NPS EMAIL: Complete Guide

NPS Email
Photo Credit : Software Advice

The success of the company can be evaluated using several crucial metrics. One of them is the Net Promoter Score (NPS) email, which is sent to clients and asks them to respond to a brief survey and give them a rating on a scale of 0 to 10.

To learn what consumers think of their products, the majority of brands and businesses conduct regular surveys. NPS emails are distributed as part of this process. Do you wish to send your clients an NPS survey? Are you unsure of how to craft an NPS email that receives feedback? Continue reading to learn everything that you require to know about an NPS email.

NPS Email 

The acronym NPS stands for net promoter score. The NPS question gauges how likely people are to recommend your business to their friends or coworkers. Additionally, it aids in forecasting future sales and, consequently, business expansion. You can identify your most devoted customers and those who could potentially churn by using the Net Promoter Score survey question. 

Based on their responses to the NPS question, the calculation of your net promoter score enables you to divide your clients into three groups: detractors, promoters, and passives. Additionally, it uses NPS benchmarks to show you how you compare to your rivals. 

Furthermore, scores are broken down into three subcategories: detractor (defined as an NPS score of 0–6), passive (defined as an NPS score of 7-8), and promoter (defined as an NPS score of 9–10). 

The majority of Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys are distributed via email because they are practical and simple to send, track, and complete. On the other hand, when the response rates are under 5%, that becomes worrying.

#1. Promoters 

These customers frequently purchase from you because they adore your brand. Frequently, a promoter will actively recommend new clients to you without your involvement. 

#2. Passive 

Customers who are content and don’t give your business a second thought are passive people. They are probably open to learning about a rival offering more alluring features, pricing, and integrations. If questioned directly by a colleague about your product, a passive customer might give a favorable response. However, you cannot count on inactive clients to leave reviews or offer to submit a case study or testimonial.

#3. Detractor

A dissatisfied detractor customer can hurt the company in two different ways. Detractor customers are less likely to remain loyal for a long time, to start. Second, a critic will probably spread unfavorable rumors. It probably wouldn’t be realistic to completely ignore detractors. But you should make an effort to reduce them as much as you can.

How to Write an Effective NPS Email

We’ll offer advice to help your email surveys for Net Promoter Score (NPS) generate higher response rates.

#1. Customize Your NPS Surveys

Your brand’s themes, colors, logos, and other elements should all be reflected in your surveys. Your emails and surveys will appear more credible as a result, and your open and response rates will increase noticeably.

#2. Make Email Surveys More Personalized

This is crucial and likely the part of email surveys that gets the least attention. Email survey personalization has been shown to significantly increase response and open rates. In a recent survey, 74% of marketing professionals said they agreed that personalization increases response and engagement rates.

Therefore, rather than using a generic email address, your NPS survey email should originate from a member of your team. Aim for a friendly, approachable tone of voice that will encourage the reader to connect with the real person behind the brand.

#3. Be Specific and Keep It Brief

In essence, your NPS survey emails should be simple to read and include detailed instructions on what recipients are expected to do. Avoid asking too many questions and losing sight of the purpose of the survey. You will lose more people as you add more questions. For the best results, make sure your NPS email surveys are brief and straightforward.

#4. A Mobile-Friendly Survey

According to a recent survey, more than 75% of survey participants answer questions on their mobile devices. It goes without saying that if your surveys aren’t mobile-friendly, you risk having low response rates. 

#5. Make Your Surveys More Rewarding.

By offering incentives, you can encourage customers or survey respondents to participate. For example, you might mention them on social media or offer them a coupon or discount on their subsequent purchase. It is equally important to make it worthwhile for them, whatever it may be.

#6. Give Them a Sense of Value.

Making your customers feel important is the best way to write an appealing email. Demonstrate how valuable their feedback is to you. Affirm their uniqueness. They may even receive a reward for completing the survey.

#7. Keep Email Aliases to a Minimum

Surveys sent from info, marketing, or team aliases receive fewer responses than emails sent from specific individuals. So, it is important to allow the team leader or manager of the customer success or customer support team to administer surveys to your customers if you are conducting them.

#8. Brief and Precise

NPS emails should be succinct and direct. Customers shouldn’t have to read the email for very long because the subject line and body should be so concise. Longer emails take longer for recipients to read, which lowers their propensity to complete your survey. The goal is to take advantage of the limited window of opportunity for their attention and action.

NPS Email Examples

  • Staff NPS Email Template

Subject: Love working here? Answer this Employee NPS survey.


Hi <Name>,

Thank you for being part of our esteemed team. Gladly, we appreciate your contribution to the growth of this organization and would like to have your feedback.

