Valuable Graphic Design Advice for Non-Designers: Essential Points to Consider

Valuable Graphic Design Advice for Non-Designers

If you’re a business owner or content maker, you can’t afford to neglect great graphic design. Especially when there are various possibilities to create anything from invitations to menus in minutes using Vista Create or other high-quality online graphic editors. The designs you make should be visually appealing, astonishing, and memorable for the target audience. That’s because marketing the company’s name and products in both offline and online spaces is essential to the brand’s success.

However, when you’re not a professional designer, it might be a bit challenging to make great designs for your content or marketing materials. In that case, you may use some graphic design advice from this post to help you along the way.

Process of Choosing Colors

When creating brand graphics, choose colors that convey the exact feeling and emotion you will portray. This post section consists of various tips on deciding on a color scheme that you should keep in mind.

Importance of Brand Colors

Opting for a brand color scheme is a smart move when making any graphics or marketing materials. That is because the overall presence of the business, whether online or offline, should be consistent not only in terms of colors but also in things like:

  • fonts;
  • aesthetics;
  • images;
  • visual hierarchy, etc.

Following that advice is an excellent method to help the audience instantly identify the brand and, consequently, improve its recognition.

Harmonious Color Palette

Maintaining harmony in the color scheme ensures the colors work with each other effectively. A cohesive color palette draws attention, stimulates particular emotions in the audience, and influences their mood.

Mismatched colors can create visual chaos, making the audience feel the brand is unprofessional. So you need to seek harmonical color combinations that will help set a tone, deliver the right message, and improve the whole design. You can learn the fundamentals of color psychology and resort to the color wheel. It can help to develop an individual and cohesive color scheme for the company.

Contrasts Matter

Contrasting colors are another crucial point to pay attention to. Using them can add life to the design composition and direct the viewers’ focus on the important message. However, keeping the balance here is essential. You can try applying a few “louder” color choices when placing text or visuals. That way, they’ll be noticed first.

Typography Experiments

If you want to arrange a specific message, focusing on its legibility, aesthetics, and readability, then consider mastering the art of typography. Great typography requires thorough thought over the overall context and target audience specifics. That is the way to share a particular message, emphasizing its meaning and idea. 

valuable graphic design advice for non-beginners

How to Pick up the Fonts

Choosing the right font is a challenging but necessary step. Often, you can feel overwhelmed by the diverse choice of fonts, so give yourself time to explore them all to find the best option.

If you select random fonts that don’t directly combine with the message, viewers are likely to perceive it incorrectly. You should choose a font or typeface that matches the mood and context of the design composition. Prefer readability and look for easy-to-read font options to make an impactful graphic design. Here things are the same as with colors: avoid overloading your design and apply two typefaces with three fonts at maximum instead.

Imagery Selection

Both the designs for social media posts and the graphics for blogs need images that will align with the context. Visuals can include the following:

  • pictures;
  • stickers;
  • illustrations;
  • animations.

Any of the variants above can be found in image stocks, or you can create them on your own. Whatever option you pick up, pay close attention to the quality, as it can influence the overall composition. Also, you can use different graphic editor features to improve the images you add to your project.

Visual Hierarchy Creation

When you arrange design components in a way that guides the viewers to look at them in order of significance, that is called “visual hierarchy.” Its primary goal is to direct the audience’s attention to the major message by following your expected order. You can make a visual hierarchy if you pay close attention to the following design details:

  • colors;
  • typefaces;
  • contrast, etc.

Learning the principles of excellent visual hierarchy can help you easily convey the message in the required order, whatever composition you’re going to make.


Creating graphics that look like they were made by a professional designer doesn’t actually require a background in graphic design. Just consider using the aforementioned advice for non-designers to guide your gorgeous creations!

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