Ghostwriting: How To Become A Ghost Writer In Nigeria

Image source: Enago

For many skilled writers in Nigeria, ghostwriting has become a popular and lucrative professional option. Ghostwriters write books for authors who do not have the time, skill, or expertise to write their own. Here, we’ll look at the perks of taking a ghostwriting career in Nigeria.

What Is Ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is the process of writing a copy under another person’s name. As an example, you might be engaged as a freelancer to write a blog post that is published under the CMO’s name. When you ghostwrite, you allow another person to put their name on your work. That is, you receive no authorship credit at all. The person who commissions the work often owns the copyright, which allows them to modify or republish the work in any way they see proper.

So, why would someone seek the services of a professional ghostwriter? Are they too lazy to produce their own book or generate new work or ideas?

No, not always. People hire ghostwriters for a variety of reasons, the most prevalent of which are:

  • Their company has developed to the point where they no longer have time to write (all) of their own content.
  • They have a wealth of knowledge or a fascinating narrative to tell, but they don’t enjoy writing or aren’t particularly good at it.

Why Should You Consider Ghostwriting?

As a ghostwriter, you won’t get any of the credit for the copy. Why then, should you venture into such career? Because there are significant advantages:

#1. Ghostwriting pays exceptionally well

Money is a major factor in getting into the ghostwriting business. Ghostwriting typically pays more than conventional freelancing.

After all, having your name associated with your words is beneficial to you as a writer. With a byline, you may use your work to display your talent, enhance your reputation, and potentially attract new clients.

As a result, increasing your hourly fee to compensate for the loss of these benefits is appropriate (and common practice).

There is no hard and fast rule for how much more you should charge for ghostwriting work than for typical freelance writing. 

Furthermore, once you’ve established a ghostwriting relationship with someone, it is common for you to receive continuous work. Most individuals want their writing to be consistent, so hiring the same writer makes sense.

#2. Ghostwriting allows you to build stronger relationships with big names in your field.

As a ghostwriter, you will usually collaborate closely with your client. You may have access to their rough notes or mental maps, or you may conduct an interview with them over the phone or in person. You’re probably also concentrating your ghostwriting on a specific area of expertise (especially if you’re writing for a blog).

This implies you have a fantastic opportunity to meet and work with someone well-known in your field. You’ll discover useful insights into the “behind the scenes” of a popular blog, or you’ll gain a better understanding of how a well-known book author works and thinks.

This could be eye-opening. When you start your own blog, it may provide you some ideas on how to best move forward with your own business. And when you develop tighter relationships, if not friendships, with your clients, they may share your other work on social media, giving you a lot of additional traffic. 

If you ever need a favor or some guidance, chances are they’ll gladly assist you.

So much of blogging success is dependent on gaining aid from other bloggers, especially those with a huge following and a solid reputation in their sector.

Ghostwriting puts you in direct contact with such individuals.

How to Build A Career In Ghostwriting in Nigeria

#1. Improve Your Writing Skills

You must have good writing skills to pursue a profession as a ghostwriter. You must be able to write in a variety of styles, adapt to diverse voices, and satisfy the needs of the customer. Reading books, articles, and other written materials can help you improve your writing skills. You should also write on a regular basis and solicit input from others.

Taking writing classes or attending writing workshops is another option to improve your writing talents. There are numerous online writing courses accessible, and you can select one that meets your requirements. Attending writing workshops is another great method to hone your writing abilities and network with other writers.

#2. Create a Specialization or Niche

Finding a niche or specialization can help you stand out from the crowd of ghostwriters. Consider concentrating your efforts in a single area, such as fiction, nonfiction, self-help, or children’s books, where you can gain experience and establish a solid reputation. You boost your chances of obtaining clients looking for authors with certain knowledge or writing styles by becoming known for your competence in a given subject.

#3. Create a Diverse Portfolio

It is critical to display your writing abilities through a wide portfolio in order to attract new clients. Make a collection of writing samples that show your adaptability in many genres and writing styles. Include a variety of work, such as articles, blog posts, short tales, and, if accessible, self-published novels. 

A well-curated portfolio will show clients your writing abilities and boost your chances of landing ghostwriting gigs.

#4. Create an Online Presence

In today’s digital world, any freelancer, even ghostwriters, must have an internet presence. Make a professional website or blog where you may promote your services, writing samples, and contact information. 

Utilize social media channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to advertise your work, communicate with potential clients, and participate in writing groups. Update your web platforms on a regular basis to exhibit your knowledge and attract potential clients.

#5. Join Professional Organizations

Consider joining a professional writing organization, such as the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), the Society of Nigerian Authors (SNA), or any other comparable international group. These organizations provide possibilities for networking, professional development resources, and access to potential clients. Participating in these forums can provide crucial assistance and help as you establish yourself as a professional ghostwriter.

#6. Work with Authors and Publishers

Collaborate with established authors and publishers to boost your visibility and credibility as a ghostwriter. Contact authors who might need help with their writing projects, or approach publishers who might need ghostwriters for commissioned books. Building relationships with authors and publishers can lead to recurrent employment and referrals, which can help your ghostwriting career.

#7. Find Customers

To make a living as a ghostwriter, you must first acquire clients. There are various ways to find clients, but networking is the most effective. You can meet other authors by attending writing conferences, joining writing organizations, and networking. You can also contact publishers, literary agencies, and book editors to see if they need ghostwriters.

