People Management: Top Skills For Managers(+Book Picks)

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Are you the manager or the CEO of an organization, company, firm, etc? and are searching for the right attitude to use in managing your workers; for effective and successful results. Concurrently, you are in the right place. Here In this article, we will explore what people management is and moreover, how to develop the skills that are vital to quality people management in the workplace; and also understand the term people management, the possessive skills to use, the definition, the books for knowledge on how to shape your organization.

Now let us understand, what people management is actually talking about.

What Is People Management?

Examining the skills that make up people management can, however, help you discover your strengths and identify the areas for improvement.

Management, therefore, is to determine, prepare, make, organize and control the activities of others. In addition, the idea of management is hard to pin down ie. it spans from the academic world to the real world, and also there is no actual definition of people management. Lastly, it is calculated by the number of activities, responsibilities to manage.

However, we do know that there are certain abilities and skills that are commonly brought into connection with management: these include communication, good judgment, patience, flexibility, problem solver, empathy, etc.

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Skills on People Management

As we all know that people management skills are not only good and honest but can apply to many areas of life; be it in relationships, life planning, NGO activities, working towards a promotion, etc. Also, these management skills can also help us in our business world, though we might not notice them; but we do use them in running our daily activities.

Now, let us take a look at the different skills of people management.

#1. Communication

Communication is a necessary people management skill that enables team members to work together in solving problems, getting new ideas, and adjusting to new changes. Furthermore, our ability to clearly communicate with your fellow workers can help you be a better team member.

Practice effective communication by using clear and simple language, so that everyone understands your message. Secondly, Consider updating the way you give your message to avoid mistakes, such as too much information at one time. Also allow your workers to ask questions, and personally confirm that each member of your team understands the information.

#2. Patience

Patience is also an important people management skill that uses kindness while helping others overcome obstacles. You can use patience when training new employees (very important) in teaching new processes, and solving problems. When employees can trust their managers to be patient, they are more likely to ask for clarification to ensure they understand directions and to increase the quality of their work.

For example, if an employee continues asking questions about a single process, you should continue to guide while trying new ways to better communicate your message. Use patience in dealing with your workers to encourage employees to always ask for help if they need it.

#3. Flexibility

Knowing when to be flexible and when to more firmly direct employees is an important aspect of effective people management. You can demonstrate flexibility in your management style by accommodating individual employee needs—such as adjustable schedules or remote work options—and allowing employees to adjust their individual workflow so they can be as productive as possible. You should assess the results of the employee’s process to ensure its efficiency and to help them revise the process if it can be optimized.

For example, if one of your employees prefers to complete related tasks in batches while another employee moves back and forth between different tasks, analyze each employee’s results. If both employees are their most productive using their respective processes, then you can encourage them to continue using and improving their systems. You may even ask them to demonstrate their individual processes to other employees to optimize the entire team’s workflow.

#4. Interest In Others

We all want to connect on one level or another, and the best way to do that is by showing interest in others. Here’s a simple formula for conveying genuine interest:

  1. Ask questions
  2. Consider the answers
  3. Ask more questions

During the course of your conversations, and for as long as possible thereafter, keep track of pertinent information about your employees so you can ask more questions later. And always remember names, dates, and important events in each person’s life.

#5. Good Judgement

 Good judgment is based on sensory signals and that’s not wrong. Your unconscious mind can process these signals much faster than your conscious mind. So if you have a “feeling” about something that you can’t necessarily explain, use that feeling as a basis for your decision-making.

#6. Skills For Leading

One of the most important people management skills you can develop is the ability to lead effectively. Effective leaders motivate their teams to do great things. Ineffective leaders often have undermotivated, underperforming, and disengaged teams.

But, like all the skills on this list, you can develop and strengthen your leadership skills. All it takes is an understanding of what motivates your team members, a willingness to make improvements, and plenty of practice.

Here are some simple ways to develop your leadership skills:

  1. Give employees what they need to succeed
  2. Be optimistic
  3. Give praise where praise is due
  4. Lead by example
  5. Be decisive
  6. Be confident in your abilities

Don’t feel overwhelmed if you’re not doing any of these things right now. Choose one and work on it until it becomes a habit. Then choose another trait from the list and practice it for a few weeks. Take it one step at a time and your leadership skills will improve dramatically.

#7. Empathy

Empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of someone else. To put that in simpler terms, think of empathy as compassion. If one of your team members is going through a divorce or their child is seriously ill, it’s vital that you show compassion, or empathy, for their situation.

After all, if you were suffering through those issues, you’d want someone to cut you a little slack too. That’s what being empathetic is all about: understanding that a team member may be distracted because of challenges outside of work.

Your job as a manager is to make their work-life easier for the time being or help them stay focused until things settle down.

#8. Open Mindedness

What does it mean to have an open mind? It’s certainly not, “My way or the highway!” An open mind is predicated on the idea that you may not have all the answers or even the best answer for a given situation. Someone else’s notion of what to do maybe better than yours.

