknowledge that undue stress at work seriously jeopardizes the health and safety of employees. 

Undue Stress

Undue stress at work is an issue that is spreading throughout the world and has an impact not only on the health and happiness of employees but also on the productivity of businesses. This Undue stress at work occurs when a person’s capacity and ability to handle demands of various kinds and combinations exceed those demands. 

Numerous things can lead to stress at work. For instance, a person might experience pressure if their job’s demands are too high. Conflict with coworkers or superiors, ongoing change, and threats to job security, like the possibility of being laid off, are additional sources of work-related stress.

While something may be challenging to one person, it may be stressful to another. The type of work a person does, their psychological makeup, and other variables (such as their personal lives and general health) all play a role in whether or not they experience work-related stress.

Undue Stress at Work

A stressful workplace can aggravate conditions like headaches, nausea, sleep disturbances, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, and a weakened immune system can all be side effects of chronic stress. Additionally, it may be a factor in the development of illnesses like depression, obesity, and heart disease.

Signs of Undue Stress

Signs of stress at work can manifest as physical, psychological, or behavioral signs or symptoms.

The main reasons given for undue stress at work include:

Physical symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscular tension
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety in the heart
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders

Examples of psychological signs are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Discouragement
  • Irritability
  • Pessimism
  • An overwhelming sense of helplessness

The behavioral signs include:

  • Increasing the number of sick days or absenteeism
  • Aggression
  • Decreased inventiveness and initiative
  • A decline in performance at work
  • Difficulties in interpersonal relationships
  • Anxiety and mood changes
  • Less patience and less able to tolerate frustration
  • Disinterest
  • Isolation.

Some of the elements that frequently result in stress at work are as follows:

  • Lengthy hours
  • Intense workload
  • Internal organizational changes
  • Time constraints
  • Duty modifications
  • Job instability
  • Lack of autonomy
  • Tedious tasks 
  • A lack of qualifications for the position
  • Over-supervision
  • Workplace stress
  • Lack of managerial assistance
  • Assault and bullying at work
  • Unsuitable working conditions
  • Insufficient resources
  • Equipment shortage
  • Little opportunity for promotion
  • Harassment
  • Discrimination

How to Manage Work Stress

Effective stress management at work is essential for overall health.

#1. Learn to Speak Out

By being aware of how much work you can handle. If you take on too much, you risk accomplishing nothing well. Determine how long it will take you to complete your current workload to determine if you have any spare capacity.

When your boss requests more work from you while you’re already overly busy, you can decline. Provide specific, quantifiable justifications, but never fail to conclude with a solution.

#2. Recognize the Symptoms of Work Stress.

Learn to identify the physical signs of stress so you can take action before you get sick. Avoid letting your personal life become negatively impacted by your work stress. to think about at work to lower your stress levels, and then do something about it. There are some changes you can handle on your own, but there are others that require other people’s help.

#3. Talk to Your Employer or HR

Regardless of the cause of your stress, talk to your manager or another person in your organization with whom you feel comfortable, or seek outside assistance. Talk about your worries with your manager or human resources. Employers have a responsibility to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their staff members.

#4. Take Care of Yourself

Ensure your well-being. Maintain a balanced diet and exercise frequently. Think about the advantages of routine rest. Consider trying yoga or meditation. Make sure you have a sufficient amount of alone time each week.

#5. Create a Work-Life Balance 

Set some limits for yourself regarding work and personal life. That might entail establishing a rule prohibiting evening email checks from home or refraining from taking calls. It is possible to lessen the likelihood of work-life conflict and the stress that comes with it by clearly defining the boundaries between these areas. 

#6. Learn How to Relax.

Stress-relieving methods include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation. Mindfulness is the act of actively observing one’s thoughts and experiences in the present moment without judgment.

#7. Get Some Support. 

Accepting assistance from dependable friends and family members can help you be better at stress management. As part of an employee assistance program, your employer might also provide you with tools for managing stress, such as online resources, counseling,

#8. Ask Your Coworkers for Help.

You can lessen the effects of work stress by surrounding yourself with a strong support network at work. Just be sure to pay attention to what they have to say and be there for them when they need you. If you don’t have a close coworker, you can make an effort to interact with them more.