Clients can also be found on freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. These sites match freelancers with clients in need of their services. On these platforms, you can build a profile and apply for ghostwriter employment.

Social networking is another technique to find clients. Connect with potential clients by using channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also share writing samples on these networks to demonstrate your writing abilities.

#8. Negotiate Fees

You will need to negotiate your costs with your clients as a ghostwriter. The amount you charge will be determined by the sort of writing project, the amount of work involved, and your level of experience.

#9. Follow Professional Ethics

It is critical for a ghostwriter to maintain the greatest level of professionalism and ethical standards. Understand and abide by the confidentiality agreements and terms set out by your clients. Work within agreed-upon deadlines, communicate effectively and be open to feedback. You will establish a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy ghostwriter if you continuously provide high-quality work while being professional.

#10. Continuous Improvement and Learning

The writing profession is continuously changing, so being up to date on the latest trends and practices is critical. 

To be a successful ghostwriter in Nigeria, you must have exceptional writing abilities, industry expertise, networking skills, and effective self-promotion. You can establish a satisfying career in ghostwriting by polishing your writing skills, knowing the publishing industry, discovering your expertise, building a professional network, and developing a solid portfolio. Remember to keep your abilities up to date, stay current with industry developments, and offer high-quality work.

When Should You Use Your Own Voice in Ghostwriting?

#1. Outline

People that hire ghostwriters are usually doing interesting things. That means their heads are overflowing with interesting material, yet because they have so much on their plates, they may not always be the most organized presenters. They probably didn’t have time to write down exactly what they wanted to say, and they might throw in an off-topic tidbit or two.

The subject’s ideas should be the focus of the work, but it is the writer’s obligation to organize those ideas in the most logical and effective manner possible. Set the topic up for success by pulling a tale from the middle of the interview and shifting it up to the opener if you believe it belongs there. Similarly, conclusions can emerge from any place; pay close attention to a strong concluding concept and bring it to the final paragraph.

List the reasons offered and arrange them in any order you believe is best. Your subject will almost certainly appreciate the organization’s assistance.

#2. Transitional phrases

Few people transition from one point to the next with flawless segues. Instead, they hop back and forth, interrupt themselves, or shift courses abruptly.

That means it’s up to you to create the appropriate transitions. These are easier to present in your own voice, in my opinion, because everyone has their own style of making arguments flow. Attempting to imitate someone else’s segue style may result in a jumbled article.

#3. Extremely Important Explanations

Some subjects are so engrossed in their field that it can be difficult to break down their arguments for laypeople. The writer should function as a surrogate for the audience, and if they believe a point needs to be clarified, they should return to the issue. If the subject fails to provide an appropriate explanation, ghostwriters should step in to provide succinct supporting material – but in no more than a few phrases.

Are Ghostwriters Illegal?

Although unusual, ghostwritten content is legal for the same reason that delegating any other service to an expert is. Lawyers believe that, with adequate disclosures, hiring a ghostwriter is akin to hiring any other service.

What is An Example Of a Ghost Writer?

A successful salesperson, for example, who wants to become a motivational speaker on selling may hire a ghostwriter to produce a book on sales strategies. This type of book is frequently released by a self-publishing press (or “vanity press”), implying that the author pays to have the book published.

Do Ghost Writers Make Money?

Companies are willing and able to pay a premium for high-quality content. Aside from these exceptional arrangements, a ghostwriter can earn between $10,000 and $50,000+ for a nonfiction book or memoir. Ghostwriters can easily make between $150 and $500+ for blog posts or articles.

How Much Does a Ghost Writer Cost?

Ghostwriting rates for a book could range from $30 to $200 per hour, $1 to $3 per word, or $5,000 to $100,000 or more per project, depending on the writer’s accomplishments and genre. More experienced ghostwriters often charge per project, with hourly costs added if the project scope expands.

Can A Ghostwriter Steal Your Story?

This shouldn’t be an issue with a skilled ghostwriter, but make sure you’re protected if they steal someone else’s content. No decent ghostwriter would ever consider doing this, thus they’ll have no problem including it in the contract.

Why Do Authors Use Ghost Writers?

Famous writers may use ghostwriters to continue generating work when they lack the time, aptitude, or motivation to do so themselves. Publishers establish a single pen name and engage ghostwriters to create novels under that pen name in various genres, such as romance, young adult fiction, and action. 

Is Ghostwriting a Career?

If you can establish yourself with a certain publishing house or within a network of people (such as athletes or actresses), you can build a full-time career out of ghostwriting books, as one task can quickly lead to more recommendations. 

In Conclusion,

Ghostwriting can be contentious. Some writers believe vehemently that readers should know who penned the words they’re reading. Others believe that creating your platform is too vital to entrust to someone else.

However, ghostwriting is an excellent method to supplement your income as a writer, whether you work full-time on multiple ghostwriting assignments or part-time with the occasional ghostwriting client.

And it doesn’t rule out your platform entirely. You can work as a ghostwriter while also writing under your own name. Many writers, including myself, employ ghostwriting to supplement or maintain their writing careers.

  1. GHOST WORKERS COMP POLICY: Definition and All You Need To Know
  2. At Home Jobs That Pay Well: Easy & Profitable Jobs in 2023
  3. BUSINESS GROWTH QUOTES: What It Is and Applications
  4. WHAT IS A GHOSTWRITER? Types & How to Become One


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