When you keep an open mind—and make sure that your team members know you have an open mind—it creates trust and respect. Your employees will know that their viewpoint, their feedback, and their suggestions are valued and will be used if at all possible.

When you’re known for your open mind, you’ll also be known as approachable 

#9. Honesty

Honesty is essential if you want to build a strong team that trusts you and trusts each other. So treat others how you would want to be treated and exhibit honesty in all things.

That means telling the truth in good and bad situations. It also means telling the truth when it’s not in your best interest to do so. But when your team sees you being honest at all times, they’ll look to your example and follow your behavior.

That will improve the way they work and the way they deal with each other. With honesty — from both you and your employees — your team will draw together and be able to conquer any problem in its path.

#10. Problem Solver

Being a manager means solving problems. It’s basically the foundation of your job. You have to figure out how to best schedule your employees, how to set up and manage your inventory, how to track your employees’ work hours, how to calculate payroll, and a whole host of other management issues.

Each and every one of these is a problem you must resolve. Without strong problem-solving skills, you’ll never get anything done.

So be proactive. If you see a way to improve upon an existing process or you recognize a potential problem before it becomes a real issue, take steps to fix the situation. And if you need to better develop your problem-solving skills, ask a friend, mentor, or higher-up to help you improve.

#11. Adapting Skills

Flexibility and adaptability may seem like the same thing, but they’re actually very different. While flexibility means acknowledging the myriad ways to get things done, adaptability means rolling with the changing circumstances.

Within the business itself, an effective leader with strong management skills needs to be able to adapt her leadership style to the personalities on her team. In a larger sense, she must also be able to adapt to new opportunities and new challenges.

Revising your corporate, business, and functional strategies to reflect the changing needs of your customers is a prime example of adaptability in action.

#12. Positivity Skills

Positivity in the workplace is crucial if you want your business to succeed. This reflects in everything your team does — from customer-facing activities down to taking out the garbage. And when it’s lacking, everyone will feel it.

If you want to encourage positivity in your employees, you need to first exhibit positivity yourself. For example, if you’re facing a difficult project or a deadline is rapidly approaching, don’t focus on the negative and start to complain.

Instead, get excited about the prospect of finding a new and unique solution or working hard to complete everything before the deadline. Shift your perspective and don’t view these challenges as stumbling blocks or obstacles. Instead, see them as opportunities to excel.

When you exercise positivity come what may, the attitude will rub off on your employees and motivate them to greatness.

#13. Approching Skills

As a manager, you are the leader of your team. That means that, at some point, one of your employees is going to come to you with problems and questions. You’re going to need to give guidance and direction.

But how will you receive them? Will you be brusque and dismissive? Or will you be welcoming and approachable?

Being open and approachable — even when you’re already busy — is the quality that builds goodwill, positivity, and loyalty in your team.

Regardless of what you’re doing, try to give your full attention to anyone who comes to you with a question or problem. If you have a hard time doing this, put yourself in their shoes.

Imagine how you would feel going to your supervisor (or your supervisor’s supervisor) with a dilemma in the company. You’d likely feel nervous and apprehensive. In that state of mind, how would you want your superior to act — dismissive about the issue or approachable and willing to talk?

If you simply can’t be interrupted at the moment, apologize and reassure your team member that you want to hear what they have to say. Then, make an appointment to talk and be sure to keep it.

#14. Relating Skills

Business is all about people. So being able to relate to other viewpoints is vital to success, whether you’re a manager or not. If you struggle at times to relate to another person’s attitude, try putting yourself in their shoes. What caused them to feel the way they do? What would make them feel better?

When you can view a situation from a perspective that is not your own — and communicate that you see the value in that perspective — you avoid misunderstandings.

Keep in mind that relating to others doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. It just means that you can see where the other person is coming from. Don’t be afraid to agree to disagree.

#15.Resolution Skills

Good conflict-resolution skills can help address interpersonal challenges. You can analyze the situation and identify what the causes of the conflict might be. If there’s a miscommunication or differing opinions, you can mediate between opposing parties and help them make a compromise or reach a collective understanding. After mediation, monitor the situation to ensure the conflict is fully resolved and to prevent it from occurring again.

#16. Time Management Skills

Time management does not only mean being on time (which is a great skill leaving a long-lasting good impression!). Learning to make the most of your time without procrastination (surprisingly) makes you have more time, avoid frustration, and feel more fulfilled. Bonus: you can re-invest your time into things you really care about. 

#17. Strategic Thinking

 You don’t need a fully fleshed-out strategy to be strategic – on the contrary, strategic thinking is an ongoing process of strategizing. Think of chess: when playing, you are likely to plan ahead, be bold but intentional, and constantly improve your tactic depending on what you learn. To win at the game, you need to prioritize, consider some possible scenarios, and make a decision based on the best evidence available

Next, we will be looking at the definition of people management.