#9. Make Time for Regular Exercise

A highly effective way to improve your mood, boost energy, improve focus, and relax both the mind and body are through aerobic exercise or any activity that causes you to sweat and raises your heart rate. Walking, running, dancing, drumming, and other forms of rhythmic movement is especially relaxing for the nervous system. 

#10. Get Enough Sleep.

You might think that you simply don’t have enough time to get a good night’s rest. However, sleeping too little affects your concentration, creativity, problem-solving, and productivity during the day. Your ability to handle your work obligations and deal with stress at work will improve the more rested you are.

#11. Recognize When to Give Up

Even with your best efforts, work-related stress may still be an issue, so you may want to think about switching careers or finding a new job. Consult a psychologist or career counselor for advice. 

Benefits of Preventing Stress in the Workplace

  • Decrease in the signs and symptoms of ill mental and physical health
  • Fewer accidents, illnesses, and missed workdays
  • Decrease in the number of absences, sick days, and staff turnover
  • A rise in productivity
  • Higher level of job satisfaction
  • Heightened motivation at work
  • The employer will spend less money
  • Increased well-being of the community and the workforce.

How Managers or Employers Can Reduce Stress at Work

Employees who are stressed out at work may be less productive, miss more days at work, and have more staff turnover. You can help to lessen workplace stress, though, if you’re a manager, a boss, or an employer.

#1. Consult your Employees. 

Discuss with them the particular elements that contribute to the stress of their jobs. Some problems, like broken equipment, a lack of staff, or a supervisor who doesn’t give feedback, might be fairly easy to fix. Additionally, educating staff about their positions and futures can help them feel more secure.

#2. Steer Clear of Impractical Deadlines.

Ascertain that the workload is appropriate for your staff’s resources and skill level. Set clear expectations. Establish a clear definition of each employee’s job duties and objectives. Verify that management decisions are just and consistent with the organization’s core principles.

#3. Provide Incentives and Rewards.

Verbalize and publicly recognize professional achievements. Plan times that could be stressful to follow by times when there are fewer urgent deadlines. Encourage employee socialization by giving them opportunities.

What Does Excessive Stress Mean?

Heightened anxiety brought on by a trying circumstance or something that raises anxiety above what is reasonable or necessary, 

What Are Two Definitions of Stress?

  • Stress is defined as an anxious or tense state of mind brought on by a difficult situation. 
  • An emotionally or physically tense state is referred to as stress. It may be the result of anything that makes you angry, frustrated, or uneasy about an experience or a thought.

What Does Stress at Work Mean?

Employees who experience excessive pressure or other forms of demand at work may experience work-related stress, which is a negative reaction. A person experiences work-related stress when they are unable to handle the demands that are placed on them. 

What Causes Excessive Stress?

Be mindful of factors that contribute to unnecessary stress, such as long hours, excessive workloads, difficult coworkers, and a lack of control over tasks.

What Types of Stress Are There?

There are several kinds of stress, including:

#1. Acute Stress

It’s the body’s prompt response to a novel and difficult circumstance. This stress is momentary and passes quickly. This type of stress is similar to what someone might feel after avoiding an accident. It’s crucial to understand that extremely acute stress is something entirely different. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues may result from this stress, similar to a situation in which one’s life is in danger. 

#2. Episodic Acute Stress

A person experiences episodic acute stress when they do so frequently. If a person experiences frequent anxiety and worries about potential future events, it may happen. Episodes of acute stress can harm a person’s physical and mental well-being, just like severe acute stress does.

#3. Chronic Stress

A person has chronic stress if they consistently feel high levels of stress for a long time. Long-term stress can have a detrimental effect on one’s health. Compared to other forms of stress, this one is more persistent. 


Employers must recognize that workplace stress poses a serious risk to the health and safety of employees. An organization can and ought to take action to prevent unneeded stress for workers. The employee’s performance at work suffers, and the overall productivity of the business declines, which are symptoms. 

  1. WORKERS COMPENSATION: Benefits, Process & Claims in UK(Opens in a new browser tab)
  2. FINANCIAL STRESS: How To Deal With It(Opens in a new browser tab)
  3. RETENTION: Meaning, Rate, Credit Tax & Guide
  4. WORKING OVERTIME: What Is It, Benefits, & Disadvantages
  5. CAREER PATH: Things to Consider & How to Find Yours


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