We request that you answer the below question.


We assure you that your response will be kept entirely confidential.

Thank you,


Example 2

Hi [Customer Name],

We noticed that you recently purchased [Product Name]—we would love your feedback on how we can improve our product and services in general.

How likely are you to recommend [Business Name] to a friend?

[Insert NPS survey]

Ways to Personalize Your NPS Email Subject Line 

#1. Reward Systems

If you offer incentives for taking surveys, you’ll see high response rates. Include something exciting to make it worthwhile for them to spend their time reading it. You could give them a coupon, movie tickets, donate to a charity in their honor, etc.

#2. Clarity

Subject lines with clarity and conciseness perform better than those with creativity. Steer clear of ambiguity, and be upfront about your goals and your expectations of the public. It is best to steer clear of subject lines that begin with “We value your feedback.” 

Avoid subject lines that are suggestive, such as “Tell us what you like about our product.” Alternatively, use direct and concise subject lines like “Would you recommend us to your family and friends?”

#3. Ask Questions

People frequently pay attention to questions, according to a recent study. Use direct and succinct questions if you want to increase the response rates for your Net Promoter Score emails and surveys. 

#4. Discuss the Importance

If you want to boost response rates, it’s best to explain the importance of your email and the route recipients will take. 

#5. Emotion

Customers are more likely to participate in surveys that are exciting and emotional. To increase the number of people who open your emails, use subject lines that convey emotions such as humor, curiosity, excitement, etc.

#6. Personalization

The open and click-through rates of personalized emails are higher. Consider a personalized subject line like “Pete, we would like your feedback to improve our services,” as opposed to one that is more generic like “We would like to hear from you regarding our services.” Which one do you believe will get more clicks?

A customer who sees his name in the subject line of an email will be more likely to click on it because he will feel more appreciated and as though the email was written specifically for him. This subject line will also have a higher click-through rate.

Importance of NPS Email

#1. Sets Standards

NPS offers a precise yardstick for a satisfying customer experience. Calculating the likelihood that customers will recommend your goods and/or services, can also assist you in gauging loyalty.

#2. Evaluate Results Over Time

Since NPS is a metric that occurs in real-time, it’s critical to continuously track it and gather feedback. You can spot trends, patterns, and changes in your customers’ behavior by monitoring performance. Knowing this information allows you to investigate the variables that affect score changes.

#3. Complete the Customer’s Journey.

The need to complete the customer feedback loop is paramount. As a result, you ought to think about including follow-up inquiries in your NPS survey plan because they will enable you to comprehend the rationale and situational factors that go into customer ratings better. 

#4. Recognize Potential Churn and Actively Avoid It.

Utilizing NPS surveys, you can figure out your churn rate. Churn must be avoided because it is less expensive to keep existing customers than to find new ones. NPS scores can help your business identify potential churn by highlighting negative comments that clients make on surveys.

#5. Identify Areas for Improvement and What Is Working.

Identifying areas for success and improvement is the main use of your NPS. In this manner, you can, if necessary, change your priorities or strategies to focus on various parts of your business.

What Does NPS Mean in an Email?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a quick survey that asks customers to rate your company on a scale of 0 to 10. It is a crucial metric for assessing the performance of the company.

How Do I Add NPS to My Email?

Concise and Direct. NPS emails ought to be brief and direct. Customers shouldn’t have to read the email for very long because the subject line and body should be so concise. Fewer people will respond to your survey if the email is too long because it takes more time to read.

What Does NPS Stand For? 

The term “NPS” stands for net promoter score. This is a crucial metric for assessing a company’s success. 

What Is the Full Abbreviation Of NPS? 

The Net Promoter Score (NPS), a metric for gauging customer loyalty and satisfaction, is obtained by asking clients how likely they are, on a scale from 0 to 10, to recommend your good or service to others.

When Should I Send The NPS Email? 

The best time to send an NPS survey is following a significant brand interaction. Customers will then have enough exposure to your offerings to decide whether they would refer you to a friend. 


NPS information can be used as a gauge of your team’s effectiveness and how well you meet customer expectations. Select software that enables the creation of email lists for both the global and survey levels, as well as the importation of your contacts.

To increase open rates, use attention-grabbing subject lines in your emails. When it comes to emails with Net Promoter Score, this is especially important. You won’t be able to think about and take action on email feedback if your customers don’t open your emails.

Sending, scheduling, and scaling surveys beginning at zero should be possible with your NPS email survey software. Your survey software must support multiple languages if your company has customers and employees located all over the world. 

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