Definition Of People Management

People management definition can be in so many ways such as:

  1. A process of preparation, moving, and training employees to optimize workplace productivity and promote professional growth. Workplace leaders, such as team leads, managers, and department heads apply people management definition to oversee workflow and boost employee performance every day.
  2. Definition of people management can also be a fundamental building block of a successful future.
  3. Another definition of people management is seen as a set of practices that encompass the end-to-end processes of talent acquisition and talent optimization.

Above and many more are the definitions of people management.

Now, we have understood and seen the different definition of people management, let us take a look at the books you can also read to get more information

People Management Books

In considering the books to read on people management skills, we, first of all, need to know that management skills are not qualities people are born with; they have to learn them and grow as they deal with new challenges in their work and careers. They also come from a combination of resources, including superiors and employees on the job, networking, taking courses, including reading books. 

Concurrently, in talking about people management, we won’t have the whole idea we need to get in making our leading or managing a successful one; without consulting some useful books on how to acquire and work on them.

There are several books we need to find information for optimal results. below are some of them.

Best Books On People Management  

Learning from the best management books helps you internalize the nuances of people management topics and prepares you to pass those insights on to your employees.

Learning from these books and consulting with the members of your leadership team can help you provide the employee experience that paves the way to success. It will help you shape your organization in a well good character.

Below are some of the best books on people management..

#1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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By Stephen R. Covey

Stephen R. Covey reports in the original version, Of this book that was first published in 1989 that Success requires a balance of both personal and professional effectiveness. His advice for living a life with sincerity, truth, assistance, and human honor continues to go higher in the later years. This is one of the best books you can read to get some useful information that you need.

 #2. Daring Greatly

By Brené Brown  

This is also one of the best books on people management that anyone can read, and managers can also benefit from it; thereby recognizing and welcoming changes both in their personal and professional lives. According to Brene Brown, Talking about changes, there are difficult changes that are welcomed in our lives which will make us find more purpose in our lives. I hope from this view, readers will learn how to take bold steps and “dare greatly” by accepting their own challenges.

#3. Emotional Intelligence

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Written by Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence deals with how people communicate and understand their own strengths and weaknesses. In 1995, Daniel Goleman introduced a new concept that plays a large factor in determining success. In this book, the author explains how someone can improve their emotional intelligence to become a better leader. This is also one of the selected best books on people management.

#4. How To Win Friends & Influence People

Written by Dale Carnegie

This was originally published in 1936, a management guide, full of potential advice; and it still remains relevant till today. Dale Carnegie gives strategies for making people like you, having them think like you, and bringing about changes in others without causing hurt in them. This is also one of the best books on people management.

#5. Powerful

Written by Patty McCord

Patty McCord helped to create a unique office culture and a high-performing team. McCord offers some important forward methods; such as: practicing radical honesty and motivating employees with challenging work, rather than with bonuses. This is a different model for running a business and such an effective one. 


Revised Edition

Written by Peter F. Drucker

Peter Drucker examines and describes every phase of management from performance to the environment; then to structure and present a core for managers to meet up with the challenges and demands of a rapidly evolving business world.

#7. Thinking In Bets

By Annie Duke

No one knows that success requires an element of luck better than Annie Duke, a former World Series of Poker champion turned consultant. In this book, she explores how people can embrace uncertainty and make better decisions, explaining the need to shift the thinking from the certainty of achieving the desired outcome to recognizing what you do and don’t know. Ultimately, she argues, this will lead to more rational, confident decision-making the cornerstone of success.

What Is Person Management?

This is a process of preparation, moving, and training employees to optimize workplace productivity and promote professional growth.

What Is Personal Management Skills?

These management skills can also help us in our business world, though we might not notice them; but we do use them in running our daily activities. They are as follows:

  1. communication
  2. patience
  3. empathy
  4. open mindedness
  5. flexibility

What Makes a Good People Manager?

Managers develop into excellent communicators through active listening. They give others the opportunity to speak; have a clear understanding of the organization’s vision and communicate it effectively to their team members. They keep their team informed of current events within the organization.

What Are the Components of People Management?

A good way to manage people is based on these five things: create, understand, communicate, collaborate, and confront. Even though each part is important on its own, they all work together and help each other.

What Is the Difference between HR and People Management?

HR is a part of the goals and aims of each. People Operations focuses on the engagement and retention of employees as well as leadership and management strategies. Human Resources, on the other hand, focuses more on the legal, ethical, and structural aspects of managing employees.

What Is the Importance of People Management?

People management in a company usually leads to a good work environment, benefits, and training for staff. All of these things help to build the employer brand and make it stand out in the job market, which helps to attract and keep good employees.

Is People Manager a Good Role?

People managers use their skills at managing people to improve communication in the workplace and set up their employees for success. They are important to the success of an organization because they deal with conflicts between people and build the culture of the company.


In conclusion of the whole matter, if there is no quality in skills then people management won’t be achieved in a successful way. It all entails our ability to make our skills work effectively.

hope with this article, you have now understood what and/or the definition of people management is all about? hope to hear your comment.

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